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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    But when John has been compromised and is under the influence of the retro virus, alien entities and mind controlling Wraith devices, he has still always protected Teyla...
    See, and that's one of the most beautiful things about John and Teyla, they always have each other's back even when they slightly disagree - like they did in LFP. You could tell how that nearly KILLED John to tell her no in the beginning.

    It reminded me of when my husband has to tell me I can't do or have something I really want (usually cause of money! lol!). He wants to let me cause he loves me, but he knows for whatever reason that we can't and he pretty much acts like John did. And I LOVED in LFP that when he realized he COULD go back for Orin, he didnt' even tell her or ask if she still wanted to, he just did it. He had her back.


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      I liked how you beautifully summed all that up and I'd like to add that when John kissed Teyla she could've kicked his butt, but she didn't. I'm sure she could sense that he wasn't himself, but it didn't look like she was resisting much either.

      Does any one else remember where Teyla didn't hurt John, but someone else or the same for John? ei. In Submersion, Teyla checking things out with Ronon and then she kicks his butt majorly.
      Oh!! That's right! She could have SOOO kicked John's butt and she waited till he was gone. Excellent catch. I think too of that scene in TLG where she was faced with possibly killing John and the look on her face was just pure agony. And Caldwell's words to her that it was HER call, he wasn't going to tell her what to do. He knew there were some VERY deep feelings there and he gave Teyla the freedom to do what she had to do. *shippy sigh* Ah, Caldwell, just another in a long line of John/Teyla devices!


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I liked how you beautifully summed all that up and I'd like to add that when John kissed Teyla she could've kicked his butt, but she didn't. I'm sure she could sense that he wasn't himself, but it didn't look like she was resisting much either.

        Does any one else remember where Teyla didn't hurt John, but someone else or the same for John? ei. In Submersion, Teyla checking things out with Ronon and then she kicks his butt majorly.
        Good point scifan... both John and Teyla have been under alien influences but never hurt each other... Teyla certaintly kicked Ronans butt in Submersion and John shot both Rodney and Ronan in Phantoms but they still manage to protect each other.


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Good point scifan... both John and Teyla have been under alien influences but never hurt each other... Teyla certaintly kicked Ronans butt in Submersion and John shot both Rodney and Ronan in Phantoms but they still manage to protect each other.
          I'd forgotten about that too! It was great that for John everyone else on the team in Phantoms was an enemy but Teyla was the close buddy in need, the one he protected. And Teyla, never stopped trying to reach him and keep him safe! *happy sigh* I just LOVE basking in the JT love!


            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            I'd forgotten about that too! It was great that for John everyone else on the team in Phantoms was an enemy but Teyla was the close buddy in need, the one he protected. And Teyla, never stopped trying to reach him and keep him safe! *happy sigh* I just LOVE basking in the JT love!
            Yep... I could do it all night... but I need to head off to bed... another busy day tomorrow..

            Long live John and Teyla..


              FYI for John Teyla Convergence.

              I've uploaded the vids that were sent to me so we should be all updated! There's new Graphis in the Archive and VB has reformatted so that it should be easier to use. We are waiting for Major Trip to upload her famous screen caps for all the eps and then we'll be good to go there! In the mean time, you can still register and put all your graphic art there.

              We get new members every day on the Fic side of the site, so make sure you check it all out!


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Ruby, nice to have you back! We've missed you.
                Did you get to see the clips for season 4?

                Welcome to the thread Sin.
                Clips... er, I saw some caps a couple of days ago from a Series Four preview... it's looking so good!!


                Okay, I'm sure that most of this has all been said before, sorry!

                The clip of the thing moving in Teyla's stomach was quite disturbing. I remember when I first delurked on this thread I was sure that the pregnancy would be alien-induced, like other Stargate pregnancies, but everyone here convinced me that it would be a normal, human, somewhat-angst-ridden pregnancy. I was happy in this belief. And then this clip comes along... grr!!

                That said, the image of something moving so grotesquely in Teyla's stomach seems a bit... unreal to me, so I think it may be a dream. However, if it is a dream and it's Teyla's, then it suggests that she is scared or very unhappy about the pregnancy.

                I just really need to see series four now. It's getting annoying!

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  See, and that's one of the most beautiful things about John and Teyla, they always have each other's back even when they slightly disagree - like they did in LFP. You could tell how that nearly KILLED John to tell her no in the beginning.

