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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by No Doubt Fan View Post
    hey guys this is of topic but i wanted to share it with you
    One for the girls

    Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord
    my shape to keep.

    Please no wrinkles, Please no bags

    And please lift my butt before it sags.

    Please no age spots, Please no gray

    And as for my belly, Please take it away.

    Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young,

    And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.

    Five tips for a woman....
    1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
    2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
    3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to You.
    4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
    5. It is important that these four men don't know each other!

    Foot Note:
    One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
    "If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."

    *Send this to five bright, funny women you know and make their day!!!
    That is freakin hilarious....BRILLIANT!!!

    So anywho,is there any fic updates anytime soon cause i'll be off shortly,if there isn't i'll catch them tomorrow!


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Oh nononononononononononono,it means you guys have to speed up while the fics are still fresh in my mind

      ROFL!!! I'll do my best, but I can't promise for tonight.
      First two parts are on


        I know this is OT but too bad, I really liked this part of Vengeance and I hope they continue with the growing animosity over these kinds of judgement calls between them:
        SHEPPARD: Oh, hey, wait. Set your gun to stun.

        DEX: What?!

        SHEPPARD: Yeah. We're gonna need to question him.

        DEX: No. No more talking, no more questioning. I'm gonna do what we should have done the first time we captured him.

        SHEPPARD: Ronon, listen to me.

        DEX: No, *you* listen to *me*, John. This whole retrovirus thing was a mistake. I said it then – no-one listened to me. It was a bad idea.

        SHEPPARD: We had to try. If it worked, we wouldn't ...

        DEX (interrupting): But it *didn't* work. Admit it. It just made things worse. How long do you wanna keep paying for it?


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          DG major spoiler
          You know the coolest part of this ep was when Teyla was lying on the infirmary bed and Keller came in,she had something crawling in her stomach then it burst out (a-la-alien)and the gushed everywhere and this creature crawled out of her......WAS THAT COOL OR WHAT!!!
          Um ok,i think i need Psychiatric help
          Hey, I thought it was cool too, so we both need psychiatric help. LOL
          I've never scene SG use like that before.

          Welcome back Tey!

          my ships


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            ROFL!!! I'll do my best, but I can't promise for tonight.
            First two parts are on

            That's ok,it suxs being 8 hours ahead of you guys!

            I'm off now,i'm really tired so i'm gonna relax a bit in front of the telly before i go to bed!


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Thanks MrsB. CG Wraith, good guess.
              I'm wondering..
              If that's like one of the villages they used when doing SG1. It kinda looks like those Ori villages.

              Thanks Nina for links.

              Revelations Part 2:

