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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    HI! i haven't been on cause my internet did this thing and shutdown for two days! I was without any shippy goodness! just had to say that, my family was totaly uncaring and all about it. Belated merry christmas to yall.


      Originally posted by MajorShipper View Post
      HI! i haven't been on cause my internet did this thing and shutdown for two days! I was without any shippy goodness! just had to say that, my family was totaly uncaring and all about it. Belated merry christmas to yall.
      Aww! That really, really stinks!
      || twitter || tumblr ||


        Strange, the UPS guys came by today.... Oh my.... *unwraps the UPS delivery* I think I'm gonna wanna hide this thing from Teyla, *self is now the proud owner of Narsil/Anduril now* .... Teyla what is it? I'm not gonna... oh great... *Teyla hides* whever I have a weapon in my hands she hides..... unless it is a mission of somekind

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          Strange, the UPS guys came by today.... Oh my.... *unwraps the UPS delivery* I think I'm gonna wanna hide this thing from Teyla, *self is now the proud owner of Narsil/Anduril now* .... Teyla what is it? I'm not gonna... oh great... *Teyla hides* whever I have a weapon in my hands she hides..... unless it is a mission of somekind
          Whoa! You have Anduril?!? *is very, very jealous*

          Hey, I just noticed you said you couldn't see the sig I made. Does this work?

          || twitter || tumblr ||


            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            Whoa! You have Anduril?!? *is very, very jealous*

            Hey, I just noticed you said you couldn't see the sig I made. Does this work?
            I do yes! only mom wont let me take a picture

            oooo pretty!!! me like it

            *uses Anduril* Back Winged, back I say! no touchy m'sword!!

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              I changed my last sig so that Shep now has hair. How's this?
              The hair is back very good...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Yup I got "My Decmeber" now I have all 3 of her albums... well right now I think I've been in the mood for "Never Again"... what's your favorite on the album??
                I liked "Never Again", but "Sober" is my favorite. It's kinda depressing, depending on how you look at it. I've been in the mood for depressing music recently. Like "Hello" by Evanescence. That's sad. So is "My Immortal".

                Teyilia! ANDURIL?!?!? I AM SO JEALOUS! I wonder how long it'll be before I find Teyla in the infirmary with a stab wound?
                Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                dA | tumblr | twitter


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Abjure
                  Summary: He looked away and kept walking, his heart splintering a tiny bit more as she walked silently by.
                  Characters: John, Carter & Teyla
                  Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
                  Rating: K
                  Spoilers: Missing through Kindred

                  “Do you know what you’re asking for?”

                  John nodded his head slowly, his eyes falling from Carter’s. He’d debated coming here and asking her this for well over a week; had paced about in his room for hours before coming to her office and then spent a good half hour - at least - in the control room watching her as she read mission reports, wondering if this was really what he wanted to do.


                  He saw her nod and he flinched slightly at her pinched expression. He felt both relieved and guilty now that he’d voiced his request and he wanted both to jump for joy and retract his statement. He gulped in a breath of air and felt it soothe the aching in his muscles. He felt the stillness in the room creeping up on him but it couldn’t quite subtract from his quickly soothing body.

                  “I understand that you’re team – you – has been through a lot recently but... are you sure this is what you want to do?”

                  He raised his eyes to hers at the sceptical tone of her voice and nodded his head solemnly.

                  “Yeah. I just need to get away for a while.”

                  And it was no lie. So much had happened to him since he’d joined the Atlantis expedition that it was no wonder he had gone a little mad and needed to go home to Earth for a while to try and get himself together. It sounded cliché even to him but he needed some time alone to think and sort through everything that was going through his mind and he couldn’t do that on Atlantis; not when there was a crisis at every corner, not when everything seemed to be going wrong... not when he saw her every day.

                  And that was it, really, the reason why he was running away. He’d thought he’d come to terms with everything that had happened in the past two years with what had happened with Carson, Elizabeth, Ford, Nancy, Michael, the Replicators and even what had been going on with Teyla.

                  And then she’d shown up at his door that night and everything went so unbelievably wrong that he wasn’t sure he knew exactly what had started it.

