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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    mmmmmmmm,leather,ya just gotta love leather.....sorry i've just got a thing for leather,is that one of the costumes she's gonna be wearing in season 4?
    Well I'm guessing the costume she has on in that pic,,that it's one that she is going to wear in season 4...this pic was taken at a set visit early this month when two fans was there...

    So it seems there might be some leather in there for her... I can't really say what the costume that she has on in the clip from Missing is ,,, then she had another black I think that too leather on when they accepted the Spacey Award... so Teyla might have some leather this season...

    John ,,I have no idea if there might be some leather for him in season 4...he did have a leather jacket in Sateda and in Common Ground this season...wondering where that jacket went... it looked good on him..
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Well I'm guessing the costume she has on in that pic,,that it's one that she is going to wear in season 4...this pic was taken at a set visit early this month when two fans was there...

      So it seems there might be some leather in there for her... I can't really say what the costume that she has on in the clip from Missing is ,,, then she had another black I think that too leather on when they accepted the Spacey Award... so Teyla might have some leather this season...

      John ,,I have no idea if there might be some leather for him in season 4...he did have a leather jacket in Sateda and in Common Ground this season...wondering where that jacket went... it looked good on him..

      I hope John gets to wear leather too as the jacket in Common Ground looked great on him. I can't say I like the new black uniform. I preferred the blue uniform or else just the black teeshirt on Shep ... but the all black in just a bit too dark for me and I don't like that new shirt at all.




          Thats really beautiful Camy..


            Camy - Now that is a proper birthday card...

            Blue - Well yeah the t-shirt looks good on him *lol* but I don't pay to much attention to the black shirt he has now...I've gotten used to it since the back half of season 3... not sure if he will have the new jacket,, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in the leather jacket again
            Sigs by Scifan


              Thanks Blue! I"m a bit behind on things here guys, and I"m in a rush as well. So, please forgive me for not going back to comment on things, I"ll try to do that tonight!

              But a couple of things, it came to my attention that the JT SGA Awards has not received that much participation. It saddened me and surprised me since I know that there are many of us here and around the net that really wanted this to happen. This is the opportunity for us to support and show our love for this duo. I know that we just finished nominating for two other awards, but if you have any suggestions on how we can make this work better for you, please don't hesitate to comment and email one of the mods.

              It was my understanding that you don't need to be a member of Livejournal to participate in this and you can take your time to nominate since there are I believe several categories to choose from.

              I"m hoping that we get more movement in there this weekend and this coming week, otherwise, I"m not sure that it's worth continuing such an award if only a few are going to participate. It kind of ruins the purpose for it. We've always mentioned how we love JT, so let's show it by supporting communities like these.

              Again, remember that there are several places for you to go to....
              Simply go to the top and go through those pages and also go back up to the top and if you are 18 years and older you can also view and read the Fics categorized as M for mature and you will find several others.

              There is also on Suz sig and you go directly to that site and you will find a wonderful archive of fics there as well in addition to vids, and fanart.

              Go to the Galleria here in GW and you will find some wonderful fanart as well from our very own kiddies here and I love to support those guys.

              In addition we have Stephies site,
              where she has her vids as well as Mayra's latest additions. In addition, I think she also posted Black Panthers' vid that I shamely think I haven't see yet. have a challenge for you!

              FIND ALL the links to ALL THE JT VIDS!

              THAT IS A CHALLENGE! LOL

              Q...I"m not sure if your vids are all in Convergence, but if you can give us the link again to your vids that would be greatly appreciated or simply go to youtube and search for her vids.

              In addition, I know that all of Nina's vids are in Convergence, right?

              And all the other wonderful work that people have done here and around the net can be easily found but it just requires some time.

              This is the new improve LJ community for the JT Awards

              A lot of time, dedication and work has been placed in this by several people all for you guys, please show your support.

              Thanks guys!

              I'll be back with some more news and updates!


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Camy - Now that is a proper birthday card...

