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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Oh brother give me strenght....
    Sigh...typical...getting tied up,,and what is that looks just weird,,is it cable or something that she tore done from the wall behind him... and yeah give her a whip and it's all set,,she has leather on so she can be the dominatrix... oh gosh how boring is this going to be... as Yappi said maybe they have watched to much CSI and the whole Grissom/Lady Heather... but come on...Shep isn't even anything like Grissom.. after whatever goodness he showed in the end of Travelers telling her stuff about the weakness of the Wraith and all that,,, and what she is going to thank him by getting him tied up to that chair... if I were him I sure wouldn't do her any more favours in the future... or maybe she thinks he double crossed her when she finds out he is working with a Wraith *lol* oh whatever... and I have to endure that woman in the season finale as well... awesome.. boring someone number 1 and boring someone number 2... how fun is that... can I toss them out the airvent as I see them...
    I think I am still in shock..

    I thought it had to be a spoof or a manip.. they couldnt really do something as rediculous as this. So John gets captured and tied up again and Larrin struts her stuff... oh dear God.. this is just so much worse than I expected. I was really hoping we would see a more serious side to her and see her in more of a commanding role... not being a dominatrix.. gah.
    What are they trying to do to Shep's character??
    I could accept this in Traveles as a one off, but not a repeat performance. The backlash against Shep's character was bad enough after Travelers. I don't want to think what it's going to be like after this scene. I was really looking forward to this ep but even if we get great moments I'm sure that crap like this will just wipe them out. sigh..


      Originally posted by scifan View Post

      Hey Happy!! How are you?

      I'm fine thanks!! I had a SERIOUS problem with my PC coz a relative accidently messed it up and I never got round to fixing it.
      Thanks for asking.

      Thanks scifan for this bootyful siggie!!!


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        I think I am still in shock..

        I thought it had to be a spoof or a manip.. they couldnt really do something as rediculous as this. So John gets captured and tied up again and Larrin struts her stuff... oh dear God.. this is just so much worse than I expected. I was really hoping we would see a more serious side to her and see her in more of a commanding role... not being a dominatrix.. gah.
        What are they trying to do to Shep's character??
        I could accept this in Traveles as a one off, but not a repeat performance. The backlash against Shep's character was bad enough after Travelers. I don't want to think what it's going to be like after this scene. I was really looking forward to this ep but even if we get great moments I'm sure that crap like this will just wipe them out. sigh..
        I know...I can already hear the crap about Sheppard that is going to be said after this epi airs... where is Teyla??? she needs to kick that boring someone number 2 off the face of that galaxy
        Sigs by Scifan


          Of course there's a spoiler pic and I cant see its got
          Shep tied to a chair and Larrin looming over him in a tight leather outfit? Is that about right??


            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            hey guys! guess what? I MADE A BANNER! yay, i'm so excited! my first one ever!
            WHOA,where have you been...That is awesome,you gotta do them more often!!!

            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            I just came to post this
            Beautiful as usual Donna!

            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            JM BLOG UPDATE

            Anonymous #2 writes: “Yeah I would have written more intelligent dialogue and better plot devices that stayed true to established canon and not thrown the canon out the door…”

            Answer: Bless your heart. You remind me of my sister-in-law who once said: “You have the best job in the world. You just sit around all day, making stuff up.” Yep, our job’s are that easy. So easy, in fact, that even someone like you could do it. Maybe I’ll come over to your office and work accounts receivable for you. Let me know when’s good for you. I’ll make sure to pack my abacus.

            Anonymous #1 writes: “ I can't deal with my Ben taking orders from a woman.”

            Answer: Heads up. Cameron Mitchell is a fictitious character played by actor Ben Browder. Ben Browder is the real actor who portrays the character of Cameron Mitchell.

            For future reference.
            hahahahahahaha,i freakin love JM's sarcasm!!!

            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            Hi everyone,

            This will be a fly by post as I got to run after....

            Anyway I must congrats those milestoners....Great Job guys!!!!!!!!