                  It reminded me of when my husband has to tell me I can't do or have something I really want (usually cause of money! lol!). He wants to let me cause he loves me, but he knows for whatever reason that we can't and he pretty much acts like John did. And I LOVED in LFP that when he realized he COULD go back for Orin, he didnt' even tell her or ask if she still wanted to, he just did it. He had her back.
                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Oh!! That's right! She could have SOOO kicked John's butt and she waited till he was gone. Excellent catch. I think too of that scene in TLG where she was faced with possibly killing John and the look on her face was just pure agony. And Caldwell's words to her that it was HER call, he wasn't going to tell her what to do. He knew there were some VERY deep feelings there and he gave Teyla the freedom to do what she had to do. *shippy sigh* Ah, Caldwell, just another in a long line of John/Teyla devices!
                  I so agree...

                  That is the best thing with John and Teyla...not matter what..if they disagree..and they can be under influence..yet the instinct to protect eachother is always there... everytime something has happened to matter what he has always made sure Teyla is safe... he rather puts himself in harm's way before her... and it's all on instinct from his side...

                  I just love the deep bond between these's such a joy to watch...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Clips... er, I saw some caps a couple of days ago from a Series Four preview... it's looking so good!!


                    Okay, I'm sure that most of this has all been said before, sorry!

                    The clip of the thing moving in Teyla's stomach was quite disturbing. I remember when I first delurked on this thread I was sure that the pregnancy would be alien-induced, like other Stargate pregnancies, but everyone here convinced me that it would be a normal, human, somewhat-angst-ridden pregnancy. I was happy in this belief. And then this clip comes along... grr!!

                    That said, the image of something moving so grotesquely in Teyla's stomach seems a bit... unreal to me, so I think it may be a dream. However, if it is a dream and it's Teyla's, then it suggests that she is scared or very unhappy about the pregnancy.

                    I just really need to see series four now. It's getting annoying!

                    I for one never thought that this would be a normal, but angst filled pregnancy. I've always been on the alien/strange pregnancy side. And yeah, the clip was squicky.


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Clips... er, I saw some caps a couple of days ago from a Series Four preview... it's looking so good!!


                      Okay, I'm sure that most of this has all been said before, sorry!

                      The clip of the thing moving in Teyla's stomach was quite disturbing. I remember when I first delurked on this thread I was sure that the pregnancy would be alien-induced, like other Stargate pregnancies, but everyone here convinced me that it would be a normal, human, somewhat-angst-ridden pregnancy. I was happy in this belief. And then this clip comes along... grr!!

                      That said, the image of something moving so grotesquely in Teyla's stomach seems a bit... unreal to me, so I think it may be a dream. However, if it is a dream and it's Teyla's, then it suggests that she is scared or very unhappy about the pregnancy.

                      I just really need to see series four now. It's getting annoying!
                      Er, when did that happen? We've been saying all along that there is most likely a twist involved!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                        Erm, did something happen here that I haven't read back far enough to discover yet? Why are there so many lurkers? *looks down and waves* Y'all can come out to play if you want.
                        I think more and more people are seeing the light! LOL!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          YAY FOR JOHN AND TEYLA

                          Yay!!! That is SO cool you guys!!!! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to participate. Life is a bit busy right now..ugh! But anyway YAY for J/T!!!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Thank you everyone!!!. I hadn't even realized i reached 200 posts till Scifan mentioned it! LOL!. Oh and look! i'm a Super Soldier now YAY!. Now i need 1800 more posts to reach the big 2000 mark! LOL!. LONG WAY TO GO
                            Look how fast you're cruising! LOL! Congrats on 200!!!!! YAY!!!!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              It was a great scene, wasn't it?

                              I've been trying to think ofand watch some more situations where they show J/T and I've decided there needs to be more.

                              If you can think of some lemme know so I can go rewatch them a thousand times LOL
                              Hi Mrs. B! I posted this back in March, but thought I'd repost for you. There are tons of great J/T moments and these are just a few of them! LOL!

