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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
    Wow! You summed up exactly how I feel....and you did it with a lot less cursing and "angry words" than I would have used! A Sheppard/Teyla thing has been in the works since the pre-writing days, and to back out on that now would really make me question the abilities of the writing staff. Bowing over to the majority who watch your show doesn't cut it for me. If people are really fans of the work you do, they will continue to watch it regardless of if the "popular ship" is chosen. Are you telling me that everyone who watched SG-1's episode "Heroes" was thrilled that Dr. Frasier died? No! I was thoroughly broken up about it, but the staff didn't say, "Oops! Never mind, that never happened!" just because some people hated it. To do that with the ships would really make me question who is in charge of this series. If this falls through, what next? A massive letter writing campaign makes Rodney permanently change into an iguana, just because that's what the viewers want? The staff needs to suck it up, deal with the fact that they can't make everyone happy, and realize that they are not as professional as they make themselves out to be if they throw away an entire aspect of the Atlantis universe and storyline as a result of a few fanfiction archives and Stargate forums.
    Exactly!!!!!!!!! I mean heck when a certain character was killed off in the harry potter series in the fith book I was devasted and so were a lot of people but you don't see J.K Rowiling going and changing it just for that reason!!!!

    And I really don't think Romance and Shippyness was what attracted people to the show in the first place, it was the prospect of the whole action adventure, sci fi, thing, well and it being a continuation of an already grossly popular series!!!

    Hehe Rodney as an iguana that would be funny
    Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


      Originally posted by Camy
      Wow...some great discussions here....Yeepee!
      I am just a little tired of people giving some lousy excuses for not seeing the whole Shep and Teyla thing...It is just so obvious and it works so well...So, what's wrong with the whole Hero gets the Good looking Alien Girl? It sells everytime! But, in addition to that, there is also their friendship, their trust, their intelligence and their need to survive and defend at all cost their own...Sounds like a perfect pair to me!
      It's because so many people are so freakin close minded!!! "Eww she's an Alien!!! we can't have the hot earth dude with the good looking alien chick.... quick get the Brown haired Dr. Chick to break up with that Simon dude...then pair the hot earth dude with her...... good now nothing on this show is controversial, it's good and cliched, like it should be!"


      There is WAAAAY more of a connection with Teyla and Shep!!! I mean heck!! He does that Athosian friend ship respect thingy with her, he spars with her,
      he wouldn't leave in that season 1 episode I don't know what it was called) when she wanted to rescue those people from the wraith attack!!
      Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


        Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
        It's because so many people are so freakin close minded!!! "Eww she's an Alien!!! we can't have the hot earth dude with the good looking alien chick.... quick get the Brown haired Dr. Chick to break up with that Simon dude...then pair the hot earth dude with her...... good now nothing on this show is controversial, it's good and cliched, like it should be!"


        There is WAAAAY more of a connection with Teyla and Shep!!! I mean heck!! He does that Athosian friend ship respect thingy with her, he spars with her,
        he wouldn't leave in that season 1 episode I don't know what it was called) when she wanted to rescue those people from the wraith attack!!

        Well, I hope you are wrong...because if what you are saying is true...that is just pure lame! And therefore, I hope the writers are much smarter than that!
        The episode you are referring to is Letters From Pegasus....One of the best episodes of the first season....
        And I don't know if I am right on this or not but, I think the episodes with S/T seem to be the best ones too.....Not because of their shippy scenes but because it had shippy scenes...Hahahahahah

        Listen, I am sick...just came from the doctors (not that anyone here cares, and not my point..but) I need something that will make me go OOHHHHH And AHHHHAHHHH,
        Can someone please post some Sheppard and Teyla moments....PLEASE....
        I said I was not going to even try to post....I will leave to those that know...
        Give me something to smile about....and patiently and anxiously wait for CONVERSION! Oh, if this episode doesn't meet my expectations...I don't know what I will do!

        Also, I need to read some great Sheppard/Teyla fanfic....Just came from and there are some really good ones...Need some more, though...I am bored and sick...need something to do...