            I see Donna is throwing out her goodies...sweet and the writers...gosh you guys are fabulous. BTW Ruby, I'm loving "Glimpse"

            now some bad news---OT
            Well, I am sooo peeved I can get to do any challenges set by Camy and I'm going to miss out all the great discussions but RL is knocking at my door in a big way. No, it is nothing to dire only I have some major exams coming up and I have to hit the books fully for a while. Now, don't even think I'll be away long cuz that isn't going to happen. I will pop in when I can and I know I'll miss you guys soooo bad. Till I'm back have fun guys and keep fighting for the JT love to bloom, blossom and shine.......remember "I'll be back" Love you guys!!!!

            Some holiday cheer

            It's a old pic I did but I still love it.
            awww that suxs,well come back whenever you can and good luck on the exams but i'm sure you won't need it!


              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Title: Celestial
              Summary: He could kill the poor scientist who interrupted their moment.
              Characters: John, Teyla
              Pairing: John/Teyla, John/Nancy, Teyla/Kanan.
              Rating: K
              Spoilers: Missing, Doppelganger, Seer

              John stood guarding over the silent gate room. The city had gone to sleep hours before but he’d felt the urge to come here to the quiet hub of Atlantis and watch over the slumbering city. He’d been having trouble sleeping recently and he found that watching over the slow burning embers of the city helped him relax. The low hum of various machines soothed the aching in his head; the low lighting eased his troubled mind and the solitude eased the burning in his soul. It was a song he’d become familiar with, since the cold nights had returned to Atlantis.

              A few people came and went, passing through quietly, nodding to him occasionally but most of the time he was left to himself, his thoughts passing slowly through the blank canvas of his mind. The flickering lights before him left him in an unusually melancholy mood as he was reminded happier times back on Earth; times when Christmas meant coming home to his family, not being stuck in a galaxy far, far away. When he’d been a boy, his family Christmas always consisted of a huge dinner at his home, with all the family gathering around a tree set up beside the roaring fire to exchange gifts. He missed those times.

              He didn’t know how she’d managed it, to be honest but he was glad – it probably helped that she knew the man in charge of Home Land security. Too often the holidays were bypassed in Atlantis; it had been accepted that the expedition was multi-cultural and not all the members celebrated the birth of Christ. But when they’d been asked, they’d had no objections with the expedition celebrating Christmas. He was sure that the events of the past year had lain heavily on their minds and a glimmer of hope, of happiness in the city was welcomed.

              The tree had been erected to the right hand side of the ‘Gate earlier that day. The blue-fir had been transported to Atlantis by the Daedalus from a nearby planet, the decorations hand-picked by Carter from a magazine and delivered courtesy of the midway station. The silver and blue surface of the baubles glittered as the twinkling lights reflected off their surface; the fine dusting of fake snow gave it that final touch. It stood higher than the gate, the star at the top placed delicately there by Rodney as they’d hovered near the tree in a Jumper. He liked the star the most out of all the decorations – it held his wonder for long moments as it changed from silver to light blue to navy depending on how the starry lights flickered against it.

              It was only a few weeks until Christmas now and John had the desire to return to Earth to spend some time with his ex-wife, with the brother who he’d been reacquainted with not so many weeks ago. He wanted to be near his family, yet he didn’t want to leave his friends. The air of Atlantis was pressing hard against his shoulders and he felt like he was suffocating. Christmas always made him feel depressed because it reminded him of everything he’d lost. He never sent any Christmas cards, never mind gifts. He didn’t get any either, for that matter. He sighed as he looked at the tree again, at the spattering of gifts underneath its huge protecting branches.

              A shard of milky light draped across the floor and John turned to the window to see that the moon had emerged from behind its covering cloud. He was glad that the temperatures had once again dipped on the planet; it would have been very strange to celebrate Christmas in the heat. Frost had gathered on the balconies again, clustering against the windows; normally the windows had a defroster but Carter had it turned off to add to the festive theme. He could see the falling frost glittering against the diaphanous glow of the moon and he stared at it, letting the sight mesmerise him. It really was amazing, he thought turning away as the moon slid behind an icy cloud.

