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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Why thank you Donna.
    Are you feeling any better? I hope so.

    Major oops Ruby.

    Thanks Linda.
    LOL. I'm gonna try to be open minded and then complain.

    Remembrance. Part 3:


    Sam, Keller, the medical and science team finally arrive. They all have puzzled looks plastered to their faces when they see John in the strange chair. A new image starts to immerge on the screen and Rodney is still at the consul trying to figure out what’s happening to John.
    “Rodney, what’s going on?” asks Sam as she stares at the screen.
    “I’m still not sure, but I think we are seeing Sheppard’s memories, answers Rodney. “We’ve only saw a couple. One was a kinda scary childhood memory and the other is him looking at Teyla’s….” Rodney stops when Teyla gives him a nasty look.
    “And there is some kind of force field around him,” Teyla adds.
    A picture of a crowd of people in John’s family living room comes up on the screen. Everyone is well dressed, laughing, drinking, eating and enjoying each other’s company. They see John’s dad holding a little baby and smiling widely. An older woman walks up to admire the baby.
    “Hi, Aunt Sarah. Isn’t he the most handsome little boy,” brags John’s father.
    “You know my dear, I do believe you are right. He looks exactly like your brother did when he was born. May he rest in peace, “Aunt Sarah adds sadly. “I am so glad that you named him after Graham. I think he would be honored.”
    John’s father lowers his eyes sadly, “I hope so. Thank you Aunt Sarah.
    Sarah looks at John’s mom and then squats down. John was hiding behind his mother’s skirt. “Hi Johnny. Boy, you have grown so much since I saw you last. Do you remember me?” She smiles as John slowly shakes his head no. “That’s ok. Are you excited to have a baby brother?
    John doesn’t answer and hides further behind his mom. His father gives him a disappointing look.
    “Johnny, give your aunt some respect and answers her! “John’s dad scolds.
    The image changes to when John first met Teyla. Ronon makes a teasing remark about her hair, but Teyla doesn’t hear him. She smiles at remembering that moment, but John grunting in pain soon interrupts it.
    “Why is he in pain?” Teyla asks with worry.
    “Maybe it’s an Ancient torture device,” suggests Radek.
    “And why would they Ancients want to torture another Ancient?” quips Rodney with a whine. Radek shrugs his shoulders.
    “I’m concern with all the stress this might put Colonel Sheppard through, but there’s no way for me to hook up any machines to him,” says Keller.
    Rodney snaps his fingers a few times, “Oh! I think I might have seen something here that might help.”
    Rodney points to a screen with a lot of Ancient writing. Keller looks at him with a puzzle look.
    “I think it’s something similar to what we use to check the heart rate and stuff like that. I might be able to finagle a way for you to hook up your machines to monitor Sheppard,” gloats Rodney.
    Keller asks one of her staff member to get what she might need, as Rodney tries to get ready to set Keller’s machines up.
    “Um, Rodney?” Radek says nervously.
    “What! Can’t you see I’m busy?” snips Rodney.
    “I think I figured out what this machine is for,” answers Radek. Rodney stops what he is doing and looks at him. “I think it’s another device that helps them to descend. In a way, I think it’s trying to purge any bad memories. I think.”
    “What is that suppose to mean?” asks Ronon.
    Rodney eyes open wide with fear, “I think it means that this machine is gonna keep Sheppard here until he… until he ascend.”
    Great update Sci! I love it!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Yessh indeedeeo.

      So, the smilies - Teyla and Ronon have been moved up and Elizabeth and Carson are now at the end... but Ford is still ahead of Rodney? WTF?
      I thought the smilies looked like they had been rearranged because the winking smilie used to be in the lower left hand corner where the cool smilie is. Or, am I just imagining this?
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        hmmmm...... *wonders if it is OK to shoot and claw the beta'er*

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Tisk. Tisk.
        OK Auntie Sci, I'll be good.

        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        Does this mean I can shoot and claw up Winged? Or do you want me to play nice?
        STILL NO!!

