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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Way back when I started watching Sg-1, I was in my own little 9-year-old world and had no idea that the fandom for the show was so huge. I formed my own ideas about the relationships and storylines until I discovered that crazy addictive stuff like fanfiction, forums, and "official" shipping about a year ago. Even then, I wasn't really into all of that stuff and stuck to my guns about where I wanted the characters and shows to end up. The same thing went for Atlantis when the show started. I didn't depend on the views of others to "help" me with what I thought of the series, so I went my own way with how I interpreted it. I don't really remember exactly when I first thought..."Hey, Shep and Teyla? Works for me!" It probably wasn't a specific moment, just the entire first season put together and all of the moments that the two of them shared.

    I had no idea until I started hanging around Gateworld that Teyla was originally slated to be "that kind" of interest for Sheppard or that there were so many other people that enjoyed the same pairing. What surprised me even more was the number of fans who supported a relationship between Sheppard and Weir. Until that point I was kind of isolated with my own ideas about the show, and I had never ever considered putting these two together like that. I loved their friendship and how much they trusted and supported each other, but I saw absolutely no "spark" between them. I guess that that was what sucked me into more rabid 'gate fandom. Seeing all of these differing viewpoints on the same exact program and characters is fascinating and so much fun to debate. I love coming here now!

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by Camy
      No problem...if you promise to be patient...I promise to give you all the knitty gritty details...and I know I can count on the girls here to help me out...SP, Witchblade, AthosianGirl...right I can count on you? I think the three of you have it..right? How about we start this weekend...someone volunteer to write about the Preface with Joe Flannigan...who volunteers?
      I'll definitely help out with this! I definitely recommend this book if you have fifteen extra bucks, or put it on your Festichristmahannukwanzadan list. Always works for me!

      My first episode was actually Hide and Seek..I loved when John spoke with Teyla in the briefing room about his people being a curious race or something like that..and then I loved when he was sharing the story with the Athosian kids...and when he came running after her and she told him she wanted to know about that football he loved...I said to myself...look at these two...they are just too cute with each other..he shares with her people, she wants to know what he likes...he is explaining his people to her..and it was just so breathtakingly sweet and innocent and pure and so different from the hot core stuff that we see on TV today..that I was just hooked! and have been ever since....
      I think this is what first drew me to these two as well. Their relationship was so natural and sweet and wonderful that I couldn't help but be attracted to them immediately. I don't think I even considered a romantic ship at that point or even for a little while after -- it was too early for me to think about where the characters could end up in the future -- but the more I watched, the more I considered it. Jack and Sam didn't happen for me until the third or fourth season, so it was weird to get so attached to a pairing that early in the game. But here I am today, so I turned to the dark side without too much of a fight!

      I have been busy as you know and my beta girls are overworked with school stuff and they are just the sweetest most patient girls in the world with me...I want to do my best and they want me to do my best...
      Aw, gee! Thanks, mommy -- I'm blushing! Can't wait to read what you come up with next -- send it to me as soon as you're finished! Love ya.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        And if anyone is thinking of seeing "Harry Potter" this weekend -- it was incredible and I encourage all of you to go to the theater to watch it. It was the best one so far (IMHO), incredibly filmed, acted, and scripted, and I cried (sobbed was more like it), which is a very tough thing to get me to do. That's why I'm up so late use sleeping for only three hours. Midnight showings rock! So yup, highly recommended by yours truly!

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Hello Everyone!

          I'm in Camy..any section of the Companion Book you want me to write about you got it. I had to buy it because I needed my Stargate Atlantis fix (I really enjoyed it!) Now I'm trying to decide if I want to get the Atlantis soundtrack...hmmm fall asleep to the sounds of the opening credits? Okay that sounds a little wierd)

          I'm been on the Shepmagan Ship since Shep came into Teyla's tent in the 'Rising' and said "I love a good cup of tea." I am so a romantic so I wanted some potential romance to happen and, at least for me, I was not dissapointed. But I gotta love the whole Shep getting to know the Athosian children and Teyla sitting through a football game even though she hadn't a clue as to what was going on! Such great bonding moments for these two in Season 1. (Sigh)

 got to go to the midnight showing of Harry Potter...luck girl you...I'm going a 7 p.m. today (Friday). I'm gonna miss Stargate but I think once again its only SG:1. Can't wait to see...but if you liked it something tells me I'll love it too.

          And Mel...I would so love if you could pass along your tech advice to me because I am so hopless when it comes to computers and's a wonder I even figured out how to post pictures. I will definitly PM you soon. Thanks So Much!!!