              His eyes fell on Teyla standing down in the gate room watching the tree as he had been. He hadn’t even heard her arrival. He felt the familiar pang in his chest and the tightening in his gut at the sight of her. He didn’t try to quash it for it had never done any good. She looked radiant in the glow. He didn’t try to pretend that it didn’t still hurt. She had a lugubrious look on her face as she stared at the symbol of happiness and he felt an ache in heart develop. He couldn’t stand seeing her like that but it was something they’d become accustomed to recently.

              Months had passed since her people had disappeared and there’d been no sign of them at all. It was both concerning and frustrating that any lead they got turned up cold. He couldn’t imagine what it must feel like for her to be the last of her people, to carry the weight of generations of life on her heart. He kept his eyes on her as she moved from one end of the gate room to the other, not one glancing in his direction. He took a step back into the relative shade, away from the edge and watched her from the shadows. It was little morbid – if not a little creepy – of his to be watching her like this; he didn’t really want to talk to her, he just wanted to watch her, look at her, make sure she was okay.

              He watched as she approached the tree, sliding something out from the inside of the long cardigan she wore and placed it under the tree. Curious, he almost took and step forward but he stopped when he saw her finger the small angel decoration that he’d chosen and swipe at her eyes with her other hand. He felt his breath catch in his throat and he swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. She’d asked him gently what the purpose of the tree was, then what the little ornament symbolised; he’d said it was his guardian angel that he’d kept ever since he was a little boy. She’d smiled sadly; her eyes following his hand as he’d hooked the small ornament onto the branch then left without saying another word.

              He didn’t want to acknowledge the overwhelming sadness he’d felt at the absence of her presence beside him in front of the huge tree. Ever since he’d gone to Earth and muttered those indomitable words in his mind, he’d been stuck between a rock and a hard place; he wanted to be near her because he... well, just because and he felt like he should be there as her friend but another part of him, the side that... well... wouldn’t let him be near her without snaring his heart and punching him in the stomach, jiggling his legs and altering his breathing.

              Now she stood there, murmuring an almost silent song to herself, her quiet voice reaching his welcoming ears. His heart struck a rapid beat, his eyes stung with the threat of a few traitorous tears. He glanced away from her, to the door that swished open beside him and he wanted nothing more than to throttle the poor scientist who’d interrupted their moment. He nodded, kept his voice low and waited until the young woman had passed before he turned his eyes back to Teyla and the tree.

              The space she’d occupied was empty. He took a sudden step forward and leaned over the railing in search of her figure but she was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and dropped his head to his chest, hunching his shoulders as he gripped the metal barrier. He closed his eyes and cursed himself. He should just have spoken to her, that way he wouldn’t have this feeling of guilt weighing down on him.

              He let out a quiet roar of frustration at himself.

              The moon sliced through the sky again and the beam reflected off the shiny paper of the gift Teyla had placed under the tree. Curiosity one him over and he strode down the stair, looking left to right to make sure no one was hiding in the corners. As he approached, he felt a little guilty at his snooping ways – gifts were private things and he had no right to go and inspect hers. He didn’t even know who it was for. He felt a pang in his chest at the thought of her putting a gift under the tree for Kanan. He paused for a moment then, the thought lingering in his mind. Was it better that he know, or should he just turn and walk away? He studied the tree again and frowned.

              No. He’d rather know.

              He leaned down onto his knees and fingered the gift and the tag, fumbling it about in his fingers. Quickly, he turned it over, peering at it through half closed eyes. Then he smiled.

              John Sheppard.

              Satisfied, he stood and took a step back, glancing over the spectacle of the tree once more before turning and walking away. What he missed however, was Teyla, standing on the balcony, a small smile on her face.

              Guardian angel, indeed.
              sneeky Teyla,loved it...Are all your fice quite sad,can't you do a happy one for a change just for your fellow Scottish friend!!!

              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Has anyone seen this pic from BAMSR.... GAH!!


              It looks like this ep is even going to be worse than Travelers.. I think it looks utterly rediculous and as I commented in the whump thread.. all Larrin needs in a whip in her hand. If this the best kind of characterization they can give Shep...
              WHA!! THAT IS!!!!!
              This can't be happening, if i just keep hitting myself over the head maybe i can forget i ever saw this....Nope not working..........still not working......DANG!!!! Oh Teyla,Larrin's back messing with yer man

              *WHAT* *Ok where is she,she's gonna pay* *Oh Larrin*


                Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
                I'm fine thanks!! I had a SERIOUS problem with my PC coz a relative accidently messed it up and I never got round to fixing it.
                Thanks for asking.
                No Problem.

