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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Thanks Ruby. I saw it.Thanks you so much. :

    Here's another chapter.

    Revelations. Chapter 3:
    After Sam and Keller leave, John walks over to Ronon and Rodney’s table. Rodney keeps his head down while eating. He’s trying to stay out of it.
    “I’m going off world to see Teyla. Do you guys want to come?” John asks.
    Ronon smiles, “So you’re going to bring her back? Do you know what you’re going to say?”
    John sighs, “No. Not yet. So, does this mean you guys are coming?”
    Ronon sits back, crosses his arms, smile and shakes his head no. John looks at Rodney and waits for an answer. Rodney finally looks up.
    “What? You want me to go?” Rodney whines. He points to his wounded shoulder. “Um, do you see this? I’m still recovering. I’m not going anywhere out of Atlantis.”
    “Fine,” John snaps. “I’ll do this myself.”
    He walks away mumbling under his breathe and heads towards gate room. Ronon just watches him leave, still with a big smile on his face.
    When John gets to the Athosian village he sees Halling and a much taller Jinto. They two greet John warmly and direct him to walk with them.
    “I’m sorry Colonel Sheppard. If you came here to see Teyla she is not here,” Halling begins. “She left this afternoon to do trading with some new people we have met. I would give you the address to where she is, but negotiations are still critical. They are a culture that does not trust others easily. If any one can convince them that we are trustworthy, it would be Teyla.”
    John is disappointed, but he forces a smile to agree with Halling. He was really hoping to see Teyla and straighten any misunderstanding out before returning to Atlantis.
    “Do you know if Teyla will be back later today?” John asks. “I really would like to see her.”
    “I am sorry Colonel, but sometimes these talks can last up to days. If she is successful, she could be back as early as tomorrow, but like I said, they are an untrusting group of people. Is it an emergency? I will...”
    John interrupts, “No. It’s ok.”
    Halling smiles, “I will tell her that you were asking for her. I am sure she will be happy to know that you were here and if she is not back in three days, I will send word to you.
    John wants to ask Halling if he knew it Teyla was still upset with him, but it didn’t sound like Halling knew anything about it. Plus, he felt like he was back in high school again.
    He thanks Halling and begins to return to the gate to go back to Atlantis. The feeling of Teyla’s absent started to make him feel unsettled and it wasn’t even a whole day yet. Now, he has to wait up to three more days before she returns from her outing. He just prayed that she will return safely and willing to see him.
    Great Sci, can't wait for more
    Poor John, now he has to wait. Hope Teyla's negotiations goes well.

    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post

    To Maffieg, me too.
    Ohhh so cool.

    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

    Graham writes: “So, Rachel Luttrell will sing in season 4 like she did in critical mass, right?”

    Answer: Uh, wrong.

    MsStargate writes: “Regarding, Connor Trinneer, was any thought given to making him a regular member of the Atlantis cast?”

    Answer: That would be kind of tough given that he is a bad guy.

    Video "On the bridge of the Phoenix":
    Thanks for the update!!!


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      A Stargate Halloween Part 3

      The four of them were politely ushered into an enormous dining room with a long elegant table extending from one end of the room to the other. There were five places already set with sparkling utensils and glittering goblets all laid out formally on a pristine, crisp, white table linen.

      One would say an overdone yet normal setting except for the object that lie directly in the center, which drew all their immediate attention. Placed decoratively in the exact center of the table was a rather disturbing carcass of a serpent, its shimmering flesh frozen tangled and hissing, with candles placed strategically all over its body; the largest one protruding from deep within the serpents gaping mouth and throat, its flickering flame shadowing eerily across its once deadly fangs.

      The butler asked them all to sit and announced he would be informing the cook of their arrival. Ronon stopped him as he brushed by, gently holding him by his elbow. “And who is the last place set for?” he asked eyeing the empty seat warily.

      The butler smiled and yanked his arm away as gingerly as possible. “Why, good sir, that seat is for the master, of course.” And with that, he proceeded through the swinging double doors that must have led to the kitchen without so much as looking back towards them.

      “Well?” Colonel Sheppard asked, shrugging his shoulders towards his friends.

      “I do not like it,” Teyla said quietly and Ronon nodded in agreement. Rodney scoffed and pushed them aside, taking a seat, dragging it outwards, and noisily scuffing the well-polished floor. “Cmon guys! Hello! Free food? Don’t you know the saying about a gift horse and its mouth?”

      “Don’t you mean snake?” Colonel Sheppard said his eyes transfixed on the creepy centerpiece.

      “Whatever, its just dinner you big babies…..” Rodney muttered, pulling a long fancy napkin from his setting and placing it eagerly across his lap.

      “Big b—,” Sheppard started to repeat incredulously but the swinging doors interrupted him and the largest woman he had ever seen came squeezing through with a tiny grunt.

