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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Misappropriations Part 2

    “What the hell is this?” John asked angrily as he slapped the manual down on Colonel Carter’s desk, causing her to slightly jump. She looked up at him, a tired, annoyed look smeared upon her usually smiling face. “Which part, Colonel? I’ve had nothing but complaints since I handed them out, so excuse me if you’ll have to be a bit more specific.”

    John grabbed the manual back into his hands and flipped to the coffee stained page that had caused his appearance in her office at this late hour. He cleared his throat and began to read aloud.

    “Section V, appendix 8, of the chapter entitled ‘Intergalactic Relationship Guidelines’. And to no exception, may any staff member of the Atlantis expedition or any derivatives thereof, engage in any manner, a romantic and/or sexual relationship with any being or persons not birthed of the planet Earth. The consequences of an unapproved relationship of anything further than a mild kinship and/or business arrangement will result in immediate dismissal of stationed post and a hearing for misappropriations by an appointed committee will commence.”

    “Shall I go on?” he asked with a look of disgust on his face. Colonel Carter sighed and stood, walking slowly over to Colonel Sheppard and leaning back onto her desk. “Colonel, I agree, these rules are a bit…….overprotective, but they are in place for a reason. We don’t know the consequences of having relations with all of the species in the Pegasus Galaxy. Other species that have different anatomies and physiologies, other species whose mating rituals differ from our own. The scientist in me agrees with this rule, we don’t know how it could affect the safety of Atlantis. The bottom line is, anyone engaging in such behavior will be in violation of the guidelines and therefore dismissed from duty.”

    She stopped speaking and looked strangely at Colonel Sheppard for a moment, taking in his demeanor. “What’s this about, Colonel? All the other complaints I’ve had so far had nothing to do with the relationship section of the manual.”

    John turned quickly to leave before she could examine his behavior any further. He was furious and did not want to discuss the matter any longer. He mumbled an excuse and hastily fled the office, heading in an unknown direction.

    He soon found himself standing outside the training room doors. He expected to find Ronon and Dr. Keller still inside when he peered in, but instead found Teyla and one of the many female marines of the expedition.

    He stood in shadow and watched as they trained, Teyla’s expert skills showing with each and every move she made. His heart beat fast and his mind spun with thoughts as he continued to watch unseen.

    Although he was unsure if he would have ever acted on his hidden feelings for her, this new regulation enraged him with renewed passion for his buried desire. If she had ever felt unattainable to him before, this was much, much worse and he watched her with an intense longing that filled him with ideas he dare not speak aloud.

    Great update...
    I had a feeling it was something about relationships...but not that stupid..only with people of earth... okay can someone shoot the one that came up with that rule on earth...sheez...
    I can wonder what John is going to do..and will Sam find out what strange bahaviour she saw in John...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Misappropriations Part 2

      “What the hell is this?” John asked angrily as he slapped the manual down on Colonel Carter’s desk, causing her to slightly jump. She looked up at him, a tired, annoyed look smeared upon her usually smiling face. “Which part, Colonel? I’ve had nothing but complaints since I handed them out, so excuse me if you’ll have to be a bit more specific.”

      John grabbed the manual back into his hands and flipped to the coffee stained page that had caused his appearance in her office at this late hour. He cleared his throat and began to read aloud.

      “Section V, appendix 8, of the chapter entitled ‘Intergalactic Relationship Guidelines’. And to no exception, may any staff member of the Atlantis expedition or any derivatives thereof, engage in any manner, a romantic and/or sexual relationship with any being or persons not birthed of the planet Earth. The consequences of an unapproved relationship of anything further than a mild kinship and/or business arrangement will result in immediate dismissal of stationed post and a hearing for misappropriations by an appointed committee will commence.”

      “Shall I go on?” he asked with a look of disgust on his face. Colonel Carter sighed and stood, walking slowly over to Colonel Sheppard and leaning back onto her desk. “Colonel, I agree, these rules are a bit…….overprotective, but they are in place for a reason. We don’t know the consequences of having relations with all of the species in the Pegasus Galaxy. Other species that have different anatomies and physiologies, other species whose mating rituals differ from our own. The scientist in me agrees with this rule, we don’t know how it could affect the safety of Atlantis. The bottom line is, anyone engaging in such behavior will be in violation of the guidelines and therefore dismissed from duty.”

