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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy 100 posts, MrsB! It's good thing you ladies are chatty! Makes for good reading! (Never mind the one who has under 200 posts in 8 months )
    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Hey Y'all!!

      It won't let green ya!!! So have here you go!


      GREEN x 1,000,0000

      Green to Everybody!! it's not letting me to anyone!!!
      LOL, I know what that's like. I have a list in my mind of people I have to green when I get the chance. I love giving the Green away!
      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
        LOL, I know what that's like. I have a list in my mind of people I have to green when I get the chance. I love giving the Green away!
        Shucks! I figure The system will not defeat me!!!

        Greens and Love to Everybody!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          I am still reading the Trials. I love Nightmares. So far, so good from what I have
          read of Trials. Though, I am sure I will love it just as much as the other two!!

          OMG!! I just finished It started with a Kiss or whatever the title is by Camy!!
          Whew! the towel thing. You were not lying when you said it very good
          Mrs. B. Thanks for pointing that fic out to me!! Much appreciated!!
          Yeah the "towel " one is Poseidon. Very good stuff.
          I gotta def put s'more work into both of my "in progess " stories tonight.


            Mrs. B, great fourth chapter and congrats on 100 posts!
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Yeah the "towel " one is Poseidon. Very good stuff.
              I gotta def put s'more work into both of my "in progess " stories tonight.
              I know I read both of them. And, I know they were both good!!

              I'm still recovering from the opening line in part 4 of your fic. Nightmares.
              I think it is that one.

              The where John is shirtless under a thin sheet. My God.
              As I said before I had a whump moment and envisioned Shep
              intubated, nekkid, under a bed sheet!!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Ok,not to sound stupid or anything but what's the difference between thunk and whumping?


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Ok,not to sound stupid or anything but what's the difference between thunk and whumping?
                  Please. Let me answer this for you. Nina could probably elaborate better too.

                  The differences between Thunk is like when you see a pic of JF and he
                  looks really HAWT you just kind of fall over. It's the sound you make when
                  you head hits the imaginary thunk pillow before you pass out!!

                  Now, whump on the other hand is all together different. Yea sure, you can
                  have your fangirl moments. But, it is when you like to see Sheppykins
                  be stabbed, shot, maimed, tortured, tied, drugged, shirt rippage,shirtless,
                  chest peakage with visible blood, shot with arrow, tranq. darts, or the best
                  yet: intubated, nekkid under a bed sheet!!!! You like to him in pain.

                  I know it may seem a bit harsh. But it is actually kind of theraputic!!
                  Be we who whump truly love our Sheppykins!!!

                  So, here is your answer with Love!!!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Please. Let me answer this for you. Nina could probably elaborate better too.

                    The differences between Thunk is like when you see a pic of JF and he
                    looks really HAWT you just kind of fall over. It's the sound you make when
                    you head hits the imaginary thunk pillow before you pass out!!

                    Now, whump on the other hand is all together different. Yea sure, you can
                    have your fangirl moments. But, it is when you like to see Sheppykins
                    be stabbed, shot, maimed, tortured, tied, drugged, shirt rippage,shirtless,
                    chest peakage with visible blood, shot with arrow, tranq. darts, or the best
                    yet: intubated, nekkid under a bed sheet!!!! You like to him in pain.

                    I know it may seem a bit harsh. But it is actually kind of theraputic!!
                    Be we who whump truly love our Sheppykins!!!

                    So, here is your answer with Love!!!
                    Oh right,thanks....Now it makes sense,i'm a little slow sometimes


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Oh right,thanks....Now it makes sense,i'm a little slow sometimes
                      Not a problem at all.

                      As you can see, I kinda obsessed more about the whump!! -LOL!
                      I love my JT but, sometimes, I those moments that are a little
                      more intense!!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                        Camy and everyone here are some shippy moment quotes from 'No Man's land" and "Misbegotten"

                        No Man’s Land

                        Colonel Caldwell. What's the status of the repairs?
                        CALDWELL: Ongoing. We lost a few key personnel in the attack.

                        (Teyla lowers her head. Elizabeth's face is full of grief. Obviously they have already been told about John's disappearance.)

                        WEIR: Yes, we did.


                        SHEPPARD (over radio): Atlantis, this is Sheppard, come in.

