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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hello everyone! It seem like I missed a lot in here.

    Congrats to everyone who celebrated a milestone.

    Elf, welcome back.

    I hope your wrist is feeling better.

    YC, nice the fic.

    How is everything?

    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    This is the story I've been working on today. It started off as a humorous one-shot of John and Ronon sitting around drinking beer and moaning about women, and being mutually useless. However, someway along the line it became very dark and very very angsty. I must be chanelling MrsB... hope you don't mind that it's not funny, by the way!

    Drinking in the Dark



    Ronon looked up sharply, a vague sense of panic in his eyes. “Where?”

    John shook his head as he threw himself into the armchair next to Ronon’s. “No – just… women,” he repeated darkly.

    “Oh, right,” Ronon said, lifting a bottle of something that looked homemade up to his lips. “Yeah.”

    “What are you drinking?” Asked John.

    “It’s –”

    “I don’t care,” John cut him off. “Gimme some.”

    Ronon obediently handed over the bottle and John took a deep swig of it. It tasted vaguely like ale but much stronger.

    “So what’s wrong?” Ronon asked John.

    “Nothing,” John answered automatically. Ronon raised an eyebrow and stared at him, and John rolled his eyes. “Teyla’s pissed at me,” he grumbled.

    There was a moment’s silence, and John looked at him, waiting for a response. Ronon just shrugged and reached forward to take the bottle back off of John. “Why?” He asked.

    “I have no idea!” John burst out. He gave a short, hollow laugh. “Gotta love the irony of it though – she’s pissed at me. Ha!”

    “Why is that ironic?” Ronon asked.

    John snorted. “Because she’s…” His voice trailed off and he shifted uncomfortably.

    “Because she’s pregnant?” Ronon asked.

    John glared at him and snatched the bottle back. “So what’s wrong with you?” He asked.

    Ronon turned the glare back on him. “Nothing’s wrong with me,” he stated flatly.

    “So why are you sitting in here drinking – er, what the hell is this stuff anyway?”

    Ronon shrugged again. “Dunno,” he said. “I found it in here.”

    “Okay…” John handed the bottle back to Ronon, beginning to feel that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to drink copious amounts of. He looked around the dimly-lit rec room. Lord knows who left it in there.

    “So why are you in here?” He asked Ronon.

    Ronon said something very quietly, but the bottle in front of his lips completely obscured his words.

    “Pardon?” Said John.

    Ronon lowered the bottle slowly and looked at the wall past John. “I’m hiding from Jennifer,” he said.

    John frowned. “Dr Keller?” He asked. “Why?”

    Ronon was silent for a moment. “I asked her out,” he said eventually.

    John’s eyebrows shot up into his hair. “What? Seriously?!”

    “Yeah,” said Ronon.

    John took in the image of Ronon, sprawled on an armchair in the semi-dark with a bottle of unidentified alcohol in one hand.

    “She say no?” He asked.

    The look that Ronon gave John conveyed to him that he was deeply insulted. “No! She said yes,” he said.

    Now John was confused. “So do you wanna cancel?” He asked.

    Ronon shook his head vehemently. “No. No I don’t.”

    “So why are you –”

    “She – whenever I see her she… smiles at me.”

    John blinked. “And that’s bad?”

    Ronon was looking at the wall again. “She’s looking forward to it,” he said, as if that explained everything.

    “Aren’t you?” Asked John, still completely at sea.

    “I – yeah, I am,” he said. “But I… I haven’t been with – I’m just…”

    Realisation dawned on John at last. “You’re still not sure you’re ready,” he said.

    “I like her,” Ronon said. He looked at John, as if to emphasise the point. “I really do,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt her…”

    “Ronon… you’re not going to,” John said.

    Ronon shook his head. “You don’t know that,” he said.

    John started to disagree but stopped himself. “You’re right, I don’t,” he said. “Let me put it this way – you won’t intentionally hurt her.”

    Ronon shrugged slightly, conceding the point, but John could tell he wasn’t convinced.