      She towered over even Ronon who had to crane his neck to look at her face. She was as wide as she was tall and she carried a large serving tray with four white bowls that she began to place down with her extremely chubby fist, her apron and house coat as perfect and clean as the rest of the house.

      She did not even glance at them as she placed the food down gently and turned back as quickly as she came, just barely squeezing through the swinging double doors with minimal effort and again, a very tiny little grunt.

      Rodney rubbed his hands together gleefully and the others finally took their seats hesitantly. As the three of them stared horrified at the contents of their bowls before them, an intense slurping sound filled the room and they all turned their attention to Rodney, who was devouring his food with huge hurried spoonfuls.

      They stared; mouths open until he finally noticed them, saying rudely, “WHAT?”

      Dark red trickled down his chin and he used his sleeve to quickly wipe it away. Teyla stared from Rodney’s face to her bowl, where the thick blood and chunks of unidentified meat sat stewing within.

      A roar of thunder crashed outside and they all turned towards its direction, jumping as they noticed a slender shadow lurking in the darkness of the doorway.

      “Good evening,” the shadow said as lightning streaked behind a nearby window, illuminating the figure in the most frightening of ways.
      Mrs. B, what a vivid imagination you have. For some reason, I can't green you.
      Can I say, OMG Rodney. This is one dinner I would say no.... thank you.

      Loved it!! Did you check out the MPs yet?

      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

      Graham writes: “So, Rachel Luttrell will sing in season 4 like she did in critical mass, right?”

      Answer: Uh, wrong.

      MsStargate writes: “Regarding, Connor Trinneer, was any thought given to making him a regular member of the Atlantis cast?”

      Answer: That would be kind of tough given that he is a bad guy.

      Video "On the bridge of the Phoenix":

      Originally posted by maffieg View Post

      Ohhh so cool.
      So cool indeed!


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

        Graham writes: “So, Rachel Luttrell will sing in season 4 like she did in critical mass, right?”

        Answer: Uh, wrong.

        MsStargate writes: “Regarding, Connor Trinneer, was any thought given to making him a regular member of the Atlantis cast?”

        Answer: That would be kind of tough given that he is a bad guy.

        Video "On the bridge of the Phoenix":
        Thank MrsB for Update.

        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
        Great Sci, can't wait for more
        Poor John, now he has to wait. Hope Teyla's negotiations goes well.

        Ohhh so cool.

        Thanks for the update!!!
        I'm glad you like it Maff.


          Hello everyone!! Aah! The last time I was here was Friday. I have 32 pages to catch up on.
          You guys are worth it. So much wonderful stuff to read!
          I hope your week has been good. Two more days until Friday


            Originally posted by Crescere View Post
            Hello everyone!! Aah! The last time I was here was Friday. I have 32 pages to catch up on.
            You guys are worth it. So much wonderful stuff to read!
            I hope your week has been good. Two more days until Friday
            Goodnight all. Sweet JT dreams


              I'm back, for a few minutes at least, we head back to Atlanmtis tomrrow all thanks toi the furling hyperdrive my people so generously gave to the Daedy, only we lift off tomrrow at 0840 SGC time the trip home shouldn't take more then a Atlantis day.

              anyway... there are two episodes I'm looking forwards to.... Missing and Dopp (Missing for the Teyla story & whump and Dopp for the Teyla/Shep whump)

              Winged I'll be beaming down tro the gateroom in about 33 hours until then.... zzzzzzzzzzZZZZnnorkk..... purrrrrrrrrr

              night night

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Hrmm don't think that's the fic...yes there are Kolya in there...but Teyla isn't pregnant... now I know I've read a fic like that.. and I do remember John gets furious in that fic for what happened to Teyla...but sheez...I can't for the life of me remember what it was called..or who wrote it... I wouldn't be surprised if maybe LC, Suz or maybe Camy knows which one it might be...
                Sounds like Allies or Enemies by Flea. You can find it here. http://fanfiction.john-teyla-converg...&ageconsent=ok


                  I have decided to post what I have written of Teyla Snatchers, which I swore I wasn't going to start writing until I finished that other SGA fan fic I've been writing so here it is. This is a sequel to DNA Snatchers so you'll want to read that first if you haven't. Any mistakes are mine.

                  Mess Hall:

                  Sheppard was sitting at a table eating a bit a food waiting on Teyla, Ronan and McKay to show up for the team lunch when Teyla walked up with a bottle of water and a sandwich in hand.

                  “I am sorry I will not be able to stay for the team lunch,” Teyla said, “I have some business to tend to with my people.”

                  Sheppard was disappointed and was about to suggest dinner when Teyla told him she would be getting in late that night.

                  “I guess I'll see you in the morning then,” Sheppard said as McKay and Ronan entered the Mess Hall.