                              Season One:

                              101-102--Rising. They meet for first time, the infamous cave scene we all love and the lovely headbow scene at the end. An aww moment!
                              103--Hide and Seek. John introduces Teyla to football and popcorn.
                              104--38 Minutes. Not specific J/T moments necessarily, but nice scenes of concerned Teyla helping injured John throughout. First time she risks her life for him.
                              105--Suspicion. Awesome little J/T hints throughout! Teyla is accused of working against them, John supports her and is accused of putting his "personal feelings" ahead of his good judgment.
                              109--Home. John is "on earth" and Teyla is with him. Nothing major, but again, nice little moments throughout. He takes her shopping and introduces her to beer.
                              110--111--The Storm and The Eye. Now these are not really J/T episodes, although a cute little scene at very beginning of them in jumper together. But these are just two fantastic John episodes, IMO. These are traditionally seen as John/Elizabeth eps, but obviously, I don't think so. It shows their friendship and to what extent John will go to in order to protect his world. Excellent early insight into John's character, and we see him in "military" mode.
                              113--Hot Zone***. This one gets stars because it has a GREAT J/T moment with them sparring. Very hot and very sensual. One of my favorite scenes with them. They also look cute in matching hazmet suits.
                              117--Letters from Pegasus***. This one also gets stars because it's a great angsty J/T ep. Their first real fight and falling out if you will. They learn a lot about each other in what they go through together in this ep. In the end, they both realize they were both right and wrong together. One of my favorite episodes from season one as I love good angst.
                              118--The Gift*** Stars again! This one is also a must see for any J/T fan. It's heavily a Teyla episode and John is there a lot as well. Another sparring scene and another little spat between them. We learn a lot about Teyla in this one.
                              119--The Siege, Part 1*** Yep, more stars! More excellent J/T moments in this one. John is again accused of putting his personal feelings for Teyla ahead of the mission. He defends her more than once here verbally and physically from personnel and from a wraith.

                              Season Two:

                              203--Runner. Cute little J/T moments here and there. Great moment of them tied up together!
                              204--Duets. John shows a little petulant jealousy and then concern when he sees Teyla sparring with the new guy! Funny Rodney ep in general as well. I really enjoy this one.
                              208--Conversion*** Stars for this one as this is a huge J/T ep for season two. This one contains the somewhat "controversial" sparring and kiss scene. We love it. Others accuse it of being a disturbing attack. I think that is a rather pathetic assessment myself, no offense to others intended. It is aggressive and hot and passionate and hinting at all the brewing passions boiling beneath the surface when one of them losing a bit of control... In the commentary for this ep, Joe Flannigan called it a "Stop! Some more!" moment between them and Rachel said in the Season Two Official Guide book that Teyla was never in any danger and would have stopped it if she didn't like it. So clearly, it was meant to be seen as base and instinctive and passionate, which is exactly why we love it so much. It is way too short, but oh so HOT. The end scene between them when they awkwardly talk or "not talk" about it is great as well. They show a new awareness of each other in this end scene that I just love.
                              210--The Lost Boys. Great little moment towards the end where John has his head in Teyla's lap.
                              216--The Long Goodbye*** I give this one stars too because it's got a great little angsty confession wrung out of John by an alien consciousness inside of him moment. Now this one is declared as a John/Elizabeth ep, which I have NEVER understood. Watch it and I think you'll see what I mean. The little moment between John and Elizabeth is not them. But the moment between John and Teyla the sense that Teyla is herself and the admissions are from John's thoughts, not the alien's. And ah, call me crazy, but whose consciousness is involved makes a big difference! So very clearly, a great little J/T moment again in this one. Teyla is forced to also almost kill John.
                              218--Michael. Nothing major, but some nice J/T moments throughout.
                              220--Allies. Again, nothing major, but they have a nice little discussion in the beginning about trust.

