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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey Elf good luck I'll be thinking of you!

    MrsB oh my god I loved that! It was amazing!

    It's only a matter of time before Ronon reveals his love for John

    I shall now be joining in with the fic-giving; here is a oneshot based on my Sheppard's Secret #9. Shameless, I know...

    For the tenth time in the last minute or so, John considered that this hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had. In fact, it might possibly be the worse.

    Well, there had been that time when he was five and he had used his Dad’s stepladder to attach his backpack to the ceiling fan. With him in it. It had taken eight weeks for his arm to heal.

    Still, there had been a reason for that act of youthful folly – John had wanted to fly. This… this was just stupid.

    He was crawling through an air vent. An air vent. There was no reason for it. Nothing about the air vent was dangerous or needed to be dealt with. He had no idea where it went, or even if it ever became wide enough for him to turn around.

    And yet he was flat on his stomach, using his elbows to drag himself along through the tight metal tube.

    John had to put it down to boredom. He was meant to be in bed, but had been way too full of adrenalin after his training session with Teyla to sleep. War and Peace had done little to help him drop off, and so he had started staring around his room for something else to do.

    He had noticed the grate covering the air vent. He must have looked at it a thousand times before, but tonight he had happened to think that it was big enough to fit a grown man, and then for some strange reason had decided to test his theory.

    All it had taken was chair, and voila – here he was in an air vent. He wasn’t particularly proud of his achievement.

    The air vent was dark and hot. He was right about it being big enough for a grown man, but that was it. John was definitely not going to be able to turn round – he barely had room to move forward.

    This was really stupid. John began to think that maybe he should start sliding back. Or trying to, at least.

    John suddenly noticed a dull light at the end of the air vent – another grate! That was good – he would be able to drop into whatever room or corridor it was and walk back to his quarters like a sane person. Glad that his sojourn was almost over, John sped up.

    As he got nearer, though, he thought he could hear someone moving around in the room the grate led to. He slowed down, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to frighten whoever was there. Hopefully they would leave, so he would be able to drop out of the air vent in private, thus preserving a little of his dignity.

    John stopped a few inches away from the grate and craned his neck to see into the room below. His jaw dropped.

    It was Teyla’s quarters. He only had to catch a glimpse of the candles on the table and the throw on the bed to know. He had crawled through an air vent to Teyla’s quarters.

    There was no way John was going to drop into Teyla’s room and explain his stupidity to her, so he placed his hands flat on the bottom of the air vent, about to start pushing himself back.

    Then Teyla stepped into view and John froze. She had changed for bed – she was wearing a plain pair of black pants and a black vest top, and her hair was tied up. As John watched, though, Teyla reached up and pulled her hair free, so it fell around her shoulders.

    Teyla picked up a hairbrush from the table next to her bed and started to run it through her hair. She was facing slightly towards him, but she (thankfully) wasn’t looking at the grate John hid behind.

    John knew he had to move. He had to stop watching and start pushing himself back. He felt like a peeping tom – he was a peeping tom.

    And it wasn’t even as if she was doing anything particularly sensual or even interesting. She was brushing her hair.

    But John was enthralled.

    He saw sensual Teyla all the time. Hell, he had just spent over an hour with her in the gym. There was nothing more sensual and graceful than Teyla when she was sparring. This was different. This was Teyla doing something completely ordinary, with her guard completely down.

    It was the thought of her guard being down that finally snapped John out of his daze. This wasn’t fair. He absolutely had to move.

    Being as quiet as he possibly could be, John started to push himself back the way he had come.

    Going backwards was a lot more difficult than going forwards. He could only really use his hands to push himself back – there was no room for him to wriggle backwards.

    It had taken John about three minutes to get to Teyla’s quarters through the air vent. It took him ten to get back. Eventually, he was able to slide out feet first and land on the chair below the grate. His front was covered with dust, but apart from that he had managed to escape unscathed.

    Someone cleared their throat behind him.

