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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    hi Myn nice job! you gotta link to the smilie shop by any chance?
    Sure: Camello and Myn's Smiley Shop! It's in the Stargate Fandom board.
    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Thanks Myn Macgeek for the J/T smilie dudes! green for you!!!
    Thanks, MrsB108!
    Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Oh, you better take on some of those challenges YC!
      Where is Scifan, Elff and Mrs. B?
      I'm here now.
      This is to all the ones that reached a milestone today.

      Camy Congrats on 10,000 posts!!!!

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      MrsB said she won't be on till later tonight,dunno about sci though!


      I'm here Linda.


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        Ok you asked for it *readies for the yelling to begin after the post is posted*

        someone had commented on JM's Blog saying(and I quote)
        John should be with Weir because Teyla is as charismatic as a brick

        I responded with
        Let me say this, are you dimm? running at less then half power or something? Rachel has put a LOT into Teyla, and thankfully the powers that be took notice! .... (it goes on from here but I don't remember it all)
        Thanks hun for sticking up for RL and Teyla.

        Originally posted by Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel View Post
        I posted this in the galleria haven thread, but I might as well post it here.

        It was requested by someone in the smiley shop. I made John and Teyla looking at each other, Camello of Abydos animated the kiss, and I made the "Yum!" Enjoy!

        Myn!!! Nice to see you and as always we love your gifts. Thank you.
        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        I must depart. G'night all!
        Goodnight hun.

        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Hey dudes, I'm back! And can i just say I saw two new SGA previews within the past half hour while Flash Gordon is on......COOL BEANSSSssssss

        Thanks Myn Macgeek for the J/T smilie dudes! green for you!!!

        Camy - HAPPY 10000 POSTS!!! WOWWwwwwww

        Elf - Feeling any better???

        Nina - How about you??



        Tired of Genii Involved Stories: “Any chance the Travelers are on that "short" list? If not, why was there all the talk about "a new, powerful race" and they are only in two episodes?”

        Answer: This new race was just one of the many elements we talked about with regard to season four.

        Stargate Groupie writes: “Can we expect to see any cool fighting scenes featuring Ronon this season?”

        Answer: Oh, yes. Very early in season four in fact.

        VIDEO -

        Theres's more about Shep
        and his ex
        if yall wanna go over and read it cuz its spread throughout most of his column!! And more pics....

        Is it just me...
        Or does she look almost like Teyla? Am I stretching. Maybe wishful thinking. LOL


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks hun for sticking up for RL and Teyla.

          Myn!!! Nice to see you and as always we love your gifts. Thank you.

          Goodnight hun.

          Is it just me...
          Or does she look almost like Teyla? Am I stretching. Maybe wishful thinking. LOL
          Hi! this is WP's twin, Nonwingedpegasus. You see the difference?

          Anyway, you're right sci! The first thing I thought when I saw her was "she looks like either Teyla or Chaya."

          Now I'm off!
          || twitter || tumblr ||


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

            Fear not, if the mouse is still alive it will be lying dead in the middle of the floor the next morning. I know this may seem like small comfort but at least then you know it's dead and where it is.

            We don't have mice IN our house but we do have four cats, two of whom are complete maniacal carnivores with a taste for mouseflesh. A mice every two days, no kidding. They bring them in alive, toy with them and then kill them. If we catch them when the mouse is still alive we confiscate it and set it free, but more often than not we're too late.

            Don't worry about it anyway...
            Well that definitely brought back some memories! LOL!

            My cats unfortunately had to be outside cats since my mom's allergic to there fur but i do remember the "playing with the mouse" until they finally kill it or bringing it to my doorstep like it's some sort of present for me! LOL!. Yup, i remember.

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
              Hey Folks.....

              It's been ages, but I see I came back just in time. (does happy dance) Now, I have to run out and get my copy of season 3.

              I just posted a few walls on my lj and this one seemed fitting for the special occasion. It matches the sig below.


              If you'd like to see more wallies click on the black and red icon below.
              Hi Devine!!!

              Love your Wallie!!! and your other work as well! Beautiful!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                Hey Folks.....

                It's been ages, but I see I came back just in time. (does happy dance) Now, I have to run out and get my copy of season 3.

                I just posted a few walls on my lj and this one seemed fitting for the special occasion. It matches the sig below.


                If you'd like to see more wallies click on the black and red icon below.
                That is soo awesome Dee. Wow. I love it.

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Season 4 pics from SciFi....

                Love the fact that have placed Teyla so close to John in this group shot

                And this one seems to maybe be from Doppleganger...or I might be wrong..who knows
                Thank you sooo much Nina. I love the first one.

                I hope you feel better soon.


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Whoever this Princess Pea/Lea (LOL, sorry, I can't remember her name) posted a comment in favor of J/T, which was great. just fine, but then in the next breath she bashed J/W, which, IMO, is completely inappropriate. So now of course it gets some people all riled up and attacking J/T yet again. I say "yet again" because pretty much anytime someone makes a comment in favor of J/T, our ship gets attacked, but this time, I'm afraid it was provoked. Which is NOT cool.
                  I get very upset when I see anyone abusing the J/T ship name like that because it then gives ALL of us a bad reputation. This Princess person is of course entitled to her own thoughts, but to post them purposely in a place known for spastic sensitivities shows inflammatory intentions. And that is what really annoys me! The responses are of course also inappropriate, but this time, because of one person, we can't cry foul. "We" started it. That's why I find Princess's comments rude and inappropriate.