                  What had happened hadn’t really changed anything because no one knew but it put them in a position that they needn’t be in and he just couldn’t handle it anymore. He’d had a small reprieve when she’d gone to the mainland after Doran – he felt his chest tighten at the thought of the name – was born with Kanan – he felt his throat dry at the thought of that name – but it was short lived and he knew the only way he’d be able to get over it... get over her would be to go back to Earth and bury his head so far in the sand that even his butt would be covered.

                  “I...” He looked up at her and saw her heave a sigh, uncertainty lacing her features. “You know, you’re not that only one affected by what happened... we were all affected in some way because Teyla is an integral part of this unit now...” John nodded, his throat drying, his eyes clouding over with tears that he’d yet to shed for any of it. He could see Carter examining him, trying to read him and he looked away, glanced to the hands that were fisted up in his lap, grasping a small piece of paper he couldn’t even remember picking up. “I know everyone needs to get away for a while but...” She trailed off, and her faced changed. She nodded. “All right; I will still need to clear it with the SGC but I will put a strong recommendation through for you.” He sighed in relief, the smile not quite making it to his face. He felt a sudden lump in the back of his throat and he gulped it down. “How long will you need?”

                  He looked up at her again and shook his head slightly.

                  “I don’t know.”

                  She nodded.

                  “Okay.” She didn’t question him and he was glad. He shifted in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable under her gaze. “I’ll contact you once I’ve spoken with General Landry.”

                  He smiled slightly in gratitude and swept a hand through his hair, and stood up.

                  He made it to the door, had a foot over it before she spoke his name and he paused but did not turn around.

                  “Whatever you’re looking for... I hope you find it.”

                  He nodded almost imperceptibly and walked away, without looking up. He made it to the corridor outside the control room before he looked up and his eyes found her instantly. Brown met hazel and it seemed like time stopped, his heart beat slowed down until he was sure it had stopped in his chest.

                  Then he looked away and kept walking, his heart splintering a little more as she walked silently by.

                  This is so beautifully poignant! I'm loving your little snippets! Thank you soooo much!!!!!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                    Hi everyone, long time no see. I've been super busy, but thought I should drop in and say hello to the thread.

                    So any cool JT news these days? Hope everyone had a terrific Christmas.
                    Hi Suz!!! I'm not here very often anymore either, but try to drop in whenever I can. Hopefully once new eps start up in a week and a half, we'll have more to talk about, LOL! And we're still all waiting for that big reveal and for that jealousy thing to show!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      This is so beautifully poignant! I'm loving your little snippets! Thank you soooo much!!!!!
                      No, no, thank YOU for reading and reviewing I'm glad you're still enjoying. They are actually starting to link together, instead of being one snippet... there is one to come for "the night she showed up at his door" but I haven't started writing it yet, and I don't even know where it will come in the series! Lol.

                      It's songs that are influencing this series - the meaning behind them. If you'd like, I could share them with y'all do you can A) get a feel for the fics and B) maybe get a clue as to what is going to happen? :O lol
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                        That's awesome WP!!! hope you do more! loved it!

                        That's a cute banner!...from what episode is that from???

                        Oh very sneaky Scifan!
                        Yeah. I know.

                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        I'll take a look!
                        And now I'm off to bed, 'cause I'm sick
                        Sleep well everybody...sweet J/T dreams
                        Awww. I hope you feel better soon.


                        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                        awww, i'm sorry you're sick, TF! well, i hope ya had a great christmas everyone! i know i did! I got me the 10th season of SG-1 (FINALLY) and a subscription to the SG magazine! yippeeeee! any one else got some stargate related merchindise?
                        well, thankfully I did find me a program on this computer that can make sigs, so here's my belated prezzie for ya'll!

                        oh yeah- HAPPY BOXING DAY!
                        Ooooo!!! Nice JT4L!!!

                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        Title: Abjure
                        Summary: He looked away and kept walking, his heart splintering a tiny bit more as she walked silently by.
                        Characters: John, Carter & Teyla
                        Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
                        Rating: K
                        Spoilers: Missing through Kindred

                        “Do you know what you’re asking for?”

                        John nodded his head slowly, his eyes falling from Carter’s. He’d debated coming here and asking her this for well over a week; had paced about in his room for hours before coming to her office and then spent a good half hour - at least - in the control room watching her as she read mission reports, wondering if this was really what he wanted to do.