          Originally posted by Camy
          And I don't know if I am right on this or not but, I think the episodes with S/T seem to be the best ones too
          For me, the episodes that had a lot of well-written and meaningful Rodney and Sheppard banter were great, as were the ones with Teyla and Sheppard having lots of scenes together. McKay and Sheppard do well playing off of each other as exact opposites, but Teyla and Sheppard always seem to be both in agreement but out of sync. They're similar in so many ways, but their differences are very in-your-face, and it makes for some great storytelling. They support each other no matter what, but they can butt heads (and both are so stubborn, it's hard to know who will win). This weird on and off thing that they have really, really works and makes for some amazing dialogue and conflict between the characters.

          Example for me would be in "The Gift" when Sheppard is worried about Teyla and tells Dr. Heightmeyer about her problems. Teyla immediately is angered and defensive and basically tells him to butt out. What I love is how puzzled and surprised Sheppard is -- but you could definitely see him acting the exact same way if their roles were reversed. Am I making any sense at all? Their chemistry works because they aren't always at war and they aren't always in complete, harmonious thought with one another. Their conflicts and differences make them realistic and fascinating, but they never lose respect, admiration, or trust in the other. That binds them together and makes them a perfect match (in my oh, so humble opinion).

          And I'm so excited for "Conversion" that I am practically in pain. I'm praying to the gods of all things Stargate that it meets our expectations. And I don't remember what thread I posted this on, but I'm going through all of the old episode transcripts and compiling a list of Sheppard/Weir moments and Sheppard/Teyla moments for each. I'm being as impartial as possible, but I haven't seen some of them in a while, and I'm going straight off the scripts. So I'll probably forget some of the little smiles/gazes/stares from either 'ship. Just curious to see the tally at the end.

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            As usual, some great points, SnoggingPicard..

            I can relate to another episode similar to the Gift example...
            In Hot Zone, when they were gearing up with the hazmat suits...when she tells him that he shouldn't have underminded Weir..and he replies why he did, and she in returns states...she is not the only one that suffers from that affliction...LOVE IT!!! I mean you have to have some level of trust and confidence in one another to be able to speak to your superior that way...Not only that but he gives her a look but doesn't reply....thus admiting...Damn, the girl has a point....He trusts her and respects her and sees her as a very valuable member of his team...

            Another scene that I really liked of coarse is the famous scene from Letters From Pegasus...Although, I must say, I neve quite understood the whole..."What else do you want from me?"and her response, "Too much I fear"...Help me on that one? And I can go on.....but if you liked send me a rough draft of what you find because I have the entire season recorded and I could help pick out some scenes....just let me know...I also recorded the ones from the second season....In any latest and favorite scene is the one from Instinct....

            SPOILER BELOW>>>>>>>>

            When they are walking in the forest hunting for the Wraith, Sheppard so ever softly and gently asks Teyla, "What about you?" 'Are you sensing anything?' She replies and he responds.. "How so?" (or something like that)...OH, the way he talks to so sweet....with such emotion...not necessarily shipppy, just with such grace and respect for the woman...My Goodness, he is so HOT! (calm down, Camy)

            And even when they do in the Siege 1 when she attacked Bates and he is yelling at know that he is doing it because he is protecting her and doesn't want her to get herself into trouble or hurt by him...He knows that Bates doesn't trust her or wants her around and he doesn't need any more ammunition against her...So, Shep yells at her because he knows that its probably the only way that she will listen because she can be so stubborn at times...So, even when he is angry with her...he still shows the respect and love that he has for her...What do you think? Am I just seeing things that aren't there?
            That is what I love about him and why I think they just have that connection...They have their disagreements and their differences, but like you said, they respect one another and they trust one another...If that is not the beginning of a romantic relationship, then I don't know what is....