    “Listen Ronon, it’s been a long time since… you deserve this,” he said. “And you’re gonna kick yourself if you don’t take a chance.”

    Ronon suddenly smiled, shaking his head again. There was something darkly unfriendly about the smile.

    “What?” Asked John.

    “I just can’t believe that you are telling me to take a chance,” Ronon replied, still shaking his head.

    John frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” John demanded.

    Ronon looked at him, all traces of the smile gone. “You really don’t know why Teyla is pissed at you?” He said.

    John’s eyes widened in shock and he stared at Ronon in silence, unable to think of anything to say in response to that. Ronon wasn’t finished anyway.

    “Ever since you found out Teyla was pregnant you’ve been acting like she’s betrayed you or something,” Ronon said. “And maybe in some twisted way you feel like that. But the truth is you don’t have the right to feel that way because you’ve never taken a chance with Teyla. The thing is though, Teyla knows why you’re taking it so hard, and it’s annoying her because she knows better than anyone that you don’t have the right to think that of her. It’s not her fault she’s pregnant. And even if it was you would have to just accept it because it would be your fault the baby isn’t yours. Not hers.”

    John’s mouth was hanging slightly open. Ronon took another swig from the bottle, his eyes never leaving John’s, silently challenging him to argue the point.

    John stared back, his mouth in a thin line. He leaned forward and swiped the bottle back off of Ronon, and gulped down half the remaining contents.

    He lowered the bottle and looked straight ahead at the wall in front of him, and leaned back against the cushions.

    “Well, I guess we’re both screwed then,” he said.

    “Guess so.”

    John held the bottle back out to Ronon, who took it from him.

    “Nice to know,” he said quietly.

    They finished the rest of the bottle off in silence.
    Ruby, I would pay money just to see a scene like this one. Bravo!

    Green to Ronon for telling John like it is and then I take back back the green from him for being so... stupid when it comes to Keller. How is everything with you? You are going to a con. That is so cool.


      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Oh yeah, I forgot about that... the thing is, if it happens in the dream like that and he's a bug then he would be raping her and there is NO WAY they would show something like that on SGA. Though they have said this season would be seriously dark... I dunno - all bets are off, really!

      I have no idea what picture/clip everyone is talking about, but whatever... I love the theory anyway!! WP are you planning on writing any more stories soon?

      Thanks for the pics!

      Not really. My muse went into hibernation or something. Maybe when s4 starts it'll wake up

      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Some MPs before I go to bed in a minute:


      Love the first one Ruby!
      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

      WingedPegasus writes: “(1)Will we find out more about Michael's bug army in season 4?
      (2)Are there any "light" episodes in season 4? I think Harmony might be one, are there others? (3) Will Teyla's baby be born before, during, or after "The Last Man?" (You could just say no comment if it's a spoiler. I don't want to ruin anything.”

      Answers: 1) Oh yeah. 2) Harmony is the only one that comes to mind. 3) No comment.

      Grr. Of course he doesn't answer the last one. .

      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      I'm just dropping off part 2 and going to watch Heroes. I'll be back later.

