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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Im no good at Fic Writing so im no doing any of the Fic Challenges which i wish i could anyway thanks for all the Reviews on Millers Crossing
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      The debate. You can debate it til the cows come home, or you're blue in the face but it doesn't change the fact that it happened. Plus, we don't know what the writer's have in mind for the rest of the season and like someone said, maybe their is something going to be brought up about it. Plus, do we really know these characters? John did something similar before so it doesn't seem OOC...

      I would never say don't put your opinions down. I'm all for opinions - and everyone has their own. I think i'll be staying out of that debate as it's starting to look a bit... snarky.

      I'm in a bit of a mood atm, so I'll no doubt retract my statement later. Sorry.
      Of course its only a show but we debate things we dont agree with the same way we praise things we do. The events depicted in the show can also mirror real life events and how people perceive what is acceptable and what is not. I still have standards for the characters otherwise I wouldnt be following them or enjoying them the way I do and I hated how Sheppard was depicted in Millers Crossing and have already jumped in with both feet into the debate.


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        I think this episode marks the FIRST of WHO KNOWS HOW MANY epsidoes Teyla is NOT GOING TO BE IN......
        I'm done
        I'm kinda glad she wasn't in this ep. She probably wouldn't have a lot to do.

        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        Total OTness
        YEEEHAA! My belt test was SO much fun! I am 99% sure I passed, but my teacher didn't have the belts today so I'll find out in a few days, I guess. I broke my board on the first try! There were a bunch of little kids testing, and after I was done one of 'em came over and said "I just want to sit next to you because you were so cool out there." And after the whole testing was done, 3 different parents I never met before came up to me and told me I was awesome!

        Man that was fun.
        Congrats WP!

        my ships


          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
          Thoughts on Miller's Crossing

          Sure it wasn’t the greatest S4 episode by far, but it wasn’t the worst (cough,…Travelers). The low points were no Teyla, Sam or Keller and I admit that the parts with Jeannie’s family were a bit slow, but they were needed to make the story flow. There were silly points and Rodney and the agent going off by themselves was stupid, but again necessary.

          I, for one, was glad to see that Rodney doesn’t know everything and for that matter neither does Jeannie. He, just as Sam has in the past, needed a little help. I was also happy to see that the enemy saved the day. So far that’s 2 for 2; helping John escape and saving Jeannie. It will be interesting to see how his story plays out in the end.

          I found Wallace to be a very selfish and insensitive man. Because of his ignorance, he stole what precious little time his daughter had left. He assumed that he could find the answer and was very wrong and then compounded his wrongful actions by adding kidnapping and attempted murder to his list of deeds. Sure his daughter was dying and he wanted to do everything within his power to save her (for that, he had my sympathy), but when he began to put others lives in danger with the HOPE that they might save hers is when he drew the line. Wallace injecting Jeannie with Nanites is like me shooting someone in the head and saying that a doctor, given enough time and new technology, could save that person if they tried hard enough. Is it possible?? Sure. But is it likely? Well, that can depend on a thousand things and all it takes is for one wrong turn for things to go horribly wrong, which is exactly what happened to his daughter.

          I’ve known people who have died from different forms of cancer, some general acquaintances, some very close and personal loved ones, and though it hurt and still hurts to have lost them I would never have put someone else’s life at risk to save theirs.

          Wallace was personally responsible for Jeannie’s life. He kidnapped her, he injected her with Nanites and if it required his life to save hers AND he was willing to give his life, then so be it.

          As for John, his actions did push a limit, but only because he helped a man in a low emotional mind set commit suicide. When you use those terms, his actions do seem shocking, but when you consider that the person involved created the situation, it gives you pause. If you think back to my analogy above, if I shot someone to save another, but it didn’t work and I later found out that I could save the person that I have harmed by sacrificing myself….. Well, that’s a very slippery slope. I’m not saying his actions were completely right, nor am I saying they were completely wrong. You could see in John’s face that he was also in internal conflict from his actions. He, himself, didn’t kill Wallace, but he didn’t do anything to prevent it. Nor did he tell Wallace to kill himself, but he did provide him with all of the facts. I guess John says it best when he mentions that he merely presented a situation or opportunity.

          As for the Wraith, well what can I say…..he’s a Wraith. His only wants to stop the Replicators because they are killing his people, their food supply and to regain some status with his people. As soon as he accomplishes his goal, he’ll turn back into that life sucking thing that he is. He’ll continue to kill humans whether they live in Atlantis or some other city, planet or galaxy. He can’t help it. It’s in his nature. So why should he get special treatment. If anything, he should be happy they haven’t dissected his yet to learn more about Wraith physiology (which I’m wondering why they haven’t).