            Trust me, I am just as anxious about Conversion as you are....I really do hope we are not dissapointed.....I want to see some clear demonstration of true attraction between both of them... I know that Teyla will clearly show it since the scene where she is about to loose it because she has to shoot him, looks just so painful for her... But, I want to see something from him....Even if it is just a hint....but, hey I think a kiss would definetly be enough...With or without a transformation in the works...a kiss is still a kiss and when he gives it to her, he has not completely transformed himself...unless they come up with some lame excuse that he was trying to "feed" off of her...


              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
              It's because so many people are so freakin close minded!!! "Eww she's an Alien!!! we can't have the hot earth dude with the good looking alien chick.... quick get the Brown haired Dr. Chick to break up with that Simon dude...then pair the hot earth dude with her...... good now nothing on this show is controversial, it's good and cliched, like it should be!"

              I doubt many Shep/Weir fans think like that. They ship because they like the idea of Sheppard and Weir together, not because they want someone to get in the way of Sheppard/Teyla.


                Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                I doubt many Shep/Weir fans think like that. They ship because they like the idea of Sheppard and Weir together, not because they want someone to get in the way of Sheppard/Teyla.
                I agree, the original post has to be the most bizarre thing I've ever read.

                And yet again... accused of making up excuses for not seeing Shep/Teyla. That's twice that's been said people on this thread.

                Jings, you lot do yourselves no favours sometimes.
                Last edited by astronomicalchick; 07 September 2005, 06:39 AM.


                  Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                  I doubt many Shep/Weir fans think like that. They ship because they like the idea of Sheppard and Weir together, not because they want someone to get in the way of Sheppard/Teyla.

                  a time to mourn


                    [QUOTE=Camy]As usual, some great points, SnoggingPicard..

                    When they are walking in the forest hunting for the Wraith, Sheppard so ever softly and gently asks Teyla, "What about you?" 'Are you sensing anything?' She replies and he responds.. "How so?" (or something like that)...OH, the way he talks to so sweet....with such emotion...not necessarily shipppy, just with such grace and respect for the woman. [QUOTE]

                    Thanks for the little message! And you're exactly right about this type of scene. Whenever he talks to her or about her, you can sense the respect and undying trust that he has for her. It is stated numerous times that Sheppard is the one who makes sure that she stays on "Atlantis", and every character except for him doubts her trustworthiness at least once. It's just a good, solid, mutual relationship that I love to death.

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      I went through all of the transcripts from every episode up to this point and compiled a list of what could be considered 'shippy moments, both from the Sheppard/Weir standpoint and the Sheppard/Teyla one. I wasn't doing this to attack or blatantly disprove that one 'ship is better than another one, so please don't hate me if you don't like what I found. Tried to be as impartial as possible, but of course I wasn't actually looking at the filmed episode, so it is likely I missed some of the significant looks or heavy silence moments that are indicative of 'ship stuff. If you have anything to add, please do so.


                      • Rising (Pt. 1)
                      o Weir advocates for Sheppard and makes sure that he is along for the mission

                      • Rising (Pt. 2)
                      o Gives him control over military aspect of Atlantis

                      • Hide and Seek
                      o Weir is put out that Sheppard didn’t invite her to watch football

                      • 38 Minutes
                      o She is deeply concerned when Sheppard is injured and when ship is stuck
                      o Sheppard wants to say something before he dies. Is it to Elizabeth directly?

                      • Suspicion
                      o Possible flirting before he leaves on his mission

                      • Childhood’s End
                      o None

                      • Poisoning the Well
                      o None

                      • Underground
                      o None

                      • Home
                      o Scene in Sheppard’s quarters (what’s the future of Atlantis?); he’s glad she’s staying on the station

                      • The Storm
                      o Sheppard agrees to give in to Kolya’s demands to save Weir

                      • The Eye
                      o Extremely upset when he believes Weir is dead; promises to exact revenge
                      o He comforts Weir when Kolya releases her; takes her hand

                      • The Defiant One
                      o None

                      • The Hot Zone
                      o Sheppard overrides her orders because he doesn’t want her to get infected

                      • Sanctuary
                      o Teases Sheppard about his attraction to Chaya

