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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    Hey guys get this....

    When I wrote The Broken Stargate I had NO IDEA what Teyla would do, the story just flowed out and my fingers flew over the keyboard as I wrote it. All I knew was Teyla was gonna get stabbed and be very close to (at least to John), and had though of a Wraith stabbing her, then the story took off and she did it herself, talk about getting yourself hurt!
    You really love to beat up Teyla don't you! LOL Its a bit refreshing when Teyla gets hurt instead of John. No offense Shep whumpers cause I like beating him up, too!

    my ships


      oh i definatley love to see shep getting whumped
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Yea, I'm so bummed not having Scifi. Why? What's up?
        Um...bad news. Apple and NBC (who owns SciFi) broke their agreement and they will no longer be carrying their shows. (Apparently there was a dispute with the prices.) It was going to happen at the end of the year, but Apple plans to cut them off now...

        ETA: Here's the story
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          Hey guys get this....

          When I wrote The Broken Stargate I had NO IDEA what Teyla would do, the story just flowed out and my fingers flew over the keyboard as I wrote it. All I knew was Teyla was gonna get stabbed and be very close to death (at least to John), and had though of a Wraith stabbing her, then the story took off and she did it herself, talk about getting yourself hurt!
          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Yup Sariana,we sure can talk in here
          LINDA!!! where have you been my lovely lap?

          Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
          You really love to beat up Teyla don't you! LOL Its a bit refreshing when Teyla gets hurt instead of John. No offense Shep whumpers cause I like beating him up, too!
          I have Teyla in my Whumping sights, which is very bad for her health if you ask me!

          Originally posted by Sariana View Post
          My goooooood ! I'm not here during 2 little days and 27 pages already ! I'm lost ! I missed something ?? Birthdays, spoilers, photos ?? Please ! Help me ! I would come the every day ! Promised !
          Read the quoted post below Sariana, and I hope you like it

          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          it is time for this little kitty to nod off for bed but before I leave you all.....

          The Broken Stargate, written with the word Broken in mind for it.!

          The Broken Stargate

          Snow, all there was, was snow, far as the eye could see, unless one counted the half dozen dfead Wraith near the now useless Stargate, Teyla had gone ot the planet in hopes of scuring a trade with someone, only to be lured into a trap by the Wraith. she had tried to dail home but the DHD exploded into her face, giving her many wounds. The Wraith thought her dead after she collapsed after killing six of them.

          Though the Wraith beamed themselves back into their darts and ships and left the planet hours ago, leaving Teyla, alone in the snow, with half a dozen dead Wraith for company. she tried to get an idea of her weapons, nothing, other then a well rusted through knife.

          Looking at the blade she thought over what she could do, she knew she would freeze solid if she didn't find shelter soon, but then she could just barely remain standing. Leaneing against the now usless DHD she held the knife loosely in her hands, going over every detail, seemingly commiting it to her memory

          Then, without thinking, she looked away from thre blade and right at a still alive Wraith, for a moment Teyla didn't move, then she relized that it was the snow swirling around in the ice cold air. she looked back at the blade. gripping thr weapon tightly in her hand she made her choice, no-one was coming for her, no-one knew of her supposed meeting.... other then John.

          seven hours before

          "Teyla, are you sure you want to go alone?" John asked when Teyla finished telling him of the trade aggreement and of the meeting place, something didn't feel right. But he had to be sure.

          "I will be fine John." Teyla assured him, somehow though she knew he was right when she left and went through the 'gate to the ice covered world and walked right into an ambush. There was gunfire and blood, then, nothing. Just Teyla alone and left for dead with no way to get home.

          That was seven hours ago, now it had gotton colder as the light was starting to dimm, Teyla looked at the knife in her hands, then leanded agaist the DHD, looking upwards as if to where she hoped to see Johns face she whispered, "Forgive me John" Before rasing the knife and bringing it downwards, pericing her left ribcage, and blood flowed out from the wound within a nanosecond. And she passed out.


          On Atlantis John paced the gateroom, Teyla had been gone almost a day with no contact, the nighttime techians had tried to make a connection, only to be stopped each time as the gate refused to connect to the planet Teyla went to.

          "Something's wrong" John kept saying, then Carter arrived, "Teyla's been gone almost eight hours now." John said looking to his watch as if to say, 'what is taking her so long' he looked to Carter.

          "You are aware that Teyla said she would call you if something went wrong." Carter told John. "what do you want me to do? for all we know Teyla walked into an ambush, it could also be the reason why we can't connect."

          "I thought of that, but then I thought of something else, the planet is only one star system away, with the Daedalus or the Apllo I could have a small team ready to go and see what happened within two hours." John said still pacing, he had a tac vest on, along with a second one on the steps. Carter didn't jhave to ask who the vest was for.

          "You want to take one of the ships and go after Teyla, when she herself said that she would be fine?" Carter asked trying to get a idea of what John was thinking through the total lunacy of his plan, "Look if Teyla walked into a ambush the least you xould expect is at least a Hive Ship waiting for you."