                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Of course there's a spoiler pic and I cant see its got
                Shep tied to a chair and Larrin looming over him in a tight leather outfit? Is that about right??
                Yep you're right.
                Gag me with a spoon. Yuck


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Of course there's a spoiler pic and I cant see its got
                  Shep tied to a chair and Larrin looming over him in a tight leather outfit? Is that about right??
                  Yup that about covers it!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Yup that about covers it!!!!!
                    Its not just the fact that Larrin is clad in her usual dominatrix outfit, but the whole scene just looks comical.... Shep has a totally bored look on his face.. he is kinda slouching in the chair with a rediculous looking rubber piping thing wrapped around him.... it looks like it would fall off if he shook himself hard enough. Larrin has some vacant look, staring off to space... the whole thing is just .....:


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Its not just the fact that Larrin is clad in her usual dominatrix outfit, but the whole scene just looks comical.... Shep has a totally bored look on his face.. he is kinda slouching in the chair with a rediculous looking rubber piping thing wrapped around him.... it looks like it would fall off if he shook himself hard enough. Larrin has some vacant look, staring off to space... the whole thing is just .....:

                      he could just stand up and it would fall off,i really really really hope this ain't real......I really didn't like travellers at alll and if this is real i am going to hate this ep even more....Talk about shallow!!!!


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Its not just the fact that Larrin is clad in her usual dominatrix outfit, but the whole scene just looks comical.... Shep has a totally bored look on his face.. he is kinda slouching in the chair with a rediculous looking rubber piping thing wrapped around him.... it looks like it would fall off if he shook himself hard enough. Larrin has some vacant look, staring off to space... the whole thing is just .....:
                        tell me about it... pretty much sums it up... the whole pic is just odd..
                        and don't exactly scream danger to me but some kind of comical way... and he looks just overly bored in that he is thinking ..not again with this..give up already.. where is Teyla so she can kick your ass and she is looking at something else,,not even on him.. like she is just posing beside him... what they had a *tie me up with some weird cable rubber calendar photoshoot* or something...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          This can't be happening, if i just keep hitting myself over the head maybe i can forget i ever saw this....Nope not working..........still not working......DANG!!!! Oh Teyla,Larrin's back messing with yer man

                          *WHAT* *Ok where is she,she's gonna pay* *Oh Larrin*

                          Teyla! Stop throwing the Plasma Grenades at Silly and fire them at Larin.... NOW!!! *ducks as a Plasma Grenade bounces off the blastwave of another*

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            he could just stand up and it would fall off,i really really really hope this ain't real......I really didn't like travellers at alll and if this is real i am going to hate this ep even more....Talk about shallow!!!!
                            That's men for you in a nutshell...they think this appeal to people... I guess they need to check out the backslash Shep had to take after Travelers.. to actually realize it didn't reach what they wanted.. Missing pulled way better then the all babe epi... and I got to say ,,thank heavens for that it did.. get's to show.. you can be smart, strong, normal dressed female to pull the don't need to be a babe in tight dominatrix clothes with half a brain...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

                              Teyla! Stop throwing the Plasma Grenades at Silly and fire them at Larin.... NOW!!! *ducks as a Plasma Grenade bounces off the blastwave of another*
                              I think silly's safe for the time being,she's got her eye....or should that be plasma grenades on someone else and she does not look happy!!!


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                I think silly's safe for the time being,she's got her eye....or should that be plasma grenades on someone else and she does not look happy!!!
                                To give you a reason why Teyla is tossing Plasma Grenades like they don't end (which they actually don't), Silly wrote a ficlet wthat had John with another and Teyla with Canoe, and then because of that Teyla found my Plasma Weapon stash and is now firing Grenade after grenade at Silly because of the story.... and Elfie stole Rodney's personal cloak and stole my Plasma Swords, and Teyla from my plasma bombs...... *Canoe goes sailing past, mostly dead*.... And there goes Seabiscuit!... Whatdayaknow! His heart is missing!

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