                  Fortunately, JM, and most fans realize that one person's words in no way represent a group's words and even the overall percentage of fans that read and post are a tiny drop in the bucket to the overall casual fanbase out there.
                  Thanks Steph!

                  But wait, was this in response to that ugly comment about Teyla being "charismatic as a brick" that someone made?. Either way, her response was definitely very inappropriate and it sucks because it makes the whole J/T ship look bad and we don't need that. Definitely not the best place to post comments like that. Ship wars, i REALLY hate it!.

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Cool sig. GNB!!!

                    Thanks Donna for caps.

                    The only one I really hate it the original one with them in front to the gate. They did such a hack job. That's why I used a close up of that shot. It's so unnatural and I have to agree that I liked last years better, but I like this years uniforms. just MO

                    Thanks again Donna.
                    I agree, i love there uniforms better this season...well, they started using black a lot last season and i've always loved how they looked!. Especially John in that black leather Jacket!!!. Rodney's looking good in some of these pictures! LOL!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Thanks hun for sticking up for RL and Teyla.

                      Myn!!! Nice to see you and as always we love your gifts. Thank you.

                      Goodnight hun.

                      Is it just me...
                      Or does she look almost like Teyla? Am I stretching. Maybe wishful thinking. LOL

                      Don't kill me but i was actually thinking
                      she kinda reminds me of that Ancient in season one from Sanctuary and also a little bit like Larrin...please no one kill me

                      Either way, i'm kinda interested in seeing this episode as far as
                      learning a little more about him but not interested in seeing his ex-wife at all!. Oh and i want to see Bates again!!! YAY!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        Lol he's called Macduff. His sister is called Phoebe. They're both completely insane.

                        Another OT
                        I wrote a new fic today but I feel quite cheeky telling you all about it here as it's a Ronon and Jennifer based fic. It's on my livejournal if you want to check it out. Also, everyone add me as a friend!
                        Ruby can I have the link to your LJ please. Thank you.

                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        I must tell you that last night when I was checking the thread. I was looking at your MP's that you did and the one thay says DUH..Ofcourse I'm sexy one! The nurse was in my room and asked,"Who is that guy..He's HOT! I told her and the show then, went to the motivation page and was pimpin' the site and SGA!! I told her \, "Why do you think I watch the show! WE have a new JT FOLLOWER! THANKS TO THE MOTIVATION PAGE AND THAT JF IS SO HOT!!!
                        LOL. I thought that was funny.

                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Just my .02...

                        If the daddy is Dopp Shep that it isn't anything like the scenerio in "Conversion" that, people can say "Oh, it was forced!" or "Look at poor Teyla" like they did after the kiss. People are entitled to their own opinion, but I would like it if it is him that there is some overt recipication on the part of Teyla...if that makes any sense.
                        Jess can you message me on how to do rotating sigs. thanks.

                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                        LOL! I knew I missed this place for a reason!

                        Take a peek:


                        WOW!!! They are simple gorgeous!!! Thanks Dee.


                          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                          Hi! this is WP's twin, Nonwingedpegasus. You see the difference?

                          Anyway, you're right sci! The first thing I thought when I saw her was "she looks like either Teyla or Chaya."

                          Now I'm off!
                          I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that.

                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          I agree, i love there uniforms better this season...well, they started using black a lot last season and i've always loved how they looked!. Especially John in that black leather Jacket!!!. Rodney's looking good in some of these pictures! LOL!
                          John in leather.
                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          Don't kill me but i was actually thinking
                          she kinda reminds me of that Ancient in season one from Sanctuary and also a little bit like Larrin...please no one kill me

                          Either way, i'm kinda interested in seeing this episode as far as
                          learning a little more about him but not interested in seeing his ex-wife at all!. Oh and i want to see Bates again!!! YAY!
                          Chaya looks alot like Teyla. I fooled someone with that cap one time. He must like women with certain color hair. Most of them are simular.
                          Yea I can't wait to see what Bate back too.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Thanks hun for sticking up for RL and Teyla.
                            Teyla is my owner and in this universe Rachel plays her on a TV show(go along with this for a moment because Teyla is My Owner as I post this post) so how can I NOT stick up for her even though I Whump her like CRAZY?!

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              I posted two of the same walls before. I've corrected it, but it can also be seen below:



                                I'n unsure of where to put this but, who here can make this....
                                into an Icon? BEFORE I wake up in 8+ hours? I need this as an Icon for three things,
                                1 my LJ
                                2 a Stargate Game I"m part of it is to be my Icon.
                                3 my IM Icon as well.

                                I would like the icon to be at least 100x100 pix as well as one being 50x50 pix if it is possible. Wraithlord had made me one only something qwent wrong and it somehow got deleted and is coming up as a red X in a white box.

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