          "I thought about that, but Hermid and Rodney had made a update to the Daedalus which means that it can be cloaked before dropping out of hyperspace, The Daedalus would never be seen, I could beam down to the area near the 'gate, see what happened then come back if I don't find Teyla."

          "Fine go ahead." Carter said, John nodded and grabbed the vest on the stairs and was soon beamed up to the Daedalus and was headed for the Ice Planet.


          One the planet Teyla laid next to the damaged and useless DHD, in a area of snow stained with her own blood. After waking up after at least an hour Teyla was somewhat mad that she was still alive, so, without thinking she stabbed herself again, though she was very weak she only managed to all but cut her right side above her hip, she then blacked out again. as the snow picked up in the darkness, she could feel the icey flakes hitting her face.

          How long she laid there she didnot know nor care, though she did hear a voice, thinking she was dreaming she didn't respond, but it sounded like John.

          "Teyla!" John yelled after beaming down to the planet bnear the gate, he saw the dead Wraith and hoped that Teyla had at least been taken with the living ones that left, then he saw the DHD, and the blood and the body next to it, "Teyla!" John ran over to his friend and saw the knife embedded in her side, "oh no, no, NO!" John took the field dressing out of his vest, though he knew he'd need more then the small dressing to keep all of Teylas blood inside her.

          Teyla moaned as John took hold of the knife still in her side, when she did so John stopped what he was doing, she had lost a lot of blood just by stabbing herself, though she couldn't tell John that! She tried to talk, only her voice came out as a whisper, "John..... is that..... you?" her teeth chatterd as she spoke.

          "It's me, Don't move, you've been stabbed, most likely bevcause of the cold you never felt it, hangon though." John got onto his radio, "Deadlus this is Sheppard, I found Teyla, can you beam us up?"

          "Copy that, Sheppard beaming you to the Infirmary now." came the response. Then John and Teyla were beamed to the Infirmary on the Daedalus where Dr. Keller was waiting.

          Within two hours Teyla was in Post Op sleeping like a stone, the knife wound had ;thankfully not been as bad as John had thought when he saw them, the cold kept Teyla alive. John though sat next to his firends bed.

          Teyla slowly opened her eyes, she had been hooked up to O2 looking around she noticed where she was, and John next to her bed, Looking his way she asked him, "John? What's going on? What are you doing here? Where am I?" Apparently she had no idea that John had her onboard the Daedalus

          "Well first off I don't think things went as planned for you, and second, you are on the Daedalus. Third you were stabbed, and had bled.... alot. Fourth, I thought I lost you."

          Teyla smiled, "I was.... ambushed, you were right, I should not had gone, Wraith were waiting for me, I fought, then got knocked out, and left for dead because of the DHD blowing up in my face." She looked to John, her eyes filled with tears, "when I found myself unable to call for help," she took a deep breath then looked away, "I stabbed myself thinking it was the end for me. I thought that since none was going t ofind me and it would be better to die from getting stabbed then freezing to death."

          "Teyla, don't talk like that, you were half rigt in stabbing yourself, I thought a Wraith had done that to you. But then if you were freezing cold, why did you stab yourself?" John asked.

          "I thought no-one would come for me, I thought it was my time to join the Ancestors," Teyla told him, She turned back to look his way and notived him rather cloer then before. "Uh John, what are you..... mmm" Teyla was cutoff as John took her into a hug and a kiss.

          After about a half a minute John said "Don't you ever stab yourself unless i say to.... got it?" Teyla nodded and pulled John into another kiss.

          The End

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            I'm writing, I promise!!

            Here's a little more, anyways...


            John stood outside the small wooden house, waiting for Tagan to come back out and tell him that Davos would see him. He couldn’t believe the secrecy the man travelled in – he had arrived before sunrise and had been in the house John stood outside since then. Tagan told him that he would be there for only a few hours, and that many people wanted to see him.

            It was still very early. Only a few people were awake on Tabol – the market stalls were empty. Tagan had woken up John but Teyla was still asleep.

            The door opened and Tagan stepped out. He nodded to John.

            “He will see you now,” he said, much to John’s relief.

            John thanked Tagan and went into the house. It was smaller than the one they were staying in – just one room. Three people sat in a corner and barely spared John a glance when he entered the room. John had expected to see Linara, but there was no sight of her.

            “Good day.”

            John looked round and saw Davos. He looked almost exactly the same as he did in the future, and John didn’t know if it was because he aged really well or if he was prematurely old.

            Davos was staring at John, and John knew that this was a man who could actually read his mind. Well, kind of. It was freaky, anyway.

            “Hello Davos,” John said. “Thanks for seeing me.”

            Davos leant back in his chair. “Tagan tells me you need my counsel,” he said.

            “Er… yeah,” said John, starting to walk towards him. “I have these devices –”

            “You do not like me.”

            John stopped in his tracks and blinked at the man in front of him. “Huh?”

            Davos tilted his head to one side as he continued to stare at John. “You blame me for some bad news I gave you,” he said.

