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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LOL. You guys are funny. I can't wait for the on-lookers stop looking and join in.

    Thanks guys for comments on Story. Here's the last part. I told you I wanted to keep it short. Enjoy.

    Padme: Yeah!!! I'll be looking forward to your new chpt.



    During one of Teyla’s brief breaks from pushing, Teyla turns her head to John. “John, I have been meaning to tell you this for months, but I never had the nerves to tell you.” Teyla pauses, “You are this baby’s father.” Teyla looks at John’s eyes widen.
    “How? When? Are you sure?” stutters John.
    “Remember when the entity came to Atlantis, I had a dream of being with you….” Teyla starts to groan as another contraction starts again.
    “I had a dream I was with you too,” John says slightly excited.
    “Ok Teyla! The head is coming out! Only a few more pushes to go!” encourages Keller.
    “But I’m so tired,” whines Teyla.
    John bends down to whisper in her ear, “It’s ok. I’m right here with you. I’m not leaving.” He looks at her with a big smile. “Are you ready, mommy?” A big smile comes across her face and she nods yes.
    Keller was right. It only took a few more pushes and the baby came out. Keller announces that they have a baby boy.
    John and Teyla smile at each other. John brushes Teyla’s wet hair back, “You did it Teyla. You… we, have a baby boy.” Teyla smiles at John, but soon her smile fades as her eyes closes and her head droops to the side. “Teyla?” John looks up to Keller with a worried look.
    “Sorry John. You need to leave!” yells Keller as a nurse escorts him out. “She’s hemorrhaging! Let’s get moving fast!”
    “Teyla? TEYLA!” yells John. Everything turns black.
    John sits up quickly in his bed with sweat pouring down his face. He looks around his room. “Wow! It was a dream,” John sighs in relief. He gets up to wash his face with cold water. “Why would I dream that? It felt so really and to think it was mine. Why would I think that?”
    He remembers the day, last week, that Teyla told him, his team and Carter that she was pregnant. He also remembered that she asked to talk to him before breakfast today. She emphasized that it was important and she looked worried. John laughs at himself at the thought that he wants to be the father. He decides to finish getting ready and heads to Teyla’s quarters.
    Once at her quarters, he sees Teyla and looks down at her barely noticeable baby bump. Teyla gives him a curious look, “Are you feeling fine John?” John looks up at Teyla’s face and nods yes. She leads him into her room and the door closes behind them. “I believe you should sit down for this,” Teyla pauses to collect her thoughts. She nervously smiles, “Do you remember when the entity came to Atlantis?”

    The End.


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      LOL i know that!! I just remember that you are an avid whumper is all

      OK since this place is dead today, I'm gonna try to liven things up PEOPLE heres a challenge: Right here in this very thread today I want to see you post a short script for the heated argument between John and Teyla. Make it funny, romantic, angsty, or what you think they would really have a fight (physical or verbal) Try to keep it under 20 sentences. I'll do mine when I get back from picking up dinner and running some errands with Mr.B108
      All right, I got a spell checking, just written on the fly. And thanks to Elf for the pic she posted earlier because it was so my inspiration for this ficlet.

      TEYLA: I can not believe you think this is true.

      SHEPPARD: [smirking] Of course it is. Even McKay's told me so.

      TEYLA: I disagree. Perhaps it is because you are his friend he told you that. But, Colonel, believe me when I say that you are wrong.

      SHEPPARD: Listen, don't get all defensive just because you aren't right. If it makes you feel any better, I'd say you come in a close second. [PAUSE] Well, maybe third. Ronan is serious competition.

      TEYLA: Then perhaps it is best that we stop this discussion.

      SHEPPARD: Not until you admit it.

      TEYLA: I am afraid I can not, Colonel. My people find lying to be a dispicable act.

      SHEPPARD: It's not lying when it's true.

      TEYLA: Colonel, I do not thin--

      SHEPPARD: Teyla, just stop. I'm right and you're wrong. Do you want me to get Elizabeth involved?

      TEYLA: No! [PAUSE]

      SHEPPARD: Then say it.

      TEYLA: [mumbling]

      SHEPPARD: [smiling] What was that? I couldn't hear you.