                              Season Three:
                              302--Misbegotten. Teyla gives a huge grin when finds out John's alive. Teyla flies a wraith ship, John hovers a bit. A few nice shots in jumper.
                              303--Irresistable. This is a controversial ep because of the Lucius character, but take it tongue-in-cheek as it was meant to and you'll enjoy it. I got a good laugh in parts of it at least. Nothing major with J/T, but some cute little moments.
                              304--Sateda*** Stars again. This is mostly a Ronon ep, but it has a few great J/T scenes as well. Highly recommend this one! J/T have a lovely talk, work together to help rescue Ronon in their lovely matching leather outfits, LOL, and Teyla rolls her eyes as John can't bear to be bested by her.
                              308--McKay and Mrs. Miller. Again, nothing major, but a few cute little moments in the mess hall sitting next to each other and a lovely team moment at the very end, including Teyla kicking John under the table while making rather long eye contact when he teases her about liking a marine. Now again, some snatch on this as proof against J/T, but it's classic "boy teases girl in playground" kind of moment to get a rise out of her. We love it. Body language is key here.
                              309--Phantoms*** I'm giving this one stars as it's one of my favorites in season three. Not my ultimate favorite, but it's up there. Nothing really shippy here, but just excellent J/T interaction all throughout. There is also a lot of really great subtle underlaying context with J/T if you can pick it up. If you've ever seen the X-Files ep, "Field Where I Died," I think you'll understand what I mean and what I believe the writers were going for as well. This one was billed as the ultimate trust test between John and Teyla by BamBam, stunt coordinator, and to me, I see it as a defining moment for their relationship; trusting when everything seemingly tells you not to. Just a great ep overall. I adore the team ending as well in this one.
                              310--Return Part 1**** This one gets an extra star, LOL! One of my favorites of season three as well. There are a lot of great J/T moments in here, but the two biggest for me are the goodbye scene with a very moving headbow between them (The Athosian equivalent of a hug, but much more intimate and vulnerable and personal I think). And a great reunion smile. Very hot smirk on John and a beautiful smile by Teyla. Very moving overall I think.
                              313--Irresponsible. Controversial Lucius is back in this one. Not a very good ep overall, IMO, but there is a cute TINY little moment when J/T argue a bit somewhere in the middle. Teyla stands up to John.
                              316--Ark**** This one also gets an extra star. This is probably my favorite season three episode, although I do have trouble deciding. I loved a lot of them! But this is a great J/T ep! Not actually a lot of direct interaction between them, but there are some really intense implications in John's actions in this one. After it aired in Canada, the writer of the episode actually came to this thread to view our reactions. That in itself is extremely telling. Anyway, basically John rescues Teyla and then they share a lovely infirmary scene at the end that makes me go AWW every time I see it. No declarations of love or anything of the sort of course, but just a really great scene between them. Classic J/T stuff, really showing their growing bond.
                              317--Sunday**** This one also deserves at least four stars. This one was billed as a "shippy" ep, although it was never officially stated who the shippiness was between. We of course see it as a pivotal J/T episode. This is another one of my favorites from season three. This is just an amazing ep all the way around. The only SGA ep to make me cry so far. Some lovely J/T moments where Teyla admits to a friend about liking "someone" while simultaneously, Ronon gives John a hard time about Teyla. We see those simultaneous conversations as very deliberate by both the writers and directors. It wasn't done that way on accident. Also, John freezes and is very shaken up when he sees Teyla injured, and a very beautiful and touching infirmary scene at the end, following by a very beautiful funeral scene of one of the main characters who will be sorely missed.
                              318--Submersion*** Nothing major in this one, but also loved the J/T interaction throughout in this one. A bit of a testing of trust again in this one. J and T point their guns at each other for a brief moment.
                              319--Vengeance*** Another great overall episode I thought. Again, nothing major in this one, but some nice interaction here and there. When Teyla is in mortal danger, it is John's name she calls out.
                              320--First Strike. The finale and a great one I thought! Hardly any J/T in this one, but a hilarious little balcony scene between John, Teyla, and Ronon with a Fantastic Four conversation, where John calls himself Mr. Fantastic and Teyla the Invisible Woman. (Those characters were married, so we again feel this is the writers having fun and giving us subtle hints!).

                              The main thing to understand about Stargate and about John/Teyla specifically is that it is all very subtle. John and Teyla were cast and written to have sexual tension between them. You'll notice a growing aspect of this throughout the seasons and a lot of touching on trust issues with them. Season one is physical attraction, learning about each other. Season two continues the attraction, but focuses on their growing friendship, their strengthening bond. Season three, especially the second half, really goes deeper with them, showing the depth of their trust, their feelings, and their friendship. There is no outright declaration of love, no outright ship, nor do we expect to ever truly see anything overt in this manner, at least not yet! It is not typical Stargate to do so. These writers thrive on SciFi and action first and foremost, and ship is a subtle hint in the background. If you keep that in mind and watch for the amazing connection between them, I think you'll really grow to love this pairing even more!

                              Can't remember why I posted that, but I had kept it in case it was needed again. Have fun watching eps!!!! I want to rewatch them as well. It's been a while! Oh, the torture we put ourselves through...
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Hi Mrs. B! I posted this back in March, but thought I'd repost for you. There are tons of great J/T moments and these are just a few of them! LOL!