              John paces for a while in the gym. He decides to get something to eat in the mess hall, in hopes of trying to figure out why Teyla’s so upset with him and why she would leave like that? While he’s eating he notices Ronon come in with Rodney, but they sit at another table. John can see that Ronon is still not happy with him and Rodney keeps his head down to stay out of it. Shortly after, Sam and Keller sit at John’s table.
              Sam settles into her seat and looks at John, “John can you tell why Teyla left the way she did?”
              John almost choked on his food. He wasn’t expecting Sam to ask him that question.
              “No, I don’t,” John starts. “I know I got on her about Rodney being shot and she told she did it because she saw a gunman aiming at me and she was worried about me...”
              “Ohhh,” chimed in Keller and Sam, as they gave each other a grin.
              John’s face contorted with confusion, “What? What’s that suppose to mean.”
              Sam smiles, “Never mind, continue first.”
              “Ok. After she was done explaining why she disobeyed me and left Rodney alone, she said that she was going to be with her people. I told her it was a good idea and she should go. I didn’t think that she was leaving for good,” John finishes.
              Sam and Keller look at each other and start to smile widely. Keller even giggles a little bit.
              “John, I think she likes you,” says Sam.
              “Of course she likes me. We’re friends. Plus we work together all the time,” John responds sarcastically.
              Sam shakes her heads slowly, “No, John. I mean she likes you. Come on John think about it. You both have know each other for many years, like you said, you work together all the time and I’ve seen you two with each other when you’re not working. I think it’s pretty obvious.”
              He scrunches his face in disbelief, “I don’t know. I would think she would say something if that was the case. Right?”
              Keller takes a turn, “Not necessarily. Her culture could be different from ours. Ok. Let’s try it this way. Has she been acting out of character when she’s around you?”
              “I don’t believe so,” answers John.
              Keller continues, “I mean does she smile at you more, is she more attentive towards your well being or needs? Do you catch her staring at you when she thinks you’re not looking? And last, but not least, has anyone said anything about you and her getting together?”
              John’s face shows recognition to Keller’s comments. Sam and Keller give each other a smile.
              “Ronon said he thought that Teyla and I one day would get together, but I thought he was just messing with me. And I guess I have seen more unusual behaviors when Teyla and I hang out together, but I don’t know,” John pauses to think. “I still think you’re wrong, but I’ll go see this afternoon and talk to her.”
              Keller looks worried, “Um, ok, but what are you going to say to her? You just can’t go up to her and say, ‘Hey. I think you like me’.”
              Sam tries to hide her smile and John looks insulted.
              “I know that!” John says. “I’ll just go visit her and try to convince to come back. I’m sure it’ll all work out.”
              Sam and Keller look at each other defeated and decide to leave John on his own.
              Great update
              Ronon still mad at him,,and Rodney is just a little coward
              So cool that John is getting hint and being asked questions by Keller and Sam.. *lol* oh the guy can be so dense sometimes..but now he seems to have gotten some he only need to make things right

              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              A Stargate Halloween Part 3

              The four of them were politely ushered into an enormous dining room with a long elegant table extending from one end of the room to the other. There were five places already set with sparkling utensils and glittering goblets all laid out formally on a pristine, crisp, white table linen.

              One would say an overdone yet normal setting except for the object that lie directly in the center, which drew all their immediate attention. Placed decoratively in the exact center of the table was a rather disturbing carcass of a serpent, its shimmering flesh frozen tangled and hissing, with candles placed strategically all over its body; the largest one protruding from deep within the serpents gaping mouth and throat, its flickering flame shadowing eerily across its once deadly fangs.

              The butler asked them all to sit and announced he would be informing the cook of their arrival. Ronon stopped him as he brushed by, gently holding him by his elbow. “And who is the last place set for?” he asked eyeing the empty seat warily.

              The butler smiled and yanked his arm away as gingerly as possible. “Why, good sir, that seat is for the master, of course.” And with that, he proceeded through the swinging double doors that must have led to the kitchen without so much as looking back towards them.

              “Well?” Colonel Sheppard asked, shrugging his shoulders towards his friends.

              “I do not like it,” Teyla said quietly and Ronon nodded in agreement. Rodney scoffed and pushed them aside, taking a seat, dragging it outwards, and noisily scuffing the well-polished floor. “Cmon guys! Hello! Free food? Don’t you know the saying about a gift horse and its mouth?”

              “Don’t you mean snake?” Colonel Sheppard said his eyes transfixed on the creepy centerpiece.

              “Whatever, its just dinner you big babies…..” Rodney muttered, pulling a long fancy napkin from his setting and placing it eagerly across his lap.

              “Big b—,” Sheppard started to repeat incredulously but the swinging doors interrupted him and the largest woman he had ever seen came squeezing through with a tiny grunt.

              She towered over even Ronon who had to crane his neck to look at her face. She was as wide as she was tall and she carried a large serving tray with four white bowls that she began to place down with her extremely chubby fist, her apron and house coat as perfect and clean as the rest of the house.

              She did not even glance at them as she placed the food down gently and turned back as quickly as she came, just barely squeezing through the swinging double doors with minimal effort and again, a very tiny little grunt.

              Rodney rubbed his hands together gleefully and the others finally took their seats hesitantly. As the three of them stared horrified at the contents of their bowls before them, an intense slurping sound filled the room and they all turned their attention to Rodney, who was devouring his food with huge hurried spoonfuls.

              They stared; mouths open until he finally noticed them, saying rudely, “WHAT?”

