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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Special shout-out to AstronomicalChick and MajorTrip -- you know why. Thanks a bunch guys.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by Camy
      Okay...discussions..I am not good at this...but, I was browsing through pics..and came across this..and I want to know what you guys think of these two differen scenarios...what is the difference..besides the obvious of each incident...but forgetting that Shep was under the influence, how would you describe each and what would you see as the difference, similarities, meaning, purpose...etc...If it's stupid then just ignore it and enjoy the pics..and NoDot..I will try to post them all in two's that..? there are several...maybe three postings........


      Camy first wanted to say I love what you did with your story! Now back to the kisses. When I see the first one I get the feeling of two people that are attracted to one another trying to see if something is really there between them. See the way he moves into the kiss as if he isn't even sure if he will be accepted. The way she slightly tilts her chin to accept him almost as if they are trying an experiment. Testing the waters so to speak. I have to agree with you Camy the position they end up in doesn't look too comfortable. Almost as if they are trying to kiss without moving into it. Like there is some sort of invisible boundary between them.

      Now the kiss with Teyla. Here John moves with purpose. Like he knows exactly what he wants. His face is full of intent and that is to satisfy his desires and hopefully ignite hers. There is no second guessing himself. He knows what he wants and how to get it. Teyla seems to move into it for a second. Than she gets a hold on herself and moves her hands off his shoulders and away from him. As if to keep from touching him. If she does she might lose herself again.
      Last edited by GateGipsy; 31 October 2005, 03:51 AM.


        Sorry I wasn't around much yesterday. I've been preoccupied on other parts of this forum. In case you haven't heard the major uproar over Amanda Tapping's situation, I'm thoroughly pissed about it, and can barely think straight as a result. Even John and Teyla can't calm me down at this point. Check out the "Teyla Appreciation Thread" or "Sam's A Great Character" to see what I mean. GRRRRR! I'm soooo mad!

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Hi folks, I was just wondering what you guys thought of the news about Amanda Tapping's semi-crossover to Atlantis:

          Don't get me wrong I love Sam but for some reason I wasn't exactly doing cartwheels when I read this.

          I think I'm just worried about how this will impact the established relationships on Atlantis, namely John and Teyla. Atlantis already has two strong female leads and its hard enough to even out the screen/story time between an already large ensemble cast without adding another prominent lead.

          I have to admit that when I first heard about Atlantis, I was determined not to watch. I figured it would never have the same charm as SG1 but now I'm hooked. Then after getting to know the characters through Season 1, a new guy comes in, and again I was determined not to like him, until I saw his first ep and loved his dynamic with the crew. See a pattern emerging here...

          So this could be a great thing and I would love Amanda to make guest appearances, but I like Atlantis as it stands. I think the writers have got something good going and I was looking forward to seeing the characters and their relationships develop with each new episode.

          Plus, how are Sam and Jack supposed to get together, officially, if she keeps zipping off to a galaxy far, far away...


            So we don't have too many of the same conversations going on, please remember that this is the Shep/Teyla thread, so conversation here should be centered around that. If you want to talk specifically about Sam, go to one of the threads mentioned. Thanks


              Originally posted by GateGipsy
              So we don't have too many of the same conversations going on, please remember that this is the Shep/Teyla thread, so conversation here should be centered around that. If you want to talk specifically about Sam, go to one of the threads mentioned. Thanks

              I think in my own round about sort of way I was trying to say that Sam crossing over to Atlantis would just be even more sexual competition. Like there ain't already plenty from Weir and the alien eye-candy of the week.

              I took your advise though and started a thread about Sam's rumoured crossover to Atlantis if anyone's interested.


                LOL yes I got that. And it is a good point to make - I shall enjoy that discussion. Going to go have a look for your new thread.

                Sorry if I upset anyone, I was just trying to clarify what you said - that you were looking for comments on how it would affect the dynamic of Teyla/Shep rather than for comments on Sam in general.