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            Found the pics to the scene i was talking about....

            Just think about that smile slowly forming...

            And she's looking at this:
            Nah! WitchBlade...she was thinking about this face...and when she first saw him... It would bring a smile to any girl's face! (see)


              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady

              I can't wait for next Monday (Canadian viewers, or those with TMN get the second half of Season 2)
              Monday? Monday! I think I may actually be turning green with envy...

              I don't think I can make it to Januray!

              Need about throwing a girl a bone or two and stop by and give us your opinion about the future episodes...

              A few details maybe...

              No wait...that's bad...I want to be I want to be surprised....

              Okay having a inner argument with really is time for me to go to bed!

              Hope second half of season 2 is great!

              (Okay I've decided...maybe a few spoilers wouldn't be too bad...maybe green_eyed_lady? )


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Nah! WitchBlade...she was thinking about this face...and when she first saw him... It would bring a smile to any girl's face! (see)

                I love these two! Who wouldn't fall for that smirk!?

                I already answered the moment when I saw shippy...but then again...I didn't start seeing it from the very beginning...and like AthosianGirl, I see ship stuff just about everywhere...I told my husband and kids that the only reason that I loved the Lord of The Rings Trilogy was because I wanted Ewowyn and Aaragorn together...then my son told me about the end before the third one came out and I cried like a baby.....So, I may not see ship everywhere...but I do see potentials...and like I have said before....this ship is deeper as far as the development of the relationship than any other that I have seen in awhile...It would be such a waste if the writers don't pursue this.....cause, I am just in love with them....

                On another note...Cpt. Ritter...see how these girls just love me....but I love them just as much if not more...

                Okay, Witchblade is going to post tonight the Foreword by Joe Flannigan...remember the good stufff and the cute trivia stuff......the preface of Stargate Atlantis the Companion book....

                SnoggingPicard, can you do Watergate...which is the next chapter...? sometime this weekend?

                AthosianGirl...can you do the next piece...? Season 1 the Rising....Part 1

                and then, I should be done by then everything regarding the Con and I can post Rising Part II...

                How does that sound? You guys are the best...let me know what is good for you and when approximately you can post this...I will have the Rising Part II up before Tuesday....

                On another note, are we meeting this Saturday night? Anyone?

                SP, should be getting the revised chapter 4 today...

                You guys are the best....

                Who is going home for the holidays? Anyone traveling far? Flying? Driving? How will I live without you guys for those days...I am going to meet up with my family on Thursday and then Friday, Sat. and Sunday I will be in Canada in Niagara Falls with hubby and the kids...Can't Wait! Maybe I'll stay until Monday night so I can peek at one of the Atlantis episodes...Wouldn't that be great! I wish!
                Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 18 November 2005, 05:04 AM.


                  I didn't start watching Atlantis until I saw Rising on DVD which I got from the library. I have a mortal fear of spin-off's so I avoided it as long as I could. By the time I gave in to my overwhelming curiosity -and cute pics of Shep *blushes* -the fandom and ships threads on GW were pretty well established. And, you guys may not believe this...I was kindof expecting to be a ShWeir. I'd never been to the Shep/Weir thread but several of my Sam/Jack shipping friends were ShWeir's and I figured if they liked it I'd like it. I mean they can recognize chemistry when they see it right? Sheppard and Weir must have a thing... Yeahsureyoubetcha. I checked out Rising and I saw nada. Nothing. Zilch. Between Sheppard and Weir and I'm like...whoa. I like John/Teyla. This is great. What is with this ShWeir thing...? And suddenly I'm a Shepmagan and I wondered what my S/J compatriates are thinking... It's weird.

                  Sorry about you LOTR ship Camy. I'm sorry you were so dissapointed. I'm an Aragorn/Arwen but I SO get Aragorn/Eowyn. They're sweet. I wanted to make a vid of them but I have to get the time and then remember what song I was going to use... *slaps head* I'm too young to be this forgetful. Have you seen the extended version where
                  Eowyn gets together with Faramir
                  My sister loves that ship.


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Nah! WitchBlade...she was thinking about this face...and when she first saw him... It would bring a smile to any girl's face! (see)

                    ...isn't that the truth...who could resist a face like that....