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Congrats on 800 posts WP!!!


        Yayy!! Thank you so much Auntie Sci! I wanted to get there before my birthday.

        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        You people just love to tease
        Ha! You should see me when I'm REALLY on. I'm just warming up. Muahahahaha!
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          Hey guys, a couple of housekeeping reminders

          Please remember to limit the OT and keep it behind spoilers. We don't want to get modded again!

          Please remember not to disparage other ships. I know you're only joking, but unfortunately, those kind of comments are against forum rules and can also get us modded.

          Sorry about that and thanks!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Nobody's read my Snippet of A Missing Mirror Home???? *starts to tear up and bites botton lip* somebody tell me the cliffie is good?

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Hey guys, a couple of housekeeping reminders

              Please remember to limit the OT and keep it behind spoilers. We don't want to get modded again!

              Please remember not to disparage other ships. I know you're only joking, but unfortunately, those kind of comments are against forum rules and can also get us modded.

              Sorry about that and thanks!
              Sorry LC. I've been bad.
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                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Hey guys, a couple of housekeeping reminders

                Please remember to limit the OT and keep it behind spoilers. We don't want to get modded again!

                Please remember not to disparage other ships. I know you're only joking, but unfortunately, those kind of comments are against forum rules and can also get us modded.

                Sorry about that and thanks!
                Not a problem at all. Nothing to be sorry about at all. I know that I actually forget to use spoiler tags on some of the OT stuff not thinking it is a big deal. Thanks for reminding!!!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post

                  STILL NO!!
                  Darn, and double darn!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Another Doppelganger wallie...

                    That is gorgeous Blue!!! Wow! Make sure you enter this into Beya's DG Wallie Challenge!

                    Sci--I'm loving Remembrance!!! Thank you so much!!!

                    And Ruby, ROFL, about your smilie typo. Hehe.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      Darn, and double darn!
                      Jeepers Tey! Whump Teyla, not me!
                      Where's that snippit of your story? I must have missed it.
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                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        Jeepers Tey! Whump Teyla, not me!
                        Where's that snippit of your story? I must have missed it.
                        if you missed it go back about... oh when Linda was saying she was near 2,000 posts....

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          Not a problem at all. Nothing to be sorry about at all. I know that I actually forget to use spoiler tags on some of the OT stuff not thinking it is a big deal. Thanks for reminding!!!

                          Oh I know, I forget too! It's hard to remember those annoying spoiler tags sometimes!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            YAY WINGED!!!!!!

                            Linda I think what you gotta do is post a 2,001 then the new avatar will showup.

                            also YAY to you as well!

                            ALSO: I have a snippet from The Missing Mirror To Home Simply put a Felinus(AKA Furling) named Teyilia (myself) gets sucked through a Quantum mirror, landing her in this reality that sees her home as a TV show, all our sweet natured Felinus wants is to go home... but can she?..... Snippet #1
                            Unfamilar place, unfmailar things, where was she?? "Ok girl, don't hack up a furball yet, you can find your way home, only where are you now?" seeing that she had come out of the Mirror, which was now totally useless far as she knew, Teyilia looked around of where she was at, she was on Earth, and she had been to the place only once, Flint MI, John's birth home, all she had to do was find the guy. Finding the back door to the place she was inside of she went out into darkness, thankfully like her people she could see in the dark to a limited degree.

                            She headed for the woods fas as she could, the shopping ceneter far behind within mere minutes because of the speed at which she ran the Fulinus headed for John's birth home, she hoped the man was there. finally making it to the clearly open area where the house was located she relized that there was nothing she could hide behind, she would be seen nomatter what she tried to do. At least she had her robe. Pulling on the hood of the robe she headed for the side most used door.

                            She knocked twice, and a older man opened the door, he squinted, "can I help you good sir?" he asked thinknig Teyilia a male, 'most likely because of my robe' she thought, "wait a minute, you aren't like anyone I've seen, state your business here."

