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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay..I"m back!
    let's continue! I've edited and added some on the posting above so take another look!

    Okay..I want to see some short discussions...not cause trouble here...
    only if people find this interesting..otherwise enjoy the pics..
    I hope to see a lot of you Saturday...let's meet here first and then go to the Off Topic Thread...I will post in there now and see that I don't step in anyone's toes..otherwise, we might consider opening our own thread in that forum... Have a safe weekend...


      I try not to take sides in forum wars. It's so sad when we can't just get along. I actually started an alternative Sam/Jack thread once, as did someone else but I was glad when it fizzled out and it went back to being one thread. But if we really can't have multiple kinds of shipping in one thread...what happens happens right? And don't worry about being new. I only started this about last year or the year before...*checks calender* the year before. Anyway I had help, and if ya ever need anything PM me K?

      And don't worry about converting the times, just when you set a time for something mention what zone you go by so we can do our own math


        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
        Also anymore just Teyla moments?...I got another one from Warrior on the Teyal thread.
        I just thought of a good just Teyla moment...well it's not her alone...but it's the scene in 'The Eye' where she's fighting what's her name...Sora?....I think her fighting skills were great and her emotions were awesome....Maybe we can include that one?...

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Nice sig WitchBlade. I really like the way it's done


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            I just thought of a good just Teyla moment...well it's not her alone...but it's the scene in 'The Eye' where she's fighting what's her name...Sora?....I think her fighting skills were great and her emotions were awesome....Maybe we can include that one?...
            Okay my internet was down all day...not sure what happened but its fixed... for now.

            WitchBlade that was an awesome moment for Teyla...I'll go find that moment and type it up for you.

            I love posting in this thread because of the discussions that's the very reason I started to post here...

            I'm not into Shep/Weir because I don't see it but for all those people that do ship for them...I say go for it. All the posts on any thread, ship or not, just prove to me that people love this show and I think that's terrific. (The more fans there are the longer the show will be on for everyone's enjoyment)

            The kiss between be honest that was one of the episodes that I didn't keep recorded...I wonder why?
            I didn't get into the whole Shep/Chaya thing because that 'relationship' progressed over only one episode and I couldn't see any true emotion between them. I posted a while back that the relationship between John and Teyla really grew on me because they became friends, sharing the other's likes (Watching football in 'Hide and Seek) and really spending time together (sparring sessions in 'Hot Zone and 'The Gift'). I could see a romantic relationship developing between them because it became more than 'physical attraction' and had depth of character.

            I want to see Shep and Teyla get together but I think it should be taken slowly and develop through the characters spending time together and learning more about each other. These two have great chemistry that, for me at least, is easy to see so I'm pulling for these two to connect.

            (I sincerely apologize for any mispelled words and gramactical errors because when it comes to these two subjects I am hopless and the forum reply window doesn't come equiped with Spell Check, my only saving grace when it comes to papers for class)

   just stopping by to say Hi, I like what you posted considered a chat or should I always make sure to add more?)


              I agree. There aren't a lot of single ep romances I really get into. If I do it's usually an ep that covers a lot of time. Like Beckett and what'shername that died in the end was hugely sad because they'd been working and fighting together for the answer and they'd gotten close over time. With Shep and Cheya I thought it was more physical. And maybe certain feelings of lonliness and empathy. They were both leaders with responsibilities and that often puts someone in a position to be very lonely.

              As for Shep/Weir I'm yet to see anything happen between them that really interests me. Even on a friendship level, which I usually go for in a big way *shrugs* Anyway I was Shep/Teyla since I saw Rising. I just like them together, and for the most part they seem to bring out the best in each other and challenge each other in a good way, and I think they have a good chemistry together. I agree about building things slowly, I like the scene's where they're just hanging out together or working together. I just like to seem them together in a room or anything because they work great with each other despite thier differences. And their relationship -whatever you see it as- really adds to the show for me.


                Hey guys. I guess the plan is meeting tonight for a chat at 9:00. Are we meeting here first and then heading over together? Does anyone know the particular thread in "Off-Topic" that we're planning on going to?

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by melpomene
                  Nice sig WitchBlade. I really like the way it's done
                  Thanks...Like yours also...

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    Thanks...Like yours also...
                    I'm here...who's here with me...

                    Originally posted by Camy
                    I'm here...who's here with me...
                    Oh, no they've left!

                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Camy, Camy, Camy!
                    Are you here..I just left you a PM..