    John looked round. Teyla was standing by his door, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

    “Good evening, Colonel,” she said, as he stared at her wide-eyed.

    “Hello Teyla,” he replied smoothly, stepping down from the chair with as much decorum as he could muster.

    “I just wanted to return your magazine,” she said, holding up a copy of National Geographic. “It was very interesting. Thank you.”

    “You’re welcome,” John said, taking it off of her.

    “Well, good night,” she said, turning to go. John breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly cut off when Teyla turned around again.

    “By the way,” she said. “I would not go into that air vent again if I were you. I myself barely fit into it, and you were very lucky not to get stuck.”

    And with a toss of her freshly-brushed hair, Teyla left John’s quarters, and a very shocked John.


    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      I am off for now.

      Got go do food the troops. Thank God for leftovers!! Grilled PC, salad, watermelon, and some Velveeta shells and cheese for everyone else!!!

      Y'all want some? Come on by and fix ya plate. That is our motto at our house!!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        The Secrets Challenge Part 4

        John gulped. “Boy, if I had a nickel every time I heard that one…….” Ronon started heaving on the ropes again and John winced. “Ronon!”

        Ezekiel stepped over and looked at Ronon as if he were a sideshow attraction. He clapped with his tiny little hands and said giddily, “Oh yes, please continue Ronon! I would very much like to see you try to escape. I think you two will be very interesting subjects as I fear, as of late, the others have not been very accommodating.” He waved his hand towards another pole in the room that held two rotting corpses tied together as Ronon and John were.

        Ronon growled at the man. “Where’s Teyla?” The man laughed playfully and snapped his fingers. “Oh, the woman! You know, I’m so glad you mentioned her. I had almost forgot that lovely face and soft skin,” he looked dreamily into space.

        John started to tremble with fury. His voice was low when he said, “If you so much as touched her, I’ll-“

        “You’ll what? Ha ha, my dear friend, You’ll do whatever I tell you to!” He clapped his hands loudly and out of the shadows a very large man came running over to him carrying a large case which he placed down jauntily on a nearby table. “Thank you, Claude.”

        He approached the case and opened it, revealing its massive interior was full of clips and clamps, hammers and vices, all sorts of nasty things. “I think I shall start with the larger one first,” he said addressing his companion. Turning to Ronon he spoke as if talking to a child. “We’re going to have so much fun!!”

        What have I gotten myself into? LOL
        Oh, you love it...

        I love how evil Ezekiel is. Great evil name... same with Claude!

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          The Secrets Challenge Part 4

          John gulped. “Boy, if I had a nickel every time I heard that one…….” Ronon started heaving on the ropes again and John winced. “Ronon!”

          Ezekiel stepped over and looked at Ronon as if he were a sideshow attraction. He clapped with his tiny little hands and said giddily, “Oh yes, please continue Ronon! I would very much like to see you try to escape. I think you two will be very interesting subjects as I fear, as of late, the others have not been very accommodating.” He waved his hand towards another pole in the room that held two rotting corpses tied together as Ronon and John were.

          Ronon growled at the man. “Where’s Teyla?” The man laughed playfully and snapped his fingers. “Oh, the woman! You know, I’m so glad you mentioned her. I had almost forgot that lovely face and soft skin,” he looked dreamily into space.

          John started to tremble with fury. His voice was low when he said, “If you so much as touched her, I’ll-“

          “You’ll what? Ha ha, my dear friend, You’ll do whatever I tell you to!” He clapped his hands loudly and out of the shadows a very large man came running over to him carrying a large case which he placed down jauntily on a nearby table. “Thank you, Claude.”

          He approached the case and opened it, revealing its massive interior was full of clips and clamps, hammers and vices, all sorts of nasty things. “I think I shall start with the larger one first,” he said addressing his companion. Turning to Ronon he spoke as if talking to a child. “We’re going to have so much fun!!”

          What have I gotten myself into? LOL

          Oh boy,,,what have they gotten themselves into...

