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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by 1DanielForMe View Post
    I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think any realtionship that develops between Shep and a girl other than Teyla could last, and this probably isn't even that.
    Nice to see you 1Daniel: You just made me feel better.


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      A pessimist really? im surprise again, but i guess if you dont expect anything then if they give you something you'll be all the more happier about it!
      About overly cautious?

      Seriously though, I'm not only into the show for the ship. I think the team dynamic is something that few shows have. But hey, if they have Teyla chisel JS+TE=Love 4Ever on her banto sticks, I'm not going to complain.
      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
        About overly cautious?

        Seriously though, I'm not only into the show for the ship. I think the team dynamic is something that few shows have. But hey, if they have Teyla chisel JS+TE=Love 4Ever on her banto sticks, I'm not going to complain.
        Your right there are many different facets on the show i like, Rodney and Shep, Rodney and Ronon, Ronon and Teyla are some great friendships and wicked funny scenes oh and Radek and Rodney of course

        Ok the poll is up at go vote for
        who the father of Teyla's baby is
        , and while your there vote for hottest guy on tv too


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Ok one more Heated Argument cuz I'm such a wacko and I seem to be keeping the same theme with all my stories today but oh well.

          John stood in the doorway pretending to have a conversation with Rodney and Sam but his eyes were fixed elsewhere. He looked at Teyla as she talked and laughed standing closely to Ronon. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt the powerful burn of jealousy in his heart.

          Later that evening Teyla came to see him in his quarters. “Good evening, Colonel. I came to see if you were alright. You did not seem to enjoy yourself at the festivities.”

          “You seemed to have a good enough time for the both of us,” he mumbled.

          “Excuse me?” she said confused, only catching half of what he said.

          “Nothing. Look Teyla, I’m just really tired so if you wouldn’t mind…” and he held his hand out towards the door.

          “John?” she said quietly approaching him. She placed her hand on his arm and his heart beat faster. “What is it?” She looked into his eyes and he swallowed.

          “Look,” he started. He couldn’t believe he was about to have this conversation. “If you want to have a relationship with someone Teyla, that’s your business. Far be it from me to stand in your way, but if you’re gonna be with another member of my team, I—“

          Teyla interrupted him. “What are you talking about?”

          “I saw you with Ronon. I see you everyday with him! The way you two are with each other, it’s just….Look, that kind of stuff shouldn’t happen on the job, it’s not—“

          “John, what is going on here? Ronon and I are friends! You know this!” Teyla was getting flustered and her voice was getting higher.

          “I just don’t want this rubbed in my face anymore, ok?” John said turning away from her.

          “Rubbed in your…..There is nothing between him and I, John! And I cannot believe you would even care if it were true!”

          John walked right up to her causing her to jump in surprise, his eyes searching her face hard. “Stop it Teyla, stop pretending! Don’t you know how I feel? Can’t you see it?”

          She held her breath in for a moment. “No, John! How should I know how you feel if you do not tell me! All I have ever wanted is for you tell me!”

          “You really want to know Teyla? All I do is think about you! You haunt my world, day and night! I can’t get you out of my head and it’s killing me! Knowing we can never be together, knowing this can never happen!”

          “Why John? Why can’t this happen?!” she cried.

          “Is that what you want Teyla? Are you sure you wouldn’t want your precious Ronon?” he yelled sarcastically.

          She slapped him hard in the face, tears in her eyes.

          He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked at her and grabbed her roughly pulling her close. “This cannot happen,” he said through gritted teeth. “I…..I….” He trailed off, his voice breaking.

          And then he kissed her hard, overwhelmed with his passion and desire for her. She pulled him tighter and he kissed her even harder.
          Loved could feel the heat

          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          LOL Ok much more sense now my bad DUH I was like wow did I miss that

          But they had mentioned something about the travelers being somewhat recurring right, if not her, like your saying you heard???
          The Travelers are from what I know in two episodes...

          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Well, according to IMDB...

          She's actually in two episodes. "Travellers" which is scheduled to come out this year and "Be All My Sins Remember'd" coming out in 2008 and they have her cast as Larin in both episodes.

          I pretty much stay away from spoilers (shocking, I know) so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
          Yup that would be the two epis I've heard but....
          Jill seems to only be in the epi Travelers... I think it was reported if it was from the blog or whatever...that Jill wasn't able to do the second it seems to only be her people in that second one and not her...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Loved could feel the heat

            Yup that would be the two epis I've heard but....
            Jill seems to only be in the epi Travelers... I think it was reported if it was from the blog or whatever...that Jill wasn't able to do the second it seems to only be her people in that second one and not her...
            Thanks Nina!

            Yeah from what Scifan and Yappi said thats what I figured.
            Well good I hope that she just tried to hit on Shep or whatever and he's like no thanks beyyatch


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Ok please don't think im insane but
              what does torri is not the original weir mean??????

              I have a situation that i could write a blurb for in that scene which is why i wanted to know if they kiss
              The original Dr. Weir in SG1 was played by Jessica Steen from Earth2, only they gave her a bad bleach blonde hairdo. Personally,
              it took me a long time to like Torri as Weir because I love Jessica's acting and thought she did a wonderful job as Weir. In the end, I think Torri made the role her own, though.

