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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Where's Camy when you need her. Just kidding Camy, I know you're busy. Anyway. Some of us on the thread are working on a care-package for newbies. It might be in bits and pieces for now. We're in the beginning stages of it. But here's a start.

    Scifan that's beautiful!! Hmm, I can't remember which episode it's from either...

    Welcome Girlinabox!! Great name

    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      Great artwork as usual....

      Welcome girlinabox

      Awesome to see a new member and a J/T fan....
      we are a fiendly bunch in here so join us in all our fun... reading stories, checking out great artwork and videos... and join in whenever you want in our discussions.... HAVE FUN !!!!
      Sigs by Scifan


        Slightly off-topic BREAKING NEWS!!

        Colonel Sumner is NOT DEAD! He is alive and well and campaigning for LiveEarth...



        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Wow, thats a great picture and a real nice idea! What ep is that from???
          It was at the end of Aurora.

          By the way, Camy posted a new challenge on the JTgalleria. It's Summer fling. I'm drawing a blank right now. How about it writers. got any ideas.?

          Congrats to 100 posts RUBY!!!!!!
          Last edited by scifan; 08 July 2007, 08:16 AM.


            If it's the toasting pic you are trying to figure out where it's from ,,,,it's from Aurora....
            I got to be a sap to know where most pics come from what episode
            Sigs by Scifan


              I haven't sketched anything for quite a while so this is pretty lame when it comes to dimensions and everything. The hands are terrible and the less said about the clothes and hair the better.

              Oh well, here's a scene I'd like to see in series four sometime. Hope you like it!



              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig




                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 POSTS RUBY!!
                  Oh yeah - didn't even notice that! Thank you!!

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    I haven't sketched anything for quite a while so this is pretty lame when it comes to dimensions and everything. The hands are terrible and the less said about the clothes and hair the better.

                    Oh well, here's a scene I'd like to see in series four sometime. Hope you like it!


                    That is soooo cute. It's better than what I can do. If you want to see a fellow drawer. Find Mayogaelz and check out one her blog sites. I'm not sure which one, but she has tons of drawing of different characters and things. I also believe she has other artists as well. Some are really nicely done. I can doodle a little, but not like that. Thanks for sharing.


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      It was at the end of Aurora.

                      By the way, Camy posted a new challenge on the JTgalleria. It's Summer fling. I'm drawing a blank right now. How about it writers. got any ideas.?

                      Congrats to 100 posts RUBY!!!!!!
                      danke schaen x

                      I do, as it happens, have an idea that might work for summer fling. If you're waiting for updates on Baby Love and Complicated you can blame Camy!

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        That is soooo cute. It's better than what I can do. If you want to see a fellow drawer. Find Mayogaelz and check out one her blog sites. I'm not sure which one, but she has tons of drawing of different characters and things. I also believe she has other artists as well. Some are really nicely done. I can doodle a little, but not like that. Thanks for sharing.
                        Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          danke schaen x

                          I do, as it happens, have an idea that might work for summer fling. If you're waiting for updates on Baby Love and Complicated you can blame Camy!

                          That's alright. She starting to write Chpt 11 for It All Started With a Kiss. So she'll be busy too.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Part 5 -
                            “What did she mean by insurmountable odds?! Huh? Huh?” Rodney squeaked. John, Teyla, and Ronon all looked at each other. “Well, nothing like a good old fashioned adventure to add some character,“ John said. He looked at Ronon. “And obviously, some of us need it more than others.” Ronon flashed him a deadly look.

                            “Ok, well since we’re obviously going to be stuck together for awhile, I think it's only proper to come up with some names for each other. For you," he looked at Rodney. “I’m thinking we should stick with Twitchy or the Twitchmeister, if you prefer,” Rodney scoffed and rolled his eyes. John continued on to Ronon, “You? Hmmm… about... the Hulk?” Ronon looked at him blankly. “Ok. The Hulk it is. And you,” he said as he looked at Teyla. “What should we call you?” She smiled slyly. “Do you not already have a name picked out for me as well?” John looked at her dark brown eyes. “Sure, we’ll just call you Angel,” his cheeks reddening again. “Oh, please somebody shoot me,” Rodney said and continued.

                            “Anyways, and what are we calling you? Captain America? Captain Picard? Patton?” John smirked. “How about just Captain? That has a nice ring to it.” Ronon sighed heavily. “Can we just go now?” John nodded and led the way back into the dark hallway. They started down the first corridor they came to, guns at the ready, John and Ronon in the front, Rodney and Teyla in the rear.

                            The first room they came to was lit by many torches on either side. In the center on the floor were many tablets, each with a different marking on them. “What do you suppose these are for?” Teyla asked. Ronon walked over and placed his foot gently on the first one. A tiny arrow came shooting out from an unseen hole in the wall, grazing Ronons left cheek, leaving a streak of blood across his face.

                            He stepped back aghast. John grabbed his arm. “Are you ok?” he asked eyeballing the cut on his cheek. Ronon wiped the blood with his sleeve. “Yeah, what was that?” Rodney stepped forward, a horrified look on his face. “This is obviously one of the insurmountable odds I was worried about! Look, it’s defintely a puzzle. These tablets probably need to be pressed in a particular order. The Hulk here obviously never heard the proverb, look before you leap, and did not hit the correct one. Well at least we can rule that tablet out. Now who’s going to try for another? Hmm? Any volunteers?”