          Very controversial episode, it will provide good food for thought and discussion over the holiday.
          Yes, Dee, for me you seemed to have summed up for me for John. Though, I know this where a lot of you are going to disagree with me and that is fine. To me, Wallace was a dead man. Yes, he lost his wife and child. But, Wallace crossed the line with me when intentionally injected Jeannie with the nanites! So, I do not feel, that John was a crossing a line to me. That is my opinion. Yes, John did present the facts to Wallace for ultimate sacrifice but, Wallace gave no thought to what he was doing to Jeanne. Since they have been monitoring the email for a while he had to have known that Jeanne had a family too! So, it goes both ways. Is it pretty? NO! But, in the end, Sheppard had to make the decision as to what to do be the CO also. John actually put his foot down with Rodney with not letting him use himself to feed the wraith. To me, it was actually good to see J carry out a truly difficult descision. Didn't the minute they found out Jeanne was kidnapped make a military situation anyway? That is a question you have to ask yourselves too! I liked the episode because it did delve into a even darker territory of sorts. Do I agree with everything that went on? I would be lying if I said yes. Because, you know Wallace would not have even had to go to the extremes he did if the nanites worked in the first place. It is a slippery slope!

          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            All right, for those of you who are particapting in the Christmas Fic Book Thing (Great name, I know...LOL)...this is what I have so far:

            Fic & Cover:

            Fic & no cover:

            Mentioned a fic/cover, but haven't sent me a link:
            Ruby (but we've I've got you covered )

            If your name isn't on the list and it should be, let me know. If you want to join in on the fun, send me those links. If you guys can get a cover to me in the next couple of days, I can fit it in the project.

            JT fic rocks!
            Sorry, yappi! I'll get it done now. Or in a little bit. I just got home from the con and I'm tired.
            Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
            "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
            dA | tumblr | twitter


              I'm sorry if y'all have read/known this...This is from the Burbank con...they are talking about JF.

              Someone asked about the Travelers as a new race, and he asked the audience if they liked it. There were shouted "yes's" in response. He liked the episode and he liked Jill. He finds her sexy. He says they're trying to get something going in the way of romance on the show. It's not something they do very much, and they don't want to obsess over it, but he thinks they have to create the possibility of a love interest somewhere in the galaxy for John Sheppard. Larrin returns in the season finale. They get together to fight evil people. Jill is great to work with.

              So, it would seem...

              that Larrin isn't going anywhere. I'm sure Linda will be thrilled.
              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                I'm sorry if y'all have read/known this...This is from the Burbank con...they are talking about JF.

                Someone asked about the Travelers as a new race, and he asked the audience if they liked it. There were shouted "yes's" in response. He liked the episode and he liked Jill. He finds her sexy. He says they're trying to get something going in the way of romance on the show. It's not something they do very much, and they don't want to obsess over it, but he thinks they have to create the possibility of a love interest somewhere in the galaxy for John Sheppard. Larrin returns in the season finale. They get together to fight evil people. Jill is great to work with.

                So, it would seem...

                that Larrin isn't going anywhere. I'm sure Linda will be thrilled.
                || twitter || tumblr ||


                  OK those of you that have me on your author alert/friends lists on will know that I have posted Missing Mirror to Home up, I also have a short note at the top stating that I wrote it as pure fanfic and is all AU and no copyright is intended, I figured it was time to post it up... hoi it was long too

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    I'm sorry if y'all have read/known this...This is from the Burbank con...they are talking about JF.

                    Someone asked about the Travelers as a new race, and he asked the audience if they liked it. There were shouted "yes's" in response. He liked the episode and he liked Jill. He finds her sexy. He says they're trying to get something going in the way of romance on the show. It's not something they do very much, and they don't want to obsess over it, but he thinks they have to create the possibility of a love interest somewhere in the galaxy for John Sheppard. Larrin returns in the season finale. They get together to fight evil people. Jill is great to work with.

                    So, it would seem...

                    that Larrin isn't going anywhere. I'm sure Linda will be thrilled.
                    Where did you read this? I have been trying to find where this is posted but, have not been able to locate it. I haven't seen in it in any of the con reports I've read.
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      Where did you read this? I have been trying to find where this is posted but, have not been able to locate it. I haven't seen in it in any of the con reports I've read.

