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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Congrats Maffieg on 400 posts!!!


    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Annnnddddd...... my computer is acting stupid again will soon have Teylas version of Grievance up

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        YAY i knew someone would find ouyt, I call them Drow which is most common, it is good to know though what your hubby used to do (I'm doing it now via a great online site that hosts thousands of games at once, it is really cool site, I'd post a link to the site but then I think I should not.)
        That's ok. We don't play any more. I don't know about the rest though.
        I only did to spend time with him while we were dating, but since we joined the church, go married and had kids, we don't do that any more.


          well now I myself run a Stargate game and so far I have.... a pairing starting to show between John and Teyla, along with a pairing that turned sour thanks to a System Lord dropping in and killing off the wife.... then Carters player seems to have fallen off the planet.... hmmm....

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            That's ok. We don't play any more. I don't know about the rest though.
            I only did to spend time with him while we were dating, but since we joined the church, go married and had kids, we don't do that any more.
            I myself did not know what Drow Elf was. I never did the D&D thing. That was just me. Now, I know that I am not a dark elf..
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              I myself did not know what Drow Elf was. I never did the D&D thing. That was just me. Now, I know that I am not a dark elf..
              well I hhad a story seed in my minds eye of What If Teyla was a Drow, you know? then when Camy put up the word DREAM a few days back it clicked and I started writing.

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Well I need to to bed. G'night.


                  I'm gonna try something Elf so you can read Grieving the Young I might change the title to Grieving Tamain but then I think the first title idea works better, gimmie a minute and I'll have the story up

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    well I hhad a story seed in my minds eye of What If Teyla was a Drow, you know? then when Camy put up the word DREAM a few days back it clicked and I started writing.
                    Next time, you might want to clarify for the non-D&Ders. You don't want your readers leave the story and say, "Huh?"
                    And we shouldn't have to go to another story to figure it out. Just a suggestion. I enjoy your stories. Don't get me wrong, but that one threw me off. But now I know after asking hubby.


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Well I need to to bed. G'night.
                      G'Night Scifan! I be in here tomorrow afternoon!

                      Tey- I gonna have to wait til tomorrow to read it. I think I finally caught up on the going ons for today. But, do not let that keep you from posting your fic.

                      I will definitely read it! Good night all!

                      I will give update on tests tomorrow. School is back in session after holiday so, we all have to get up
                      early again .
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        good night Elf, don't worry, if you can get on tomrrow before your planned day starts you will be able to read the story, mom says it can go onto now (Johns version) hopefully tomrrow I'll have Teylas version ready to post on

                        Sleep well Elf.

                        I too shall head for bed now because the city database is about to lockdown again for the night, night all!

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          I popped in to say I have some more of that third teaser I posted a while back up on my site.

                          Here is a direct link:
                          Untitled for now 2 - will come up with a title at some point and a summary as well.

                          I normally don't put up a fan fic on my website until it's complete, written and edited, but I'm trying this out with this fan fic. I'll try to get some more I have written of this fan fic up there soon but I can't make any promises. As usual I have edited this myself so any mistakes are mine.

                          Edited to say: that all that have written so far in this fan fic is up at my site.

                          Last edited by planet_tv; 03 September 2007, 10:17 PM.

                          Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                            6 pages to catch up on... here we go!

                            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                            Aw, don't go to bed ruby! I have a new chapter up! Oh well, sweet dreams!
                            Anyway, here's chapter 6. I have a feeling Tey will like this one. . .

                            Chapter 6

                            As soon as she stepped out of the other side of the stargate, Teyla broke into a run for the treeline, soon entering the remains of a culled and burned village. The last time she had been to this place, they had been searching for Ronon, hoping that the wraith had not answered the beacon the foolish villagers had activated and taken Ronon again.
                            She rooted through the rubble of crumbled houses, searching for a weapon. Finding a knife, a short sword, and a crossbow, she armed herself and set about a different task. Taking a piece of uncharred board and a small chunk of charcoal, she wrote something on the board. Then, slinging some rope she had found over her shoulder, she headed back the way she had come.
                            A short time later, she arrived back at the gate. Dialing the alpha site, she went up to the event horizon and tossed the board she had written on through. As the gate shut down, she headed back for the woods. Taking the rope off her shoulder, she began to set up a trap, similar to the one Rodney had fallen prey to shortly after they had met Ronon for the first time. She smiled at the thought of him hanging upside down, complaining loudly and waiting to be rescued. Except for the wraith, there would be no rescue. Only death.