              Dark red trickled down his chin and he used his sleeve to quickly wipe it away. Teyla stared from Rodney’s face to her bowl, where the thick blood and chunks of unidentified meat sat stewing within.

              A roar of thunder crashed outside and they all turned towards its direction, jumping as they noticed a slender shadow lurking in the darkness of the doorway.

              “Good evening,” the shadow said as lightning streaked behind a nearby window, illuminating the figure in the most frightening of ways.
              Great update...
              Oh Rodney and his eating habits and can I say EEEEWWWWWWWW for that dinner... I mean yuck yuck... I wouldn't most likley hurl if I had that infront of me
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                I can't breathe just yet!
                So, say it is a one night stand or I would like it if ged then that happened at least she would not remember. Because, let's face the Kanan or canoe guy has got to die...And. can he please be an ugly man. Because. if he is HOT! It would be hard for me...but he gots to die!
                LOL I'm hope'n he's hot! I mean, if he's gonna have some screen time and do a little love'n with Teyla, the least he can do for us is to treat us with some EYE CANDY

                my ships


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  I know this is OT but too bad, I really liked this part of Vengeance and I hope they continue with the growing animosity over these kinds of judgement calls between them:
                  SHEPPARD: Oh, hey, wait. Set your gun to stun.

                  DEX: What?!

                  SHEPPARD: Yeah. We're gonna need to question him.

                  DEX: No. No more talking, no more questioning. I'm gonna do what we should have done the first time we captured him.

                  SHEPPARD: Ronon, listen to me.

                  DEX: No, *you* listen to *me*, John. This whole retrovirus thing was a mistake. I said it then – no-one listened to me. It was a bad idea.

                  SHEPPARD: We had to try. If it worked, we wouldn't ...

                  DEX (interrupting): But it *didn't* work. Admit it. It just made things worse. How long do you wanna keep paying for it?
                  I totally agreed with Ronon on that. I was so happy that someone had an ounce of sense in that situation. I'm also really happy that Teyla (spoilers for missing)
                  actually chases down the bad guy and kills him.
                  Sometimes I get really fed up when they get into an ethical dilema over the stupidest things. Show a little common sense, people! Teyla's comment to Elizabeth in Lifeline about it being "worth the risk" made me just about barf. I can't wait to see her more sensible part come out again in Missing!
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                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    A Stargate Halloween Part 3

                    The four of them were politely ushered into an enormous dining room with a long elegant table extending from one end of the room to the other. There were five places already set with sparkling utensils and glittering goblets all laid out formally on a pristine, crisp, white table linen.

                    One would say an overdone yet normal setting except for the object that lie directly in the center, which drew all their immediate attention. Placed decoratively in the exact center of the table was a rather disturbing carcass of a serpent, its shimmering flesh frozen tangled and hissing, with candles placed strategically all over its body; the largest one protruding from deep within the serpents gaping mouth and throat, its flickering flame shadowing eerily across its once deadly fangs.

                    The butler asked them all to sit and announced he would be informing the cook of their arrival. Ronon stopped him as he brushed by, gently holding him by his elbow. “And who is the last place set for?” he asked eyeing the empty seat warily.

                    The butler smiled and yanked his arm away as gingerly as possible. “Why, good sir, that seat is for the master, of course.” And with that, he proceeded through the swinging double doors that must have led to the kitchen without so much as looking back towards them.

                    “Well?” Colonel Sheppard asked, shrugging his shoulders towards his friends.

                    “I do not like it,” Teyla said quietly and Ronon nodded in agreement. Rodney scoffed and pushed them aside, taking a seat, dragging it outwards, and noisily scuffing the well-polished floor. “Cmon guys! Hello! Free food? Don’t you know the saying about a gift horse and its mouth?”

                    “Don’t you mean snake?” Colonel Sheppard said his eyes transfixed on the creepy centerpiece.

                    “Whatever, its just dinner you big babies…..” Rodney muttered, pulling a long fancy napkin from his setting and placing it eagerly across his lap.

