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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
    awesome POV's. i really can't wait for the rest of season 4, to see what happens with J/T.

    here's this really awesome J/T video that i found. i just rewatched it, and i figured that i'd put it up for you guys.

    That was so sweet! Thanks for the link SGH! I like Josh Groban songs anyways...

    We shouldn't worry our pretty little heads about any of the stuff he said. this is what will most likley happen: Larrin will just GO AWAY with her people and never be seen again (once she gets that John don't want her around!), Canoe will die in some horrible way (probably a fan-based bit of input for the show there!), and we will NO DOUBT continue to have lots and lots of JT moments to come! ...And if this doesn't happen, the writers are gonna he** from the fans!

    Hey Sci! Great MP! Just cuz i could totally see Shep doing that to show off (for Teyla, duh!).... hehe

    Ruby- your Teyla shopoholic sig gave me a little inspiration to make....
    You'll see soon!


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      ROFL!! You're a riot Linda.
      Can you tell i don't like Canoe

      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      LOL. I agree.
      It is pretty silly.
      I can't see him liking her in anyway. She's too into herself and selfish.

      Here's what I did for the whump page. I could only laugh at it.

      That's funny!



        Vote for J/T on Missing in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

        Pics to follow for use in game (Spoiler tags since it's season 4)

        Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
        (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

        Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
        (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

        Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
        (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)


        Well Hide and Seek has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,Hide And Seek is our 19th JT episode on the list...
        Missing has now 37 votes.



        Check out a preview for the back half of season 4......
        *Be aware of major spoilers*


        Check out the preview for the next episode of Atlantis airing January 4 named Be All My Sins Remembered.


        Check out a behind the scenes video from some episodes of season 4.. for example Doppelganger which contains a scene with Joe and Rachel, Missing, but also spoiler for This Mortal Coil and also from The Kindred.


        Check out reports and pics of the Convention in Burbank, California where Joe Flanigan attended on Sunday.. more will be added as soon as I see anything new..


        Watch part 2 of Jewel answering fans spoilers from unaired episodes. (clips most from Firefly, Missing and early season 4)


        Check out Rachel's official site.. she has updated with a note to her fans.
        Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.


        Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          That list of songs that my fics are loosely based on - these, if you read them with the right fic - give you the mood of that piece. Poco and Placebo are the main ones, though

          Foo Fighters – Home
          Adam Merrin – Still All Right
          Placebo – Running up that hill
          Poco – Keep On Trying
          Stereophonics – It Means Nothing
          Michelle Featherstone – Coffee & Cigarettes
          Counting Crows – Colour Blind
          Imogen Heap – The Moment I Said It
          Awesome song list, Laura!!!! Thank you so much for posting this! I love seeing the insights that went into the writing of a story, so this is great. I'm going to listen to them all while I'm cleaning the house today. LOL! Thanks!!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            I wasn't...
            We were actually discussing some of this earlier in thread today. Not the article of course, but, we already knew that there wasn't going to be any type of 'romance' per say with JT. But, we still have the moments. One of the examples were using was the scene in Rising in the cave. It has always been intended that it be JT. It probably would have been more if not for RL's reall life pregnancy. J wouldn't be jealous that much if he didn't care for her as deeply as he did. Come on, that right there is a give away. We will have to all be patient to see how everything plays out for the outcome. As far as the Larrin thing goes it doesn't really mean that much to Shep. It was obvious in Travellers that he wasn't. Sure, it may be his way of striking out or whatever against Teyla, but, it is only physcial. I hope this is making sense, I am tired as I am responding to this! JT has always had a special bond and have been alot closer than any of the other characters in the show. So, we will just have to wait and see! Read Blue's, Steph's, Nina's and Mayra's posts on this. They are a lot better at getting things out than I am.
            Oh, thanks Elf! It's nice to know someone thinks my ramblings make sense! LOL! And you're exactly correct. In a nutshell, this is nothing new.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
              awesome POV's. i really can't wait for the rest of season 4, to see what happens with J/T.

              here's this really awesome J/T video that i found. i just rewatched it, and i figured that i'd put it up for you guys.