                  I like Atlantis the way it is right now, and I think one of the things I'm most concerned about if AT joins the cast as a semi-regular is that she will be a major Mary-Sue character. Not only will she out-rank and out-experience Sheppard, she will compete with Rodney as "scientist", Weir as the most experienced alien-dealings/negotiations expert, and Teyla/Ronon as the team "warrior". Um, would be the Carter show. Also, as far as what it would do to the Shep/Teyla relationship, I think we'd see even less of Teyla (and for that matter, Weir) than we do right now. TPTB have sort of neglected the female characters of Atlantis to this point, and I hardly think that bringing on a much-beloved and well-developed character from another show will be beneficial to either of our girls. Sure, we could get some good friendships that develop between them, but we haven't even seen that with Liz and Teyla yet...why would Sam be any different. I just have this bad feeling that if this pans out we will be seeing a lot less of everyone else, especially Teyla for some reason.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    I don't see Carter as competing for Shep's attentions. She has Jack and she out-ranks him. Maybe they might force some flirting between them, but Shep flirts with everyone. I just don't see it as a problem... now as for her interfearing with the Rodney/Weir ship (for those that ship both pairs) might want to check out the panic over on that thread!
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      Originally posted by aaobuttons
                      I don't see Carter as competing for Shep's attentions. She has Jack and she out-ranks him. Maybe they might force some flirting between them, but Shep flirts with everyone. I just don't see it as a problem... now as for her interfearing with the Rodney/Weir ship (for those that ship both pairs) might want to check out the panic over on that thread!
                      I don't think she would be interested in Shep either. I'm more concerned over what would happen to the screen-time of, well, everyone on Atlantis but particularly Teyla. We already don't see enough of her or Weir as we should, and this change would only further split the tiny length of 44 minutes per episode. Assuming that everyone stays and Sam is added, this means that we will be up (?) main characters not counting those secondaries that we've come to love (Caldwell, Zelenka, Ford, etc.). Take out action sequences and guest star much dialogue or time is that per person, especially considering that at this point it sometimes feels more like the Shep/McKay show. The whole thing is making me nervous, and I'm getting particularly protective of my girls on the show. I don't want Teyla or Weir reduced because of this move, and for that matter, I don't want to see AT reduced to going back and forth on the Deddy just because TPTB don't know what they want to do yet.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                        I don't think she would be interested in Shep either. I'm more concerned over what would happen to the screen-time of, well, everyone on Atlantis but particularly Teyla. We already don't see enough of her or Weir as we should, and this change would only further split the tiny length of 44 minutes per episode. Assuming that everyone stays and Sam is added, this means that we will be up (?) main characters not counting those secondaries that we've come to love (Caldwell, Zelenka, Ford, etc.). Take out action sequences and guest star much dialogue or time is that per person, especially considering that at this point it sometimes feels more like the Shep/McKay show. The whole thing is making me nervous, and I'm getting particularly protective of my girls on the show. I don't want Teyla or Weir reduced because of this move, and for that matter, I don't want to see AT reduced to going back and forth on the Deddy just because TPTB don't know what they want to do yet.

                        Yeah, those are valid concerns. There is a discussion about that starting over here:
                        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                          I can't be up for long, but Athosian Girl asked me to post a list of all my SHEYLA works on Fanfiction so here goes and their summaries, some are more overtly SHEYLA than others.

                          A Fate Worse Than Death (First fic)
                          -Ford returns, with a pair of ZPMs, but where did he get them from and more importantly, who did he anger in the process. A side romance between Sheppard and Teyla is also here. Take place just after the second episode of the second season.

                          Inner Demons (Best fic)
                          -John Sheppard encounters a strange man on an alien planet, but he's got to face his own demons before he can even consider what the man has said, let alone what it will mean to the Pegasus galaxy. SHEYLA Complete

                          Life and Death (Sorta SHEYLA, not predominantly)
                          -Reactions when a character dies. Multiple first person POVs. Would spoil to say any more.

                          Life and Pain(VERY SHEYLA)
                          -Direct sequel to Life and Death! Can Teyla overcome the pain of John's death and continue on with her life?

                          Nightmares(SHEYLA friendship)
                          -Teyla comes to John for relief from her nightmares. Is very SHEYLA, but they don't actually have any romantic interaction until the very last chapter and that's still very little

                          Not Just An Arguement(SHEYLA angst up until later chapters)
                          -An argument between John and Teyla isn't what it seems. If you want future chapters you must review. And no, I do not think this is the best fic since sliced bread. Humor is for the later chapters.

