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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    There are those who did not enjoy the 'looks' between ShWeir but to be honest I didn't see anything special about the 'looks' at least not John's looks but did like how he perked up and did the flirting/teasing with Teyla at the end and he was checking her out in her new top
    Teyla was checking him out too and loved how she complimented him on being promoted



      IMO, the promotion jab
      was like what Weir said in the beg. about how he managed to get it into every conversation for the past month. They are all poking fun at him for once. She said it in her tone of voice she saves for Rodney
      Citizen of Braneville


        I have one thing to say about this past episode Weir has a thing for Sheppard but there is no sign of reciprocation. (Hope I spelled that right) So I can see where the Shep/Weir comes from I don't see it going anywhere but even my husband said something about it so it was obvious. Yes the end was also very cute. I think we will have plenty of Shep/Teyla moments next week and I have a feeling it's going to build from there. The Weir thing is going to fall away I think now because there going to get back to checking out new worlds and such and much more time for Shep/Teyla to be together.

        Totally different note McCay and Sheppard were a riot and the Asguard very funny.


          Originally posted by damson30
          I have one thing to say about this past episode Weir has a thing for Sheppard but there is no sign of reciprocation. (Hope I spelled that right) So I can see where the Shep/Weir comes from I don't see it going anywhere but even my husband said something about it so it was obvious. Yes the end was also very cute. I think we will have plenty of Shep/Teyla moments next week and I have a feeling it's going to build from there. The Weir thing is going to fall away I think now because there going to get back to checking out new worlds and such and much more time for Shep/Teyla to be together.

          Totally different note McCay and Sheppard were a riot and the Asguard very funny.
          Yikes !! When your Spouse notices the attraction that's not encouraging for Sheyla Supporters
          I really didn't see anything but one time in Season 1 my Nephew thought Shep was coming on to Weir but my Nephew likes Teyla more LOL



            Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
            Yikes !! When your Spouse notices the attraction that's not encouraging for Sheyla Supporters
            I really didn't see anything but one time in Season 1 my Nephew thought Shep was coming on to Weir but my Nephew likes Teyla more LOL

            No worries I really think it's one sided. All he said was Weir's got a Thing for Shep. I actually think he may have been trying to rile me up. It didn't really work though. Sheppard seems uninterested in her if you ask me though he did give Teyla a very nice greeting. Oh and I agree he was totally checking her out and vice versa.

            I really think there going to develope the Weir/Cauldwell thing. There may be a little spark there.


              Originally posted by damson30
              No worries I really think it's one sided. All he said was Weir's got a Thing for Shep. I actually think he may have been trying to rile me up. It didn't really work though. Sheppard seems uninterested in her if you ask me though he did give Teyla a very nice greeting. Oh and I agree he was totally checking her out and vice versa.

              I really think there going to develope the Weir/Cauldwell thing. There may be a little spark there.

              I think Weir likes Shep much more than he likes her too so LOL
              I agree on Weir/Caldwell.. Love the dynamics between these two but still like Weir with McKay too so who knows ?



                [QUOTE=damson30]No worries I really think it's one sided. All he said was Weir's got a Thing for Shep. I actually think he may have been trying to rile me up. It didn't really work though. Sheppard seems uninterested in her if you ask me though he did give Teyla a very nice greeting. Oh and I agree he was totally checking her out and vice versa.

                He perked up after seeing Teyla and was much more relaxed and at ease



                  ok, this site hates me this week i think last night i tried to post this and it wouldn't work so i'll post it this morning...

                  my thoughts a la last night:

                  Originally posted by wizengamot
                  for you dear, anything.

                  I like the color of Teyla's new top. Very fetching!
                  OMG! fo sho! if only they sold those at jcpenney....

                  as for the ep...
                  i definately loved the exchange when she's like "wow, you got promoted, congrats" and he's like "thanks, now what's new?" and she's like "i KNEW you'd wanna know... here ya go..." it was cute

                  on a slightly diff note, it was kinda funny how everyone was just flogging poor weir at the end i mean teyla started following her around and then dr z showed up hehe...

                  anyway... obviously teyla was only in one SCENE so not really much to say on the sheyla front this week but definately a good ep... they managed to make it seem less like a similar situation to "entity" by actually mentioning that the situation was similar lol... gotta love how mckay always makes jokes out of or comments on the things the the audience is thinking and would likely make jokes out of


                  Originally posted by wizengamot
                  IMO, the promotion jab
                  was like what Weir said in the beg. about how he managed to get it into every conversation for the past month. They are all poking fun at him for once. She said it in her tone of voice she saves for Rodney
                  lol! yeah, i think it's safe to say
                  EVERYONE is gonna be teasing shep for a while about the promotion after he went gloating at them for a month

                  i also loved how rodney ONCE again said the audience's thoughts with his "that's going to take some getting used to"... (don't remember the exact words) re: shep as colonel

                  ok, my brane too futzled to think of anything else to say atm...