              StargateHERO, thanks for the link that was a fantastic video!

              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              LOL. I agree.
              It is pretty silly.
              I can't see him liking her in anyway. She's too into herself and selfish.

              Here's what I did for the whump page. I could only laugh at it.

              Sci, I love your MP! LOL! Too funny!!!


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                The interview was taken down for a while due to some really weird statements which have since been corrected. So if anyone has a new link to the website I'm sure you can access the interview.

                As Elflinn said, what JM said is nothing new.. in fact he has said it before. But did any of us really expect a "romance" between John and Teyla in season four especially in light of her pregnancy. But JM only said that there would be no romance in season four. He could have said no romance at all between them. He also acknowleged that there has been something between them over the last 3 years. So we have had JM, MG and both JF and RL admit that there has been something between John and Teyla. No other pairing has EVER had any acknowledgement from tptb or the actors that there has been anything between them... in fact they have in fact denied it on many occasions particulary with Shep/Weir. So this doesn't mean that we still won't get some great moments between them. Their connection is so strong and both JF and Rachel are amazing at doing emotional scenes so I'm sure we will get their feelings displayed clearly even if they cannot verbalise them. The connection between them is too strong to ignore and Rachels pregnancy is probably the reason they are putting a temporary hold on John and Teyla's relationship. But this Kanan will just be a temporary obstacle and there is no way that we are going to have a baby on Atlantis in season five. The writers will come up with some way to get rid of it... its either kidnapped or it dies.
                So this interview is nothing new.
                I am more worried about that stupid pic that has come out for BAMSR with Shep and Larrin. The whole scene just looks rediculous and I don't see this being good for Sheps character at all. Travelers was bad enough for Shep but continuing on with this silly fluffy jeuvenile interaction between Shep and Larrin doesn't do Shep's character any favours IMO.
                Oh, LOL, I was just going to post a response and you pretty much said exactly the same thing I was going to say! Only better! I totally agree, Blue!!! And I'm glad to see that so far everyone here is agreeing as well rather than getting all upset over nothing. So I'll put my ramblings in spoilers since it's pretty much the same thing already said. LOL!

                So for me, my immediate impression was that at first he is very vague as usual and just says no plans. But then when the interviewer does a GREAT job probing deeper and says that they've been building up the teasing between them for the past three seasons, he concedes a bit. First off, he says TRUE! I LOVE that! LOL! It's yet more confirmation of the deliberate tension and teasing moments written between them and yet more proof that we are NOT imagining these moments and we are the only ship to have such confirmation! (Well, except for Rodney/Katie and maybe Ronon/Keller coming up!) LOL! So I thought that single word alone was great.

                And even better, he gives a more in depth explanation of his previous generic "no plans" comment. His "for the time being," and his "you know, at least for the season four Teyla is attached" response proves that he IS talking about the immediate plans and the plots of season four, which of course is not a surprise and of course is all what we already know. We hate it, but we already know Kanan will be in the picture. He then concedes a little more and says there will be subtle reactions from Shep for us to see still at least. So all he is really saying is no plans for outright romance right now. We already knew that wasn't going to happen in season four. We already know they deliberately gave us tension in the past three seasons, and we already know John is going to give us jealousy and some subtle hints of his feelings by his reactions to her pregnancy. So that is a small concession from the writers that they haven't forgotten what they've built up over the past three years and while Teyla is "attached" in season four, they are still keeping it up.

                Now I'm not totally naive. I do think the "no plans for romance" pretty much applies for all the seasons in general, but that is something we've also always known, that they will not do outright romance between main characters in Stargate, not during the show's run at least. We just talked about this yesterday in fact! But I do think we'll continue to get the subtle J/T moments we've seen all along. Heck, if they can still hint at them while she's with another guy, we know they will still keep on giving them to us, LOL!