      A Slip In Time: Part 2

      Rodney is walking down the corridor when he sees Sam. He tells her about John’s odd behavior and he’s thinking that it might have something to do with what happened that morning with the two scientists and Fillmore.
      “If there is something that might be contagious or harmful wouldn’t the city start quarantine the affected area, stopping anything form spreading,” Sam asks
      “Not necessarily,” Rodney starts. “There is still a lot of Atlantis that is damaged and maybe it’s something so small, like a virus or whatever, that it might not be detected. It won’t even matter if we use the HAZMAT suits. It’s probably too late.” Sam gives Rodney a worried look and they quicken their pace to the infirmary.
      When they get there they see an agitated Keller. She’s scanning through her computer and looking a little lost.
      Sam looks at Rodney and he tells her that that was how John looked. She walks up to her and lays a comforting hand on Keller’s shoulder. Keller is a little startled. “Jennifer, is there something wrong?”
      Keller throws her hands up, “I can’t figure out why I wrote this entry. It says that I examined Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. White and Dr. Wilcox and that I took a vial to sample, but I don’t ever remember doing that.” Sam sits next to Keller and explains the whole story to her.
      “When is the next time you’re suppose to see them again?” Rodney asks. Keller looks at her computer and tells them that the three aren’t expected back in over an hour and a half. “I think that we need to get them back here now and I think we need to have Sheppard come in to. I think it just going to get much worse. Who knows who they were in contact with?” Fear covers his face. “I just thought of this. We’ve been exposed too. It’s only a matter of time that we start losing our memories too.”
      Keller and Sam quickly begin to enter information into the computer systems to be markers for them. So when they begin to forget more they will hopefully be able to use the information to help them recall some of what is going on and maybe even find a cure.
      Rodney tries to get a hold of the two doctors and Fillmore, but they don’t respond. He orders the medical teams to find them and bring them back to the infirmary. He tries to contact John, but he doesn’t get an answer from him either. He quickly gets a hold of Ronon and Teyla. He explains how the problem is a lot more serious then they realized and that they had to quickly find John, hoping that it’s not too late for him. They understand and rush to find John.
      In a short amount of time the medical team find Dr. White, Dr. Wilcox and Sergeant Fillmore. Unfortunately, they had loss all their memories. They have no idea who or where they are.
      Sam reaches for her comm., “Ronon. Teyla. Things just go worse. White, Wilcox and Fillmore all have loss their memories. So far, Jennifer has only some minor loss, but I don’t know how long it’s going to stay that way.” Teyla and Ronon look worried and slip up to find John.

      Part 2?!? Where's part one? I think I must have missed it somewhere. Care to repost?
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        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        Thanks Nina! I had not seen that promo yet!

        I so want to see Doppelganger NOW! It is one of the eps I am most looking forward to seeing this season! EvilShep!
        I agree Elflinn, Doppelganger and then Missing.
        Thanks for the sig Scifan


          Originally posted by kingdom View Post
          I agree Elflinn, Doppelganger and then Missing.
          OH YES! I like the way you think! It will only be like 3 days right after Tuesday night! I guess that means I have to watch Eureka just to see if they show any of the promos for SGA since, it does premiere FRIDAY!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            JM BLOG UPDATE

            WingedPegasus writes: “(1)Will we find out more about Michael's bug army in season 4?
            (2)Are there any "light" episodes in season 4? I think Harmony might be one, are there others? (3) Will Teyla's baby be born before, during, or after "The Last Man?" (You could just say no comment if it's a spoiler. I don't want to ruin anything.”

            Answers: 1) Oh yeah. 2) Harmony is the only one that comes to mind. 3) No comment.
            Thanks Mrs. B and good questions WP!

            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            I'm just dropping off part 2 and going to watch Heroes. I'll be back later.