          I wonder if that man thinks they are just toys to play with or something...hrmm wonder if he will be in for a surprise...I mean when it comes to Teyla...John is not someone you want to piss off
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            Hey Elf good luck I'll be thinking of you!

            MrsB oh my god I loved that! It was amazing!

            It's only a matter of time before Ronon reveals his love for John

            I shall now be joining in with the fic-giving; here is a oneshot based on my Sheppard's Secret #9. Shameless, I know...

            For the tenth time in the last minute or so, John considered that this hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had. In fact, it might possibly be the worse.

            Well, there had been that time when he was five and he had used his Dad’s stepladder to attach his backpack to the ceiling fan. With him in it. It had taken eight weeks for his arm to heal.

            Still, there had been a reason for that act of youthful folly – John had wanted to fly. This… this was just stupid.

            He was crawling through an air vent. An air vent. There was no reason for it. Nothing about the air vent was dangerous or needed to be dealt with. He had no idea where it went, or even if it ever became wide enough for him to turn around.

            And yet he was flat on his stomach, using his elbows to drag himself along through the tight metal tube.

            John had to put it down to boredom. He was meant to be in bed, but had been way too full of adrenalin after his training session with Teyla to sleep. War and Peace had done little to help him drop off, and so he had started staring around his room for something else to do.

            He had noticed the grate covering the air vent. He must have looked at it a thousand times before, but tonight he had happened to think that it was big enough to fit a grown man, and then for some strange reason had decided to test his theory.

            All it had taken was chair, and voila – here he was in an air vent. He wasn’t particularly proud of his achievement.

            The air vent was dark and hot. He was right about it being big enough for a grown man, but that was it. John was definitely not going to be able to turn round – he barely had room to move forward.

            This was really stupid. John began to think that maybe he should start sliding back. Or trying to, at least.

            John suddenly noticed a dull light at the end of the air vent – another grate! That was good – he would be able to drop into whatever room or corridor it was and walk back to his quarters like a sane person. Glad that his sojourn was almost over, John sped up.

            As he got nearer, though, he thought he could hear someone moving around in the room the grate led to. He slowed down, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to frighten whoever was there. Hopefully they would leave, so he would be able to drop out of the air vent in private, thus preserving a little of his dignity.

            John stopped a few inches away from the grate and craned his neck to see into the room below. His jaw dropped.

            It was Teyla’s quarters. He only had to catch a glimpse of the candles on the table and the throw on the bed to know. He had crawled through an air vent to Teyla’s quarters.

            There was no way John was going to drop into Teyla’s room and explain his stupidity to her, so he placed his hands flat on the bottom of the air vent, about to start pushing himself back.

            Then Teyla stepped into view and John froze. She had changed for bed – she was wearing a plain pair of black pants and a black vest top, and her hair was tied up. As John watched, though, Teyla reached up and pulled her hair free, so it fell around her shoulders.

            Teyla picked up a hairbrush from the table next to her bed and started to run it through her hair. She was facing slightly towards him, but she (thankfully) wasn’t looking at the grate John hid behind.

            John knew he had to move. He had to stop watching and start pushing himself back. He felt like a peeping tom – he was a peeping tom.

            And it wasn’t even as if she was doing anything particularly sensual or even interesting. She was brushing her hair.

            But John was enthralled.

            He saw sensual Teyla all the time. Hell, he had just spent over an hour with her in the gym. There was nothing more sensual and graceful than Teyla when she was sparring. This was different. This was Teyla doing something completely ordinary, with her guard completely down.

            It was the thought of her guard being down that finally snapped John out of his daze. This wasn’t fair. He absolutely had to move.

            Being as quiet as he possibly could be, John started to push himself back the way he had come.

            Going backwards was a lot more difficult than going forwards. He could only really use his hands to push himself back – there was no room for him to wriggle backwards.

            It had taken John about three minutes to get to Teyla’s quarters through the air vent. It took him ten to get back. Eventually, he was able to slide out feet first and land on the chair below the grate. His front was covered with dust, but apart from that he had managed to escape unscathed.

