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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    I actually like the story. It gave us some backstory:
    It deals with the issue of the blackmark on his service record and how he ended up flying Gen. O'Neill to the Antartica base in 'The Rising' . There was also a part that described Shep in a relationship that ended badly by his girlfriend not sticking by him when his career was in trouble. I wonder if this makes him not ready to pursue a realtionship with anyone else (Teyla?) But then again I can't ever see Teyla not standing by Shep so he really has no reason to worry about that.

    The above link is also the Jason Momoa interview along with the short story about Shep.

    Thanks! I am going to have to go and check it out!
    I need some uplifting. All of this recent news of Amanda Tapping has gotten me concerned as to how this will affect Teyla...Too many female characters in one show where the writers don't know how to make female characters stand out (unlike BSG) is not a good sign and most likely one of the two ladies in Atlantis right now might be in jeopardy of leaving while the other might just be underdeveloped even more....regardless of the fact that Amanda is expected only part of the time..but you know that the episodes that she will be there, it will all be around her character and Rodney's and Sheppard.....

    Oh, maybe some fanfic might do the trick!


      WHAT! Where is everyone? We were on page 2! Can't let that happen people!
      Well, I'd have to say this is my least favorite episode, Sanctuary!, but some great Teyla/Shep moments...goes to show you even when he is not paying too much attention to her, he is actually paying attention to her..I wonder if all of these scenes were purposedly done for them to be together to show all of this awkward moments...I have to say..look at Teyla carefully. If I didn't know any better, she looks hurt and very it me?

      Ahhh, walking together...did you guys see how Teyla just walked faster to catch up to it! Usually, he is the one going up to her~



        I did not care for the episode 'Sancturay' either. The pictures you posted Camy were some of the best Shep/Teyla ones I've seen...ironic I know. John being involved with Chaya did nothing for me so how does everyone think 'Epiphany' and 'The Tower' will play out.
        Aren't these two episodes suppose to be dealing with John getting involved with or being pursued by a women? How is Teyla going to react to this? Will TPTB give us a hint at Teyla's emotions?


          Ah. Okay, SnoggingPicard, breathe deeply. In and out....just lovely. I really needed some quality Shep/Teyla atmosphere to clear out the crap that has been going through this forum over the past 48 hours. Okay, umm..."Sanctuary". Yeesh, not my favorite at all, but considering this thing was mostly all about Shep and Chaya, we got some really great Shep/Teyla moments in here. Walking together (awww!), sitting RIGHT next to each other (they were practically in each others' laps for cryin' out loud), and the scene before the picnic where they were soooo flirting with each other. Not the best episode for them, obviously, but there are bits that I can appreciate. Sorry I haven't been around as much lately. This whole thing with AT has me sapped and depressed. It's ridiculous and horrific how they're treating her.

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Hey all...I see i've missed some....well i've caught up i think...I've basically agree with you all on the AT there's not much more i can say...and i'm trying to be positive...

            Great pics cute...They look so great together...don't know why others can't see how abolutely perfect they are....awwwwwwwweeee!!!!!

            I did not care for the episode 'Sancturay' either. The pictures you posted Camy were some of the best Shep/Teyla ones I've seen...ironic I know. John being involved with Chaya did nothing for me so how does everyone think 'Epiphany' and 'The Tower' will play out.
            Aren't these two episodes suppose to be dealing with John getting involved with or being pursued by a women? How is Teyla going to react to this? Will TPTB give us a hint at Teyla's emotions?
            I don't think we'll ever get an absolute clear picture of Teyla's emotions ..atleast not this soon....there may be the occassional looks and expressions, and those i think speak volumes...As for her reaction i think being Teyla, she will be there for Sheppard...Just as she was in 'Sanctuary' when she said even though he's the military leader he can have feelings...unless things get absolutely serious and then maybe we might see a burst of emotions....

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              I was watching 'Trinity' with my sister and I really enjoyed the Teyla/Dex dynamic but I got a little concerned the writers were trying to maybe 'ship' them. Me and my sister agreed it's more of a brother/sister thing. It's nice to know Jason thinks that way too. Nice pics as always Camy


                Hey everyone

                I am new here and i just wanted to say that i love the ship of sheyla!!!
                And have enjoyed all the pictures, and glad i can actually post now.