                    What's going on ?
                    First Martin said about a hug is a hug and that's it now Joe is saying there is a possibility for ShWeir as a couple
                    So am I to assume now Sheyla is being dropkicked in favor of ShWeir and my question is why ? Sheyla has not even had the chance to get started and suddenly ShWeir is the couple I'm supposed to enjoy watching ?
                    This whole thing is creeping me out UGH !!



                      Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
                      What's going on ?
                      First Martin said about a hug is a hug and that's it now Joe is saying there is a possibility for ShWeir as a couple
                      So am I to assume now Sheyla is being dropkicked in favor of ShWeir and my question is why ? Sheyla has not even had the chance to get started and suddenly ShWeir is the couple I'm supposed to enjoy watching ?
                      This whole thing is creeping me out UGH !!

                      Now Pam. Breathe... Just calm down! You've got to learn to ignore the PTB in shipperdom, or you'll just drive yourself crazy! Don't you know they love to yank your chain? It didn't sound that definite to me, and I'm sure he'll say that Shep/Teyla will also be a possibility.

                      If you hate S/W that much just cover your eyes and ears and shout lalala, I find that works quite well when S/T comes on screen and it means we can all enjoy the show.


                        Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
                        First Martin said about a hug is a hug and that's it now Joe is saying there is a possibility for ShWeir as a couple
                        Pam, with all honesty and sympathy, take everything TPTB say about ship with a grain of salt. They believe that they're ratings are increased by stiring the fanbase up. Last week it was poking the Sheppard/Weir people, this week it was Sheppard/Teyla. How much you want to bet one of them is going to say something positive about McKay/Weir next week?


                          There completely right Pam. I just read what he wrote and he was being as vague as possible. That was not a definitive answer and I don't think he'll give one. He doesn't want any conflict. I think anything is possible and they may play with everything. I'm just praying this whole shipper debate thing doesn't end up turning Sheppard into a playboy. They could do that too. Let's just wait and see what happens. Enjoy the ride.


                            re: TPTB and ship.... methinks at this point they're SOOO sick of people asking OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OOVVEEEEEEEEERR about jack/sam over the past years that they try the best they can to just answer to see if people will let it be and let them just write and make the show on their own... and honestly when they do answer, as the above folks said, about 90% of the time, it's just to be snarkly and irk the fanbase anyway usually they're either cryptic, joking, or just trying to stir things up...

                            when it comes to anything ship related, until it happens on the show, it's really all in the eye of the beholder whether there's even a ship possibility there (let alone shippy moments), and if and when it DOES happen on the show, it's in the eye of the beholder whether or not the ship works or is squick-worthy or not and of course also until if happens on the show, i'm not gonna take what anyone says about what ship will happen at face value i mean everyone's allowed to take what they want out of what ANYONE says of course but getting worked up or getting overly-excited over what TPTB say bout ship usually isn't a good idea


                              Originally posted by Major Fischer
                              Pam, with all honesty and sympathy, take everything TPTB say about ship with a grain of salt. They believe that they're ratings are increased by stiring the fanbase up. Last week it was poking the Sheppard/Weir people, this week it was Sheppard/Teyla. How much you want to bet one of them is going to say something positive about McKay/Weir next week?

                              MajorFischer I'm not freaking out anymore and whether Joe is reesponding to the question I asked or not my freaking out modes do not last too long and end way soon
                              Have no idea what may happen on the Conversion which is supposed to be Sheyla focus ep but before Season 2 finishes I expect all fanbases ewwing and ahhing eventually so whenever I get my Sheyla times I'll be grateful and start gushing and I'm sure the ShWeir suppoters are going to be their gushing too about everything so TPTB know they got it made and will have fun with it all and then some LOL



                                I just want to say one thing:

                                The Shep/Weir thread is thataway! *Points in general direction* This is the SHEYLA thread. If I wanted to read about / discuss / whine about Shep/Weir, I would GO THERE.

                                Dont mix the threads together, there is a reason they are seperate.

                                Red me if you want, I'm not scared!