                          Regret(SHEYLA if you look beneath the surface)
                          -John Sheppard reflects on the choices he's making. Set during The Lost Boys. No ship, at least, not intentionally.

                          Death's Door(SHEYLA ala Han Solo in the Empire Strikes Back)
                          -As the wraith take John away, he tells his true feelings. Tag for 'The Lost Boys.'

                          Never realized I wrote so much about this pairing. Maybe it's just because I love it. Cheers!

                          P.S. And Camy, the look is so perfect.

                          If I may...I love every single one of them! But the ones that make the hairs in the back of my neck stand, would have to be Inner Demons and A Fate Worse than Death...All of them are superb...but I think I like these more because they are long and I can see the development of the characters...My story is kinda of turning into a long one as's scary cause I don't know if I will be able to pull it off so well like you wish me luck and give me some are that good....

                          Anyways, I don't think this has been posted here...but then again, I haven't read all of the postings cause I'm kind of in a hurry...but, anyways, I've been waiting all morning to post this but things got kind of hectic in my perfect little world..RAMBLING....

                          I went yesterday to Barnes and Noble...looking for something to help me with my math...and what do you side tracked and went over to look at the new SG-1Official Stargate Magazine with Amanda Tapping on the cover...and there is an interview with Jason Mamoa...Love him! Anyways,....oh this is so exciting! I can't help it..
                          Jason is talking about his character and he describes how he doesn't trust anyone but that suddenly he develops this brotherly/sister relationship with Teyla and she is the one that he can trust....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
                          I didn't buy it cause my son came over and gave me this look of MOM! Are you INSANE! I'm telling you guys, my husband thinks I am cheating on him with someone online, and my kids think that I am crazy! Oh, well...that's my life's story...!But, this new is worth all of it....BROtherly SIster..People..straight from Jason's mouth...if anyone has the this section..
                          gotta go...


                            Originally posted by Camy

                            I went yesterday to Barnes and Noble...looking for something to help me with my math...and what do you side tracked and went over to look at the new SG-1Official Stargate Magazine with Amanda Tapping on the cover...and there is an interview with Jason Mamoa...Love him! Anyways,....oh this is so exciting! I can't help it..
                            Jason is talking about his character and he describes how he doesn't trust anyone but that suddenly he develops this brotherly/sister relationship with Teyla and she is the one that he can trust....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
                            I didn't buy it cause my son came over and gave me this look of MOM! Are you INSANE! I'm telling you guys, my husband thinks I am cheating on him with someone online, and my kids think that I am crazy! Oh, well...that's my life's story...!But, this new is worth all of it....BROtherly SIster..People..straight from Jason's mouth...if anyone has the this section..
                            gotta go...

                            I have no idea how to post an article but I read that part also. Here is a quote taken from the SG:1 The Official Magazine: Jason Mamoa- "He doesn't trust anyone at all because he's never been able to. Ronon and Teyla have this brother/sister thing going on as two people from different planets. They are not from Earth and I begin to trust her."

                            Great article overall!

                            I have come back to spread the love of a fellow Stargate fan. I shared the info about a new short story about Shep in this magazine as well and someone (Yeade) posted a link.
                            Last edited by AthosianGirl; 31 October 2005, 11:15 AM.


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              I have no idea how to post an article but I read that part also. Here is a quote taken from the SG:1 The Official Magazine: Jason Mamoa- "He doesn't trust anyone at all because he's never been able to. Ronon and Teyla have this brother/sister thing going on as two people from different planets. They are not from Earth and I begin to trust her."

                              Great article overall!

                              I have come back to spread the love of a fellow Stargate fan. I shared the info about a new short story about Shep in this magazine as well and someone (Yeade) posted a link.

                              Purrrfect! Thanks..No time to read the it any good?


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Purrrfect! Thanks..No time to read the it any good?
                                I actually like the story. It gave us some backstory:
                                It deals with the issue of the blackmark on his service record and how he ended up flying Gen. O'Neill to the Antartica base in 'The Rising' . There was also a part that described Shep in a relationship that ended badly by his girlfriend not sticking by him when his career was in trouble. I wonder if this makes him not ready to pursue a realtionship with anyone else (Teyla?) But then again I can't ever see Teyla not standing by Shep so he really has no reason to worry about that.

                                The above link is also the Jason Momoa interview along with the short story about Shep.