            Someone cleared their throat behind him.

            John looked round. Teyla was standing by his door, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

            “Good evening, Colonel,” she said, as he stared at her wide-eyed.

            “Hello Teyla,” he replied smoothly, stepping down from the chair with as much decorum as he could muster.

            “I just wanted to return your magazine,” she said, holding up a copy of National Geographic. “It was very interesting. Thank you.”

            “You’re welcome,” John said, taking it off of her.

            “Well, good night,” she said, turning to go. John breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly cut off when Teyla turned around again.

            “By the way,” she said. “I would not go into that air vent again if I were you. I myself barely fit into it, and you were very lucky not to get stuck.”

            And with a toss of her freshly-brushed hair, Teyla left John’s quarters, and a very shocked John.

            Brilliant Ruby!! I would have expected nothing less!! excellent


              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              Hey Elf good luck I'll be thinking of you!

              MrsB oh my god I loved that! It was amazing!

              It's only a matter of time before Ronon reveals his love for John

              I shall now be joining in with the fic-giving; here is a oneshot based on my Sheppard's Secret #9. Shameless, I know...

              For the tenth time in the last minute or so, John considered that this hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had. In fact, it might possibly be the worse.

              Well, there had been that time when he was five and he had used his Dad’s stepladder to attach his backpack to the ceiling fan. With him in it. It had taken eight weeks for his arm to heal.

              Still, there had been a reason for that act of youthful folly – John had wanted to fly. This… this was just stupid.

              He was crawling through an air vent. An air vent. There was no reason for it. Nothing about the air vent was dangerous or needed to be dealt with. He had no idea where it went, or even if it ever became wide enough for him to turn around.

              And yet he was flat on his stomach, using his elbows to drag himself along through the tight metal tube.

              John had to put it down to boredom. He was meant to be in bed, but had been way too full of adrenalin after his training session with Teyla to sleep. War and Peace had done little to help him drop off, and so he had started staring around his room for something else to do.

              He had noticed the grate covering the air vent. He must have looked at it a thousand times before, but tonight he had happened to think that it was big enough to fit a grown man, and then for some strange reason had decided to test his theory.

              All it had taken was chair, and voila – here he was in an air vent. He wasn’t particularly proud of his achievement.

              The air vent was dark and hot. He was right about it being big enough for a grown man, but that was it. John was definitely not going to be able to turn round – he barely had room to move forward.

              This was really stupid. John began to think that maybe he should start sliding back. Or trying to, at least.

              John suddenly noticed a dull light at the end of the air vent – another grate! That was good – he would be able to drop into whatever room or corridor it was and walk back to his quarters like a sane person. Glad that his sojourn was almost over, John sped up.

              As he got nearer, though, he thought he could hear someone moving around in the room the grate led to. He slowed down, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to frighten whoever was there. Hopefully they would leave, so he would be able to drop out of the air vent in private, thus preserving a little of his dignity.

              John stopped a few inches away from the grate and craned his neck to see into the room below. His jaw dropped.

              It was Teyla’s quarters. He only had to catch a glimpse of the candles on the table and the throw on the bed to know. He had crawled through an air vent to Teyla’s quarters.

              There was no way John was going to drop into Teyla’s room and explain his stupidity to her, so he placed his hands flat on the bottom of the air vent, about to start pushing himself back.

              Then Teyla stepped into view and John froze. She had changed for bed – she was wearing a plain pair of black pants and a black vest top, and her hair was tied up. As John watched, though, Teyla reached up and pulled her hair free, so it fell around her shoulders.

              Teyla picked up a hairbrush from the table next to her bed and started to run it through her hair. She was facing slightly towards him, but she (thankfully) wasn’t looking at the grate John hid behind.

              John knew he had to move. He had to stop watching and start pushing himself back. He felt like a peeping tom – he was a peeping tom.

              And it wasn’t even as if she was doing anything particularly sensual or even interesting. She was brushing her hair.