                    OH..I see you...Okay...let me go back and read the message that Warrior left and click on it and it should take you directly to the thread where we can chat....we can leave a message here for those that want to join us as they's that

                    Snogging..are you still here?

           go back a page, I will leave the message and I will meet you there..if we get lost, we can come back here..okay?

                    You know I am going to get in trouble again for chatting with you this much...hahhahahahahah
                    No episodes this weekend....

                    Did Witchblade come and we miss her? She said she was coming...

                    Hey, everyone...Snogging and I will be at the Off topic thread in the GW forum to discuss and chat about John and Teyla...Right now it is Saturday....10:10p.m eastern time...We don't know how long we are going to be there but we hope some of you come and join us...Just go back to page 226 and Warrior was nice enough to leave us the link....See ya...hope some of you come...
                    Camy and SnoggingPicard Out!

                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Hee. Funny. Guinea pigs make me giggle. Does he have a name?
                    OH...Me, me, me, me...! I have a hampster...Her name is Negrita.....she's all black...Love her...
                    Last edited by Madeleine; 29 October 2005, 10:15 PM.


                      I'm here too. What's the story tonight?

                      Camy, Camy, Camy!

                      Sounds good!

                      Okay, I'm going now.

                      Hee. Funny. Guinea pigs make me giggle. Does he have a name?
                      Last edited by Madeleine; 29 October 2005, 10:06 PM.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Just in case certain posts seem to be non-sequiteurs, I'd better explain. I've been trying out a spiffy new feature of vB (cheers Greg / Darren) that lets me merge posts if the same person has posted many times in succession.




                          Hello everybody, sorry i internet time has been cut down and i have a lot of school projects going on at the moment...i will try and pop in when possible

                          I think i saw the look you were talkin about in Intruder...... is it me or did Shepppard seem happier once he saw Teyla

                          Keep posting those pics...they really make my day

                          I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

                          A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


                            Finally up in've no clue how I even did this by the way...till last night I was still and I'm still cluesless.....this is just too difficult!
                            I hope you enjoy it!


                            the look people..the look!

                            In many ways, this episode was so John and Teyla....vey hot zone scenes! Oh, do you think this title had a double meaning! Wow...I just thought of that!
                            Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 30 October 2005, 06:33 AM.


                              I can't be up for long, but Athosian Girl asked me to post a list of all my SHEYLA works on Fanfiction so here goes and their summaries, some are more overtly SHEYLA than others.

                              A Fate Worse Than Death (First fic)
                              -Ford returns, with a pair of ZPMs, but where did he get them from and more importantly, who did he anger in the process. A side romance between Sheppard and Teyla is also here. Take place just after the second episode of the second season.

                              Inner Demons (Best fic)
                              -John Sheppard encounters a strange man on an alien planet, but he's got to face his own demons before he can even consider what the man has said, let alone what it will mean to the Pegasus galaxy. SHEYLA Complete

                              Life and Death (Sorta SHEYLA, not predominantly)
                              -Reactions when a character dies. Multiple first person POVs. Would spoil to say any more.

                              Life and Pain(VERY SHEYLA)
                              -Direct sequel to Life and Death! Can Teyla overcome the pain of John's death and continue on with her life?

                              Nightmares(SHEYLA friendship)
                              -Teyla comes to John for relief from her nightmares. Is very SHEYLA, but they don't actually have any romantic interaction until the very last chapter and that's still very little

                              Not Just An Arguement(SHEYLA angst up until later chapters)
                              -An argument between John and Teyla isn't what it seems. If you want future chapters you must review. And no, I do not think this is the best fic since sliced bread. Humor is for the later chapters.

                              Regret(SHEYLA if you look beneath the surface)
                              -John Sheppard reflects on the choices he's making. Set during The Lost Boys. No ship, at least, not intentionally.

                              Death's Door(SHEYLA ala Han Solo in the Empire Strikes Back)
                              -As the wraith take John away, he tells his true feelings. Tag for 'The Lost Boys.'

                              Never realized I wrote so much about this pairing. Maybe it's just because I love it. Cheers!

                              P.S. And Camy, the look is so perfect.
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                I think I've read all of yours Cpt. Ritter -- and I love them all half to death! You'd better be writing us some more Shep/Teyla stuff, because it rocks my socks!

                                And Camy, those pictures -- holy moley! That scene makes my hair stand up, it is so charged! Thanks for posting these, and I never caught that little double entendre, so A+ for you. Great chatting with you last night, and your fanfiction story link works, so everyone should go check it out. It's some good stuff!

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