                Blue - Well yeah the t-shirt looks good on him *lol* but I don't pay to much attention to the black shirt he has now...I've gotten used to it since the back half of season 3... not sure if he will have the new jacket,, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in the leather jacket again
                Do you guys have pics or clips of the new uniform, I"ve been so wrapped up with viewing the actual scenes that I haven't paid much attention to those details. I think Teyla looks HOT in those new outfits, I just hope John gets to see her in them. LOL

                Thanks Nina!


                  Just to add to the JT AWARDS comment up above....if you know of any thread or any other place that there might be some interested in JT, simply post the link and you can copy and or paste any of the different banners, sigs that are posted here as well. I know that Crescere wrote to me once that there is an entire community in myspace blogs that I have no idea that it even existed since I don't venture there, but if some of you do, that would be another great place to pimp our community.

                  In addition, several suggestions have been made for next year that might make this a bit easier. We've consider the idea of allowing JT works after our nominating date for next year. This way we get a fresh new batch of works that were done in a time frame of one year. Again, these are things that the mods will consider for next year but it all depends on how things turn out this year.

                  Another JT community that has not been used much at all is Atlantislovers. Trippy opened that community for us here in GW and it sad to see it not been used at all. Let's not let our ship die people, not when we have such high hopes for Season 4.



                    Here are some other sites that I know of....


                    Here's another wonderful LJ unique bond as well.


                      I thought that the JT SGA awards were over.... is this another one?

                      You need to be member of LJ to post nominations... I can't even get to see who has been nominated.. I'm not sure even how the whole thing works.


                        I"ll find out because I thought you didn't have to be a member, you can email Devine and her email address is there and simply send her all the addys with the nominations that you have. That was my understanding but I'm a bit slow too.


                        I"ll get back to you!


                          Okay..First, nominations will be up until July 13, 2007.

                          Second, I was right, you don't need to have a LJ account to do this.

                          Now, here is a suggestion....

                          go to the main page...


                          On that first posting, click on one of the categories....

                          We are happy to announce that the John & Teyla Stargate Atlantis Awards are now accepting nominations! Please review the following links before submitting your nomination:

                          Rules Submitting A Nomination FAQ

                          2007 Categories:
                          Stargate Atlantis Artwork Videos Fanfiction
                          Nominations will be accepted from 22 June 07 – 13 July 07.
                          I clicked on Stargate Atlantis...and got this...

                          Best JT episode: The episode of "Stargate Atlantis" that best depicts the John/Teyla relationship - friendship or romantic.

                          Nomination Ballot
                          *Your name:
                          *Your email:

                          *SGA Season:
                          *SGA Episode:
                          *Description of scene:

                          An asterisk (*) denotes a required field. If you do not fill this field, your nomination will not be accepted.

                          All nominations will be screened, so if you do not have an LJ account you may not be able to see your nomination. This will not stop your nomination from being valid.

                          If you have any concerns, please e-mail us at: [email protected].
                          So, you can either email Devine or you don't need to have LJ account. All postings will be screened meaning your votes will only be viewed by you but not by others viewing LJ except the mods.

                          Hope that helps Blue!


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            I just read your story. That's pretty good. Are you planning to continue the story? I'd like to see what's next.
                            Yeah I'll continue when I get back from vacation if you think its interesting enough.


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Aw, ta very much, though my birthday isn't until Monday.

                              Wasn't planning on carrying on the fic... do you think I should? I'm not sure where I should go with it! The best I can come up with is


                              and I think that's pretty lame!
                              Here's another one for you

                              And HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!


                              JOHN SHEPPARD.
                              Thanks scifan for this bootyful siggie!!!


                                Hello, I just wanted to stop by and give my two pennies on Shep and Teyla.

                                I'm not what you consider a shipper, but I like how Teyla brings out the best of Shepard, from the first episodes. I think she keeps him focused on what's important, people... even sometimes over his military beliefs.

                                Also Shep's most tender moments in the show are with her and they make me smile.

                                I wish for S4 we could see more of how Shep has influenced Teyla.