                                Season One:

                                101-102--Rising. They meet for first time, the infamous cave scene we all love and the lovely headbow scene at the end. An aww moment!
                                103--Hide and Seek. John introduces Teyla to football and popcorn.
                                104--38 Minutes. Not specific J/T moments necessarily, but nice scenes of concerned Teyla helping injured John throughout. First time she risks her life for him.
                                105--Suspicion. Awesome little J/T hints throughout! Teyla is accused of working against them, John supports her and is accused of putting his "personal feelings" ahead of his good judgment.
                                109--Home. John is "on earth" and Teyla is with him. Nothing major, but again, nice little moments throughout. He takes her shopping and introduces her to beer.
                                110--111--The Storm and The Eye. Now these are not really J/T episodes, although a cute little scene at very beginning of them in jumper together. But these are just two fantastic John episodes, IMO. These are traditionally seen as John/Elizabeth eps, but obviously, I don't think so. It shows their friendship and to what extent John will go to in order to protect his world. Excellent early insight into John's character, and we see him in "military" mode.
                                113--Hot Zone***. This one gets stars because it has a GREAT J/T moment with them sparring. Very hot and very sensual. One of my favorite scenes with them. They also look cute in matching hazmet suits.
                                117--Letters from Pegasus***. This one also gets stars because it's a great angsty J/T ep. Their first real fight and falling out if you will. They learn a lot about each other in what they go through together in this ep. In the end, they both realize they were both right and wrong together. One of my favorite episodes from season one as I love good angst.
                                118--The Gift*** Stars again! This one is also a must see for any J/T fan. It's heavily a Teyla episode and John is there a lot as well. Another sparring scene and another little spat between them. We learn a lot about Teyla in this one.
                                119--The Siege, Part 1*** Yep, more stars! More excellent J/T moments in this one. John is again accused of putting his personal feelings for Teyla ahead of the mission. He defends her more than once here verbally and physically from personnel and from a wraith.

                                Season Two:

                                203--Runner. Cute little J/T moments here and there. Great moment of them tied up together!
                                204--Duets. John shows a little petulant jealousy and then concern when he sees Teyla sparring with the new guy! Funny Rodney ep in general as well. I really enjoy this one.
                                208--Conversion*** Stars for this one as this is a huge J/T ep for season two. This one contains the somewhat "controversial" sparring and kiss scene. We love it. Others accuse it of being a disturbing attack. I think that is a rather pathetic assessment myself, no offense to others intended. It is aggressive and hot and passionate and hinting at all the brewing passions boiling beneath the surface when one of them losing a bit of control... In the commentary for this ep, Joe Flannigan called it a "Stop! Some more!" moment between them and Rachel said in the Season Two Official Guide book that Teyla was never in any danger and would have stopped it if she didn't like it. So clearly, it was meant to be seen as base and instinctive and passionate, which is exactly why we love it so much. It is way too short, but oh so HOT. The end scene between them when they awkwardly talk or "not talk" about it is great as well. They show a new awareness of each other in this end scene that I just love.
                                210--The Lost Boys. Great little moment towards the end where John has his head in Teyla's lap.
                                216--The Long Goodbye*** I give this one stars too because it's got a great little angsty confession wrung out of John by an alien consciousness inside of him moment. Now this one is declared as a John/Elizabeth ep, which I have NEVER understood. Watch it and I think you'll see what I mean. The little moment between John and Elizabeth is not them. But the moment between John and Teyla the sense that Teyla is herself and the admissions are from John's thoughts, not the alien's. And ah, call me crazy, but whose consciousness is involved makes a big difference! So very clearly, a great little J/T moment again in this one. Teyla is forced to also almost kill John.
                                218--Michael. Nothing major, but some nice J/T moments throughout.
                                220--Allies. Again, nothing major, but they have a nice little discussion in the beginning about trust.