                But what is still open, I believe, is the possibility of their getting together at show's end, which is what I've always hoped for and expected with this ship since we know we won't get outright romance like we'd love to see. So yes, it's disappointing, but it's nothing new and nothing we haven't known before.

                To ramble and analyze his answer even more if anyone is even still reading, LOL, his initial answer does sound damning at first as he says no plans and lumps J/T in with R/T, but what is key is that in the same sentence he finishes they have no plans for romance with either and that neither are the father. So this tells us that he was answering from the viewpoint of the pregnancy. I can guarantee you that some people are only going to hear the "no plans" part and get all upset about it or will get all gleeful and try to rub it in our faces. But I'm telling you, you have to understand this man, listen to the question and follow his thought process. If you do, it isn't really anything new. The second half of the second proves that, after the interviewer probes more and brings the question back around to the bigger picture, beyond the pregnancy, and then he confirms with the "true" and hedges that his comments are for season four with Teyla not having outright romance with John because she's attached to Kanan for the moment. So I'm happy by his "true" and glad to know he was focusing mostly on the now and in the season four plot, because if he had just stopped with the "no plans" then it would have been disappointing. But I'm still cringing because like I said, I guarantee that's all that anyone is going to hear and I hate the thought of all the drama it's going to cause. Ugh! So that's my reaction, LOL!

                So all in all, I'm not really too surprised by his answer as he shows he was talking about season four and when probed further he actually confirms the deliberate J/T moments, similar to Rachel's recent interview actually (YAY!). At this point, I'm hoping it doesn't spill over into season five too much since it looks like it very well could with Teyla's pregnancy going into season five and with Kanan's fate unknown for season five (from Rachel's interview). I'm really hoping for a very early resolution to the storyline and for things to get back to normal...well as normal as they can be for this show! As we've also discussed before, I can't imagine the pregnancy being drawn out for too long into season five as it will be putting Rachel into a pregnancy suit and we can see how huge Teyla is at the end of season four, so is obviously due very soon. Depending what they do with baby, with the missing Athosians, and with Kanan, it may or may not be a huge part of season five as well.
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Oh, LOL, I was just going to post a response and you pretty much said exactly the same thing I was going to say! Only better! I totally agree, Blue!!! And I'm glad to see that so far everyone here is agreeing as well rather than getting all upset over nothing. So I'll put my ramblings in spoilers since it's pretty much the same thing already said. LOL!

                  So for me, my immediate impression was that at first he is very vague as usual and just says no plans. But then when the interviewer does a GREAT job probing deeper and says that they've been building up the teasing between them for the past three seasons, he concedes a bit. First off, he says TRUE! I LOVE that! LOL! It's yet more confirmation of the deliberate tension and teasing moments written between them and yet more proof that we are NOT imagining these moments and we are the only ship to have such confirmation! (Well, except for Rodney/Katie and maybe Ronon/Keller coming up!) LOL! So I thought that single word alone was great.

                  And even better, he gives a more in depth explanation of his previous generic "no plans" comment. His "for the time being," and his "you know, at least for the season four Teyla is attached" response proves that he IS talking about the immediate plans and the plots of season four, which of course is not a surprise and of course is all what we already know. We hate it, but we already know Kanan will be in the picture. He then concedes a little more and says there will be subtle reactions from Shep for us to see still at least. So all he is really saying is no plans for outright romance right now. We already knew that wasn't going to happen in season four. We already know they deliberately gave us tension in the past three seasons, and we already know John is going to give us jealousy and some subtle hints of his feelings by his reactions to her pregnancy. So that is a small concession from the writers that they haven't forgotten what they've built up over the past three years and while Teyla is "attached" in season four, they are still keeping it up.

