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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
    Elf, sorry you missed DG! Don't worry though, I haven't seen it either.

    Sci and Yappichick: Love your rotating sigs!

    Linda: It's spelled Heightmeyer.

    Heya Tey! Glad you caught Adrift at the hotel, but what's goin' on? You have me confused . . .

    How 'bout a 2.3?

    Methinks 'tis Kate's.
    Thanks WP.


    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    I believe it's Kate, hence why she dies and not Teyla...but I agree, the POV is totally off there. (Until you get Kate's POV of falling)

    Sorry if missed any one,sorry.


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Thanks WP.

      CONGRATS ON 400 POSTS WP!!!!


      Sorry if missed any one,sorry.
      Thanks Sci, and congrats on 4,200!!
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        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Hey guys I forget. Whats the order. Adrift, Lifeline, Reunion???, Travelers??? then what
        Adrift, Lifeline, Reunion, Doppelganger, Travelers, Tabula Rasa, Missing, Seer and I forget the rest.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Adrift, Lifeline, Reunion, Doppelganger, Travelers, Tabula Rasa, Missing, Seer and I forget the rest.

          sci,how goes your fic...Done anymore yet!

          MrsB,your of the hook this time seeing as your busy moving an all

          anywho,catch you guys tomorrow,time for bed!


            Good night Linda!
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              LOL Thanks Ninja Linda. G'nite!!


                Nighty night.....Now you see me,now you don't!!!Ninja Linda has left the building


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post

                  I hope you're ok Tey. We will pray for you.
                  Somehow I think one of Rodney's naighbors found out a "alien" was nextdoor, now I gotta go BACK tyo the SGC tomrrow to let them hopefully just meet me, hopefully I will not need my Stunner, thanks for the prayers!

                  LONG LIVE

                  PS: I will be returning for a few short minutes soon

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    Maybe it is in Reunion...

                    A little wine....a handsome stud that was Ronon's friend that looked like someone she once knew...LOL, and yes, I'm totally being sarcastic. Maybe...she's not REALLY pregnant!!! She just has a giant gas bubble in her tummy for many months because she ate a burrito...OH, if Keller would have just given her a Bean-o all this confusion would have been for nothing.

           I'm officially off my rocker. LOL
                    Who's drinking wine?? *cough, "Jess"*


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      sci,how goes your fic...Done anymore yet!

                      MrsB,your of the hook this time seeing as your busy moving an all

                      anywho,catch you guys tomorrow,time for bed!
                      Sorry Linda,

                      I finally got to post chpts 1-3 on, but no new chpts. Sorry.


                        Dang it! Now, I have to catch up again! I am getting really slow. That is bad. Go to the doctor and miss out on like half a day...Tey...I hope you are okay..!

                        Night Linda!

                        You are probably not far off on your take about Reuion. and Ronon's friend at this. Maybe it IS the Guy who does The Iron Chef American Stuff. Mark Dacasus or how ever you spell his name. Who knows at this point. I am still have to wait to see DG so I can just wonder....what Sheppy looks and acts like in the eppie...
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Uhm is there usually a happy ending with sharks??... I think not....

                          so anyone like to take guesses of what the rating might be for Adrift???
                          I want it to get at the very least a 2.0! That would be wonderful! It would be even better if it got higher. WE need a S5! We deserve a S5!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            I want it to get at the very least a 2.0! That would be wonderful! It would be even better if it got higher. WE need a S5! We deserve a S5!
                            Oh, don't be so conservative. 2.3 at least.
                            || twitter || tumblr ||


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Goodnight all. I'll see you in about 7 hrs.

                              Love it!!!. Two gorgeous people in leather!

                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Can someone just behead me NOW!!! NO I did not get to see DG!! I think I am the only one in the US who hasn't seen it by now!! Am I a little upset...YA THINK!! First off, how can the studio be so no stupid as to not to do the checks and balances thing to make sure all their t's were crossed and I's dotted before sending the info to itunes in the first place. Now, I am worried that ratings will not be as high for the episode. I so want a S5!! I have to say I could not resist!! I had to read all of the spoilers. That is making me kick myself even more as to how weak I am when it comes to JT and SGA!! Am I that shallow...YOU BET YOUR BOOTY I AM! Especially, when it is my SHOW!! I am worse than a soap opera fan!! I admit!!! CRAP!!! Maybe it is a good thing that I do not have itunes!
                              Besides, I did not want to see DG ahead of time anyway!! I am so lying to myself!!! I just want bang my head up against the wall until the little Shep's are dancing around my head with P-90's in their hands!! I love the the break down of the ep Steph!! Excellent job! And, I love everybody's feedback on what they thing of the ______ . It is absolutely outstanding! I am not even peeking at the caps done from the eppie. I have peeked at some and Sheppy is so Yumilicious in the ones I have seen....Thanks Nina and IWTBW. But, alas,I have to see two episodes before I get to see DG!!!
                              Don't worry Elf, i live in the US also and haven't seen it but i'm soooo excited to see it because it sounds like a great episode!!!...the hard part is waiting! lol!.

                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Ok, that makes me feel better about watching it, thanks! Still, I didn't know that when I saw the picture so I couldn't control the reaction!

                              I seem to be going through a 'Ronon' phase at the moment - here's a new sig I just made:

                              LOL!!!...I love that Ronon is a J/T shipper and supporter! great banner!. Ronon sees all!!!

                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                              Actually, Jaws I can watch - because the effects are so rubbish and because I know what's going to happen. I'll jump a couple of times but it doesn't affect me too badly. Something like Open Water though - I just refuse to watch that film. But it's when I see a picture or something and I'm not expecting it that I freak out the worst...

                              AH! i hate sharks too!!!. I refuse to see Open Water!!!...and the worst part, i was in the theater (forgot what movie i went to see) and the preview came out!!!. I closed my eyes until the preview was over.

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                Well, I'm going to say Tao of Rodney. LOL

                                No, I'm still an oddball...

                                I think it's sometime in Season 3. If the season ender airs in March like it's suppose to, that means Teyla will have a six month pregnancy. Hmmm...maybe that would be correct for Athosians. But since there is no time lapse between FS and Adrift, I think we have a bit of a timeline discreptancy. Wouldn't that mean that she would get pregnant *before* FS?

                                Maybe there is a HUGE gap in time between Lifeline and Reunion *shrugs*...

                                Is she carrying Wraith Queen's baby child and the Wraith Queen pulled a whammie on her hence her line of "Your fate is sealed." Or did Michael implant something in her? Remember, JM said that the last episodes of Season 3 have to do with Carson's return...I'm think thinking (hoping) he'll be there for the delivery of Teyla's baby...the timeline would be right.

                                But then again, this could all be the thoughts of an old koot...

                                I was thinking the same thing. I thought we will find out she was pregnant (don't know in which episode but my guess is also Missing) not necessarily see her hook up with the mystery lover. I always thought she was supposedly "secretly seeing him already". I'm thinking sometime in season 3 but again, then the whole question much time supposedly passed through each episode. If we do actually witness her hooking up with the guy and getting pregnant, i have no idea which episode it could be but Reunion does sound possible if the guy is Satedan (sp?)

                                Sig by Camy