              I'm pretty sure that since John is the hero they don't want him to "settle down" with anyone soon, particularly a guest star. I think they have a track record of slowly building JT and so will continue with JT for a long time.
              Last edited by Doxymom; 21 July 2007, 06:37 PM.


                Just finished the movie. I wished I would've stayed in here instead!

                I'm glad I only rented it. I do not want to own it at all. It took forever to get to the point when I figured it out in the first 8-to 10 mins.

                Thank Scifan and Mrs.B for keeping my attention in check. Especially those lovely scenes in the Secret Mrs B! Way more action and angst and pain and
                stuff going on than in Premonition!! If you are in to that kind of stuff you might
                enjoy it!

                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                  The original Dr. Weir in SG1 was played by Jessica Steen from Earth2, only they gave her a bad bleach blonde hairdo. Personally,
                  it took me a long time to like Torri as Weir because I love Jessica's acting and thought she did a wonderful job as Weir. In the end, I think Torri made the role her own, though.

                  I'm pretty sure that since John is the hero they don't want him to "settle down" with anyone soon, particularly a guest star. I think they have a track record of slowly building JT and so will continue with JT for a long time.
                  I agree about Torri. I don't have Scifi and I didn't really get to get into SGA right away, so I didn't realize that Weir was the same character as the one on SG1. I forgotten the character name so it just never clicked, but I like Torri.

                  I love how you word about JT. Thanks DM


                    Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                    The original Dr. Weir in SG1 was played by Jessica Steen from Earth2, only they gave her a bad bleach blonde hairdo. Personally,
                    it took me a long time to like Torri as Weir because I love Jessica's acting and thought she did a wonderful job as Weir. In the end, I think Torri made the role her own, though.

                    I'm pretty sure that since John is the hero they don't want him to "settle down" with anyone soon, particularly a guest star. I think they have a track record of slowly building JT and so will continue with JT for a long time.
                    Well said Doxymom. I myself can not see them having John settling with anyone
                    soon unless it is Teyla. As I want them to be together already it is like a rollercoaster ride to see what they are going to have them go through next. That is what keeps me sucked in!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Hey I just realized that we only have like 68 more days until the SGA S4 premiere. Of course that is in the US. I think Canada and the UK are like October
                      1st. I am not sure though.
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        YEAH!!!!!! I'm so excited. My only dilema(sp?) is whether or not I should buy the eps on itune because I know I'll buy the series when it comes out on dvd.

                        You know, I've been meaning to say this all day and I keep forgetting. Friday the JT Awards voting begins. I just need to know how we suppose to vote when it opens. Does anyone have a clue?


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          YEAH!!!!!! I'm so excited. My only dilema(sp?) is whether or not I should buy the eps on itune because I know I'll buy the series when it comes out on dvd.

                          You know, I've been meaning to say this all day and I keep forgetting. Friday the JT Awards voting begins. I just need to know how we suppose to vote when it opens. Does anyone have a clue?
                          I do not have clue on how we are suppose to vote. This will be my first time to do so. I am not going to buy the eps this time. I did on two on S3 but, I already have preordered my S3 DVD's. I will do the same with S4 when they become available to do so. And, I'll get to test our new DVR to see if it actually worth it!
                          So, I will be able to further my research in world of SGA and JT.

                          I could make myself suffer and watch the episodes over and over again...
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Well, according to IMDB...

                            She's actually in two episodes. "Travellers" which is scheduled to come out this year and "Be All My Sins Remember'd" coming out in 2008 and they have her cast as Larin in both episodes.

                            I pretty much stay away from spoilers (shocking, I know) so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
                            Those episodes threw made me loopy! I was confused with the blond lady as Weir because the only one I had seen portray her was Torri. It took me a while to get into those eps. But, once I did I forgot that it was a different person. Once I heard the little remnants of Atlantis music in the background I was looking for our people and the PG!!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..



                              Y'all obviously know what part of the happy globe I am located on .

                              Where are you located on the globe?

                              Even if I did put Texas up there. Y'all would've figured it out...
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Hi guys....Trying to catch up! I"m still keeping my labtop very still so I don't loose the connection, hopefully I can find someone this week that won't keep the computer for 5 or 6 weeks away from...I can't live without F.L.!

                                Okay...let's see if I can do this right...

                                This is too cute! I hope you did take on my challenge!


                                I am sooo impressed by how good you are getting at you know how long it took me to get anywhere near how I am now at this are doing an EXCELLENT JOB!

                                First Date fic...WONDERFUL!

                                Heated Argument Artwork..
                                you just keep getting better and better...

                                You are KILLING ME...this is PERFECT!
                                and I haven't even read the entire fic yet...I'm hoping that she's finished it and so I don't have to wait anxiously for the ending! *wink*

                                BLUE! THIS IS GORGEOUS!
                                Excellent! I love those pastel colors!

                                DM...I hope you got a good look at all the wonderful things that came out of your 20 challenge..and if I may, I think we need 20 new ones! Right guys!?
                                I'd take up Scifan's offer. There are some things in the galleria that weren't posted here as well and I hope you swing by and take a look at them as well....

                                Elff...Love it! thanks!

                                Mrs. B...OH, this is not done, right?

                                Still catching up...brb

