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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    Question: i've got a sig...but it shows up in my profile but not on the threads...Help?....plz....

    Sorry, Witchblade...I know I posted the one that Whistler87 made for me...but for the likes of me I wouldn't be able to even walk you through it because I just did it by what she told me and luckily it worked..but I can't remember...I'm sure someone here can help you....


      Okay..short but sweet...the three of them are good, but there is one that I think stands above the other two....


        Thanks Camy!

        I'm off to the UniqueBond web site. Love this site by the way. Went over to to register but now I have to wait three days before I can post a story!

        my sig does look blurry. Not sure what happened. I'll have to fix that.


          Yeah! Internal celebrating going on here!I actually found out how to post my first fanfic.

          Thanks Camy for the heads up, I posted at Uniquebond.

          It's sappy, I admit to that but I just couldn't help myself.


            Originally posted by Camy
            Sorry, Witchblade...I know I posted the one that Whistler87 made for me...but for the likes of me I wouldn't be able to even walk you through it because I just did it by what she told me and luckily it worked..but I can't remember...I'm sure someone here can help you....
            Thanks...I finally figured out what was didn't check the show signature...

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by Camy
              Thanks...not everyone can handle honesty...but I long as you have enough ground to back it up... I'm glad that my words encourage you and not offend or hurt you...You have a talent that not many have..and I for one envy that...And trust me...I am so over confident of myself that to admit that I wish I could write is a big thing for me..I have all of the ideas..but I can't put them down as a good piece of writing...
              Like they say honesty is the best policy... ...I appreciate any type of all helps in the writing....Thanks for the compliment...I don't think i'm very good...but if you think so...

              Can't wait till you update...Not too many stories devulge into the whole Teyla and her culture..I love it when I find stories that incorporate somehow..her culture and her difference among the Earthlings..I think that is what makes her unique and me anyways.. I love anything that expresses uniqueness and individuality..I love being different and standing up for what I believe and I think that is how I view Teyla...and probably why I love her character so much...So, any type of explanation which shows how she does think differently from John and the me is natural and real....and very deep in thought and in tune with the character...
              hope this helps...but then again this is just my point of view...
              I hope i don't dissappoint when i do post....may not be for awhile though...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Hey, everyone,

                Read the fanfic by WitchBlade007.

                I am a huge fan of John/Teyla and I am absolutly thrilled when a new story comes up. Whether it be short, long, humorous or sad, it is amazing the imaginations that people have and I am glad that these authors share their work with the rest of us.

                Trying to write my own, I have a healthy dose of respect for anyone who takes the time to write down their musings.

                I am a total romantic so I love the stories where John and Teyla get together. So keep on writing!

                And thanks for the story, WitchBlade007. Did you say you wrote that in 5 minutes? No way! I loved it! Speaks to the part of me that wants John and Teyla to get together. I know that a relationship has to develop and take its time on the show, but fanfic....anything goes. That what makes it so great.
                lol...isn't that the truth...that's what makes fanfics so great...u can do anything.... ...

                The basic story took 5's one of those things where...we're given certain things to include in a story and for 5 minutes you just anything over thinking or planning....
                So the story took 5 mins...then 5-10 mins of rereading and adjusting so it makes sense....and then rereading for my own mistakes(spelling/grammar)...while adding sentences/ and whole it took maybe 30 mins...all the while thinking up how i'm going to

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  I did and I have like four paragraphs saved in word..but I know it is missing some juice!....I don't know....I am taking it slowly and will see if I get inspired some more by such great writing from people like you....but yes, I did post a great idea...I am just not good at details and descriptions like good writers are...I lack the descriptions needed to visualize the story from the readers point of view...I will see...if I finish a chapter..would you be willing to read it and give me some pointers? I can really take the critique....I want someone who will be perfectly honest with me....and of coarse willing to help me make it better....but right now, I am no where near having anyone look at it...
                  It does come slowly at times...that's normally when i read and reread other see if i can get a jump start again...
                  I have problems doing the descriptions at times..that's why they really aren't complicated or anything and i do simple things...Sometimes i confuse myself....when it comes to the descriptions and i have to reread to figure out what i'm

                  I'd be happy to read it..once you're done...and help anyway i can...just to be able to read it would be awesome...