      She stopped speaking and looked strangely at Colonel Sheppard for a moment, taking in his demeanor. “What’s this about, Colonel? All the other complaints I’ve had so far had nothing to do with the relationship section of the manual.”

      John turned quickly to leave before she could examine his behavior any further. He was furious and did not want to discuss the matter any longer. He mumbled an excuse and hastily fled the office, heading in an unknown direction.

      He soon found himself standing outside the training room doors. He expected to find Ronon and Dr. Keller still inside when he peered in, but instead found Teyla and one of the many female marines of the expedition.

      He stood in shadow and watched as they trained, Teyla’s expert skills showing with each and every move she made. His heart beat fast and his mind spun with thoughts as he continued to watch unseen.

      Although he was unsure if he would have ever acted on his hidden feelings for her, this new regulation enraged him with renewed passion for his buried desire. If she had ever felt unattainable to him before, this was much, much worse and he watched her with an intense longing that filled him with ideas he dare not speak aloud.
      Oh Crap!
      That had better a sick, cruel joke! We all know it takes John forever to admit that he cares about anyone..except Teyla in Sateda mess hall.Come on ! You are killing me!...
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
        Ok, let's see if I remember correctly...

        Go to your sig page. Highlight your Sig Pic (the code itself)then click the link button (the one with the earth and two links at the bottom) and type in the site.

        Let me know if it doesn't work
        Thanks, I'll give it a try!

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          I know I posted the chapter updates. But, I just finished reading Ancient Baby Maker! You've got to read it! It's great! I was laughing all the way through it!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Misappropriation Part 1

            Colonel Sheppard, Ronon, Teyla and Rodney were having lunch together in the mess hall as they usually did every afternoon. John sat back with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet occupying the one remaining empty seat at the table. “So what do you guys think this meeting is about anyways? Colonel Carter made it sound important.” Rodney groaned and looked down at his watch. “Ugh, I had forgotten all about the stupid thing. I hope she realizes I have genuinely important things to do with my time, unlike some of the other crew, who will remain nameless,” he said pointedly as he looked at Ronon.

            Ronon smiled broadly and said,” What? I have important stuff to do too, McKay.” Rodney made a face. “Oh yeah, like what, grooming all that ridiculous hair of yours?

            Ronon’s smile widened. “No, like training Dr. Keller defense tactics in the training room this afternoon.” Colonel Sheppard and Teyla immediately made an impressed face at him, with John even saying aloud, “Oohh.”

            Rodney sniffed the air and stuck out his chin the way he often did when he was put in his place and said, “Never mind then. Let’s go before we’re late.”

            They all rose and pushed in their chairs as they followed Rodney who hurriedly shuffled towards the conference room to meet Colonel Carter and the few other department heads and personnel who had been invited to the meeting.

            Everyone mulled around for a few minutes talking in groups before Colonel Carter had joined them and cleared her throat loudly, causing everyone to take their seats and quiet down.

            “Thank you,” she said as she stood, smiling at them all. “I’ll be as brief as possible; I know you all have things to do.” Rodney gave a knowing look to the others. Colonel Carter continued. “I’ve asked you all here to hand out the new manuals for conduct and appropriations that is being enforced by Stargate directive. They’ve decided to standardize regulations here in Atlantis and although I’m sure some of you will disagree with their methods, these are the rules and they will be followed to the T with no exceptions or special circumstances.” She had started to pass out the thick manuals as she spoke and everyone took them and passed them along the table, keeping one for themselves.

            “Now, I will give you all time to read through them before handing them out to your departments and team members. Learn these rules people. They are in place for the safety and protection of Atlantis, for Earth, and everything that we hold dear. Dismissed.”

            Everyone stood, their copy of the manual grasped in their hands and slowly began treading out of the conference room.

            Ronon headed off towards the training room stealthily tossing his copy of the manual into a nearby trash bin, Rodney headed towards the science labs while stuffing his copy under his vest, Teyla headed towards the east wing to find a bench in the afternoon sun to read her copy, and Colonel Sheppard headed to his quarters to read his, stopping only to pick up a large coffee in the cafeteria.

            John sat on his bed, the sounds of Johnny Cash singing softly in his ears, with his coffee in one hand and the manual in the other hand, already halfway read.

            Taking a large sip of coffee, he was about to swallow when he read a line in the manual that caused him to choke and sit up, spitting his coffee all over the crisp white pages. His eyes quickly re-read the words and his thoughts whirled angrily as the droplets of coffee slid lazily down the page.
            Oooh oooh
            what are the words!!!??