                            John, Rodney, and Ronon had only been at the alpha site for a few minutes when the 'gate opened. The blue puddle remained unbroken for a moment, then a piece of wood sailed through, landing at a soldier's feet. He bent over and picked it up, looking at it quizzically. Not for long, though, because Sheppard quickly stepped over to him and held out his hand.
                            “I'll take that, lieutenant,” he said.
                            “Yes, sir!” the young solider said, handing him the board. John looked at it. There was nothing remarkable about it, save for the fact that the edges were a bit burned. He turned it over, and his eyes widened in disbelief. There, written in charcoal, was a gate address. John practically ran over to his two team members, and showed them the address.
                            “What do you think?” he asked quietly. “Teyla?”
                            “This is the planet that sold me out to the wraith,” Ronon said. He handed the board to Rodney. “Yeah. It's a good chance. She might go there to find weapons.”
                            “If it is her, then why didn't she come through the gate instead of just sending this?” McKay asked.
                            “She didn't want the wraith to follow her here,” Ronon said. John and Rodney looked at him, puzzled. He returned their stare. “She's a runner.”

                            Teyla had just finished putting the final touches on her wraith trap when she felt the all too familiar feeling of a wraith presence. Make that two—no, three wraith. She smiled. Good. She'd have a little surprise for them. Climbing a nearby tree, she readied her crossbow and waited for them to track her down.

                            “She's a what?!?” John said in as loud a whisper as possible.
                            “Think about it, Sheppard.” Ronon said. “It's the only explanation that makes sense.” John paused, then slowly nodded.
                            “You're right.” he agreed.
                            “Then let's go get her!” McKay said. “We know where she is, what are we waiting for?”
                            “Get your stuff together Rodney,” Sheppard said. “We're leaving in three minutes.” Ronon smiled.
                            “Let's go get her,” John said.

                            The three wraith neared the tree Teyla was hiding in. There were two hunters and drone, possibly for added protection. The hunters walked quickly, looking at the ground, Teyla was right in thinking they would track her easily. Just as they reached the foot of the tree, one of on the hunters stepped in her trap, and rushed up into the air, swinging ridiculously by one foot. At the same time Teyla shot a bolt from the crossbow, piercing the drone's neck. He fell like a rock, and she felt the presence of his mind fade away.
                            Dropping the crossbow, she swung down out of the tree, grabbing the lowest branch and using it to swing her body around and kick the remaining hunter in the face. He flew backward, giving Teyla time to unsheathe her sword.
                            The hunter regained to his feet and drew a wicked looking sword from his own back, hissing in anger. They slowly advanced, then the wraith struck. She blocked and returned the stroke, and then they fought in earnest, swords flashing so quickly they were almost indistinguishable. Teyla was grateful for the lessons Ronon had given her in this type of fighting. Even so, the hunter managed to make a deep cut in her left leg before she was finally able to plunge her sword into his chest. He fell to his knees, and she twisted the sword viciously before pulling it out with a sickening slurp. The second mind faded away, leaving only the wraith she had left dangling from her trap.
                            However, while she had been fighting the other hunter, he had managed to reach a knife that was strapped to his leg. Just as she turned to finish him off, he threw the knife at her, hitting her in the right shoulder. She gasped in shock, stumbling and leaning over for a moment as pain overloaded her senses.
                            Then she straightened, glaring at the wraith still suspended from the tree. Reaching over, she pulled the knife out of her shoulder, screwing up her face and making her eyes water in pain. Then she threw it at the wraith, and it stuck in his neck. The dead hunter swung by the rope, killed by his own blade.
                            Teyla sank to her knees in exhaustion and relief, her head bowed. She stayed in that position in for a long minute, then rose, ripping off part of her jacket to bandage her injured shoulder. It was clumsily done with one hand, and she knew it wouldn't help much. She hoped that the team had gotten her message, and were on their way. As she started to walk away from the scene of the battle, the feeling of deep cold gripped her again.
                            Six wraith had just come through the stargate.
                            Oooo -
                            Clever girl Teyla! You know, I had a feeling there would be whumpage coming up... Poor thing. Yay the boys are on their way!!! That makes me happy...