            A Slip In Time: Part 2

            Rodney is walking down the corridor when he sees Sam. He tells her about John’s odd behavior and he’s thinking that it might have something to do with what happened that morning with the two scientists and Fillmore.
            “If there is something that might be contagious or harmful wouldn’t the city start quarantine the affected area, stopping anything form spreading,” Sam asks
            “Not necessarily,” Rodney starts. “There is still a lot of Atlantis that is damaged and maybe it’s something so small, like a virus or whatever, that it might not be detected. It won’t even matter if we use the HAZMAT suits. It’s probably too late.” Sam gives Rodney a worried look and they quicken their pace to the infirmary.
            When they get there they see an agitated Keller. She’s scanning through her computer and looking a little lost.
            Sam looks at Rodney and he tells her that that was how John looked. She walks up to her and lays a comforting hand on Keller’s shoulder. Keller is a little startled. “Jennifer, is there something wrong?”
            Keller throws her hands up, “I can’t figure out why I wrote this entry. It says that I examined Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. White and Dr. Wilcox and that I took a vial to sample, but I don’t ever remember doing that.” Sam sits next to Keller and explains the whole story to her.
            “When is the next time you’re suppose to see them again?” Rodney asks. Keller looks at her computer and tells them that the three aren’t expected back in over an hour and a half. “I think that we need to get them back here now and I think we need to have Sheppard come in to. I think it just going to get much worse. Who knows who they were in contact with?” Fear covers his face. “I just thought of this. We’ve been exposed too. It’s only a matter of time that we start losing our memories too.”
            Keller and Sam quickly begin to enter information into the computer systems to be markers for them. So when they begin to forget more they will hopefully be able to use the information to help them recall some of what is going on and maybe even find a cure.
            Rodney tries to get a hold of the two doctors and Fillmore, but they don’t respond. He orders the medical teams to find them and bring them back to the infirmary. He tries to contact John, but he doesn’t get an answer from him either. He quickly gets a hold of Ronon and Teyla. He explains how the problem is a lot more serious then they realized and that they had to quickly find John, hoping that it’s not too late for him. They understand and rush to find John.
            In a short amount of time the medical team find Dr. White, Dr. Wilcox and Sergeant Fillmore. Unfortunately, they had loss all their memories. They have no idea who or where they are.
            Sam reaches for her comm., “Ronon. Teyla. Things just go worse. White, Wilcox and Fillmore all have loss their memories. So far, Jennifer has only some minor loss, but I don’t know how long it’s going to stay that way.” Teyla and Ronon look worried and slip up to find John.

            Great update!
            Where is John?


              WP. Commercial time. quick post for you.

              A Slip In Time. Part one:


              A Slip In Time

              Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. Wilcox and Dr. White are in the west wing of Atlantis trying to assess the damage they have endured from the Asurans’ attack and any other damages caused when they were in space.
              “Have we checked this room yet?” asks Dr. White, as they enter the demolished room.
              “No, but I’m tired. Can we just say we did and go back?” whines Dr. Wilcox.
              “Are you kidding me?” snaps Dr. White. “Dr. McKay and Colonel Carter would have our backsides if they found out that we lied!”
              “Oh, you worry too much,” says Dr. Wilcox with a carefree attitude.
              They walk around and notice that it was and old lab. Sergeant Fillmore informs Carter and she orders them to leave the room immediately, but Dr. Wilcox sees some broken vials on the floor and bends down to examine the liquid substance around the broken glass.
              “Just leave that alone. You heard what Colonel Carter ordered,” demands White. She notices Wilcox edging his hand toward the split content. “Don’t touch… that!” It was too late. “Are you crazy! You have no idea what that is. Do you know how many things have gone wrong in these labs?”
              Wilcox laughed, “Look, I know I’ve only been here for a few weeks, but I have a hard time believing that some of those things actually happened.” He wipes the rest of the goo from his fingers onto his jacket.
              “And why did they pick you to come to Atlantis?” White sees an unbroken vial and takes it with her and asks Fillmore to inform Keller of what just happened. Wilcox is not happy, but White tells him that she just wants to be sure that nothing bad happens.