                            'now or never Teyilia' she thought before saying as human as she could, "I seek a man by name of John Sheppard. He lives here does he not?" even though the man could not see her face she could see clearly his.

                            "Sheppard you say, hmm, come inside before someone starts asking why a robed man is on my decking, I'll see what I can do. make yourself comfy" the man led Teyilia into the house, the good sized home was most surely John's own because he himself had taken the team minus Rodney there on the Felinus' first visit to Earth, she took a seat near a table and looked out the window, waiting until the man had gone deeper into the house before removing her hood.

                            The man went into the kitchen for the phone, something was up, and he was thinking that his son Joe had sent the man in the robe to his place as a joke asking for Sheppard, he dailed the phone, when Joe picked up he said, "hey son it's dad"

                            "Hey Dad what's up with you and mom?" came Joes cheery voice, his father could hear children in the background. "I've been meaning to call you if that is what you are calling abo..."

                            "No son that's not why I'm calling you my boy, listen, did you send a guy over here back east in a brown and gray robe with a hood so dark you can't see the guy under it?" Joe's father asked, clearly confused.

                            "No, why, there's not a party going on back there is there?" Now Joe was concerned for his father, mostly when he didn't answer, "Dad?"

                            Joes father had looked to the place wherein Teyilia had sat, and he stared at the Felinus being at the table looking out the window, all he could see was that there was an alien in the house, it wasn't until Joe was yelling into the phone for his dad when he answered, "Son, get here fast as you can, you gotta see this, there is a cat-like being in the dining room."

                            "What? Wait did you say cat-like being in the dining room?" Joe asked, "nevermind that I'm on my way home." He waited a second or so incase his father would answer but the line was dead after he stopped speaking.

                            Joes father slowly reentered the Dining room, trying to act like he didn't notice that Teyilia was indeed female and also feline like, "I just spoke with my son, hopefully he can.... oh my." he said trying to fake not noticing that Teyilia was Felinus until just then, when she turned her copper eyes towards him he took a step back, then he felt pity towards her, "Is something wrong?"

                            After a few moments she said "No, nothing is wrong, I just want to return to my home." she said nothing more other then, "is there a room where I may sleep until your son arrives?" Joe's father nodded before leading the way, albiet somewhat fearfully to where the guest rooms were.

                            Once the Woman had been safely in the room he quietly shut the door and listened, all he heard was something that sounded like crying,and pleading, he heard her say twice, "why me?" before a steady purrr came from the other side of the door.


                            Joe set the phone in its cradle, So his dad and mom here still aslive but then with a rather freaky looking possible alien in the house well, that could turn anybody's world upside down, A few minutes later he was packed and ready to leave, his wife tried to stop him, or at least slow him down, "what about the show? don't you go back to filming tomrrow night?"

                            "Look, I'm just going back home to make sure they are OK, then I'm coming home, I'll be back in time for the shoot tomrrow night, besides sometimes the director is late but then that is when it is on set and not on location, I'll be find just one night and I'll be back before you know it." with that he gave his wife a kiss and left.

                            Watching him leave she said softly, "be safe"

                            That night Joe arrived home, and entered the house, "Dad I'm home, what's going on?" he called when he entered. His father called from the kitchen, "back here son." Joe entered the kitchen and saw his dad he was still kinda white faced, but he was also a bit more calmer then he had been, "dad, what is it?"

                            When his son entered and asked his question he put a finger to his lips and pointed outside, Joe couldn't belive his eyes, out near the barn was a rider on a horse, but that was not the only thing that caught his attention, he noticed the rider had feline like ears going up the sides of her head, "is that?" he started to ask, his dad nodded.

                            Teyilia had asked about the farm, and if it were possible for her to ride one of the horses, and Joe's father had given the OK to do so, yet she still heard Joe arrive and thought him as John, she hoped that he had gotton word of where she was from Home, getting off the horse she let it back into its stall before going to the house.

                            Upon reentering the place she heard two voices, one of them was clearly John's, she didn't say anything, she merely watched and listened as the two spoke.

