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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Fury #4

    As Ronon held John from behind tightly by his arms, John heaved and flailed trying to escape his unlockable grip. "Get the hell off of me, Ronon!" he yelled, his bruising face still wildly searching the motionless body half buried in the sand.

    Ronon shoved John away hard in the opposite direction of the bloodied man and stood between them. "Sheppard, you don't want to do this. Look at him! He's down! We need to get the hell out of," Ronon said pointedly as he gestured to the many opening doors in the village where groups of men were emerging all with mallets resting in their hands.

    John made an ugly face and his chest heaved as he stared angrily at the approaching villagers while Rodney began slowly walking backwards making his way back to the path in which they had come, his wide eyes on the slowly incoming men, . "Colonel, I don't know why you're acting like a total steroid lunatic, but unless you want to get strung up by a ghost town lynch mob, we better go!"

    Ronon looked at John uncomfortably and said, "Well?" He did not want to force his friend into submission and wasn't even sure he could while John was full of this much rage. John sniffed the air and cracked his neck before giving Ronon a desperate look and turned to follow Rodney who was already quite a ways ahead.

    Ronon sighed with relief and followed as well, turning every few minutes with his guns held high to ensure the villagers would let them leave.

    Just as Rodney passed through the gate, Ronon grabbed John by the shoulder and John turned. Ronon stared at his heavy face and forlorn eyes and sympathized. "Why don't you just talk to her Sheppard?"

    John looked away from him and up towards the empty gray sky. "There's nothing to say Ronon. I was a fool to think their was." And he let Ronon's hand slip from his shoulder and he passed through the gate.
    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Fury #5
    Once Ronon had stepped through the wormhole he watched as Colonel Carter looked down from the top of the staircase and began to descend towards them, asking for a mission report. Rodney began to stutter an incomprehensible story while John awkwardly fiddled with his vest pocket.

    Ronon heard familiar distant laughter and his eyes caught at the top of one of the overpasses to see Teyla standing there. She was standing with one of the many marines of Atlantis and she was talking avidly and smiling widely. Ronon quickly turned to distract John from looking towards the general area, but it was too late.

    Ronon could see the transformation of John face as his gaze caught them, an intense burn glowing in his eyes. John's thoughts screamed in his mind, 'Is that him? Is that the guy?' Ronon wanted to get John out of there but before he could say anything Colonel Carter spoke first. "Colonel Sheppard, since McKay is obviously incapable of giving me a straight answer, could you please fill me in on what happened on M39-6V? Colonel Sheppard? John, what's wrong?" she finally said noticing his expression.

    John wasn't even listening. His heart pounding in his throat, he marched past Samantha who stared at him open mouthed and straight up the stairs, directly towards his quarters. He did this out of fear, fear for the man who stood beside her because he wanted nothing more than to bash his face in, even if they were just talking innocently.

    He entered his room and collapsed on his bed, slamming his open palm to his forehead in frustration. "Stupid, John! Stupid!" he scolded himself aloud. He sat there thinking for what felt like hours, but had actually been minutes and came to the only conclusion he knew was right.

    He straightened up and looked in the mirror, frowning at his reflection, before leaving his room and heading towards Colonel Carter's office.

    He knocked gently on the door and heard her say, "Enter."

    He opened the door and saw her look up almost smiling, as if expecting him.

    "I was hoping I wouldn't have to track you down Colonel. Neither of your team members seem to remember what happened on that planet in the last hour and I'm still waiting for a report," she said with a kind look in her eye.

    "Yeah, well, I do apologize for my behavior at the gate. That was entirely unprofessional of me. This is actually what I came here to talk about, Colonel. I'd like to be temporarily relieved of duty," he said not meeting her gaze.

    She said nothing for a moment and looked down at her hands before answering. "May I ask why, John?"

    John cleared his throat. "Personal reasons I'd rather not get into, but I feel my judgment has been compromised and the safety of the team comes first, so..."

    Colonel Carter had a knowing look on her face although since John was not looking at her, he did not catch it. "I know we don't know each other very well yet Colonel, but I've been around long enough and experienced enough in my time to pick up on certain...reactions."