                        (Teyla smiles in delight and relief. Elizabeth turns and looks at Walter in amazement.)

                        WEIR: They made it?!
                        SHEPPARD: We're out of food and water and we haven't slept in days but, yeah, we made it.
                        Oooh I love quotes!! Great job Padme!! I love this scene and the surprise and relief in Teyla's voice as she discovers John is alright!
                        SHEPPARD: What about Teyla? Teyla's got the Wraith gene thing. Maybe she can fly it.

                        WEIR: Teyla, I understand navigating the hive ship wasn't a particularly pleasant experience.
                        TEYLA: The neural interface was quite exhausting.
                        McKAY: And that was just flying in a straight line. I mean, she'll never be able to pull off anything complex, like combat manoeuvrability, weapons control ...
                        SHEPPARD: How many manoeuvres can you pull off with your manual interface?
                        McKAY: Well, does, um, standing still count as a manoeuvre?
                        SHEPPARD: No.
                        Shep standing up for Teyla! And of course big cheer for Teyla flying the Wraith ship!!
                        HYPERSPACE. WRAITH HIVE SHIP. On the Bridge, Teyla is gripping what must be two steering columns on a console. Her eyes are closed in concentration. John steps up beside her and looks at her with concern for a moment, then walks over to Rodney who is working on another console.

                        That's it. We're out of hyperspace.

                        (Teyla sighs and lowers her head.)

                        SHEPPARD: You alright?

                        (Teyla nods and raises her head to look at him.)

                        TEYLA (tiredly): I believe I have been able to establish a stable orbit.
                        SHEPPARD: Alright. Nice work. (He walks over to Rodney.) Any sign of the other hive ship?

                        If anyone thinks I missed any let me know. I got these from the transcripts.
                        Love the concern he shows here. I wish there would have been a scene of him giving her some pointers on how to fly...that would have been a cute scene!
                        Sig by Cazzblade


                          Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
                          Oooh I love quotes!! Great job Padme!! I love this scene and the surprise and relief in Teyla's voice as she discovers John is alright!

                          Shep standing up for Teyla! And of course big cheer for Teyla flying the Wraith ship!!

                          Love the concern he shows here. I wish there would have been a scene of him giving her some pointers on how to fly...that would have been a cute scene!
                          I agree, a scene with him giving her some pointers would have been nice. I love quotes too, that's why I'm supplying them.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                            I agree, a scene with him giving her some pointers would have been nice. I love quotes too, that's why I'm supplying them.
                            Long live the quotes!
                            Sig by Cazzblade


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Please. Let me answer this for you. Nina could probably elaborate better too.

                              The differences between Thunk is like when you see a pic of JF and he
                              looks really HAWT you just kind of fall over. It's the sound you make when
                              you head hits the imaginary thunk pillow before you pass out!!

                              Now, whump on the other hand is all together different. Yea sure, you can
                              have your fangirl moments. But, it is when you like to see Sheppykins
                              be stabbed, shot, maimed, tortured, tied, drugged, shirt rippage,shirtless,
                              chest peakage with visible blood, shot with arrow, tranq. darts, or the best
                              yet: intubated, nekkid under a bed sheet!!!! You like to him in pain.

                              I know it may seem a bit harsh. But it is actually kind of theraputic!!
                              Be we who whump truly love our Sheppykins!!!

                              So, here is your answer with Love!!!

                              *lol* When you write it like that it sounds like you want him dead..

                              Thunk is more a fangirl ting I guess..where you can talk and gush over the fact that is Joe/John....

                     in easy terms..hurt/comfort... where you don't mind seeing him hurt be it physical or emotional.. and then him rising to the occasion ..coming out of it stronger in the end...

                              Well something like that... *lol*

                              Hope it clarified a little better Linda06
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Not a problem at all.

                                As you can see, I kinda obsessed more about the whump!! -LOL!
                                I love my JT but, sometimes, I those moments that are a little
                                more intense!!
                                I guess that's why I like Common Ground so much and don't forget 38 Minutes. That has open shirt and a nasty bug!

                                I have an idea for another fic and I started, but I felt bad doing another whumping story for John. Poor guy . I already did 2 out of 5. Oh well, it'll be awhile before it's even done.