      TEYLA: I said 'You have the best hair on Atlantis.' Happy?

      SHEPPARD: [running his hand through his hair] You bet.
      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


        Guys, be honest. Should I add more to the end or is it ok. Let me know.


          excellent story Lea are you coming online for an hour
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            All right, I got a spell checking, just written on the fly. And thanks to Elf for the pic she posted earlier because it was so my inspiration for this ficlet.

            TEYLA: I can not believe you think this is true.

            SHEPPARD: [smirking] Of course it is. Even McKay's told me so.

            TEYLA: I disagree. Perhaps it is because you are his friend he told you that. But, Colonel, believe me when I say that you are wrong.

            SHEPPARD: Listen, don't get all defensive just because you aren't right. If it makes you feel any better, I'd say you come in a close second. [PAUSE] Well, maybe third. Ronan is serious competition.

            TEYLA: Then perhaps it is best that we stop this discussion.

            SHEPPARD: Not until you admit it.

            TEYLA: I am afraid I can not, Colonel. My people find lying to be a dispicable act.

            SHEPPARD: It's not lying when it's true.

            TEYLA: Colonel, I do not thin--

            SHEPPARD: Teyla, just stop. I'm right and you're wrong. Do you want me to get Elizabeth involved?

            TEYLA: No! [PAUSE]

            SHEPPARD: Then say it.

            TEYLA: [mumbling]

            SHEPPARD: [smiling] What was that? I couldn't hear you.

            TEYLA: I said 'You have the best hair on Atlantis.' Happy?

            SHEPPARD: [running his hand through his hair] You bet.


            I love it. Wonderful Jess!!!


              I dont know if anybody has posted this from jms blog yet

              Congratulations to Carl Binder for writing and producing truly great episode. We watched the Day 2 Mix of Missing and all thought it was terrific. Funny, scary, shocking, gross, exciting, and ultimately touching. Great job by everyone involved, especially director Andy Mikita and actresses Rachel Luttrell and Jewel Staite.
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Hey Y'all!

                I'm back! I had the Dtv tech to install new DVR at my house. It took a while.
                But you know what the cool thing is:

                He was a huge SGA Fan! Ain't that a kicker! So, the sweet thing about the whole thing is it did not cost me a thing for install. *bows to SGA*

                Yes! I saved some mula!! I am so happy! So, it was cool. I love JT and I
                SGA! Thank for fellow SGA fans!!!


                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Labor of Love

                  Part 1:

                  John wakes up and starts another morning’s routine of preparing himself for seeing Teyla. He hadn’t been completely ignoring her, but seeing her getting bigger and bigger during her pregnancy was like torture to him. He remained civil to her, but he decided it was best not to hang out with her as often as he use to. Before he is about to walk out of his door he takes a deep breath and exhales long. He knows he has to pass by her quarters and he may even have to see her in the corridor. He thinks to himself, “Ok. I’m ready. Once I’m in the corridor I’ll just walk quickly pass Teyla’s room. Just like I’ve been doing for the past six and a half months.”
                  As he's about to walk by her quarters he notices that Teyla is doubled over and breathing heavily. John bends down to her level. “Teyla? Are you alright?” asks John with great concern.
                  She looks up with pain in her eyes and shakes her head no. “I think it’s time. The baby is coming,” she replies with a groaning tone.
                  John’s eyes widens with fear, “Why didn’t you use your comm. to get a medical team here?”
                  “I couldn’t find it and I thought I could make it on my own,” she answers with her teeth clenched. John calls for Keller to send a medical team and stands by Teyla not knowing what to do.