                            "Dad, you called me saying I was to get here fast as I could, tomrrow night is the first shhot of the next epp, and I gotta be there ontime, knowing the guy in charge tomrrow night I'm gonna be there half the night anyhow just rehearsing, what is this all about?" she heard John say, but then again, was it really John speaking, it sure as hell sounded like him

                            "Son, that person you saw on that horse out there is from another world, she wants to go back home and said she was looking for a guy named Sheppard, know of him?"

                            "Yeah I do, why? he's the character that I put onscreen, what's this all about? Don't tell me that this.... person told you about the set?" Joe said.

                            "Well this... person, said that he, you, can help her get home, all she wants is to go back home, that's it." Joes father said, "I spoke to her a bit after I hung up with you on the phone, all she wants Joe is to go back home, she asked for a room where she could sleep until you got here, now it is up to you." Joe looked at his father, a smile on the older mans face, "so what do you say son? Not everyday someone in Flint like your old man gets to meet and speak with something from another world ey? So what do you say? You wanna help her or not?"
                            Just finished reading it Kitty
                            very interesting indeed....Will Joe held Tey,he gotta...He's a nice guy,course he's gonna help her!


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              YAY WINGED!!!!!!

                              Linda I think what you gotta do is post a 2,001 then the new avatar will showup.

                              also YAY to you as well!

                              ALSO: I have a snippet from The Missing Mirror To Home Simply put a Felinus(AKA Furling) named Teyilia (myself) gets sucked through a Quantum mirror, landing her in this reality that sees her home as a TV show, all our sweet natured Felinus wants is to go home... but can she?..... Snippet #1
                              Unfamilar place, unfmailar things, where was she?? "Ok girl, don't hack up a furball yet, you can find your way home, only where are you now?" seeing that she had come out of the Mirror, which was now totally useless far as she knew, Teyilia looked around of where she was at, she was on Earth, and she had been to the place only once, Flint MI, John's birth home, all she had to do was find the guy. Finding the back door to the place she was inside of she went out into darkness, thankfully like her people she could see in the dark to a limited degree.

                              She headed for the woods fas as she could, the shopping ceneter far behind within mere minutes because of the speed at which she ran the Fulinus headed for John's birth home, she hoped the man was there. finally making it to the clearly open area where the house was located she relized that there was nothing she could hide behind, she would be seen nomatter what she tried to do. At least she had her robe. Pulling on the hood of the robe she headed for the side most used door.

                              She knocked twice, and a older man opened the door, he squinted, "can I help you good sir?" he asked thinknig Teyilia a male, 'most likely because of my robe' she thought, "wait a minute, you aren't like anyone I've seen, state your business here."

                              'now or never Teyilia' she thought before saying as human as she could, "I seek a man by name of John Sheppard. He lives here does he not?" even though the man could not see her face she could see clearly his.

                              "Sheppard you say, hmm, come inside before someone starts asking why a robed man is on my decking, I'll see what I can do. make yourself comfy" the man led Teyilia into the house, the good sized home was most surely John's own because he himself had taken the team minus Rodney there on the Felinus' first visit to Earth, she took a seat near a table and looked out the window, waiting until the man had gone deeper into the house before removing her hood.

                              The man went into the kitchen for the phone, something was up, and he was thinking that his son Joe had sent the man in the robe to his place as a joke asking for Sheppard, he dailed the phone, when Joe picked up he said, "hey son it's dad"

                              "Hey Dad what's up with you and mom?" came Joes cheery voice, his father could hear children in the background. "I've been meaning to call you if that is what you are calling abo..."

                              "No son that's not why I'm calling you my boy, listen, did you send a guy over here back east in a brown and gray robe with a hood so dark you can't see the guy under it?" Joe's father asked, clearly confused.

                              "No, why, there's not a party going on back there is there?" Now Joe was concerned for his father, mostly when he didn't answer, "Dad?"