                            Fantastic update!!

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Okay, every single one of these pics - which I assume are MPs - are just white boxes that say 'bighugelabs don't post a link but save' or something like that... oh well I'm sure they're hilarious... I guess I'll never know sigh

                            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                            Congrats on your 100 posts Sheppynette!

                            Here's my entry for Camy's new word challenge

                            the word juxtaposition......please tell me if its any good

                            Good? Good? It's stunning as always GNB!

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Ya dude it was Ruby's Complicated I believe. That was a great scenario.

                            And as much as I'm also all for freaky alien baby or Michael Experiment, I can't not root for Dplgnr Shep as well because I think even more emotion would come out of it as far as distance and angst between Real Shep and Teyla in the aftermath.

                            I like all the speculation but gawd dang I wish I knew who the father really was!! Maybe its something we havent even thought of yet, or maybe its something similiar to one of our stories in here.....

                            But I'm glad you liked it and hope the epilogue won't be crappy!!!
                            Have to agree with you there MrsB
                            I quite like the idea of DG shep for the angst it would generate... but I think it's more likely to be some kind of wraith experiment.

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            JM BLOG UPDATE

                            PG15 writes: “Can we expect extreme damage for one of the Atlantis vehicles in the near future?”

                            Answer: Extreme to say the least. Yep.

                            Jedi writes: “Will we find out if Sheppard has any siblings in S4?”

                            Answer: We will in Outcast.

                            Redtwin writes: “Why is "Outcast" being rewritten?”

                            Answer: No script is perfect in its first draft so, yes, all scripts are rewritten to various degrees.

                            Anonymous #2 writes: “Which season 4 episode are you most proud of so far?”

                            Answer: So far? Our season premiere, Adrift, is pretty damn impressive.

                            Anonymous #3 writes: “When an actor pitches a script like Joe Flan did for "Outcast" once he makes a suggestion, is that all the input he has?”

                            Answer: That depends on how busy they are, how involved they choose to be and, more importantly, how quickly we have to get the script out.

                            Anon Y. Mous writes: “Can you tell us if any episodes are fully complete and ready for airing? How far in advance of airing are the episodes due at Sci-Fi? How do you determine if an episode needs a "previously on" segment and who makes that decision the producers or the writers?”

                            Answers: Yes, a number of episodes are complete (Adrift, Lifeline, Missing, Doppelganger, and Travelers come to mind). As for how far in advance of airing the episodes “are due” at Sci-Fi - it varies. This year, we had plenty of time to deliver as our premiere was pushed back to late September. Re: the previously on. The producers are the writers and we make the call although we’ll honor specific SciFi requests.

                            Will Sizes Up The Day

                            Oooooooooooooooooooooooo - does anyone think Shep has siblings? I'm inclined to think estranged older brother...

                            And the picture of JF with the little girl, and he's holding a scroll... isn't that just the campest position you've ever seen him in?!

                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Just read it!!!. Totally love it!...a perfect ending for a great fic!. Thanks Ruby for sharing your wonderful fic with us!
                            Aw, thank you Mayra, that's really sweet!

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Thanks Mayra.

                            I just posted this in galleria. It's for Intimidate.
                            It's beautiful Scifan!

                            **** Okay, done! Working today though so I'll see you guys later!

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              DAILY VOTING LINKS

                              Vote for J/T on Letters From Pegasus in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                              Pics to follow for use in game:

                              Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                              (If one of your favorite John episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                              (If one of your favorite Teyla episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                              (If one of your favorite J/T moments isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos
                              (Make sure you have the last page on the thread to make the correct score)

                              VOTING UPDATE

                              Letters From Pegasus has now 17 votes in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game.... so we are 33 votes from taking this one too into the list to become our 9th episode so keep it up...

                              LET THE VOTING FOR THE DAY BEGIN!!!
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Thanks for the links Nina

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