                      • Before I Sleep
                      o He gives her a surprise birthday present, and she is very pleased with it
                      o Checks in on her to see if she’s handling the situation well

                      • The Brotherhood
                      o None

                      • Letters From Pegasus
                      o None

                      • The Gift
                      o None

                      • The Siege (Pt. 1)
                      o None

                      • The Siege (Pt. 2)
                      o He defends Weir to Colonel Everett and states that he has explicit trust in her
                      o There’s a long look between them before he goes on his suicide mission

                      • The Siege (Pt. 3)
                      o Ecstatic to hear that he wasn’t killed
                      o The very intense, believable hug between them when he returns

                      • The Intruder
                      o Little chatting scene on the Daedalus
                      o Weir defends Sheppard’s record to Caldwell

                      • The Runner
                      o None

                      • Duet
                      o None

                      • Condemned
                      o None

                      • Trinity
                      o None

                      • Instinct
                      o She grins at him when he makes the joke about Wraith puberty

                      • Rising (Pt. 1)
                      o Sheppard overtly flirts with her; it is received favorably by Teyla
                      o “The Cave”; definitely a moment there!

                      • Rising (Pt. 2)
                      o The last scene: Head touching and confirmation of friendship; McKay and Beckett are in awe of this

                      • Hide and Seek
                      o States that Sheppard was the one who invited her on his team
                      o He defends Teyla and the Athosians to Weir and the others
                      o Bluntly states that he trusts her
                      o Introduces Teyla to football

                      • 38 Minutes
                      o She is concerned when Sheppard is hurt
                      o Primary caregiver of him while in the shuttle
                      o Sheppard is concerned for her even though he is the injured one

                      • Suspicion
                      o Sheppard vehemently defends Teyla to the rest of the Atlantis crew (including Weir) several times during episodes
                      o Refuses to let her go searching for the planet’s inhabitants alone
                      o Furious with Bates for suggesting she is guilty
                      o Bates accuses him of allowing his “personal feelings” to conflict with his opinion of Teyla
                      o Tells Weir he’d rather be dismissed from duty than allow Bates’ behavior toward Teyla to continue

                      • Childhood’s End
                      o None

                      • Poisoning the Well
                      o None

                      • Underground
                      o Teyla specifically mentions Sheppard as a reason why she stayed on Atlantis

                      • Home
                      o Sheppard invites her to visit Earth with him
                      o Takes her shopping and compliments her on outfit (what kind of guy does that?)
                      o He checks her out when the fake Hammond explains what’s going on

                      • The Storm
                      o None

                      • The Eye
                      o Teyla refuses to leave Sheppard when he’s on the warpath

                      • The Defiant One
                      o None

                      • The Hot Zone
                      o Stick-fighting! Teyla hits him on the butt with her sticks and gets him into a headlock, which he doesn’t seem too upset about!
                      o Teyla ribs him about his stubbornness

                      • Sanctuary
                      o Teases Sheppard about his attraction to Chaya
                      o She tells him that he is allowed to have feelings for others, even as a military officer; he gives her a thoughtful look when she tells him that

                      • Before I Sleep
                      o None

                      • The Brotherhood
                      o Sheppard shares a look with Teyla when they tease Rodney

                      • Letters From Pegasus
                      o Teyla begs him not to leave the puddle jumper for fear he will be caught by the Wraith
                      o Sheppard agrees to stay on the planet in order to prevent Teyla from leaving alone

                      • The Gift
                      o During her nightmare, she goes to Sheppard’s quarters for help
                      o Stick-fighting again; Sheppard looks really concerned when he beats her, and he helps her up from the mat on the floor (they share a look)
                      o He tells Dr. Heightmeyer that Teyla hasn’t been sleeping well and insists she stay behind on the mission because he is worried about her
                      o Refuses to leave the planet until Teyla has found what she’s looking forward – he wants to help her resolve whatever is bothering her
                      o Sheppard defends Teyla to Bates and stares him down after he shoots her
                      o He states that she’s one of the strongest people he knows and reassures her when she apologizes for not getting them the information they needed