              White, Fillmore and Wilcox all get a clean bill of health, but Keller asks them to come back in three hours to check on them again. Keller takes the vial from White and gives it to one of nurses to bring to the lab so she can start analyzing it as soon as possible.
              John walks in to check on them and to also to reprimand them for their careless actions, especially Wilcox’s. He gets real close to Wilcox and warns him that he can go back to Earth and get a job less desirable. Wilcox expresses how sorry he is for his recklessness and lets out a big sigh. John frowns and them all and warns them that they will have to deal with Carter and McKay next and the three of them moan at the thought of getting yelled at by McKay.
              An hour later, John meets Ronon, Teyla and Rodney in the mess hall for lunch. They are already at a table waiting for him.
              “We were just talking about what happened this morning,” Rodney says to John. John has a confused look on his face. “You know with Wilcox, White and Fillmore, well actually Fillmore and White weren’t the ones that screwed up, but Sam said I still need to inform them of the dangers of these Ancient labs.”
              “You should know,” Ronon says teasingly. Rodney gives him a smug look.
              “Oh, um, yea right,” answers John awkwardly. “So, you haven’t talked to them yet?” Rodney shakes his head no while he chews a mouth full of food.
              John starts eating as well and Teyla begins to a blank expression cross his face as he starts at his food. Ronon notices too.
              “John. Are you ready for our sparing practice in an hour?” asks Teyla. John slowly looks up at her and seems puzzled. “Are you not feeling well John?’
              John snaps out of his daze, “Um, I guess I just forgot.” He doesn’t finish his food and he gets up from the table. “I’ll see you in an hour.” He forces a fake smile and leave. Rodney, Ronon and Teyla look at each with concern.
              “Is it just me or did Sheppard seem a little of just now?” asks Rodney.
              “No, I noticed too. He looked almost lost,” replies Teyla. Ronon agrees. “When are you supposed to talk to Sergeant Fillmore and the two doctors?”
              Rodney gets up from the table, “I think now would be good.” He exits the mess hall.


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                WP. Commercial time. quick post for you.

                A Slip In Time. Part one:


                A Slip In Time

                Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. Wilcox and Dr. White are in the west wing of Atlantis trying to assess the damage they have endured from the Asurans’ attack and any other damages caused when they were in space.
                “Have we checked this room yet?” asks Dr. White, as they enter the demolished room.
                “No, but I’m tired. Can we just say we did and go back?” whines Dr. Wilcox.
                “Are you kidding me?” snaps Dr. White. “Dr. McKay and Colonel Carter would have our backsides if they found out that we lied!”
                “Oh, you worry too much,” says Dr. Wilcox with a carefree attitude.
                They walk around and notice that it was and old lab. Sergeant Fillmore informs Carter and she orders them to leave the room immediately, but Dr. Wilcox sees some broken vials on the floor and bends down to examine the liquid substance around the broken glass.
                “Just leave that alone. You heard what Colonel Carter ordered,” demands White. She notices Wilcox edging his hand toward the split content. “Don’t touch… that!” It was too late. “Are you crazy! You have no idea what that is. Do you know how many things have gone wrong in these labs?”
                Wilcox laughed, “Look, I know I’ve only been here for a few weeks, but I have a hard time believing that some of those things actually happened.” He wipes the rest of the goo from his fingers onto his jacket.
                “And why did they pick you to come to Atlantis?” White sees an unbroken vial and takes it with her and asks Fillmore to inform Keller of what just happened. Wilcox is not happy, but White tells him that she just wants to be sure that nothing bad happens.

                White, Fillmore and Wilcox all get a clean bill of health, but Keller asks them to come back in three hours to check on them again. Keller takes the vial from White and gives it to one of nurses to bring to the lab so she can start analyzing it as soon as possible.
                John walks in to check on them and to also to reprimand them for their careless actions, especially Wilcox’s. He gets real close to Wilcox and warns him that he can go back to Earth and get a job less desirable. Wilcox expresses how sorry he is for his recklessness and lets out a big sigh. John frowns and them all and warns them that they will have to deal with Carter and McKay next and the three of them moan at the thought of getting yelled at by McKay.
                An hour later, John meets Ronon, Teyla and Rodney in the mess hall for lunch. They are already at a table waiting for him.
                “We were just talking about what happened this morning,” Rodney says to John. John has a confused look on his face. “You know with Wilcox, White and Fillmore, well actually Fillmore and White weren’t the ones that screwed up, but Sam said I still need to inform them of the dangers of these Ancient labs.”
                “You should know,” Ronon says teasingly. Rodney gives him a smug look.
                “Oh, um, yea right,” answers John awkwardly. “So, you haven’t talked to them yet?” Rodney shakes his head no while he chews a mouth full of food.
                John starts eating as well and Teyla begins to a blank expression cross his face as he starts at his food. Ronon notices too.
                “John. Are you ready for our sparing practice in an hour?” asks Teyla. John slowly looks up at her and seems puzzled. “Are you not feeling well John?’
                John snaps out of his daze, “Um, I guess I just forgot.” He doesn’t finish his food and he gets up from the table. “I’ll see you in an hour.” He forces a fake smile and leave. Rodney, Ronon and Teyla look at each with concern.
                “Is it just me or did Sheppard seem a little of just now?” asks Rodney.
                “No, I noticed too. He looked almost lost,” replies Teyla. Ronon agrees. “When are you supposed to talk to Sergeant Fillmore and the two doctors?”
                Rodney gets up from the table, “I think now would be good.” He exits the mess hall.
                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                I'm just dropping off part 2 and going to watch Heroes. I'll be back later.

