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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
    Well, shucks, thanks a lot! It made me feel better to write it, so I can't claim innocent on that one. And the thing with fanfiction -- I don't know. For about a week now I can log-in under my name but when I click on "My Stories" nothing comes up...meaning I can't update stuff. Other authors aren't having this problem, so I don't know what's going on. I've e-mailed (my sister is having the same issue) to get it resolved, and no response as of yet. I'm going to try to write a little drabble or something and see if when I submit it, something will spark the system. Who knows.
    Well good luck...I noticed they hadn't done any updates for awhile...I checked mine..but it seems to be working fine...hope you get a reply soon or the systems gets shocked....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      I'm loving the pictures ladies. You all have been very busy.


        SnoggingPicard]Well, welcome to disease-central. Oooh, maybe we can turn this thing into an epidemic? What do you guys think? I'm designating all of you as Patient Zero for Shep/Teyla fever, so go out there and infect people, my little minions!

        Uhmmmm....I love this idea...I have been looking for a name to go with the disease, but medecine is not my major....I thought of JohnTeylaitis....but I don't know..I like Patient Zero..but I think I have seen that name somewhere.... but I don't know about you but I call this

        GROUP HUG!

        We are so supportive to each other...and so great with one another..I love you guys...I want to have another child just to name him/her after you....
        Yeah..I'm not that far....already have more!
        But, you know what I mean!

        I had the same curiosity too, just because I was wondering if I was missing something really, really major. So basically I took it upon myself to watch all of the Atlantis episodes I could (especially from this season) and focused on the Shep/Weir interaction. I can't see it. Even when I'm looking for it, I can't see it. Maybe I'm just so blinded by my ship goggles, but I don't see THAT happening between them, or at least being a mutual thing. While I become more and more convinced about Shep/Teyla I become more and more convinced that Weir/Shep is just not a good pairing for so many reasons, especially if it comes at the detriment of Weir's character. TPTB are still giving us lots of wonderful little scenes between our favorite pairing, so I'm not giving up. Those looks and words are just feeding the fire.
        I haven't had time to do this myself..just too busy...but I have seen pics..while browsing and like I mentioned before...the balcony scenes with Shep and Weir are very intense...but when you look really closely...eventhough they are standing very close to one another, even touching slightly....Sheppard doesn't even flinch....and doesn't even look at her in the eyes..have you guys noticed that...he doesn't look at her straight in her eyes that much...not like he does with Teyla...they can speak with each other with their looks....powerful!

        Can't have said it better myself. And I gave a happy little sigh as well. These two make me soooo happy, and I'm glad that we get to see their relationship evolving in such a beautiful, natural way that doesn't take away from Atlantis as a whole. Nothing suffers from these two being together and interacting, so all the more reason to keep them together!
        I'm so lucky and blessed that I have found you guys..My first experience was a nightmare...yes....sad but true...and went to another website..nightmare there too...and finally when I was about to just give guys showed up...and I am so glad and thankful...I have to mention where credit is buddy, my pal....Whistler84....Stood up against the odds and gave me the benefit of the doubt...I don't think she comes here and ironically she ships for Weir and Shep...but that is just one of the many things that I love about her..she can take it and she is so mature about the whole thing...and from there on you guys came along....and I am so priviledge to speak with such great thinkers and great is rare to find and you guys who I can only assume are younger than I am, have taught me a lot and have inspire me Thanks....

        My point to all of guys are so eloquent...and express your thoughts so maturely and so really makes my day!

        Okay...enough musshy stuff....Let's get on with it....Love John and Teyla....



          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Shep/Teyla Fever must be contagious because I have it too.

          I admit to being curious about the whole Shep/Weir relationship thing, well to be honest because so many others saw it and I was curious as to what it was all about…..but it’s not for me…no way…not ever…this has nothing to do with other people’s opinions its just that when something captures my interest it is hard or near impossible to change my opinion. It started with John and Teyla and there is where I will remain. I have become too entrenched in the subtle looks, great chemistry and lovely moments that occur between these two to turn my back on them as a couple. Same goes for the possibility of a Ronon/Teyla romance. To far gone on the Teyla/John romance to consider that road and the TPTB have not done anything to actively dismiss a romance between John and Teyla, in fact they keep throwing little tidbits out to make me a believer still.

          I just love how these two interact, on the field as a team and in more private moments. (Sigh) They are not over powering scenes that throw it in your face, (all though if TPTB wanted to throw another kiss in I wouldn’t object ) They are mingled in between the action and plot of the episode, not the main focus. I think this is a great idea to build a romance without offending too many sci-fi fans who are not that particularly interested in a romance. Keep handing out moments with Shep and Teyla and I will be a very contented fan.

          Darn it! I can't give you any more reps because it says I have to hand out to others here some from me...
          and top it off with a

          You are awesome!



            Awe...we love you too girl!


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
              Well good luck...I noticed they hadn't done any updates for awhile...I checked mine..but it seems to be working fine...hope you get a reply soon or the systems gets shocked....

              Not must post in another site until those guys get their act straight...go to

              trust me....


                Originally posted by deSaintphalle

                Awe...we love you too girl!

                AW! hug!


                  Originally posted by deSaintphalle
                  I'm loving the pictures ladies. You all have been very busy.

                  Especially for you....

                  Sorry, can't help myself....


                    Thank you for all the pretty, Camy.

                    Now, I must finish my reading and then try to get some sleep.


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Not must post in another site until those guys get their act straight...go to

                      trust me....
                      I may post my stories there...just need the time to get my files together... ...but will do...(just have to remember to update both

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        **hugs to Camy**...definitely look foward to your posted pics everyday....

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                          **hugs to Camy**...definitely look foward to your posted pics everyday....

                 that case let me not dissapoint you....




                            side by side....lovely....

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Hey everyone! Finished my schoolwork….for now anyways and decided to see what was going on…..

                              WOW!!!!! Camy.. you are a fantastic person to have in a forum. I’ll be honest, you and people like you are the reason why I decided to join in on the whole forum deal. I am sorry your first experience here was not so good. I can honestly say that I am loving my experience here on this thread because there is always such great conversation going on. I give props to Camy and SnoggingPicard for a large part in that.

                              Out of curiosity, just call me CuriousGirl instead of AthosianGirl, I decided to see what this thread was like in the beginning and I mean the very beginning. I went to read the first pages of this thread and I have to say that it had a completely different feel to it. I mean for the first few pages it wasn’t even the Shep/Teyla Ship Discussion Thread.

                              Well, this thread has evolved greatly in the year its been in service and it keeps on getting better.

                              I can not honestly say if I would have stayed around in the beginning, even though I love Shep and Teyla, there is just something about being able to converse with other people, albeit electronically, who are on the same wavelength with you that just makes you want to stick around.

                              Camy said it best…we really are a supportive bunch.

                              GROUP HUG right back at ya fellow my fellow fans……


                                Well, thanks for the shoutout! And I have to commend you for your drive to go and read some of the back pages. I haven't done that yet, but maybe that's because I'm liking everything that's going on here way too much. I had to tell you guys that I'm working on a paper for my STS (Science, Technology, and Society) class on communication technology. I think I'm going to do internet usage and probably focus on forums, mostly Gateworld! Would any of you guys mind if I referenced bits of our discussions in my paper? Thanks for this in advance.

                                And I want to give a little pat on the back to Camy who has finished her first chapters of her first ever fanfiction! She does us Shep/Teyla shippers proud!

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