                  Part 2:

                  Teyla’s contractions subside for the moment. She grabs John’s hand and thanks him for helping her. He forces a reassuring smile and says nothing. Keller finally shows up with her medical team and a gurney.
                  John looks at Keller, “Ok then. She’s in your hands now. Let me know when it’s ok for us to visit. I’m sure some people would like to see Teyla and her new baby.” He forces another smile at Teyla and is about walk away.
                  “John. Please don’t leave me. I’m scared. I can’t do this myself,” pleads Teyla.
                  John looks at Keller, hoping she will give him a way out, but no such luck. John returns his look at Teyla and he can’t resist her sorrowful eyes. He wants to say no, but instead tells her yes.
                  “Well, now that’s all settled, let’s get you to the infirmary,” smiles Keller.
                  As they wheel Teyla to the infirmary, Teyla reaches to hold John’s hand again and squeezing quite hard every time she had another contraction. Teyla finally notices John’s contorted face and apologizes.
                  “That’s ok, as long as you don’t break any bone,” smiles John.
                  Teyla returns a small smile. She mouths the words, “thank you” as a tear trails down her face. “I am so honored that you are in my life, John Sheppard.”

                  Part 3:


                  They finally get to the infirmary, Keller asks John to step out for a moment so that she can examine Teyla. “Well Teyla, it looks like any minute now. I wished you had gotten a hold of me earlier. I would’ve been able to give you an epidermal,” Keller consoled.
                  Teyla smiles at Keller, “That is fine Dr. Keller. The women of my people see this an honor to become mothers. We do not have drugs like you do. I only wish to honor my people to do what they have done for many years before me.”
                  Keller nods incompliance, “I see John is with you. That’s good. Does that mean that you’ve told him?” Teyla slowly shakes her head no. “You do realize that you have to tell him?” continues Keller.
                  Teyla looks worried, “ I kno…..OW!” Keller motions a nurse to get John and he rushes in.
                  “Ok John, I just need you to stay by the head of the bed with Teyla. Teyla, honey, when the next contraction comes you need to push. First take a deep breath, hold, count to ten and bear down. Ok?” Teyla nods in understanding. Keller looks at John, "John, I need you to slowly count to ten for her and hold her hand.” John nervously nods his head.
                  I Love this! I Love this! I Love this! I Love this! I Love this!

                  She has to tell him. She has to tell him! Keep it up! This is Great!!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    I Love this! I Love this! I Love this! I Love this! I Love this!

                    She has to tell him. She has to tell him! Keep it up! This is Great!!
                    Elf. I'm glad your tech was a SGA fan. Lucky you.
                    Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      LOL. You guys are funny. I can't wait for the on-lookers stop looking and join in.

                      Thanks guys for comments on Story. Here's the last part. I told you I wanted to keep it short. Enjoy.

                      Padme: Yeah!!! I'll be looking forward to your new chpt.



                      During one of Teyla’s brief breaks from pushing, Teyla turns her head to John. “John, I have been meaning to tell you this for months, but I never had the nerves to tell you.” Teyla pauses, “You are this baby’s father.” Teyla looks at John’s eyes widen.
                      “How? When? Are you sure?” stutters John.
                      “Remember when the entity came to Atlantis, I had a dream of being with you….” Teyla starts to groan as another contraction starts again.
                      “I had a dream I was with you too,” John says slightly excited.
                      “Ok Teyla! The head is coming out! Only a few more pushes to go!” encourages Keller.
                      “But I’m so tired,” whines Teyla.
                      John bends down to whisper in her ear, “It’s ok. I’m right here with you. I’m not leaving.” He looks at her with a big smile. “Are you ready, mommy?” A big smile comes across her face and she nods yes.
                      Keller was right. It only took a few more pushes and the baby came out. Keller announces that they have a baby boy.
                      John and Teyla smile at each other. John brushes Teyla’s wet hair back, “You did it Teyla. You… we, have a baby boy.” Teyla smiles at John, but soon her smile fades as her eyes closes and her head droops to the side. “Teyla?” John looks up to Keller with a worried look.
                      “Sorry John. You need to leave!” yells Keller as a nurse escorts him out. “She’s hemorrhaging! Let’s get moving fast!”
                      “Teyla? TEYLA!” yells John. Everything turns black.
                      John sits up quickly in his bed with sweat pouring down his face. He looks around his room. “Wow! It was a dream,” John sighs in relief. He gets up to wash his face with cold water. “Why would I dream that? It felt so really and to think it was mine. Why would I think that?”
                      He remembers the day, last week, that Teyla told him, his team and Carter that she was pregnant. He also remembered that she asked to talk to him before breakfast today. She emphasized that it was important and she looked worried. John laughs at himself at the thought that he wants to be the father. He decides to finish getting ready and heads to Teyla’s quarters.
                      Once at her quarters, he sees Teyla and looks down at her barely noticeable baby bump. Teyla gives him a curious look, “Are you feeling fine John?” John looks up at Teyla’s face and nods yes. She leads him into her room and the door closes behind them. “I believe you should sit down for this,” Teyla pauses to collect her thoughts. She nervously smiles, “Do you remember when the entity came to Atlantis?”