                    “Big b—,” Sheppard started to repeat incredulously but the swinging doors interrupted him and the largest woman he had ever seen came squeezing through with a tiny grunt.

                    She towered over even Ronon who had to crane his neck to look at her face. She was as wide as she was tall and she carried a large serving tray with four white bowls that she began to place down with her extremely chubby fist, her apron and house coat as perfect and clean as the rest of the house.

                    She did not even glance at them as she placed the food down gently and turned back as quickly as she came, just barely squeezing through the swinging double doors with minimal effort and again, a very tiny little grunt.

                    Rodney rubbed his hands together gleefully and the others finally took their seats hesitantly. As the three of them stared horrified at the contents of their bowls before them, an intense slurping sound filled the room and they all turned their attention to Rodney, who was devouring his food with huge hurried spoonfuls.

                    They stared; mouths open until he finally noticed them, saying rudely, “WHAT?”

                    Dark red trickled down his chin and he used his sleeve to quickly wipe it away. Teyla stared from Rodney’s face to her bowl, where the thick blood and chunks of unidentified meat sat stewing within.

                    A roar of thunder crashed outside and they all turned towards its direction, jumping as they noticed a slender shadow lurking in the darkness of the doorway.

                    “Good evening,” the shadow said as lightning streaked behind a nearby window, illuminating the figure in the most frightening of ways.
                    Ewwww. . .you're freaking me out here, Mrs.B!

                    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                    LOL I'm hope'n he's hot! I mean, if he's gonna have some screen time and do a little love'n with Teyla, the least he can do for us is to treat us with some EYE CANDY
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                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Great update
                      Ronon still mad at him,,and Rodney is just a little coward
                      So cool that John is getting hint and being asked questions by Keller and Sam.. *lol* oh the guy can be so dense sometimes..but now he seems to have gotten some he only need to make things right

                      Great update...
                      Oh Rodney and his eating habits and can I say EEEEWWWWWWWW for that dinner... I mean yuck yuck... I wouldn't most likley hurl if I had that infront of me
                      LOL. Thank you so much Nina.

                      Some guys can be this way. I thought I'd play it up with John. LOL


                        Thanks Nina and WP!
                        At least I didnt have eyeballs in the soup lol

                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        I totally agreed with Ronon on that. I was so happy that someone had an ounce of sense in that situation. I'm also really happy that Teyla (spoilers for missing)
                        actually chases down the bad guy and kills him.
                        Sometimes I get really fed up when they get into an ethical dilema over the stupidest things. Show a little common sense, people! Teyla's comment to Elizabeth in Lifeline about it being "worth the risk" made me just about barf. I can't wait to see her more sensible part come out again in Missing!
                        OT -
                        LLOL for "just about barf". I very much want them to have more arguments like Ronon/Shep did about killing Michael in Vengeance. Its realistic that they disagree about different things and I think it adds personality and character to each of their beliefs and how they all see right and wrong.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Thanks Nina and WP!
                          At least I didnt have eyeballs in the soup lol

                          OT -
                          LLOL for "just about barf". I very much want them to have more arguments like Ronon/Shep did about killing Michael in Vengeance. Its realistic that they disagree about different things and I think it adds personality and character to each of their beliefs and how they all see right and wrong.
                          Yick! I'm having flashbacks to "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" here . .
                          And I agree.
                          || twitter || tumblr ||


                            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                            Yick! I'm having flashbacks to "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" here . .
                            And I agree.

                            LOL "Chilled monkey brains"
                            Lets just say in the episode when they have to befriend a Wraith to fight against a common foe, that Ronon will flip the hell out and def have words with Carter over this ?? I mean, this is sure to be an excellent storyline


                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                              Yick! I'm having flashbacks to "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" here . .
                              And I agree.

                              MrsB. Great sig.


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                LOL "Chilled monkey brains"
                                Lets just say in the episode when they have to befriend a Wraith to fight against a common foe, that Ronon will flip the hell out and def have words with Carter over this ?? I mean, this is sure to be an excellent storyline
                                Oh, definitley. Ronon is going to flip out so bad in that ep. I'm kinda looking forward to it.
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