              But John was enthralled.

              He saw sensual Teyla all the time. Hell, he had just spent over an hour with her in the gym. There was nothing more sensual and graceful than Teyla when she was sparring. This was different. This was Teyla doing something completely ordinary, with her guard completely down.

              It was the thought of her guard being down that finally snapped John out of his daze. This wasn’t fair. He absolutely had to move.

              Being as quiet as he possibly could be, John started to push himself back the way he had come.

              Going backwards was a lot more difficult than going forwards. He could only really use his hands to push himself back – there was no room for him to wriggle backwards.

              It had taken John about three minutes to get to Teyla’s quarters through the air vent. It took him ten to get back. Eventually, he was able to slide out feet first and land on the chair below the grate. His front was covered with dust, but apart from that he had managed to escape unscathed.

              Someone cleared their throat behind him.

              John looked round. Teyla was standing by his door, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

              “Good evening, Colonel,” she said, as he stared at her wide-eyed.

              “Hello Teyla,” he replied smoothly, stepping down from the chair with as much decorum as he could muster.

              “I just wanted to return your magazine,” she said, holding up a copy of National Geographic. “It was very interesting. Thank you.”

              “You’re welcome,” John said, taking it off of her.

              “Well, good night,” she said, turning to go. John breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly cut off when Teyla turned around again.

              “By the way,” she said. “I would not go into that air vent again if I were you. I myself barely fit into it, and you were very lucky not to get stuck.”

              And with a toss of her freshly-brushed hair, Teyla left John’s quarters, and a very shocked John.


              So had she take the route and checked him out in his quarters then maybe,,, *lol*
              Thanks for sharing,,it was funny...
              Sigs by Scifan


                I'm loving these fics... keep them coming.


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Here's my entry to Camy's challenge for Secrets:

                  Secrets. Secrets lay all around us, lying dormant, biding time. They slither upon and inside us, festering, lingering, waiting, for the perfect moment to reveal themselves. They are vicious and unwavering. They are truth and truth is eternal……….

                  Ronon and John sparred viciously that day. Ronon seemed to be filled with the spirit of a wild animal and had given John no mercy. John liked the competition but felt something was different with Ronon, but said nothing. He was breathless and bruised by the time Teyla came to watch as she stood in the doorway, arms crossed, smiling at them.

                  Ronon gave her no attention and continued with his attack. He had a fury in him and knocked John hard to the ground causing him to shout in pain as Teyla came running over to his aid. Ronon had the banta stick tight to his throat.” Get off of him, Ronon!” she yelled. Ronon’s eyes were burning through John, swirling with pain. His grip was unrelenting. Teyla picked up John’s fallen stick and whacked Ronon hard with it. Ronon let go and looked up at Teyla.

                  “What are you thinking?” Teyla cried as she tended to a gasping John.

                  Ronon mumbled an apology and quickly walked out leaving them confused. His thoughts centered on only one thing. He didn’t know what to do; he didn’t know how to feel. He backtracked his steps and peered in the gym, lurking in the shadow, to watch Teyla help Colonel Sheppard to his feet and his heart burned with the burden of his secret.

                  Great beginning Mrs.B, I can't wait to see the rest.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post

                    We all know that Teyla and John are secretly seeing each other....take a look!

                    Thanks Camy, you made my day, that was the clip I was thinking of in the galleria.


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Secrets Challenge Part 2

                      Ronon, Teyla, and John all met at the gate equipped and ready for assignment. Neither John nor Teyla had seen Ronon since the gym earlier and the three of them stood there together, awkwardly.

                      “Everyone ready?” Colonel Carter asked from the overhang. “Yup,” John called back, trying to feign a smile. “Be safe,” she answered. The wormhole activated and soon they were barreling through to another planet.

                      Once they were there and had secured the perimeter, John turned to Ronon and spoke quietly. “What the hell happened earlier today, Ronon? You sure looked like you wanted to kill me……”
                      Ronon ignored his question and sniffed. “Look, there’s movement ahead,” he said instead and unholstered his weapon. John followed him and signaled to Teyla who had taken flank.