                      The End.

                      SCIFAN -
                      I say go for it add more if you feel theres more to go but this was so awesome the way it is...the ending is perfect i can picture him looking at her like oh sh*t when she really says it at the end!!

                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      All right, I got a spell checking, just written on the fly. And thanks to Elf for the pic she posted earlier because it was so my inspiration for this ficlet.

                      TEYLA: I can not believe you think this is true.

                      SHEPPARD: [smirking] Of course it is. Even McKay's told me so.

                      TEYLA: I disagree. Perhaps it is because you are his friend he told you that. But, Colonel, believe me when I say that you are wrong.

                      SHEPPARD: Listen, don't get all defensive just because you aren't right. If it makes you feel any better, I'd say you come in a close second. [PAUSE] Well, maybe third. Ronan is serious competition.

                      TEYLA: Then perhaps it is best that we stop this discussion.

                      SHEPPARD: Not until you admit it.

                      TEYLA: I am afraid I can not, Colonel. My people find lying to be a dispicable act.

                      SHEPPARD: It's not lying when it's true.

                      TEYLA: Colonel, I do not thin--

                      SHEPPARD: Teyla, just stop. I'm right and you're wrong. Do you want me to get Elizabeth involved?

                      TEYLA: No! [PAUSE]

                      SHEPPARD: Then say it.

                      TEYLA: [mumbling]

                      SHEPPARD: [smiling] What was that? I couldn't hear you.

                      TEYLA: I said 'You have the best hair on Atlantis.' Happy?

                      SHEPPARD: [running his hand through his hair] You bet.
                      YappiChick this is HYSTERICAL!!! Leave it to you to come up with one thats a freakin riot
                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      I dont know if anybody has posted this from jms blog yet

                      Congratulations to Carl Binder for writing and producing truly great episode. We watched the Day 2 Mix of Missing and all thought it was terrific. Funny, scary, shocking, gross, exciting, and ultimately touching. Great job by everyone involved, especially director Andy Mikita and actresses Rachel Luttrell and Jewel Staite.
                      Thanks Donna!!!
                      Last edited by MrsB108; 20 July 2007, 01:23 PM.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        LOL. You guys are funny. I can't wait for the on-lookers stop looking and join in.

                        Thanks guys for comments on Story. Here's the last part. I told you I wanted to keep it short. Enjoy.

                        Padme: Yeah!!! I'll be looking forward to your new chpt.



                        During one of Teyla’s brief breaks from pushing, Teyla turns her head to John. “John, I have been meaning to tell you this for months, but I never had the nerves to tell you.” Teyla pauses, “You are this baby’s father.” Teyla looks at John’s eyes widen.
                        “How? When? Are you sure?” stutters John.
                        “Remember when the entity came to Atlantis, I had a dream of being with you….” Teyla starts to groan as another contraction starts again.
                        “I had a dream I was with you too,” John says slightly excited.
                        “Ok Teyla! The head is coming out! Only a few more pushes to go!” encourages Keller.
                        “But I’m so tired,” whines Teyla.
                        John bends down to whisper in her ear, “It’s ok. I’m right here with you. I’m not leaving.” He looks at her with a big smile. “Are you ready, mommy?” A big smile comes across her face and she nods yes.
                        Keller was right. It only took a few more pushes and the baby came out. Keller announces that they have a baby boy.
                        John and Teyla smile at each other. John brushes Teyla’s wet hair back, “You did it Teyla. You… we, have a baby boy.” Teyla smiles at John, but soon her smile fades as her eyes closes and her head droops to the side. “Teyla?” John looks up to Keller with a worried look.
                        “Sorry John. You need to leave!” yells Keller as a nurse escorts him out. “She’s hemorrhaging! Let’s get moving fast!”
                        “Teyla? TEYLA!” yells John. Everything turns black.
                        John sits up quickly in his bed with sweat pouring down his face. He looks around his room. “Wow! It was a dream,” John sighs in relief. He gets up to wash his face with cold water. “Why would I dream that? It felt so really and to think it was mine. Why would I think that?”
                        He remembers the day, last week, that Teyla told him, his team and Carter that she was pregnant. He also remembered that she asked to talk to him before breakfast today. She emphasized that it was important and she looked worried. John laughs at himself at the thought that he wants to be the father. He decides to finish getting ready and heads to Teyla’s quarters.
                        Once at her quarters, he sees Teyla and looks down at her barely noticeable baby bump. Teyla gives him a curious look, “Are you feeling fine John?” John looks up at Teyla’s face and nods yes. She leads him into her room and the door closes behind them. “I believe you should sit down for this,” Teyla pauses to collect her thoughts. She nervously smiles, “Do you remember when the entity came to Atlantis?”