    John finally met her eyes, confused. "I don't get what your saying Colonel."

    "I noticed your reaction to Teyla's news, John."

    His face darkened to a deep purple at the mere mention of her name, let alone Samantha's acknowledgement of his situation. His heart started pounding again in anxiousness.

    "If you could just let me know when the Daedelus is expected to return to Earth next, I'd appreciate it. Now if you'll excuse me..." He started to rise when she cut him off.

    "John?" He didn't turn but he did stop moving.

    "I know its none of my business, but a word of advice. Things aren't always what they seem."

    He didn't respond and continued towards the door, letting himself out.
    Ok this is getting very frustrating
    If he doesn't speak to Teyla soon i'm gonna beat the crap outta him myself and maybe it'll knock some sense into him

    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    I posted this in the Galleria as well

    i also made this one but it went wrong

    Brilll,simply AWESOME....I love how you blend different pics like that,STUNNING!


      Hey just a head up!

      Do not know how long I am able to be online! The weather is getting very nasty
      here! and the power is already starting to have an attitude! So, If I disappear entirely y'all will know why!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        LC - That is just aweful....I hope she and her family are alright.... hopefully some communication will be back and that is the only reason you haven't gotten hold of her...

        The video...uhm haven't gotten further then 1 min...still have 3½ min left of it to do... I think I'v reached a point in the video now,,,it's not easy's going little more faster with the music..little more action style...not that I have problems finding action clips just I want them to somehow fit together with the mood of the music...but I'll get there at some point...hopefully soon...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Hey guys! Another prayer request if I may. I'm sure most of you have read about the horrible earthquake that struck Peru yesterday. One of my best friends lives in Lima, and I can't reach her. I don't know anything about how her and her family are doing. Phone lines, cell lines, and obviously internet connections are all down right now, so I'm praying she and her family are safe, but just unable to communicate at the moment. The toll so far is over 300 dead. How sad and awful. I am worried sick for their safety.
          PRAYING!!! *adds to nightly prayer list!!*

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            Hey just a head up!

            Do not know how long I am able to be online! The weather is getting very nasty
            here! and the power is already starting to have an attitude! So, If I disappear entirely y'all will know why!
            It's pretty bad here too... horrible rain, and thunder,, and the wind pics up everytime the rain is coming... think black clouds hanging over here at the moment...wouldn't wanna be caught in that weather today..
            Sigs by Scifan


              WooHooo congrats...we've made it to 1700 pages!!!!
              Sigs by Scifan


                Dudes, glad your liking the story! I ran out to CVS and the page moved twice lol

                LC - That's awful man, I hope you talk to your friend soon!!! You can't catch a break huh?

                - Get to it when you can, as long as your surviving the inlaws!!

                Blue - That wallie was great!!

                Elf - Did the power go out?

                Sci - I couldnt find your question on JM blog, what was it if you dont mind me asking?


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  WooHooo congrats...we've made it to 1700 pages!!!!
                  And almost 34,000 posts!
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    I for one have to drive in the stuff later all

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Woohoo 17000 Pages....

                      Steph....this is so overwhelming, it does look so bad. And there's more stuff in JM's blog about us?
                      I haven't been there in awhile and when I"m there I tried not to read the comments either, only the ones that JM himself reply to. We do take for granted our own commodities and how Someone is watching over us.

                      But it won't last forever.

                      Okay, I have a load of things to catch up on. Can you imagine that this thread is so busy now during hiatus, imagine when the season actually starts????? *face palm* no way, Elff, you are going to have to move those newsletters to twice or maybe even three times a week, at least for this thread mommy anyways. Maybe we can get some to volunteer if this is too much for you, Elff. Just a suggestion, cause I Know I"M missing a ton of stuff.

                      Okay, I had company over today and i"m heading out soon as well....but REMEMBER, over in the Galleria it's......Motivational Poster Day! WOOHOOOO!

                      And you are ALL cordially invited!

                      Don't forget to post your HOT ZONE CAP!


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        WooHooo congrats...we've made it to 1700 pages!!!!