                      It was posted in the Save Carson thread...
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Oh holy hell ...I've seen Miller's Crossing... has this season turned can bet on it... seems they are truly turning this season out to be the darkest of them...who knows if it will continue with season 5 or they will try and lighten up again... the whole Teyla thing,,being said she was going to get a lot of screen time in season 4...I think that was said before they knew she was pregnant and after finding out they had to alter it... I think the whole pregnancy thing caused some problem and hopefully more screetime will be for her in season 5 then..if they felt they needed to push it since they knew she might not be there for the whole of season 4....

                        Okay thoughts on Miller's Crossing...and sorry I'm sure most of you will hate it
                        Okay I'm not that intrested in Jeannie's family...kind of a stiff husband *lol*
                        John in a suit..yum but come to think of it I like him better in his black uniform ..

                        Rodney was typical..thinking of himself..but the hard sad truth is,,I might have been the same..getting a family member kidnapped.. and then ambushed myself and then locked in and forced to do some work for some guy...sorry but even I wouldn't take his word for to me getting let go after I'm I really don't blame Rodney for what he thought and tried to do... and sorry but that guy crossed one major big line for me when he injected Jeannie with the nanites.. he suddenly took it to the next level...crossed a line and put other people at risk to get what he wanted not even knowing if it would actually work...sure desperation people might do anything for their children or other family members but he crossed the line when putting another humans life on the line when knowing the treatment might not even work in the first place...

                        Then the I feel sorry for him... I know some might hate me for saying it but I really don't...he saved John's life sure... even though John could have killed him on the spot the minute he saw him since he did say all bets were off the next time they saw eachother and the Wraith knew that... all in all he is a if he wants me to believe he is not like the others,, he might be an ally to the humans..he wants to shut down the Replicators since they are destroying his race... besides the Wraith seemed to do all the he could have easily just done it himself in the first place.. besides letting him go or whatever will even that cause people to's not like he is going to stop feeding...we have seen what that will do to him..he will die...anyway they do or don't's a lost way no matter what in my eyes...

                        And now I guess what I guess everyone in here will hate me for ...John...
                        Sorry but in a way this was hardly a surprise to me... I've seen him do this before.. sure not get a sick guy to get fed off,,this was a healty man,,but had lost everything,,and also put other people in harm on something that might not work anyway...
                        I've seen him take down over 60 men of the Genii in season sorry if it comes to a shock to most people..but not to me... I sometimes get the feeling people think John isn't capable of doing something that might be wrong ... killing 60 Genii soldiers, killing a Wraith in cold blood, suggesting to get a guy to be fed to a Wraith on the simple basic that the guy offered and was dying... and then the whole debate with him trying hard to save Teyla's life in The Ark but wasn't even considering saving like 1000 people..
                        It's just the feeling at some people think John can do no wrong.. they see him as the all time nice funny flyboy hero that only flirts with various women but when he does something that can seem horrible, crossing a line,,not being so nice,,he suddenly turns into the bad guy... because now suddenly the TPTB takes this season way darker and John has ended up being the one that might turn the darkest this season..not Teyla..I think they decided not to go to far with it after they found out she was pregnant..I think JM said they had to change some it seems John is the one to go to the darker place... he's becoming more hard.. does impossible decisions... so feel free to hate me for this...*sorry*

                        Joe for the other part did one hell of a job pulling of this episode... you could clearly see how he felt and how he didn't wanna lose yet another one of his *family* when Rodney said he should be fed upon to save his sister... and I could see the agony in John's eyes when Rodney came to his quarters.. he might not say he is sorry of he has done any that hard for me to sorry it isn't..the guy bottles up everything inside of him..this is yet another thing that might eat away at him... and whole presenting the situation to the guy,,I could see he had trouble with it and fought not to show it... some may have seen it as cold..I saw it as he was struggling not to show just how much he might hate himself at that point...

                        Feel free to throw things at me..hate me for what I think... in the end it's a TV show..they are characters ,,, so it's hardly something I will lose sleep over...

                        Looking forward to seeing This Mortal Coil... I've got so many questions since seeing the preview..I can't wait to find out what has been happening out there that the team doesn't know off...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                          It was posted in the Save Carson thread...
                          Thanks Jess! I had not seen that one before! Very interesting report breakdown!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Oh holy hell ...I've seen Miller's Crossing... has this season turned can bet on it... seems they are truly turning this season out to be the darkest of them...who knows if it will continue with season 5 or they will try and lighten up again... the whole Teyla thing,,being said she was going to get a lot of screen time in season 4...I think that was said before they knew she was pregnant and after finding out they had to alter it... I think the whole pregnancy thing caused some problem and hopefully more screetime will be for her in season 5 then..if they felt they needed to push it since they knew she might not be there for the whole of season 4....