                        The End.

                        Now, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!! Very Cool!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          All right, I got a spell checking, just written on the fly. And thanks to Elf for the pic she posted earlier because it was so my inspiration for this ficlet.

                          TEYLA: I can not believe you think this is true.

                          SHEPPARD: [smirking] Of course it is. Even McKay's told me so.

                          TEYLA: I disagree. Perhaps it is because you are his friend he told you that. But, Colonel, believe me when I say that you are wrong.

                          SHEPPARD: Listen, don't get all defensive just because you aren't right. If it makes you feel any better, I'd say you come in a close second. [PAUSE] Well, maybe third. Ronan is serious competition.

                          TEYLA: Then perhaps it is best that we stop this discussion.

                          SHEPPARD: Not until you admit it.

                          TEYLA: I am afraid I can not, Colonel. My people find lying to be a dispicable act.

                          SHEPPARD: It's not lying when it's true.

                          TEYLA: Colonel, I do not thin--

                          SHEPPARD: Teyla, just stop. I'm right and you're wrong. Do you want me to get Elizabeth involved?

                          TEYLA: No! [PAUSE]

                          SHEPPARD: Then say it.

                          TEYLA: [mumbling]

                          SHEPPARD: [smiling] What was that? I couldn't hear you.

                          TEYLA: I said 'You have the best hair on Atlantis.' Happy?

                          SHEPPARD: [running his hand through his hair] You bet.
                          I LOVE THIS! Here you go:

                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Thanks MrsB and Elf. I'll leave it then. That was what I was planning to do originally so I'll stick with it.


                              Ok Heres my entry for the "Heated Argument" and so maybe it went more than 20 sentences, oh well.

                              Teyla turned swiftly to look at John. “I can’t believe you’re just going to sit here and do nothing!” John’s face twisted in frustration. “Teyla, I’m an officer. I have to do what my superiors tell me, I don’t have a choice! If I don’t follow orders, they could make me leave Atlantis!”

                              Teyla glared. “My people are missing! They could be hurt or suffering or worse! If you will not aid me in discovering there whereabouts, I will have to find help elsewhere!” Her heart beat fast in her chest. She could not believe she was getting so mad at Colonel Sheppard this way.

                              John stood and his breath was quickening. “What does that mean, Teyla?”

                              Teyla looked into his eyes and could see the pain she was causing him but continued as she thought of her people crying out for her. “Ronon will help me.”

                              John started to say something and then stopped, his lips curling in anger.

                              “What were you going to say, Colonel?” Teyla huffed, her voice shaking.


                              “Please tell me!!”

                              He reached up and grabbed her arms tightly holding her in front of him. His face was so close to hers and they were both breathing heavily “You think I don’t want to help you? You think I don’t care??!! You don’t have any idea how I feel, Teyla!!!”

                              “Then tell me John, tell me how you feel!!”

                              The door opened. Ronon stuck his head in. “Am I interrupting something?”
                              Last edited by MrsB108; 20 July 2007, 03:39 PM.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Thanks MrsB and Elf. I'll leave it then. That was what I was planning to do originally so I'll stick with it.
                                It was really great Scifan. Besides, you could always make a sequel.