            John raised his eyebrows. “I don’t blame you,” he said. It was the truth. It wasn’t Davos’ fault that Atlantis had been in such danger, and if he hadn’t told them…

            It occurred to John that Davos was talking about Teyla’s pregnancy.

            Well. He didn’t blame him for that either. Much.

            “You cannot help the way you feel, Colonel Sheppard,” said Davos. John didn’t ask how he knew his name – either Tagan had told him or he just knew. Davos was like that.

            “But I am curious – when did I give you this bad news?”

            This was one man that John wasn’t scared of confusing or scaring. He shrugged. “You haven’t yet.”

            Davos smiled slightly and nodded. “Ah.”

            John reached into his pockets and pulled out the devices. He held them up so that Davos could see them. “So, I have these devices,” he said. “I don’t know how to work them, and I was hoping you might.”

            Davos looked at them in silence for a moment, and then reached out his hand for the active one. As soon as he touched it John knew he had seen something. He froze slightly and his eyes drifted closed for a second. John’s heart rose in his chest – Davos had seen how to use the devices. He was going home!

            Davos sat back without taking the device, and looked up at John again.

            “One tells you where you are,” he said. “The other tells you where you are going.”

            John waited for more. It didn’t come.

            “That’s it?” He asked.

            Davos nodded. “That is all you need,” he said. He gave him a small smile which John knew meant I have nothing else to say to you.

            John sighed. “Right,” he said. He put the devices back in his pockets and started to leave.

            “Colonel Sheppard.”

            John turned round just before he opened the door. “Yeah?” He asked hopefully.

            Davos looked at him thoughtfully. “You cannot leave,” he said simply.

            Great, he was getting philosophical. John gritted his teeth. “I know that,” he said.

            Davos nodded. “You must take Teyla back to Athos,” he said.

            John blinked. “What?”

            Davos gave him the smile again. “I look forward to seeing you again, Colonel,” he said. “And I am sorry for the news I will give you.”

            John shook his head slowly. “Bye Davos,” he said.

            Davos raised a hand in farewell, and John opened the door and left.
            That was sooo Awesome!!!! I can't wait for more.


              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Um...bad news. Apple and NBC (who owns SciFi) broke their agreement and they will no longer be carrying their shows. (Apparently there was a dispute with the prices.) It was going to happen at the end of the year, but Apple plans to cut them off now...

              ETA: Here's the story
              Um,not to sound dumb or anything but what does this mean!

              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              LINDA!!! where have you been my lovely lap?

              I have Teyla in my Whumping sights, which is very bad for her health if you ask me!

              Read the quoted post below Sariana, and I hope you like it
              Hey Kitty,i was just reading some JT fics over at and i love a good Teyla Whump too!

              So Tey,when you startin the Teyla Whump thread?


                I just read part of a Mckay/Shep fic. I have no words right now.....


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Um,not to sound dumb or anything but what does this mean!
                  No no, you're not dumb. It means that iTunes in the US won't be selling episodes of SGA. So for people like Sci, who don't have the SciFi channel, they are out of luck
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    Hey Elf...

                    Can you give me a favorite color or hobby outside the SG universe you have? *going virtual gift shopping*
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      No no, you're not dumb. It means that iTunes in the US won't be selling episodes of SGA. So for people like Sci, who don't have the SciFi channel, they are out of luck
                      Oh right,well that suxs.....Is there anywhere else they can get them!


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Hey Kitty,i was just reading some JT fics over at and i love a good Teyla Whump too!

                        So Tey,when you startin the Teyla Whump thread?
                        tonight 10 PM my time which is....... I have no idea your time though it will be started when you wake up.

                        Did you read my newst Teyla whumping story yet? the Beoken Stargate one? what about The Dream didja see that one yet? it is over on now, i'll be posting Broken Stargate later this evening

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Oh right,well that suxs.....Is there anywhere else they can get them!
                          Um...well, not by any means that you can talk about here at GW
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            No no, you're not dumb. It means that iTunes in the US won't be selling episodes of SGA. So for people like Sci, who don't have the SciFi channel, they are out of luck
                            how much was each episode anyhow? if this was over the prices for each eppy then it is a really stupid reason to cut off Sci-Fi channels best show

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              I just read part of a Mckay/Shep fic. I have no words right now.....
                              Why,was it good or bad!

                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              tonight 10 PM my time which is....... I have no idea your time though it will be started when you wake up.

                              Did you read my newst Teyla whumping story yet? the Beoken Stargate one? what about The Dream didja see that one yet? it is over on now, i'll be posting Broken Stargate later this evening

                              10:00pm your time which is probably about 5:am here or round about that!
                              Yes i've read them two,loved the broken stargate,major Teyla whump but i'm glad she was ok in the end!

                              Um...well, not by any means that you can talk about here at GW
                              Oh right,got ya!


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                how much was each episode anyhow? if this was over the prices for each eppy then it is a really stupid reason to cut off Sci-Fi channels best show
                                It was 1.99 per episode. NBC, according to the article, wanted 4.99 per show. Apple told them to take a hike...
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