                  Now I'm not totally naive. I do think the "no plans for romance" pretty much applies for all the seasons in general, but that is something we've also always known, that they will not do outright romance between main characters in Stargate, not during the show's run at least. We just talked about this yesterday in fact! But I do think we'll continue to get the subtle J/T moments we've seen all along. Heck, if they can still hint at them while she's with another guy, we know they will still keep on giving them to us, LOL!

                  But what is still open, I believe, is the possibility of their getting together at show's end, which is what I've always hoped for and expected with this ship since we know we won't get outright romance like we'd love to see. So yes, it's disappointing, but it's nothing new and nothing we haven't known before.

                  To ramble and analyze his answer even more if anyone is even still reading, LOL, his initial answer does sound damning at first as he says no plans and lumps J/T in with R/T, but what is key is that in the same sentence he finishes they have no plans for romance with either and that neither are the father. So this tells us that he was answering from the viewpoint of the pregnancy. I can guarantee you that some people are only going to hear the "no plans" part and get all upset about it or will get all gleeful and try to rub it in our faces. But I'm telling you, you have to understand this man, listen to the question and follow his thought process. If you do, it isn't really anything new. The second half of the second proves that, after the interviewer probes more and brings the question back around to the bigger picture, beyond the pregnancy, and then he confirms with the "true" and hedges that his comments are for season four with Teyla not having outright romance with John because she's attached to Kanan for the moment. So I'm happy by his "true" and glad to know he was focusing mostly on the now and in the season four plot, because if he had just stopped with the "no plans" then it would have been disappointing. But I'm still cringing because like I said, I guarantee that's all that anyone is going to hear and I hate the thought of all the drama it's going to cause. Ugh! So that's my reaction, LOL!

                  So all in all, I'm not really too surprised by his answer as he shows he was talking about season four and when probed further he actually confirms the deliberate J/T moments, similar to Rachel's recent interview actually (YAY!). At this point, I'm hoping it doesn't spill over into season five too much since it looks like it very well could with Teyla's pregnancy going into season five and with Kanan's fate unknown for season five (from Rachel's interview). I'm really hoping for a very early resolution to the storyline and for things to get back to normal...well as normal as they can be for this show! As we've also discussed before, I can't imagine the pregnancy being drawn out for too long into season five as it will be putting Rachel into a pregnancy suit and we can see how huge Teyla is at the end of season four, so is obviously due very soon. Depending what they do with baby, with the missing Athosians, and with Kanan, it may or may not be a huge part of season five as well.
                  Man i wish i could write down what i want to say like you guys do....I've know what i wanna say but can't get it from my head to the screen so i'll steal one of Elf's words and say DITTO to you and blue!
                  I also hope we get a resolution to this whole pregnancy thing and this Kanan guy very early in S5,i don't want it to drag on into the latter part of the Season!


                    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                    Whoops..! Read it a little late.. Ah well.. I'll do it anyway!
                    *hits Tey with the door*
                    Sweet dreams!
                    Thanks the Screen was cleaer then ever before!
                    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                    That is not fair! My dreams are only a 20" sized tv! LOL
                    You are more then welcome to come and snooze on my iMax screen!!
                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    LOL. I agree.
                    It is pretty silly.
                    I can't see him liking her in anyway. She's too into herself and selfish.

                    Here's what I did for the whump page. I could only laugh at it.

                    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (takes a breath then resumes lahing)
                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Can you tell i don't like Canoe
                    Save me a leg Linda!

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Oh, LOL, I was just going to post a response and you pretty much said exactly the same thing I was going to say! Only better! I totally agree, Blue!!! And I'm glad to see that so far everyone here is agreeing as well rather than getting all upset over nothing. So I'll put my ramblings in spoilers since it's pretty much the same thing already said. LOL!