                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Fury #6 (small one)

                          John sat on his bed in his darkened room with his hands folded neatly in his lap and his eyes on the blank white walls. It was night and only one small lamp cast a warm glow lighting up the space around him. He had packed his clothes and all his belongings, neatly rolling up his Johnny Cash poster and tucking away his football tapes.

                          All that was left now was to actually leave. He stared at the empty room and felt out of place. This place he had come to know as home, suddenly felt strange and foreign, and even good friends and adventurous exploring held little, if any, excitement for him.

                          His heart was excruciatingly heavy and it felt heavier with each item he packed, each memory remembered. He knew in the farthest reaches of his mind, he would never return to Atlantis, the pain would be too unbearable. He felt alone and hurt and the one person he would even consider telling his feelings to, was the same person who had shattered his heart and didn't even know it.

                          He would leave in the morning and had decided not to say goodbye, 'I wouldn't even know what to say', he thought. The Daedelus was ready and so was he. Ready to forget he ever came to Atlantis, ready to forget he ever loved too late, ready to forget her beautiful face...

                          A knock came at the door and for a moment, John thought of letting them pass without answering but begrudgingly he rose and the door slid open to reveal the very last person he wanted to see.

                          Aaaannnnnnndddddd,of course you had to stop there......Di i ever tell ye that i HATE cliffies

                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                          LINDA!!!! *pulls Linda into a big *
                          KITTY!!!!! *hugs Kitty back*

                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          That bites, on your vacation too! I think I would have to find something else to do like jury duty or something....At least you paid here (US) if you are selected!
                          You guys get paid for Jury duty????

                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          JT wallie of our beautiful duo...

                          Awwww,so cute


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Woohoo 17000 Pages....

                            Steph....this is so overwhelming, it does look so bad. And there's more stuff in JM's blog about us?
                            I haven't been there in awhile and when I"m there I tried not to read the comments either, only the ones that JM himself reply to. We do take for granted our own commodities and how Someone is watching over us.

                            But it won't last forever.

                            Okay, I have a load of things to catch up on. Can you imagine that this thread is so busy now during hiatus, imagine when the season actually starts????? *face palm* no way, Elff, you are going to have to move those newsletters to twice or maybe even three times a week, at least for this thread mommy anyways. Maybe we can get some to volunteer if this is too much for you, Elff. Just a suggestion, cause I Know I"M missing a ton of stuff.

                            Okay, I had company over today and i"m heading out soon as well....but REMEMBER, over in the Galleria it's......Motivational Poster Day! WOOHOOOO!

                            And you are ALL cordially invited!

                            Don't forget to post your HOT ZONE CAP!
                            Love the wallie Camy!

                            Elf - Did the power go out? Not yet. But it is starting to flicker off and on!

                            And, Yes it would be nice to have some volunteers with help with the newsletter. There is a lot going on with JT! Maybe if it could be possible to alternate like every two weeks or something. It is usually over 70+ pages I go for the newsletter. Or possibly make a separate one for the Galleria! I really like to be able to have a collage of the artwork by everyone to break it up so there is not just links...Let me know what you all think? Please.
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              LC - i am so sorry that you can't get in touch with your friend but hopefully it's just because the lines of communication is down,hopefully they'll have it back up soon!

                              Man sometimes i am so glad i live in Scotland,we very rarely have any severe weather here,even England get's it alot worse than us,we always seem to miss the brunt of the bad weather and i for one am greatful for that!

                              Yeah it kinda suxs that they have to bad mouth us just because we're JT shippers,there's people that like other ships with Teyla and other people or John and others but i would never dream of saying anything bad or mean about their preference to a different ship,we've all got our favourite ship and it's about time some of the people respect that!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Hey guys! Another prayer request if I may. I'm sure most of you have read about the horrible earthquake that struck Peru yesterday. One of my best friends lives in Lima, and I can't reach her. I don't know anything about how her and her family are doing. Phone lines, cell lines, and obviously internet connections are all down right now, so I'm praying she and her family are safe, but just unable to communicate at the moment. The toll so far is over 300 . How sad and awful. I am worried sick for their safety.
                                Thats horrible I hope your friend turns out okay.

                                Nice update MrsB! *waiting for the talk between John and Teyla*

                                ALMOST 34000!!!!

                                my ships