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Yeah! Internal celebrating going on here!I actually found out how to post my first fanfic.

                    Thanks Camy for the heads up, I posted at Uniquebond.

                    It's sappy, I admit to that but I just couldn't help myself.

                    Great job. This story was beautiful! I'm still trying to finish up the Ronon chapter for mine, and it's really got me in a rut. Once it's done, I can start on Teyla, which will come a lot easier. Definitely write more Shep/Teyla stuff!

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      Well the Stargate Fan Awards 2005 results are up and there was a S/T fic that won an award.


                        Thanks for the heads up and I'm off to go check it out!!!


                          I hope i don't dissappoint when i do post....may not be for awhile though...
                          Okay...I'm confused
                          First, you can never dissapoint me...not by what you have written so far, anyways..I'm pretty flexible and frankly anything about J/T is good for me...I am not picky at all....about them anyways...

                 are going to post in awhile, a story, you mean? or you are not going to post for awhile, here?

                          I do hope you mean a story, 'cause I love when you post here...and we need to keep this thread up...Can you believe it was on the third page...


                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                            It does come slowly at times...that's normally when i read and reread other see if i can get a jump start again...
                            I have problems doing the descriptions at times..that's why they really aren't complicated or anything and i do simple things...Sometimes i confuse myself....when it comes to the descriptions and i have to reread to figure out what i'm

                            I'd be happy to read it..once you're done...and help anyway i can...just to be able to read it would be awesome...

                            Oh, you are too promises yet...If I am not the least bit happy about it myself, I won't even show it to don't hold your breath, okay!
                  's the thought that are awesome....


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              Well the Stargate Fan Awards 2005 results are up and there was a S/T fic that won an award.

                              Are you kidding me!? Oh, I have to scream and shout! Halleluyah!
                              Someone recognizes not just the piece of writing but the story itself..Got to go and read it..but first I got to finish my postings here....

                              Thanks for the heads always have such great must have connections....


                                Okay guys...before I go and read the fanfics posted by AthosianGirl(can't wait to read it) and the Award one(thanks again Purpleyin) I have some great pics...not very clear ones but nevertheless, John and Teyla moments...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Enjoy...Hey, someone post a challenging question or something...I'm in the mood for discussions....

                                Okay, who doesn't love this...what girl doesn't sit next to her man's favorite sport game...It's like a date! a bad one for the girl but nevertheless, you are sharing what your man loves...I just love this pic....When I read Snogging's story Movie Night...this is the scene that comes to my mind!
                                Love it!

                                Not a great pic, but for some reason just seeing them together and side by side gives me the love bugs goosebumps..Is it just me? ChillinTheMost says I am a romantic...maybe that's why I like anything that has the two of them anywhere near each other...

                                Again, here is another one..nothing shippy about these's just the way the camera has them together all the time...or not even the camera..they always seem to be next to each other..she is always next to protecting him or something..I don't know...again...I am just enfatuated with these two...put me in ignore if I am making you sick! or let me know..and I will stop!

                                Again, nothing shippy, I just like them any angle! (now don't go misinterpreting this)

                                Now this, has two reasons for me posting it here...
                                First..Look at that face...OH, do you not just LOVE that face...I know I do...
                                Second, this is the scene from Suspicion, when he sends Teyla off with Ford and she was hesistant and finally leaves with Ford and John is looking back at them...and this face is just postcard face..this is the one that they use in the credits during the first season...It's what does this face tell you....Don't you think this shows how concerned and worried he is about Teyla? letting her go with Ford...What do you guys think? Please tell me what you think about this look.....I have to know that I am not seeing things or that I am seeing things...
                                I see this pic and I just melt!

                                Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this...

