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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by damson30
    Thank you for coming and saying that. I think you show a lot of class. Your welcome to come and join in any time no one will shoot you down unless your disrespectful.

    It's really nice to see a Shep/Weir shipper admit there's chemistry especially when it's thrown in your face in an episode. I was just at your thread and most over there still refuse to see it. That's fine it's in the eye of the beholder but I think it was quite obvious all episode tonight. TPTB are definitly getting something going. Time to stand back and watch the fireworks. Next weeks' episode looks great too. I can't wait.

    Your right about TPTB and
    It's not REFUSING to see it, it's genuinely NOT seeing it. If I saw it, I'd be shipping for them, but I don't. So S/Wers in general don't see the chemistry.

    But it's cool that you see something,and it's nice that you got some stuff to play with.


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      It's not REFUSING to see it, it's genuinely NOT seeing it. If I saw it, I'd be shipping for them, but I don't. So S/Wers in general don't see the chemistry.

      But it's cool that you see something,and it's nice that you got some stuff to play with.

      This kind of post irks me beyond words ..
      First of all a ShWeir fan came in here and was gracious enough and respectful enough to admit about seeing chemistry between Sheyla despite being for ShWeir which IMO was nice and showed total class and interesting because there are others too who are known ShWeir Shippers and yes even some nonshippers too who *gasp* actually saw a spark between Sheyla at times and *gasp* actually liked the scene where Teyla was untying their hands and where it sure looked like Shep was enjoying it and both Teyla and Shep had little smiles on their faces ..
      Second of all to say no ShWeir Shipper sees it is in fact a false assessment and quite assumptious of you .. Do you speak for all ShWeir Supporters ?
      Whenever you come in our Sheyla post you try antagonizing and starting problems so maybe you should stick to the ShWeir posts and leave us alone ..
      I agree all shippers see things differently but to start assuming all ShWEir Shippers do not see it is not true and IMO it seems to bother you that there could be somebody who likes ShWeir better but could actually see chemistry between Sheyla too and or else you would not be coming in here and being extremely adament about where ShWeir Supporters do not see it ..
      Why you felt the need to start instigating trouble is troubling yet interesting to me and makes my wonder why ? Hmm



        Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
        This kind of post irks me beyond words ..
        First of all a ShWeir fan came in here and was gracious enough and respectful enough to admit about seeing chemistry between Sheyla despite being for ShWeir which IMO was nice and showed total class and interesting because there are others too who are known ShWeir Shippers and yes even some nonshippers too who *gasp* actually saw a spark between Sheyla at times and *gasp* actually liked the scene where Teyla was untying their hands and where it sure looked like Shep was enjoying it and both Teyla and Shep had little smiles on their faces ..
        Second of all to say no ShWeir Shipper sees it is in fact a false assessment and quite assumptious of you .. Do you speak for all ShWeir Supporters ?
        Whenever you come in our Sheyla post you try antagonizing and starting problems so maybe you should stick to the ShWeir posts and leave us alone ..
        I agree all shippers see things differently but to start assuming all ShWEir Shippers do not see it is not true and IMO it seems to bother you that there could be somebody who likes ShWeir better but could actually see chemistry between Sheyla too and or else you would not be coming in here and being extremely adament about where ShWeir Supporters do not see it ..
        Why you felt the need to start instigating trouble is troubling yet interesting to me and makes my wonder why ? Hmm

        Pam, I'm going to give you your 20 minutes to calm down. If you had read my post I said "in general S/W shippers don't see chemistry" not all. This was based on my knowledge of S/W shippers, which I will guess is much higher than yours.

        Would you like me to do a roll call on our thread on who doesn't see S/T chemistry?

        Besides, I said it was good you got some stuff to play with. Obviously you failed to read the rest of my post.


          Wow let's not get into a fight over this I don't think she was trying to cause trouble. She doesn't see it fine.

          Maybe next time she can keep it to herself as I've said before this is our sanctuary. We give you yours please give us ours.

          In the end it really doesn't matter what we see it's what the writers see and I don't think they've decided or worse they could all have a different feeling toward it. I don't know if any of you remember or were part of the Dark Angel Shipper war. That was ugly. It also was the downfall of the show. Anyway my point is The producers and writers saw one ship while the creater of the show saw another and so the show was canceled. I still miss that show.

          Oh well I'm in a nsasty mood now looks like Manny Ramirez just got traded. I would not recommend messing with me now. I love SciFi but I love my Red Sox more.


            Yeah, although we're not TPTB (or more importantly BECAUSE we're not TPTB), there really is no reason to get into these kind of tiffs. AC was responding to someone else's response, and I think she did it respectfully. With all due respect, I know I haven't been here that long, but if you don't like it, don't respond, or take it up with her in PM. There's no reason to take the whole thread down. Now, I believe I promised some Rising caps a while back, so in the interest of getting aback to the business of shipping, here are the first few! Enjoy (even if you've seen 'em before)!

            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
              Pam, I'm going to give you your 20 minutes to calm down. If you had read my post I said "in general S/W shippers don't see chemistry" not all. This was based on my knowledge of S/W shippers, which I will guess is much higher than yours.