                A Slip In Time: Part 2

                Rodney is walking down the corridor when he sees Sam. He tells her about John’s odd behavior and he’s thinking that it might have something to do with what happened that morning with the two scientists and Fillmore.
                “If there is something that might be contagious or harmful wouldn’t the city start quarantine the affected area, stopping anything form spreading,” Sam asks
                “Not necessarily,” Rodney starts. “There is still a lot of Atlantis that is damaged and maybe it’s something so small, like a virus or whatever, that it might not be detected. It won’t even matter if we use the HAZMAT suits. It’s probably too late.” Sam gives Rodney a worried look and they quicken their pace to the infirmary.
                When they get there they see an agitated Keller. She’s scanning through her computer and looking a little lost.
                Sam looks at Rodney and he tells her that that was how John looked. She walks up to her and lays a comforting hand on Keller’s shoulder. Keller is a little startled. “Jennifer, is there something wrong?”
                Keller throws her hands up, “I can’t figure out why I wrote this entry. It says that I examined Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. White and Dr. Wilcox and that I took a vial to sample, but I don’t ever remember doing that.” Sam sits next to Keller and explains the whole story to her.
                “When is the next time you’re suppose to see them again?” Rodney asks. Keller looks at her computer and tells them that the three aren’t expected back in over an hour and a half. “I think that we need to get them back here now and I think we need to have Sheppard come in to. I think it just going to get much worse. Who knows who they were in contact with?” Fear covers his face. “I just thought of this. We’ve been exposed too. It’s only a matter of time that we start losing our memories too.”
                Keller and Sam quickly begin to enter information into the computer systems to be markers for them. So when they begin to forget more they will hopefully be able to use the information to help them recall some of what is going on and maybe even find a cure.
                Rodney tries to get a hold of the two doctors and Fillmore, but they don’t respond. He orders the medical teams to find them and bring them back to the infirmary. He tries to contact John, but he doesn’t get an answer from him either. He quickly gets a hold of Ronon and Teyla. He explains how the problem is a lot more serious then they realized and that they had to quickly find John, hoping that it’s not too late for him. They understand and rush to find John.
                In a short amount of time the medical team find Dr. White, Dr. Wilcox and Sergeant Fillmore. Unfortunately, they had loss all their memories. They have no idea who or where they are.
                Sam reaches for her comm., “Ronon. Teyla. Things just go worse. White, Wilcox and Fillmore all have loss their memories. So far, Jennifer has only some minor loss, but I don’t know how long it’s going to stay that way.” Teyla and Ronon look worried and slip up to find John.

                Oooh, very good Sci! Thanks for reposting.
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                  Alright....promos.... got some on email a short while ago and thought I put them up anyway...

                  The clips are the same in the longer ones...the only difference is the beginning...and then there is a very short promo with some action going on


                  Fight (The short fast one)


                  Another Teyla promo:

                  Larger versions of the Reunion pics


                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Alright....promos.... got some on email a short while ago and thought I put them up anyway...

                    The clips are the same in the longer ones...the only difference is the beginning...and then there is a very short promo with some action going on


                    Fight (The short fast one)


                    Another Teyla promo:

                    Larger versions of the Reunion pics


                    Thanks Nina! We do not call you LINK GIRL for nothing...
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Some MPs before I go to bed in a minute:


                      Ruby, these are hilarious!