                                Season Three:
                                302--Misbegotten. Teyla gives a huge grin when finds out John's alive. Teyla flies a wraith ship, John hovers a bit. A few nice shots in jumper.
                                303--Irresistable. This is a controversial ep because of the Lucius character, but take it tongue-in-cheek as it was meant to and you'll enjoy it. I got a good laugh in parts of it at least. Nothing major with J/T, but some cute little moments.
                                304--Sateda*** Stars again. This is mostly a Ronon ep, but it has a few great J/T scenes as well. Highly recommend this one! J/T have a lovely talk, work together to help rescue Ronon in their lovely matching leather outfits, LOL, and Teyla rolls her eyes as John can't bear to be bested by her.
                                308--McKay and Mrs. Miller. Again, nothing major, but a few cute little moments in the mess hall sitting next to each other and a lovely team moment at the very end, including Teyla kicking John under the table while making rather long eye contact when he teases her about liking a marine. Now again, some snatch on this as proof against J/T, but it's classic "boy teases girl in playground" kind of moment to get a rise out of her. We love it. Body language is key here.
                                309--Phantoms*** I'm giving this one stars as it's one of my favorites in season three. Not my ultimate favorite, but it's up there. Nothing really shippy here, but just excellent J/T interaction all throughout. There is also a lot of really great subtle underlaying context with J/T if you can pick it up. If you've ever seen the X-Files ep, "Field Where I Died," I think you'll understand what I mean and what I believe the writers were going for as well. This one was billed as the ultimate trust test between John and Teyla by BamBam, stunt coordinator, and to me, I see it as a defining moment for their relationship; trusting when everything seemingly tells you not to. Just a great ep overall. I adore the team ending as well in this one.
                                310--Return Part 1**** This one gets an extra star, LOL! One of my favorites of season three as well. There are a lot of great J/T moments in here, but the two biggest for me are the goodbye scene with a very moving headbow between them (The Athosian equivalent of a hug, but much more intimate and vulnerable and personal I think). And a great reunion smile. Very hot smirk on John and a beautiful smile by Teyla. Very moving overall I think.
                                313--Irresponsible. Controversial Lucius is back in this one. Not a very good ep overall, IMO, but there is a cute TINY little moment when J/T argue a bit somewhere in the middle. Teyla stands up to John.
                                316--Ark**** This one also gets an extra star. This is probably my favorite season three episode, although I do have trouble deciding. I loved a lot of them! But this is a great J/T ep! Not actually a lot of direct interaction between them, but there are some really intense implications in John's actions in this one. After it aired in Canada, the writer of the episode actually came to this thread to view our reactions. That in itself is extremely telling. Anyway, basically John rescues Teyla and then they share a lovely infirmary scene at the end that makes me go AWW every time I see it. No declarations of love or anything of the sort of course, but just a really great scene between them. Classic J/T stuff, really showing their growing bond.
                                317--Sunday**** This one also deserves at least four stars. This one was billed as a "shippy" ep, although it was never officially stated who the shippiness was between. We of course see it as a pivotal J/T episode. This is another one of my favorites from season three. This is just an amazing ep all the way around. The only SGA ep to make me cry so far. Some lovely J/T moments where Teyla admits to a friend about liking "someone" while simultaneously, Ronon gives John a hard time about Teyla. We see those simultaneous conversations as very deliberate by both the writers and directors. It wasn't done that way on accident. Also, John freezes and is very shaken up when he sees Teyla injured, and a very beautiful and touching infirmary scene at the end, following by a very beautiful funeral scene of one of the main characters who will be sorely missed.
                                318--Submersion*** Nothing major in this one, but also loved the J/T interaction throughout in this one. A bit of a testing of trust again in this one. J and T point their guns at each other for a brief moment.
                                319--Vengeance*** Another great overall episode I thought. Again, nothing major in this one, but some nice interaction here and there. When Teyla is in mortal danger, it is John's name she calls out.
                                320--First Strike. The finale and a great one I thought! Hardly any J/T in this one, but a hilarious little balcony scene between John, Teyla, and Ronon with a Fantastic Four conversation, where John calls himself Mr. Fantastic and Teyla the Invisible Woman. (Those characters were married, so we again feel this is the writers having fun and giving us subtle hints!).

                                The main thing to understand about Stargate and about John/Teyla specifically is that it is all very subtle. John and Teyla were cast and written to have sexual tension between them. You'll notice a growing aspect of this throughout the seasons and a lot of touching on trust issues with them. Season one is physical attraction, learning about each other. Season two continues the attraction, but focuses on their growing friendship, their strengthening bond. Season three, especially the second half, really goes deeper with them, showing the depth of their trust, their feelings, and their friendship. There is no outright declaration of love, no outright ship, nor do we expect to ever truly see anything overt in this manner, at least not yet! It is not typical Stargate to do so. These writers thrive on SciFi and action first and foremost, and ship is a subtle hint in the background. If you keep that in mind and watch for the amazing connection between them, I think you'll really grow to love this pairing even more!

                                Can't remember why I posted that, but I had kept it in case it was needed again. Have fun watching eps!!!! I want to rewatch them as well. It's been a while! Oh, the torture we put ourselves through...
                                And people wonder why we ship these two! I'm breathless just from reading it! Awesome LC!