                      Ronon felt more conflicted than he ever had in his entire life. John Sheppard and Teyla Emmagan were unlike any two people he had ever met in his life. They were fierce and loyal and he respected them, but this secret that lay heavily inside him was a force to be reckoned with and he felt torn.

                      He heard a strange sound and turned only to be struck by an unknown assailant with a laser beam shot directly in the chest and he fell to the earth.
                      UUUGH!!! The suspence! More please.


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        John Sheppard's Closest Guarded Secrets

                        Number Nine:

                        9. There is an air vent big enough for John to fit through leading from his quarters directly to Teyla's. It's very uncomfortable but usually worth the trip...
                        LOL. LMBO. You're so funny.


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Hey Elf good luck I'll be thinking of you!

                          MrsB oh my god I loved that! It was amazing!

                          It's only a matter of time before Ronon reveals his love for John

                          I shall now be joining in with the fic-giving; here is a oneshot based on my Sheppard's Secret #9. Shameless, I know...

                          For the tenth time in the last minute or so, John considered that this hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had. In fact, it might possibly be the worse.

                          Well, there had been that time when he was five and he had used his Dad’s stepladder to attach his backpack to the ceiling fan. With him in it. It had taken eight weeks for his arm to heal.

                          Still, there had been a reason for that act of youthful folly – John had wanted to fly. This… this was just stupid.

                          He was crawling through an air vent. An air vent. There was no reason for it. Nothing about the air vent was dangerous or needed to be dealt with. He had no idea where it went, or even if it ever became wide enough for him to turn around.

                          And yet he was flat on his stomach, using his elbows to drag himself along through the tight metal tube.

                          John had to put it down to boredom. He was meant to be in bed, but had been way too full of adrenalin after his training session with Teyla to sleep. War and Peace had done little to help him drop off, and so he had started staring around his room for something else to do.

                          He had noticed the grate covering the air vent. He must have looked at it a thousand times before, but tonight he had happened to think that it was big enough to fit a grown man, and then for some strange reason had decided to test his theory.

                          All it had taken was chair, and voila – here he was in an air vent. He wasn’t particularly proud of his achievement.

                          The air vent was dark and hot. He was right about it being big enough for a grown man, but that was it. John was definitely not going to be able to turn round – he barely had room to move forward.

                          This was really stupid. John began to think that maybe he should start sliding back. Or trying to, at least.

                          John suddenly noticed a dull light at the end of the air vent – another grate! That was good – he would be able to drop into whatever room or corridor it was and walk back to his quarters like a sane person. Glad that his sojourn was almost over, John sped up.

                          As he got nearer, though, he thought he could hear someone moving around in the room the grate led to. He slowed down, trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn’t want to frighten whoever was there. Hopefully they would leave, so he would be able to drop out of the air vent in private, thus preserving a little of his dignity.

                          John stopped a few inches away from the grate and craned his neck to see into the room below. His jaw dropped.

                          It was Teyla’s quarters. He only had to catch a glimpse of the candles on the table and the throw on the bed to know. He had crawled through an air vent to Teyla’s quarters.

                          There was no way John was going to drop into Teyla’s room and explain his stupidity to her, so he placed his hands flat on the bottom of the air vent, about to start pushing himself back.

                          Then Teyla stepped into view and John froze. She had changed for bed – she was wearing a plain pair of black pants and a black vest top, and her hair was tied up. As John watched, though, Teyla reached up and pulled her hair free, so it fell around her shoulders.

                          Teyla picked up a hairbrush from the table next to her bed and started to run it through her hair. She was facing slightly towards him, but she (thankfully) wasn’t looking at the grate John hid behind.

                          John knew he had to move. He had to stop watching and start pushing himself back. He felt like a peeping tom – he was a peeping tom.

                          And it wasn’t even as if she was doing anything particularly sensual or even interesting. She was brushing her hair.