                      This not the guy from Mash is it?


                        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                        Ruby, these are hilarious!

                        This not the guy from Mash is it?
                        Yes, it is the guy from there.
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          I'm just dropping off part 2 and going to watch Heroes. I'll be back later.

                          A Slip In Time: Part 2

                          Rodney is walking down the corridor when he sees Sam. He tells her about John’s odd behavior and he’s thinking that it might have something to do with what happened that morning with the two scientists and Fillmore.
                          “If there is something that might be contagious or harmful wouldn’t the city start quarantine the affected area, stopping anything form spreading,” Sam asks
                          “Not necessarily,” Rodney starts. “There is still a lot of Atlantis that is damaged and maybe it’s something so small, like a virus or whatever, that it might not be detected. It won’t even matter if we use the HAZMAT suits. It’s probably too late.” Sam gives Rodney a worried look and they quicken their pace to the infirmary.
                          When they get there they see an agitated Keller. She’s scanning through her computer and looking a little lost.
                          Sam looks at Rodney and he tells her that that was how John looked. She walks up to her and lays a comforting hand on Keller’s shoulder. Keller is a little startled. “Jennifer, is there something wrong?”
                          Keller throws her hands up, “I can’t figure out why I wrote this entry. It says that I examined Sergeant Fillmore, Dr. White and Dr. Wilcox and that I took a vial to sample, but I don’t ever remember doing that.” Sam sits next to Keller and explains the whole story to her.
                          “When is the next time you’re suppose to see them again?” Rodney asks. Keller looks at her computer and tells them that the three aren’t expected back in over an hour and a half. “I think that we need to get them back here now and I think we need to have Sheppard come in to. I think it just going to get much worse. Who knows who they were in contact with?” Fear covers his face. “I just thought of this. We’ve been exposed too. It’s only a matter of time that we start losing our memories too.”
                          Keller and Sam quickly begin to enter information into the computer systems to be markers for them. So when they begin to forget more they will hopefully be able to use the information to help them recall some of what is going on and maybe even find a cure.
                          Rodney tries to get a hold of the two doctors and Fillmore, but they don’t respond. He orders the medical teams to find them and bring them back to the infirmary. He tries to contact John, but he doesn’t get an answer from him either. He quickly gets a hold of Ronon and Teyla. He explains how the problem is a lot more serious then they realized and that they had to quickly find John, hoping that it’s not too late for him. They understand and rush to find John.
                          In a short amount of time the medical team find Dr. White, Dr. Wilcox and Sergeant Fillmore. Unfortunately, they had loss all their memories. They have no idea who or where they are.
                          Sam reaches for her comm., “Ronon. Teyla. Things just go worse. White, Wilcox and Fillmore all have loss their memories. So far, Jennifer has only some minor loss, but I don’t know how long it’s going to stay that way.” Teyla and Ronon look worried and slip up to find John.

                          Hi Scifan, I'm really enjoying your story...can't wait to read more.
                          Thanks for the sig Scifan


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Alright....promos.... got some on email a short while ago and thought I put them up anyway...

                            The clips are the same in the longer ones...the only difference is the beginning...and then there is a very short promo with some action going on


                            Fight (The short fast one)


                            Another Teyla promo:

                            Larger versions of the Reunion pics


                            Thanks, Nina.


                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                              Oooh, very good Sci! Thanks for reposting.
                              You're welcome WP. I hope you enjoy it.

                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              Alright....promos.... got some on email a short while ago and thought I put them up anyway...

                              The clips are the same in the longer ones...the only difference is the beginning...and then there is a very short promo with some action going on


                              Fight (The short fast one)


                              Another Teyla promo:

                              Larger versions of the Reunion pics


                              Thank you sooo much Nina.
                              That's the first time I saw Teyla on a exercise bike.


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Thanks Nina! We do not call you LINK GIRL for nothing...
                                *lol* I guess not...
                                Sigs by Scifan