                            Okay thoughts on Miller's Crossing...and sorry I'm sure most of you will hate it
                            Okay I'm not that intrested in Jeannie's family...kind of a stiff husband *lol*
                            John in a suit..yum but come to think of it I like him better in his black uniform ..

                            Rodney was typical..thinking of himself..but the hard sad truth is,,I might have been the same..getting a family member kidnapped.. and then ambushed myself and then locked in and forced to do some work for some guy...sorry but even I wouldn't take his word for to me getting let go after I'm I really don't blame Rodney for what he thought and tried to do... and sorry but that guy crossed one major big line for me when he injected Jeannie with the nanites.. he suddenly took it to the next level...crossed a line and put other people at risk to get what he wanted not even knowing if it would actually work...sure desperation people might do anything for their children or other family members but he crossed the line when putting another humans life on the line when knowing the treatment might not even work in the first place...

                            Then the I feel sorry for him... I know some might hate me for saying it but I really don't...he saved John's life sure... even though John could have killed him on the spot the minute he saw him since he did say all bets were off the next time they saw eachother and the Wraith knew that... all in all he is a if he wants me to believe he is not like the others,, he might be an ally to the humans..he wants to shut down the Replicators since they are destroying his race... besides the Wraith seemed to do all the he could have easily just done it himself in the first place.. besides letting him go or whatever will even that cause people to's not like he is going to stop feeding...we have seen what that will do to him..he will die...anyway they do or don't's a lost way no matter what in my eyes...

                            And now I guess what I guess everyone in here will hate me for ...John...
                            Sorry but in a way this was hardly a surprise to me... I've seen him do this before.. sure not get a sick guy to get fed off,,this was a healty man,,but had lost everything,,and also put other people in harm on something that might not work anyway...
                            I've seen him take down over 60 men of the Genii in season sorry if it comes to a shock to most people..but not to me... I sometimes get the feeling people think John isn't capable of doing something that might be wrong ... killing 60 Genii soldiers, killing a Wraith in cold blood, suggesting to get a guy to be fed to a Wraith on the simple basic that the guy offered and was dying... and then the whole debate with him trying hard to save Teyla's life in The Ark but wasn't even considering saving like 1000 people..
                            It's just the feeling at some people think John can do no wrong.. they see him as the all time nice funny flyboy hero that only flirts with various women but when he does something that can seem horrible, crossing a line,,not being so nice,,he suddenly turns into the bad guy... because now suddenly the TPTB takes this season way darker and John has ended up being the one that might turn the darkest this season..not Teyla..I think they decided not to go to far with it after they found out she was pregnant..I think JM said they had to change some it seems John is the one to go to the darker place... he's becoming more hard.. does impossible decisions... so feel free to hate me for this...*sorry*

                            Joe for the other part did one hell of a job pulling of this episode... you could clearly see how he felt and how he didn't wanna lose yet another one of his *family* when Rodney said he should be fed upon to save his sister... and I could see the agony in John's eyes when Rodney came to his quarters.. he might not say he is sorry of he has done any that hard for me to sorry it isn't..the guy bottles up everything inside of him..this is yet another thing that might eat away at him... and whole presenting the situation to the guy,,I could see he had trouble with it and fought not to show it... some may have seen it as cold..I saw it as he was struggling not to show just how much he might hate himself at that point...

                            Feel free to throw things at me..hate me for what I think... in the end it's a TV show..they are characters ,,, so it's hardly something I will lose sleep over...

                            Looking forward to seeing This Mortal Coil... I've got so many questions since seeing the preview..I can't wait to find out what has been happening out there that the team doesn't know off...
                            Yes! Yes!
                            This is what I was trying to say in post! This is why I have to wait for you to explain it! Thank you! Thank you!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Yes! Yes!
                              This is what I was trying to say in post! This is why I have to wait for you to explain it! Thank you! Thank you!
                              Kay..I'm now Link Girl ..and Explain Girl *lol* you're funny
                              But thanks I'm glad you didn't kill me over my post
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Thanks Jess! I had not seen that one before! Very interesting report breakdown!!
                                You're welcome...yup, very interesting!
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