                          But John was enthralled.

                          He saw sensual Teyla all the time. Hell, he had just spent over an hour with her in the gym. There was nothing more sensual and graceful than Teyla when she was sparring. This was different. This was Teyla doing something completely ordinary, with her guard completely down.

                          It was the thought of her guard being down that finally snapped John out of his daze. This wasn’t fair. He absolutely had to move.

                          Being as quiet as he possibly could be, John started to push himself back the way he had come.

                          Going backwards was a lot more difficult than going forwards. He could only really use his hands to push himself back – there was no room for him to wriggle backwards.

                          It had taken John about three minutes to get to Teyla’s quarters through the air vent. It took him ten to get back. Eventually, he was able to slide out feet first and land on the chair below the grate. His front was covered with dust, but apart from that he had managed to escape unscathed.

                          Someone cleared their throat behind him.

                          John looked round. Teyla was standing by his door, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

                          “Good evening, Colonel,” she said, as he stared at her wide-eyed.

                          “Hello Teyla,” he replied smoothly, stepping down from the chair with as much decorum as he could muster.

                          “I just wanted to return your magazine,” she said, holding up a copy of National Geographic. “It was very interesting. Thank you.”

                          “You’re welcome,” John said, taking it off of her.

                          “Well, good night,” she said, turning to go. John breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly cut off when Teyla turned around again.

                          “By the way,” she said. “I would not go into that air vent again if I were you. I myself barely fit into it, and you were very lucky not to get stuck.”

                          And with a toss of her freshly-brushed hair, Teyla left John’s quarters, and a very shocked John.

                          LOL Too funny!!!!

                          my ships


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            The Secrets Challenge Part 4

                            John gulped. “Boy, if I had a nickel every time I heard that one…….” Ronon started heaving on the ropes again and John winced. “Ronon!”

                            Ezekiel stepped over and looked at Ronon as if he were a sideshow attraction. He clapped with his tiny little hands and said giddily, “Oh yes, please continue Ronon! I would very much like to see you try to escape. I think you two will be very interesting subjects as I fear, as of late, the others have not been very accommodating.” He waved his hand towards another pole in the room that held two rotting corpses tied together as Ronon and John were.

                            Ronon growled at the man. “Where’s Teyla?” The man laughed playfully and snapped his fingers. “Oh, the woman! You know, I’m so glad you mentioned her. I had almost forgot that lovely face and soft skin,” he looked dreamily into space.

                            John started to tremble with fury. His voice was low when he said, “If you so much as touched her, I’ll-“

                            “You’ll what? Ha ha, my dear friend, You’ll do whatever I tell you to!” He clapped his hands loudly and out of the shadows a very large man came running over to him carrying a large case which he placed down jauntily on a nearby table. “Thank you, Claude.”

                            He approached the case and opened it, revealing its massive interior was full of clips and clamps, hammers and vices, all sorts of things. “I think I shall start with the larger one first,” he said addressing his companion. Turning to Ronon he spoke as if talking to a child. “We’re going to have so much fun!!”

                            What have I gotten myself into? LOL
                            Ooo creepy! Love these kinds of stories!

                            my ships


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              John's Top Ten Secrets

                              Number 10
                              Rodney doesn't know that John has been receiving a package of popcorn delivered to him since the beginning of Season 2. It's the box labeled: Warning BOX FULL OF LEMONS!
                              ROFL!!!! Priceless, just priceless.

                              Congrats GNB on 100 posts!


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Yes. To aid in healing my foot. That has to be completely healed before I can get my surgery done. It is coming along. I am suppose to get the equipment Wed. for the vac wound therapy. Once that is nipped then on with the show. I am excited yet nervous at the same time.
                                Elf, Did you say you're diabetic? Is that why your foot is having trouble healing? I'll be also keepin you in my prayers.

                                Camy, Love your Secrets challenges. Loved Teyla's LOL

                                Mrs.B Story is getting more interesting. I'll be reading 4 in a moment.

