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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Pam, this is what? Your 4th? 5th name change??

    Hmm, I'll have to go re-read the Condemned spoliers. *forgot*

    The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


      Originally posted by Angelique
      Pam, this is what? Your 4th? 5th name change??

      lol!! yeah, apparently...

      Hmm, I'll have to go re-read the Condemned spoliers. *forgot*
      ROFL!!! it's the one
      about the prison colony... the alcatraz-like place i guess... or maybe like australia used to be ... *rambling*


        Yay! I'm at my hundreth post.
        This is my favorite thread, and you are my favorite Sheyla I had to put it here!

        Yeah, it's not a super big deal....just took me long enough to post 'em.
        I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


          Congrats on your 100th post, Drewzy!!

          Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
          still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


            Thank you, thank you!

            And a pretty picture too.....Can't you just feel the angst in that pic? Mmm-mmm-mmm.

            I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


              yes indeed!!! *loooooves that pic*

              congrats drewzy!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by emily_reich
                ROFL!!! it's the one
                about the prison colony... the alcatraz-like place i guess... or maybe like australia used to be ... *rambling*
                OH! The one Merr translated.
                I SO can't wait for the wraith! *SQUEEE*

                Congrats Drewzy!!!

                The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                  Originally posted by Drewzy
         Ship radar went off when I saw it.
                  We've just honed our ship senses to detect even the slightest little moment.
                  Or maybe that's just me, since I'm a John and Teyla nerd.
                  Now there's an interesting challenge. How many little unscripted/blink n' you miss 'em John and Teyla moments have you spotted so far...

                  1. Rising Part II
                  At the very end when John and Ford are walking towards the balcony, watch John's line of sight as he emerges from the crowd of people and spots Teyla sporting some rather tight trousers.

                  2. Poisoning the Well
                  At the very beginning of the episode, the first minute to be precise, the team are chatting to the Chancellor. Again, as Teyla asks the Chancellor a question, John seems to check her over.

                  I know this could just be me but some of us have to wait for spoilers and the DVDs before we get to see Season 2, so...

                  Anyone else?


                    Originally posted by emily_reich
                    lol!! yeah, apparently...
                    I'm confused... but I won't ask! I wanted to give you some green Em, but it won't let me... I have to spread it around so I'll go off and be a slapper...

                    er, so get back to your regular ship-thing


                      I'll take up the challenge Deboroh to find all the unwritten Sheyla moments.

                      Thirty-Eight Minutes
                      This could be unwritten or Joe was infact helping Teyla get up the hill, but when the team are fleeing the Wraith John puts his arm around Teyla to help her up the hill.

                      Childhood's End
                      Sheppard is on the radio and Teyla is looking at the back of him, could be because he is on the radio but who knows!

                      A massive one here - John looks at Teyla when she enters the car after shopping. This could have been scripted or they might have said to Joe to look at Rachel like "woo nice outfit"

                      Hot Zone
                      In the fighting gym scene - John again is one the radio but Teyla looks at his bum (just spotted it in my collection of caps!)

                      Letters From Pegasus
                      John is about to leave the Jumper, and Teyla grabs his arm. Again could be classed as written or Rachel decided to add it as it made the scene more dramatic etc.

                      That's all I've got


                        however also in EVERY group there are the bad apples, which unfortuantely tend to be a vocal minority that makes the rest look bad, and they CAN get overly rude to both other ships AND shippers...
                        Oh word to that! Unfortunately, we've got a few (or are they all one?) in here.

                        And on another, slightly Sheyla topic, WTF is up with Chicago? Anyone there that lost their SciFi signal?
                        I didn't have a problem. Was it just in the city or in some suburbs, too?
                        Earth...steaks. There's a difference?


                          Originally posted by TheWarrior
                          I'll take up the challenge Deboroh to find all the unwritten Sheyla moments.

                          Thirty-Eight Minutes
                          This could be unwritten or Joe was infact helping Teyla get up the hill, but when the team are fleeing the Wraith John puts his arm around Teyla to help her up the hill.

                          Childhood's End
                          Sheppard is on the radio and Teyla is looking at the back of him, could be because he is on the radio but who knows!

                          A massive one here - John looks at Teyla when she enters the car after shopping. This could have been scripted or they might have said to Joe to look at Rachel like "woo nice outfit"

                          Hot Zone
                          In the fighting gym scene - John again is one the radio but Teyla looks at his bum (just spotted it in my collection of caps!)

                          Letters From Pegasus
                          John is about to leave the Jumper, and Teyla grabs his arm. Again could be classed as written or Rachel decided to add it as it made the scene more dramatic etc.

                          That's all I've got
                          Nice. I hadn't spotted Teyla looking at John's bum in the gym. It just goes to show that most of their little moments, scripted or otherwise, are evidence of their physical attraction. I just wish the PTBs would beef it up with some angst.

                          I think that perhaps that's what the Shweir supporters have more of. I'm not saying I want to see the potential for ship there but you have to admit John and Elizabeth do connect more on an intellectual level. I'd love to see John and Teyla stuck on an alien planet, a la Solitudes, really opening up to each other.

                          Anyway, I digress, unscripted Sheyla moments....mmmm.


                            I missed both Home and Hot Zone . Oh, well.


                              Hiya! How do I post pictures? I just cant figer it out. If ya know could you please tell?


                                Originally posted by SheylaFreak
                                Hiya! How do I post pictures? I just cant figer it out. If ya know could you please tell?
                                If you have the image on your pc, go to and click browse - locate the image from your computer and then click on upload.

                                Then copy one of the tags that will appear into the space available on the forum to post a message.