            *ruby goes to keep reading and see if there's more...*

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Hope this means you dudes are liking the story and.............

              HAPPY 400 POSTS RUBY!!!


                I'm back and boy was it CRAZY.... note to self, don't drink coffee before meeting, McKay'll have a tissy fit.

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Misappropriations Part 2

                  “What the hell is this?” John asked angrily as he slapped the manual down on Colonel Carter’s desk, causing her to slightly jump. She looked up at him, a tired, annoyed look smeared upon her usually smiling face. “Which part, Colonel? I’ve had nothing but complaints since I handed them out, so excuse me if you’ll have to be a bit more specific.”

                  John grabbed the manual back into his hands and flipped to the coffee stained page that had caused his appearance in her office at this late hour. He cleared his throat and began to read aloud.

                  “Section V, appendix 8, of the chapter entitled ‘Intergalactic Relationship Guidelines’. And to no exception, may any staff member of the Atlantis expedition or any derivatives thereof, engage in any manner, a romantic and/or sexual relationship with any being or persons not birthed of the planet Earth. The consequences of an unapproved relationship of anything further than a mild kinship and/or business arrangement will result in immediate dismissal of stationed post and a hearing for misappropriations by an appointed committee will commence.”

                  “Shall I go on?” he asked with a look of disgust on his face. Colonel Carter sighed and stood, walking slowly over to Colonel Sheppard and leaning back onto her desk. “Colonel, I agree, these rules are a bit…….overprotective, but they are in place for a reason. We don’t know the consequences of having relations with all of the species in the Pegasus Galaxy. Other species that have different anatomies and physiologies, other species whose mating rituals differ from our own. The scientist in me agrees with this rule, we don’t know how it could affect the safety of Atlantis. The bottom line is, anyone engaging in such behavior will be in violation of the guidelines and therefore dismissed from duty.”

                  She stopped speaking and looked strangely at Colonel Sheppard for a moment, taking in his demeanor. “What’s this about, Colonel? All the other complaints I’ve had so far had nothing to do with the relationship section of the manual.”

                  John turned quickly to leave before she could examine his behavior any further. He was furious and did not want to discuss the matter any longer. He mumbled an excuse and hastily fled the office, heading in an unknown direction.

                  He soon found himself standing outside the training room doors. He expected to find Ronon and Dr. Keller still inside when he peered in, but instead found Teyla and one of the many female marines of the expedition.

                  He stood in shadow and watched as they trained, Teyla’s expert skills showing with each and every move she made. His heart beat fast and his mind spun with thoughts as he continued to watch unseen.

                  Although he was unsure if he would have ever acted on his hidden feelings for her, this new regulation enraged him with renewed passion for his buried desire. If she had ever felt unattainable to him before, this was much, much worse and he watched her with an intense longing that filled him with ideas he dare not speak aloud.
                  There WAS more! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

                  Poor John. Silly regs. Bah.

                  I love how quickly you update MrsB- I wish I could do that as well! But, alas, I'm too slow...

                  In answer to your questions about Baby Love and CTMEOY - I haven't even decided what the epilogue is going to be about yet, and the next chapter of CTMEOY is about a quarter done... see what I mean? SLOOOW!!!

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Hope this means you dudes are liking the story and.............

                    HAPPY 400 POSTS RUBY!!!
                    Oh yeah!! Thank you!!

                    Sorry I haven't been around to day guys, RL... (and I mean real life, not rachel lutrell... )

                    And I have to go in a minute, because it almost 2am here... I just dropped by to catch up.

                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Hmm, I just tried to put a link to my fanfiction in my sig pic, but I don't think it worked... I'm probably just too tired to do it properly!

                      Anywho, bed for me now. Good night everyone!

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        CONGRATS RUBY ON 400 POSTS!

                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          did we not do a milestone not ten hours ago?

                          EDIT: Elf, I LOVE those Teyla Whumping screens

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            There are 19 viewers right now in this thread! Come on out and say HI!

                            WE would love to have you join in with us!:
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              I have a question!

                              How many glances do you have to post for caps in galleria? Are they just pics of
                              JT stealing looks and stuff or what?
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Well, thanks to John spilling the beans about my age, I am appor 1,107 years old on my planet, and should be dead on Atlantis, but I'm not, I look like a 22 year old.... at least I think I do

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