                      So for me, my immediate impression was that at first he is very vague as usual and just says no plans. But then when the interviewer does a GREAT job probing deeper and says that they've been building up the teasing between them for the past three seasons, he concedes a bit. First off, he says TRUE! I LOVE that! LOL! It's yet more confirmation of the deliberate tension and teasing moments written between them and yet more proof that we are NOT imagining these moments and we are the only ship to have such confirmation! (Well, except for Rodney/Katie and maybe Ronon/Keller coming up!) LOL! So I thought that single word alone was great.

                      And even better, he gives a more in depth explanation of his previous generic "no plans" comment. His "for the time being," and his "you know, at least for the season four Teyla is attached" response proves that he IS talking about the immediate plans and the plots of season four, which of course is not a surprise and of course is all what we already know. We hate it, but we already know Kanan will be in the picture. He then concedes a little more and says there will be subtle reactions from Shep for us to see still at least. So all he is really saying is no plans for outright romance right now. We already knew that wasn't going to happen in season four. We already know they deliberately gave us tension in the past three seasons, and we already know John is going to give us jealousy and some subtle hints of his feelings by his reactions to her pregnancy. So that is a small concession from the writers that they haven't forgotten what they've built up over the past three years and while Teyla is "attached" in season four, they are still keeping it up.

                      Now I'm not totally naive. I do think the "no plans for romance" pretty much applies for all the seasons in general, but that is something we've also always known, that they will not do outright romance between main characters in Stargate, not during the show's run at least. We just talked about this yesterday in fact! But I do think we'll continue to get the subtle J/T moments we've seen all along. Heck, if they can still hint at them while she's with another guy, we know they will still keep on giving them to us, LOL!

                      But what is still open, I believe, is the possibility of their getting together at show's end, which is what I've always hoped for and expected with this ship since we know we won't get outright romance like we'd love to see. So yes, it's disappointing, but it's nothing new and nothing we haven't known before.

                      To ramble and analyze his answer even more if anyone is even still reading, LOL, his initial answer does sound damning at first as he says no plans and lumps J/T in with R/T, but what is key is that in the same sentence he finishes they have no plans for romance with either and that neither are the father. So this tells us that he was answering from the viewpoint of the pregnancy. I can guarantee you that some people are only going to hear the "no plans" part and get all upset about it or will get all gleeful and try to rub it in our faces. But I'm telling you, you have to understand this man, listen to the question and follow his thought process. If you do, it isn't really anything new. The second half of the second proves that, after the interviewer probes more and brings the question back around to the bigger picture, beyond the pregnancy, and then he confirms with the "true" and hedges that his comments are for season four with Teyla not having outright romance with John because she's attached to Kanan for the moment. So I'm happy by his "true" and glad to know he was focusing mostly on the now and in the season four plot, because if he had just stopped with the "no plans" then it would have been disappointing. But I'm still cringing because like I said, I guarantee that's all that anyone is going to hear and I hate the thought of all the drama it's going to cause. Ugh! So that's my reaction, LOL!

                      So all in all, I'm not really too surprised by his answer as he shows he was talking about season four and when probed further he actually confirms the deliberate J/T moments, similar to Rachel's recent interview actually (YAY!). At this point, I'm hoping it doesn't spill over into season five too much since it looks like it very well could with Teyla's pregnancy going into season five and with Kanan's fate unknown for season five (from Rachel's interview). I'm really hoping for a very early resolution to the storyline and for things to get back to normal...well as normal as they can be for this show! As we've also discussed before, I can't imagine the pregnancy being drawn out for too long into season five as it will be putting Rachel into a pregnancy suit and we can see how huge Teyla is at the end of season four, so is obviously due very soon. Depending what they do with baby, with the missing Athosians, and with Kanan, it may or may not be a huge part of season five as well.
                      I wish I could green you but I can't!

                      Well said!!!


                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        I agree!

                        That's hilarious sci! Awesome!
                        Thanks TF!!
                        I couldn't help it.

                        Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                        Question about a possible spoiler picture.