                  Teyla smiled at Sheppard and then left the room.

                  Sheppard’s Quarters (later that night):

                  Sheppard debated about going to the Control Room to wait for Teyla to return but decided against it. He instead sat down on his bed and began to read some more of War and Peace. The next thing he knew was that it was morning. He set his book on his nightstand and then got ready for the day. When he was done he exited his quarters and headed to Teyla’s quarters to see if she would like to join him for breakfast. He chimed her quarters but got no answer so he chimed again and still got no answer. Sheppard was beginning to get worried so rather then open her door he went straight to the Control Room.

                  The Control Room:

                  Sheppard walked in and went straight over to the tech. on duty.

                  “Did Teyla make it back to Atlantis?” Sheppard asked the tech., Chuck.

                  “I was just going to radio you about that,” Chuck replied, “Teyla is 9 hours over do.”

                  “And you didn’t radio me sooner,” Sheppard said irritated that the tech. had not radioed him sooner.

                  “I assumed she spent the night with her people. That’s why I waited until now,” Chuck said.

                  Sheppard was about to go to Weir’s office when Weir walked in. Sheppard walked over to her and informed her of the situation.

                  “I would like to go to New Athos and find out why Teyla is over do,” Sheppard said.

                  Weir gave him the ok and told him to radio back when he had something.

                  Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                    Morning all..............

                    SECOND PAGE tsk...tsk...

                    Blue - great artwork as usual!

                    I wonder what the heck Shep is gonna say when he finally does see her or if she'll even want to hear it??


                      CONGRATULATIONS ON 2600 POSTS MRSB!!!

                      Blabber mouth.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Congrats on 2600 MrsB!

                        This thread died some time in the night. Usually I come in here the next morning and find at least 2 pages to read.

                        my ships


                          Thanks ladies GO me, go me...........

                          GNB -
                          Are you on before school? Tomorrow's friday!!!

                          Ruby -
                          Are you in between classes? And btw, what happened to your fics??


                            Hey GNB I just noticed in your sig that you made it so John is looking at a screen that has Teyla and Jennifer on it from Missing - that's so cool!

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                              Sounds like Allies or Enemies by Flea. You can find it here. http://fanfiction.john-teyla-converg...&ageconsent=ok
                              Why why oh WHY would you put up a link to a story that is amazingly good but ends on a cliffhanger and hasn't been updated since March? Why would you do this to me?


                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
                                I have decided to post what I have written of Teyla Snatchers, which I swore I wasn't going to start writing until I finished that other SGA fan fic I've been writing so here it is. This is a sequel to DNA Snatchers so you'll want to read that first if you haven't. Any mistakes are mine.

                                Mess Hall:

                                Sheppard was sitting at a table eating a bit a food waiting on Teyla, Ronan and McKay to show up for the team lunch when Teyla walked up with a bottle of water and a sandwich in hand.

                                “I am sorry I will not be able to stay for the team lunch,” Teyla said, “I have some business to tend to with my people.”

                                Sheppard was disappointed and was about to suggest dinner when Teyla told him she would be getting in late that night.

                                “I guess I'll see you in the morning then,” Sheppard said as McKay and Ronan entered the Mess Hall.

                                Teyla smiled at Sheppard and then left the room.

                                Sheppard’s Quarters (later that night):

                                Sheppard debated about going to the Control Room to wait for Teyla to return but decided against it. He instead sat down on his bed and began to read some more of War and Peace. The next thing he knew was that it was morning. He set his book on his nightstand and then got ready for the day. When he was done he exited his quarters and headed to Teyla’s quarters to see if she would like to join him for breakfast. He chimed her quarters but got no answer so he chimed again and still got no answer. Sheppard was beginning to get worried so rather then open her door he went straight to the Control Room.

                                The Control Room:

                                Sheppard walked in and went straight over to the tech. on duty.

                                “Did Teyla make it back to Atlantis?” Sheppard asked the tech., Chuck.

                                “I was just going to radio you about that,” Chuck replied, “Teyla is 9 hours over do.”

                                “And you didn’t radio me sooner,” Sheppard said irritated that the tech. had not radioed him sooner.

                                “I assumed she spent the night with her people. That’s why I waited until now,” Chuck said.

                                Sheppard was about to go to Weir’s office when Weir walked in. Sheppard walked over to her and informed her of the situation.

                                “I would like to go to New Athos and find out why Teyla is over do,” Sheppard said.

                                Weir gave him the ok and told him to radio back when he had something.

                                Great Start Planet tv. Thanks for sharing.

                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Morning all..............

                                SECOND PAGE tsk...tsk...

                                Blue - great artwork as usual!

                                I wonder what the heck Shep is gonna say when he finally does see her or if she'll even want to hear it??
                                Good Morning!
                                I guess we'll see.

                                Congrats on 2600 posts MrsB!!