                      • The Siege (Pt. 1)
                      o Concerned for Teyla when she insists on being released to active duty
                      o Once again shoots down Bates’ suspicion of her
                      o Bates accuses Sheppard of letting his personal feelings get in the way of his opinion of Teyla
                      o He holds her back from fighting Bates with the addition of the interesting line “…he says a lot of things.”
                      o He completely believes Teyla when she denies having been involved in Bates’ injuries; even Ford and Weir aren’t so sure
                      o Immediately loses it when the Wraith that Teyla is connecting with mentally attacks her

                      • The Siege (Pt. 2)
                      o Everett mentions that Sheppard spoke very highly of Teyla in numerous reports

                      • The Siege (Pt. 3)
                      o None

                      • The Intruder
                      o Congratulates him on reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel

                      • The Runner
                      o “What are you doing!?”
                      “Getting my hand free.”
                      “Didn’t feel that way!”

                      • Duet
                      o Rushes to her defense when Ronon pins her during sparring; stands between them and helps her up from the mat

                      • Condemned
                      o None

                      • Trinity
                      o None

                      • Instinct
                      o Deeply concerned when she is attacked by Elia, takes off his jacket, and orders Ronon to stay with her while he goes off after the Wraith alone

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                        I went through all of the transcripts from every episode up to this point and compiled a list of what could be considered 'shippy moments, both from the Sheppard/Weir standpoint and the Sheppard/Teyla one. I wasn't doing this to attack or blatantly disprove that one 'ship is better than another one, so please don't hate me if you don't like what I found. Tried to be as impartial as possible, but of course I wasn't actually looking at the filmed episode, so it is likely I missed some of the significant looks or heavy silence moments that are indicative of 'ship stuff. If you have anything to add, please do so.
                        It's a good try, but it is subjective I'm afraid. Trouble is, if I could be bothered to do this (and I applaud your commitment!) I'd come up with a biased Shep/Weir list. Which just goes to prove, it isn't really worth doing this, unless we got a neutral observer to do it...

                        Unfortunately, this also adds fuel to ship wars, although I am sure that wasn't your intention!

                        Ship really is the eye of the beholder, that's the whole point of it for me!


                          Thanks for your words, Astronomical. I hope that no one gets really pissed at me, and I know you weren't offended, but I'm afraid that some will be mad. If anyone bashes it, please know that I am not (emphasize not!) against a Sheppard/Weir relationship. I actually really, really like the scenes with the two of them and they are two great characters. If a relationship were to develop between them, I wouldn't be mad or upset. I'd just be curious how the writers decide to approach it. This list isn't meant to be used as proof for one 'ship over another or serve as weaponry in some of the more violent 'ship wars -- just personal curiosity that I offered to share with this thread. If anyone really has an issue with it or it really, really offends you for some reason, please send me a message. I don't want this issue to get anymore sensitive than it already is! Please don't hate me!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            No, I don't think people will get pissed. It's obvious you were really trying to be objective, but I think if you're already a shipper, it's too difficult. Nice effort, though.

                            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                              My 0.02 cents:
                              I like you guys and respect you highly.
                              Just because we're from different ships doesn't change or alter my opinion of you in any way. In fact I like you all the more because you do ship for a couple. It shows that you are in touch with the emotional side of the characters and likely to get more out of the program than those who don't.

                              Keep on shipping!

                              *skips back to the Weir/Shep thread*


                                Originally posted by leafy
                                My 0.02 cents:
                                I like you guys and respect you highly.
                                Just because we're from different ships doesn't change or alter my opinion of you in any way. In fact I like you all the more because you do ship for a couple. It shows that you are in touch with the emotional side of the characters and likely to get more out of the program than those who don't.

                                Keep on shipping!

                                *skips back to the Weir/Shep thread*

                                I feel the same way...that is why I don't post in threads that I don't necessarily agree with...I don't want to cause or stir any problems...just want to voice my opinion in favor of what I like and agree with...