                              Joes father had looked to the place wherein Teyilia had sat, and he stared at the Felinus being at the table looking out the window, all he could see was that there was an alien in the house, it wasn't until Joe was yelling into the phone for his dad when he answered, "Son, get here fast as you can, you gotta see this, there is a cat-like being in the dining room."

                              "What? Wait did you say cat-like being in the dining room?" Joe asked, "nevermind that I'm on my way home." He waited a second or so incase his father would answer but the line was dead after he stopped speaking.

                              Joes father slowly reentered the Dining room, trying to act like he didn't notice that Teyilia was indeed female and also feline like, "I just spoke with my son, hopefully he can.... oh my." he said trying to fake not noticing that Teyilia was Felinus until just then, when she turned her copper eyes towards him he took a step back, then he felt pity towards her, "Is something wrong?"

                              After a few moments she said "No, nothing is wrong, I just want to return to my home." she said nothing more other then, "is there a room where I may sleep until your son arrives?" Joe's father nodded before leading the way, albiet somewhat fearfully to where the guest rooms were.

                              Once the Woman had been safely in the room he quietly shut the door and listened, all he heard was something that sounded like crying,and pleading, he heard her say twice, "why me?" before a steady purrr came from the other side of the door.


                              Joe set the phone in its cradle, So his dad and mom here still aslive but then with a rather freaky looking possible alien in the house well, that could turn anybody's world upside down, A few minutes later he was packed and ready to leave, his wife tried to stop him, or at least slow him down, "what about the show? don't you go back to filming tomrrow night?"

                              "Look, I'm just going back home to make sure they are OK, then I'm coming home, I'll be back in time for the shoot tomrrow night, besides sometimes the director is late but then that is when it is on set and not on location, I'll be find just one night and I'll be back before you know it." with that he gave his wife a kiss and left.

                              Watching him leave she said softly, "be safe"

                              That night Joe arrived home, and entered the house, "Dad I'm home, what's going on?" he called when he entered. His father called from the kitchen, "back here son." Joe entered the kitchen and saw his dad he was still kinda white faced, but he was also a bit more calmer then he had been, "dad, what is it?"

                              When his son entered and asked his question he put a finger to his lips and pointed outside, Joe couldn't belive his eyes, out near the barn was a rider on a horse, but that was not the only thing that caught his attention, he noticed the rider had feline like ears going up the sides of her head, "is that?" he started to ask, his dad nodded.

                              Teyilia had asked about the farm, and if it were possible for her to ride one of the horses, and Joe's father had given the OK to do so, yet she still heard Joe arrive and thought him as John, she hoped that he had gotton word of where she was from Home, getting off the horse she let it back into its stall before going to the house.

                              Upon reentering the place she heard two voices, one of them was clearly John's, she didn't say anything, she merely watched and listened as the two spoke.

                              "Dad, you called me saying I was to get here fast as I could, tomrrow night is the first shhot of the next epp, and I gotta be there ontime, knowing the guy in charge tomrrow night I'm gonna be there half the night anyhow just rehearsing, what is this all about?" she heard John say, but then again, was it really John speaking, it sure as hell sounded like him

                              "Son, that person you saw on that horse out there is from another world, she wants to go back home and said she was looking for a guy named Sheppard, know of him?"

                              "Yeah I do, why? he's the character that I put onscreen, what's this all about? Don't tell me that this.... person told you about the set?" Joe said.

                              "Well this... person, said that he, you, can help her get home, all she wants is to go back home, that's it." Joes father said, "I spoke to her a bit after I hung up with you on the phone, all she wants Joe is to go back home, she asked for a room where she could sleep until you got here, now it is up to you." Joe looked at his father, a smile on the older mans face, "so what do you say son? Not everyday someone in Flint like your old man gets to meet and speak with something from another world ey? So what do you say? You wanna help her or not?"
                              You sound scary! I think Ill just keep imagining you as a furry little kitty . . .
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                                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                                Sorry LC. I've been bad.
                                LOL, no worries. I'm just as guilty about forgetting too.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