                        He saw her nod and he flinched slightly at her pinched expression. He felt both relieved and guilty now that he’d voiced his request and he wanted both to jump for joy and retract his statement. He gulped in a breath of air and felt it soothe the aching in his muscles. He felt the stillness in the room creeping up on him but it couldn’t quite subtract from his quickly soothing body.

                        “I understand that you’re team – you – has been through a lot recently but... are you sure this is what you want to do?”

                        He raised his eyes to hers at the sceptical tone of her voice and nodded his head solemnly.

                        “Yeah. I just need to get away for a while.”

                        And it was no lie. So much had happened to him since he’d joined the Atlantis expedition that it was no wonder he had gone a little mad and needed to go home to Earth for a while to try and get himself together. It sounded cliché even to him but he needed some time alone to think and sort through everything that was going through his mind and he couldn’t do that on Atlantis; not when there was a crisis at every corner, not when everything seemed to be going wrong... not when he saw her every day.

                        And that was it, really, the reason why he was running away. He’d thought he’d come to terms with everything that had happened in the past two years with what had happened with Carson, Elizabeth, Ford, Nancy, Michael, the Replicators and even what had been going on with Teyla.

                        And then she’d shown up at his door that night and everything went so unbelievably wrong that he wasn’t sure he knew exactly what had started it.

                        What had happened hadn’t really changed anything because no one knew but it put them in a position that they needn’t be in and he just couldn’t handle it anymore. He’d had a small reprieve when she’d gone to the mainland after Doran – he felt his chest tighten at the thought of the name – was born with Kanan – he felt his throat dry at the thought of that name – but it was short lived and he knew the only way he’d be able to get over it... get over her would be to go back to Earth and bury his head so far in the sand that even his butt would be covered.

                        “I...” He looked up at her and saw her heave a sigh, uncertainty lacing her features. “You know, you’re not that only one affected by what happened... we were all affected in some way because Teyla is an integral part of this unit now...” John nodded, his throat drying, his eyes clouding over with tears that he’d yet to shed for any of it. He could see Carter examining him, trying to read him and he looked away, glanced to the hands that were fisted up in his lap, grasping a small piece of paper he couldn’t even remember picking up. “I know everyone needs to get away for a while but...” She trailed off, and her faced changed. She nodded. “All right; I will still need to clear it with the SGC but I will put a strong recommendation through for you.” He sighed in relief, the smile not quite making it to his face. He felt a sudden lump in the back of his throat and he gulped it down. “How long will you need?”

                        He looked up at her again and shook his head slightly.

                        “I don’t know.”

                        She nodded.

                        “Okay.” She didn’t question him and he was glad. He shifted in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable under her gaze. “I’ll contact you once I’ve spoken with General Landry.”

                        He smiled slightly in gratitude and swept a hand through his hair, and stood up.

                        He made it to the door, had a foot over it before she spoke his name and he paused but did not turn around.

                        “Whatever you’re looking for... I hope you find it.”

                        He nodded almost imperceptibly and walked away, without looking up. He made it to the corridor outside the control room before he looked up and his eyes found her instantly. Brown met hazel and it seemed like time stopped, his heart beat slowed down until he was sure it had stopped in his chest.

                        Then he looked away and kept walking, his heart splintering a little more as she walked silently by.
                        Awwwww. *sniff* *wipe tears away*
                        That was so good and angsty.
                        Great job Laura.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Awwww. *sniff* *wipe tears away*
                          That was so good and angsty.
                          Great job Laura.
                          Thanks bub Glad you liked it!

                          I adore your avatar... very simple, yet very cool
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            Thanks bub Glad you liked it!

                            I adore your avatar... very simple, yet very cool
                            Thanks my Secret Santa made it for me. I'll be rotating out after awhile because they made some other awesome icons too. To bad I don't know how to rotate them.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks my Secret Santa made it for me. I'll be rotating out after awhile because they made some other awesome icons too. To bad I don't know how to rotate them.
                              You can't use an imagerotation site for avatars too?
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                                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                                You can't use an imagerotation site for avatars too?
                                Naw. Cause it's a BBcode for sigs. Avatars are individual images.
                                Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                                "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                                dA | tumblr | twitter