              Would you like me to do a roll call on our thread on who doesn't see S/T chemistry?

              Besides, I said it was good you got some stuff to play with. Obviously you failed to read the rest of my post.
              I'm sorry if I misunderstood and yes did read your post and still think it is questionable but will let it go ..



                Originally posted by Alaskhah
                Yeah, although we're not TPTB (or more importantly BECAUSE we're not TPTB), there really is no reason to get into these kind of tiffs. AC was responding to someone else's response, and I think she did it respectfully. With all due respect, I know I haven't been here that long, but if you don't like it, don't respond, or take it up with her in PM. There's no reason to take the whole thread down. Now, I believe I promised some Rising caps a while back, so in the interest of getting aback to the business of shipping, here are the first few! Enjoy (even if you've seen 'em before)!

                Agreed and point taken .. I'm going to let it go and get back to the Sheyla discussion

                Thanks for these pics and my favorite is still the heads together



                  Originally posted by Alaskhah
                  *waves* Hi! Fancy meeting you here.

                  I have to agree with Pam. In fact, I'm pretty sure they know what they're causing (I'm almost positive that I've read that somewhere). I think probably those of us who are a bit more ... flexible ... with our shipping (okay, I admit it, I'm a ship hussy ) will probably have the most fun. In the meantime, I'm really enjoying the discussions for both ships and having fun meeting people all at the same time! What more could a girl want out of life (...well, okay, maybe *that* discussion belongs in a thunk thread, but hey...)?
                  *waves back* nice to see you!

                  LOL, i totally agree Pam and Alaskhah. I think TPTB are creating havoc simply for the fun of it (or to create hell with all shippers )
                  And i'd have to admit it, im a ship hussy as well i seem to find a ship in everything i watch but seeing the outcome of these ships will be interesting (to say the least)

                  Well, must be off...stuff to watch, ship to over analyse, havoc to ensue...

                  Lovebar made by natz099
                  My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    *waves back* nice to see you!

                    LOL, i totally agree Pam and Alaskhah. I think TPTB are creating havoc simply for the fun of it (or to create hell with all shippers )
                    And i'd have to admit it, im a ship hussy as well i seem to find a ship in everything i watch but seeing the outcome of these ships will be interesting (to say the least)

                    Well, must be off...stuff to watch, ship to over analyse, havoc to ensue...
                    Well, I don't know that they're creating havoc just to create hell with the shippers... I think it's more along the lines of they have a show, and they want people to watch. One of the things that first attracts me to any show is the interactions between the characters, and if there's some UST, that much MORE so. That's why it's fun to be a ship hussy... You know that there's gonna be hints of ship SOMEWHERE, so you just sniff it out and follow it wherever it goes!

                    Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                    still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                      Originally posted by Alaskhah
                      Well, I don't know that they're creating havoc just to create hell with the shippers... I think it's more along the lines of they have a show, and they want people to watch. One of the things that first attracts me to any show is the interactions between the characters, and if there's some UST, that much MORE so. That's why it's fun to be a ship hussy... You know that there's gonna be hints of ship SOMEWHERE, so you just sniff it out and follow it wherever it goes!

                      Yeah, but there's always wishful a show just isnt a show if it doesnt have SOME sort of ship - and even better if there's two or more!

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        Of course! One of my favorite things to say is, "a girl can dream, can't she?" And, of course, they can't take away our fan fics and our imaginations (they *could* take away our threads, but I don't think that's too likely!!)!!

                        ... as for multi-ships... it can be even more fun when those two or more cross paths(please keep in mind I REALLY like angst & whump) !

                        Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                        still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                          Ah, ship wars.

                          Let me give you something worth bashing: Hypocrites. Think on that one for a while.


                            Originally posted by damson30
                            Wow let's not get into a fight over this I don't think she was trying to cause trouble. She doesn't see it fine.

                            Maybe next time she can keep it to herself as I've said before this is our sanctuary. We give you yours please give us ours.
                            SHE says: Yes I would normally keep these things to myself, but your sanctuary should not give you the excuse to write posts that infer that S/W shippers are perverse people who refuse to see something rather than not seeing something. Which is what your original post implied and that is what I was trying to put straight. I wasn't trying to bust your sanctuary.

                            SHE is a very dismissive term of address and rude!


                              Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
                              I'm sorry if I misunderstood and yes did read your post and still think it is questionable but will let it go ..

                              My original post might have read a little abrupt but it wasn't meant to be.

                              I have no interest in causing trouble, life's too short. I've replied to Damson and let her know what I found irking about her posts perhaps in a clearer and more helpful manner.

                              I'll say it again, it was good that you see something and you have something to play with and talk about (I think Emily said that she was surprised at how much she got out the episode)


                                yup, that was me basically... (and i didn't see anything the least bit rude in your post astro, so don't worry )

                                yeah, i was definately genuinely surprised by how much great stuff (both ship and otherwise) was in runner... i really thought it would just be the "we meet dex" ep... but it was MUCH more than that, which was great

                                i'm still on a con-auction high at the moment but i'll eventually get around to getting all my thoughts on the ep down in this thread