                    I think most of us were...taken in by this face ...cause that's when i first thought...oh he's flirting...gotta have some chemistry there...and i was a goner from then on....shepmagen i was....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by Camy

                      Okay, Witchblade is going to post tonight the Foreword by Joe Flannigan...remember the good stufff and the cute trivia stuff......the preface of Stargate Atlantis the Companion book....
                      I'm on it...though i thought this morning i'd lost the book... ...

                      How does that sound? You guys are the best...let me know what is good for you and when approximately you can post this...I will have the Rising Part II up before Tuesday....
                      I'll have the Foreword up sometime today....

                      On another note, are we meeting this Saturday night? Anyone?
                      I'm going to miss it.... I'll be going to see Harry Potter... ...but if i get back in time, i'll drop by....

                      SP, should be getting the revised chapter 4 today...

                      You guys are the best....
                      Can't wait...It's sure to be great....

                      Who is going home for the holidays? Anyone traveling far? Flying? Driving? How will I live without you guys for those days...I am going to meet up with my family on Thursday and then Friday, Sat. and Sunday I will be in Canada in Niagara Falls with hubby and the kids...Can't Wait! Maybe I'll stay until Monday night so I can peek at one of the Atlantis episodes...Wouldn't that be great! I wish!
                      Already in my home area...but i've got some family visiting...but i'll still be sneaking a peek every now and again.... .....

                      Have a great time Camy, and i bet it's tempting to just stay and have a peek only if it's for a minute....

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        I became a SHEYLA purist around the beginning of Season 2. Now wait before you kill me in my sleep. I never really gotten so into a show before until I started writing fanfiction. Now you see me constantly argueing with my mom about how Shep and Teyla liked each other, my mom's not completely sold, she's still between the Shep/Weir : Shep/Teyla, though I think she agrees with me that Ronon/Teyla is an absolute no go. Partially because Teyla did put a knife to his throat.

                        Originally posted by camy
                        Who is going home for the holidays? Anyone traveling far? Flying? Driving? How will I live without you guys for those days...I am going to meet up with my family on Thursday and then Friday, Sat. and Sunday I will be in Canada in Niagara Falls with hubby and the kids...Can't Wait! Maybe I'll stay until Monday night so I can peek at one of the Atlantis episodes...Wouldn't that be great! I wish!
                        Not going anywhere Camy.

                        Originally posted by camy
                        On another note...Cpt. Ritter...see how these girls just love me....but I love them just as much if not more...
                        I think that makes good shippers.

                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        Oh I love that song! I have two ideas for vids but I plan on making them myself. Still, I'm crammed for time so if I get an idea I can't do I'll let you know. And I use WMM so feel free to PM me if you need tech advice. I can't wait to see what you come up with
                        I don't know much about WMM, I use IMovie for school videos, but I love that song, got me think if I might be able to do a music video. Gotta go shovel snow, later everyone.

                        On another note, I can be here Saturday, though my dad keeps looking at me suspiciously.
                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          I love these two! Who wouldn't fall for that smirk!?

                          ...I told my husband and kids that the only reason that I loved the Lord of The Rings Trilogy was because I wanted Ewowyn and Aaragorn together...On another note...Cpt. Ritter...see how these girls just love me....but I love them just as much if not more...
                          The only reason I wanted to see LOTR was because they had put some romance into the storyline and focused on Aragorn and Arwen. Yea I knew they were suppose to get together but let me tell ya, the second movie had me rooting for Eowyn. But it all ended for the best...Eowyn got someone too.

                          AthosianGirl...can you do the next piece...? Season 1 the Rising....Part 1
                          Not a problem Camy...I'll just be on the lookout for when Snogging or WitchBlade posts their's and then I'll do mine!

                          How does that sound? You guys are the best...let me know what is good for you and when approximately you can post this...I will have the Rising Part II up before Tuesday....
                          So Monday for me then...

                          On another note, are we meeting this Saturday night? Anyone?
                          I can't make it...Have to go see Harry Potter with my family...not that I mind of course!

                          Who is going home for the holidays? Anyone traveling far? Flying? Driving? How will I live without you guys for those days...I am going to meet up with my family on Thursday and then Friday, Sat. and Sunday I will be in Canada in Niagara Falls with hubby and the kids...Can't Wait! Maybe I'll stay until Monday night so I can peek at one of the Atlantis episodes...Wouldn't that be great! I wish!
                          Camy...if you do see it...give me an update...January 6th is sooooo far away!

                          And Thanksgiving Holiday I'm going to Disneyland...yes I am...I may be going to college but I am still a kid at heart. It's family tradition to go every year! But then again it's only like two hours or so away.