                            Part 4-

                            John reached the ground and used his gun’s flashlight to search the immediate area. He paced up and down the tunnel, finding nothing of interest but also nothing illustrating danger. “Have you been eaten yet?” he heard Rodney call down. John made a face and walked back towards the opening. “No, I haven’t been eaten yet. I think this is our best bet of finding a way out of here. These tunnels seem pretty long, I say we chance it.”

                            He heard muffled conversation overhead before he heard Ronon call down. “We’re sending the woman down first.” John put his gun by his side and held his arms up to ease her slight drop as Ronon lowered her into the tunnel. John reached for her waist and held her tight as her feet hit the ground. Their eyes met and locked, his hands still tight on her waist. “Um, I believe I am fine now,” Teyla spoke softly, still looking in his eyes. John let go of her quickly, realizing he was still holding on. His cheeks were red. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking away pretending to adjust his gun. “Ok, I’m sending the other woman down now,” he heard Ronon call. “Oh, very funny Conan,” he heard Rodney respond. “What did you call me?” “Nothing, nothing. I’m coming down. NOW please!”

                            John smiled at the franticness in his voice and reached up to give him a hand as well. When they were all in the tunnel, they began to venture towards a small light at the end of the tunnel to their rear. They found a small room with a large panel lodged in the wall. Rodney approached it, intrigued, and pressed a large red button in the very center. A ghostly looking hologram appeared in the form of an older woman with long silvery hair, wearing a white robe and smiling.

                            The four of them stood fixed, gazing at the vision. She began to speak. “Hello and welcome to The Trials. As of this moment, your quest will begin. You must navigate these tunnels facing insurmountable odds, relying only on each other and yourselves. You will find your way using the skills you each possess. The rewards will prove wondrous, while the dangers will prove fatal. You will find what you seek if you are true to yourself. Goodbye and good luck.” With that, she gave a half bow and the hologram disappeared. They stood there in silence. John spoke first. “What the----“

                            Part 3 -

                            “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

                            John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

                            They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

                            He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teyla's. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.

                            Part 2 -

                            Ronon and Teyla instinctively raised their guns immediately causing Colonel Sheppard to do the same and the three of them pointed their guns at each other respectively. Rodney stood there wide eyed simply gaping at them. Ronon’s eyes held a fiery glow while Teyla’s seemed less malicious and more confused than anything. John began speaking. “All right, why don’t we all just calm down here and figure this thing out, nice and friendly like. You,” he said briefly waving his gun towards Rodney. “Let’s start with you. Start talking. Who the hell are you and what’s going on here?” Rodney stammered for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ronon’s menacing expression. “Hey buddy, I’d start talking before anybody gets any ideas,” John told Rodney, his eyes never leaving Ronons.

                            Rodney finally spoke. “I-I have no idea who any of you people are or how I got here! Wherever here is! Can you just all put down the guns so we discuss this like rational, civilized people?!” he asked semi-hysterically. Ronon gave a quick snort and replied, “Not on your life.” His gun never strayed from the middle of Colonel Sheppard and Teyla’s heads. Colonel Sheppard spoke hastily again. “Ok, maybe you were the wrong person to ask. Um, how about you Miss?” His eyes left Ronons for a moment to look over at Teyla. He did a double take when their eyes met. Something familiar about them, he thought. He quickly returned his gaze to Ronon, fearing any moment now, a gentle slip of the finger and someone would get seriously hurt or worse.

                            Teyla looked at each of them. “I have never seen any of you before in my life. I think it is obvious that whatever has happened here has happened to all of us. I cannot remember my own name and I find that fact very unsettling.” She looked at the clothes they all wore. “I find it interesting that three of us share some form of uniform, though.” All of them looked at themselves and the others clothing. “Hey! Hey! Maybe were on some sort of a team!” Rodney said excitedly. John scoffed. “What, like the A-Team?” Rodney looked at him and laughed at the joke and then shook his head. “No, I guess not.” He looked nervously at Ronon and snapped his fingers and pointed."Um, hello, hey! Why isn’t he wearing a uniform? Why would three of us have a uniform and only one of us doesn’t? Maybe we were chasing him! Maybe he’s a bad guy!” Ronon shifted his eyes and his gun towards Rodney. “And what if I am?” he grunted. Rodney winced and edged his way over behind Colonel Sheppard. “That would be fine then. You can be whoever you want.... sir,” he replied quietly speaking over the Colonel’s shoulder.

                            “Allright,” Colonel Sheppard spoke. “Enough of this, I’m putting my gun down and I hope you both do the same.” Ronon leaned forward with gun as if to say, no way, and John made a face. “Just until, we can figure this thing out,” he spoke pointedly, as he continued placing his weapon on the floor and kicking it away into a corner. Rodney’s voice was high when he spoke. “Oh what the heck did you do that for? Now were dead for sure!” He turned a few moments later in disbelief as Teyla bent over and also lowered her weapon to the floor. Ronon swept his gun pointing it at her as she did this. John’s eyes searched Teyla’s to say a silent ‘thank you’ and she gave a quick smile in return. Rodney turned around and groaned, “Oh, great idea Casanova, now were all dead.”
                            When's the next part,i laughed so hard when i wiz readin this i almost fell of ma chair!


                              Thanks for the welcome guys!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              These are hilarious!!!

                              my ships


                                Summer Fling ideas? Hmm, I've no time to write but how about these:

                                John takes Teyla to the beach on Earth, romance ensues, then you find out he has a bad fever and is imagining it, but somehow the imaginary Teyla has to "save him" and bring him out of it--or it could be Teyla entering his mind via her telepathy to save him.

                                John introduces Teyla to ice cream on the mainland's beach?

                                The Atlantis team, in a quiet moment, plays volleyball on the mainland.