                        What pic is the one with Shep and Larrin that's been mentioned? Where can I find it?

                        I haven't seen it so can't comment on how I think it effects JT. Thanks!

                        Also, are you all planning a Birthday party for JT since both Joe and Rachel (and possbily their alter-egos) have birthdays in January?

                        Here you go DM!!

                        Oh. I didn't know they were in the same month. Do you know RL's bday. I think I can find JF's. His Bday is the same as Paul McGillion.

                        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                        That was so sweet! Thanks for the link SGH! I like Josh Groban songs anyways...

                        We shouldn't worry our pretty little heads about any of the stuff he said. this is what will most likley happen: Larrin will just GO AWAY with her people and never be seen again (once she gets that John don't want her around!), Canoe will die in some horrible way (probably a fan-based bit of input for the show there!), and we will NO DOUBT continue to have lots and lots of JT moments to come! ...And if this doesn't happen, the writers are gonna he** from the fans!

                        Hey Sci! Great MP! Just cuz i could totally see Shep doing that to show off (for Teyla, duh!).... hehe

                        Ruby- your Teyla shopoholic sig gave me a little inspiration to make....
                        You'll see soon!
                        LOL. Thanks JT4L.
                        That would be funny.

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Can you tell i don't like Canoe

                        That's funny!
                        ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Bows to the Smiley Queen*
                        I would never figured that out.
                        Thanks Linda.

                        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                        StargateHERO, thanks for the link that was a fantastic video!

                        Sci, I love your MP! LOL! Too funny!!!
                        Hey Hope!!!
                        How are you? Good I hope. Long time no talk. LOL

                        Hey guys I'm gonna pimp my girl's fics. Look under her sig and start reading. She's got a new Teyla fic that rocks!!
                        And give her big JT hugs.



                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          I wasn't...
                          We were actually discussing some of this earlier in thread today. Not the article of course, but, we already knew that there wasn't going to be any type of 'romance' per say with JT. But, we still have the moments. One of the examples were using was the scene in Rising in the cave. It has always been intended that it be JT. It probably would have been more if not for RL's reall life pregnancy. J wouldn't be jealous that much if he didn't care for her as deeply as he did. Come on, that right there is a give away. We will have to all be patient to see how everything plays out for the outcome. As far as the Larrin thing goes it doesn't really mean that much to Shep. It was obvious in Travellers that he wasn't. Sure, it may be his way of striking out or whatever against Teyla, but, it is only physcial. I hope this is making sense, I am tired as I am responding to this! JT has always had a special bond and have been alot closer than any of the other characters in the show. So, we will just have to wait and see! Read Blue's, Steph's, Nina's and Mayra's posts on this. They are a lot better at getting things out than I am.
                          I was so tired last night I didn't even read the long posts. That was stupid. Thanks Elfie!

                          Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                          awesome POV's. i really can't wait for the rest of season 4, to see what happens with J/T.

                          here's this really awesome J/T video that i found. i just rewatched it, and i figured that i'd put it up for you guys.



                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          LOL. I agree.
                          It is pretty silly.
                          I can't see him liking her in anyway. She's too into herself and selfish.

                          Here's what I did for the whump page. I could only laugh at it.

                          || twitter || tumblr ||


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            Thanks the Screen was cleaer then ever before!

                            You are more then welcome to come and snooze on my iMax screen!!

                            HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (takes a breath then resumes lahing)

                            Save me a leg Linda!


                            zuz made some New Year smileys


                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                              I was so tired last night I didn't even read the long posts. That was stupid. Thanks Elfie!


                              Thanks Hun!!!


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Oh. I didn't know they were in the same month. Do you know RL's bday. I think I can find JF's. His Bday is the same as Paul McGillion.
                                I will only say this Sci, it is VERY close now, she is the same age as my older sister Lori (36) or if you want my older sister Valuri (4500)

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