                            Originally posted by melpomene
                            I didn't start watching Atlantis until I saw Rising on DVD which I got from the library. I have a mortal fear of spin-off's so I avoided it as long as I could. By the time I gave in to my overwhelming curiosity -and cute pics of Shep *blushes* -the fandom and ships threads on GW were pretty well established. And, you guys may not believe this...I was kindof expecting to be a ShWeir. I'd never been to the Shep/Weir thread but several of my Sam/Jack shipping friends were ShWeir's and I figured if they liked it I'd like it. I mean they can recognize chemistry when they see it right? Sheppard and Weir must have a thing... Yeahsureyoubetcha. I checked out Rising and I saw nada. Nothing. Zilch. Between Sheppard and Weir and I'm like...whoa. I like John/Teyla. This is great. What is with this ShWeir thing...? And suddenly I'm a Shepmagan and I wondered what my S/J compatriates are thinking... It's weird.

                            Sorry about you LOTR ship Camy. I'm sorry you were so dissapointed. I'm an Aragorn/Arwen but I SO get Aragorn/Eowyn. They're sweet. I wanted to make a vid of them but I have to get the time and then remember what song I was going to use... *slaps head* I'm too young to be this forgetful. Have you seen the extended version where
                            Eowyn gets together with Faramir
                            My sister loves that ship.

                            Okay...translate..LOTR..remember..I am a little behind on these terminologies....
                            I so son LOVES to read and it just so happened that he was a great fan of the Lord of The Rings before the, I told him I am only interested in the girly mushy stuff...he was like WHAT! I must admit though, I love the Twin Towers for the Action too..and the Return of the King...Love it...and yes...I did see the extended version for both they are my favorites..and Yes..I loved that she fell for Faramir..I just wished they hadn't rush it..She is such a great strong, so brave..reminds so much of know..the lady grace kick ass don't mess with this hot chicky mama attitude...that is what I love about these female characters..they are not just naturally beautiful but they are smart, independent and yet capable of complete and utter love! AHHHHHHH! What an idiot I am...or as I like to call myself..hopeless romantic..anyways..loved it! and Faramir is way cuter than Aragorn..still I thought they made the perfect couple..but never did I go balistic for those two like I am for John and Teyla....

                            Never it all by myself...Lord of the just takes me a couple of seconds..that's all!
                            Oh, and you soooo have to convince your Sam/Jack fans that they need to convert into this side of the field....


                              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                              I became a SHEYLA purist around the beginning of Season 2. Now wait before you kill me in my sleep. I never really gotten so into a show before until I started writing fanfiction. Now you see me constantly argueing with my mom about how Shep and Teyla liked each other, my mom's not completely sold, she's still between the Shep/Weir : Shep/Teyla, though I think she agrees with me that Ronon/Teyla is an absolute no go. Partially because Teyla did put a knife to his throat.

                              Not going anywhere Camy.

                              I think that makes good shippers.

                              I don't know much about WMM, I use IMovie for school videos, but I love that song, got me think if I might be able to do a music video. Gotta go shovel snow, later everyone.

                              On another note, I can be here Saturday, though my dad keeps looking at me suspiciously.

                              Jeepers..why can't they just let us be! You have your dad looking at you suspiciously..I have my two oldest and my youngest...who went up to his father yesterday and snitched that I bought a Stargate Atlantis book with pics..on it...Can you believe it? My own KIDS! And now my husband thinks...God only knows what he thinks!

                              So, Cpt. Ritter can be about the rest of you...we don't have to meet on Sat. night..we could do it Sunday night...what time? eastern time, please...


                                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                                *jumps up and down*....Camy, I'll volunteer.......How about i post a summary of the Preface tomorrow night...?...that way it'll be a nice way to start the wkend?...

                                And just to get a little discussion going...WHEN DID U BECOME A SHEPMAGEN??....what was the first time you thought, 'oh pretty couple'....

                                Was it the cave scene?...the watching football?....A smile?..or the sparring?...
                                I wish I had a decent memory, because then I'd tell you exactly when. Unfortunately, I dont' remember between which episodes, but I think it dawned on me somewhere between 1x03 - Hide and Seek and 1x04 - Thirty Eight Minutes. At least, I think it was 1x04, because I think I remember the vague feeling from 1x04 (Teyla caring for Shep; how many people wouldn't that convert!)

                                Honestly, though, I know this much: a long time ago!

                                PS: We are now past page 100 on my 50 posts/page setting! Yahoo!
                                This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.