                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  Originally posted by melpomene
                  I was watching 'Trinity' with my sister and I really enjoyed the Teyla/Dex dynamic but I got a little concerned the writers were trying to maybe 'ship' them. Me and my sister agreed it's more of a brother/sister thing. It's nice to know Jason thinks that way too. Nice pics as always Camy
                  It brightened my day a little to hear this, because this is the vibe that I pick up from them as well. When "Trinity" started off, I was like "whoa now, what is this?" but by the end of the episode, I'd made up my mind. I'm still thinking that right now they're too buddy-buddy and sibling-esque for anything to happen, and if it does, I don't see it as lasting and becoming a permanent fixture for the characters. I also thought it was interesting how TH is now saying that Shep/Weir wouldn't work out if it was resolved and it should best be left untouched. Arg, this back-and-forth-ness of the ships is tiring!

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                    Hey everyone

                    I am new here and i just wanted to say that i love the ship of sheyla!!!
                    And have enjoyed all the pictures, and glad i can actually post now.

                    Hey, we have an Aussie in our midst! Welcome, and definitely come join us whenever you can. We love newbies!

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      I'm not a staunch ship supporter of any of the characters, but I can see enough chemistry between Teyla and Shep to see them getting together. However, I don't want to see any shipping until Teyla and Liz are firmly established characters because if they're shipped too soon, I believe that this would result in their having even less on screen time and that's just not acceptable.
                      Sig by Luciana


                        Originally posted by maxbo
                        I'm not a staunch ship supporter of any of the characters, but I can see enough chemistry between Teyla and Shep to see them getting together. However, I don't want to see any shipping until Teyla and Liz are firmly established characters because if they're shipped too soon, I believe that this would result in their having even less on screen time and that's just not acceptable.
                        You may not be a staunch ship supporter but we agree on the same issuse. I want some major development on the character of Teyla. I really want some backstory and would love to see some Weir/Teyla interaction.

                        I think any ship needs to develop over time, I mean TPTB can throw a few tidbits out there to get us thinking but as for an all out ship happening anytime

                        Shep and Teyla have great chemistry but I don't want to see any ship, even my favorite, defining a female character this show. I love the little moments, the looks between these Teyla and John and for now this is fine for me.

                        I want Teyla and Shep to get together, I am a full shipper, but right now what I want more is some backstory for Teyla.

                        And Spirited Chihiro - GLAD TO HAVE YOU ABOARD!!!!!! New Shep/Teyla fans are always welcome here!


                          Who says we can't all get along?

                          I think everyone, full-fledged shippers, non-shippers and those in the middle, would all agree that the establishment of each character is more important than rushing into full out shipping. Otherwise, most of us would lose interest very quickly. Although I'm still on the fence with shipping in the SGA universe, I've been a staunch (long-term) shipper of several non-SGA characters over the years and I've learned that what keeps me interested is the fact that I find each character in a shipper relationship interesting before they are shipped.
                          Sig by Luciana


                            Originally posted by maxbo
                            Who says we can't all get along?

                            I think everyone, full-fledged shippers, non-shippers and those in the middle, would all agree that the establishment of each character is more important than rushing into full out shipping. Otherwise, most of us would lose interest very quickly. Although I'm still on the fence with shipping in the SGA universe, I've been a staunch (long-term) shipper of several non-SGA characters over the years and I've learned that what keeps me interested is the fact that I find each character in a shipper relationship interesting before they are shipped.

                            I don't know if I have already welcomed Welcome!
                            You have brought such a great point here because...I have always been a shipper...I see ship everywhere and its just the way I am...however, the fact that I am even writing here is because of the relationship which I enjoy between Shep/Teyla..and you are so right..I do want their characters to develop before anything happens between them, if it ever does..and one of the most significant observations about these two characters is the fact that we know so much about Teyla because of her relationship with others, but mostly because of her interaction with Sheppard.....

                            I think this is why I am so interested in these individuals and as a potential couple...the way they interact, the looks, the gestures, their words and their actions, speak so much more about their individual characters when they are together than when with any other..Now, I blame the writers for this because I do believe that especially Teyla, most of her interaction is with Shep, until now that Ronon is in the picture...
                            So, for me as a shipper...developing the characters and the relationships among each other...(i don't mean just Teyla and Shep scenes) makes the story meaningful, last longer, and makes people like me more connected and appreciative of the characters in general...

                            Great points...Maxbo! You are welcomed to speak with me anytime, regardless of whether you ship for them or not...that is what makes this interesting and fun....


                              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                              Hey everyone

                              I am new here and i just wanted to say that i love the ship of sheyla!!!
                              And have enjoyed all the pictures, and glad i can actually post now.


                              Ohhh...Almost missed you! WELCOME! The more the merrier...Let me tell you about myself...I like Ferris wheels, popcorn and...anything..


                              Don't mind me..I am going through some rough times right now!



                                Okay...let's add some fire to the flame..or whatever....

                                found this in one of Amanda's comes straight from Amanda herself....

                                It sounds like it is official that she will be doing some episoded in Atlantis...


