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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by aaobuttons
    Well, and also when he lets her go shopping! A guy doesn't go out with a girl shopping unless he's got the hots for her, especially for hours on end. It's just a proven fact.
    LOL this is SO true
    As a woman I agree since men really do not enjoy shopping and when they do go it is either due to a woman or a special occasion so



      hey, i've seen some guys who can outshop even ME however, i have to say if you make it "A guy doesn't go out with a girl shopping unless he's got the hots for her, especially for hours on end, especially when he clearly can't stand it" then bingo (though i'm sure that's what ya meant anyway *snarkly today*)


        Originally posted by emily_reich
        hey, i've seen some guys who can outshop even ME however, i have to say if you make it "A guy doesn't go out with a girl shopping unless he's got the hots for her, especially for hours on end, especially when he clearly can't stand it" then bingo (though i'm sure that's what ya meant anyway *snarkly today*)
        Lol, I think dudes and gals both shop pretty nuts when they're in the section they actually want to be in. For instance, I've seen a few guys who shop quite happily in the womens lengerie(sp) aisle while their girlfriend or whatever picks out saw blades down the general dudes section. ( of course when I'M in the underpants aisle, they better steer clear of me!! Know what I mean?!

        I can identify with guys actually. Mom's always dragging me to Sears to get clothes, yadda yadda when I wanna be in EB games! Argh! I mean, I like shopping for clothes but there's an ORDER things need to be shopped in!

        What I hate is window shopping guys. They just wander around with thier hands in thier pockets and peer longly into the windows of conveinience stores or loiter in the video game store (happening to block ME as I try to get that nice cheap game for sale, geezaloo, can't they see someone's trying to actually SHOP here?!?)

        Well, I have shopping issues. *ahem* Why am I in here again?
        TEAM SG1 LIVES


          Originally posted by Osiris-RA
          What I hate is window shopping guys. They just wander around with thier hands in thier pockets and peer longly into the windows of conveinience stores or loiter in the video game store (happening to block ME as I try to get that nice cheap game for sale, geezaloo, can't they see someone's trying to actually SHOP here?!?)
          hey! i'm a window shopper! mostly I just scope out the store before I get money so I can get in and get out. and now i'm bored. so any ideas on how to undermine Ronin/Teyla credibility? cuz the war IS coming and we need ammo.


            Originally posted by gatelover12
            hey! i'm a window shopper! mostly I just scope out the store before I get money so I can get in and get out. and now i'm bored. so any ideas on how to undermine Ronin/Teyla credibility? cuz the war IS coming and we need ammo.
            Originally posted by gatelover12
            hey! i'm a window shopper! mostly I just scope out the store before I get money so I can get in and get out.
            Well as long as ya don't block ME while I'm getting my shop on, it's cool!

            I've become addicted to online shopping anyway so now I have no money. *sigh*

            Ronin who?
            TEAM SG1 LIVES


              Now I'll never be a Sheppard/Teyla shipper in the ways you guys are, but I just finished a fic where I set myself the challenge of writing a chapter with Teyla and Sheppard. Needless to say, it was a Weir/Sheppard fic, but I found as I was writing the chapter I could really buy the idea of Teyla being a real friend to Sheppard in a kind of close kin way, but not romantically.

              If you're interested the chapter's at, and I made Teyla a Weir/Sheppard shipper because in my world she loves him and wants what's best for him (sorry) but I really liked writing this...

              *runs away*


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Now I'll never be a Sheppard/Teyla shipper in the ways you guys are, but I just finished a fic where I set myself the challenge of writing a chapter with Teyla and Sheppard. Needless to say, it was a Weir/Sheppard fic, but I found as I was writing the chapter I could really buy the idea of Teyla being a real friend to Sheppard in a kind of close kin way, but not romantically.

                If you're interested the chapter's at, and I made Teyla a Weir/Sheppard shipper because in my world she loves him and wants what's best for him (sorry) but I really liked writing this...

                *runs away*
                its really good, hope theres more coming.Also it was funny when john new that the undergarment was hers.
                part of:
                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                  Originally posted by Sheylafan87
                  its really good, hope theres more coming.Also it was funny when john new that the undergarment was hers.
                  Ha! I kept that nice and open, because I am evil...

                  (and I don't know myself...)

                  Thanks for the nice comment, I just wanted to share with you guys that for the first time I could relate to Teyla/Sheppard (in this way) and hey, I also made a load of Shep/Weir shippers like Teyla, that can't be bad can it?


                    *pokes thread*

                    Well, no one here knows me... but I figured I'd join this board and post here since I'm a huge Teyla/Sheppard shipper... So hi everyone.


                      I don't suppose there are any T/S shippers who'd go for Sheppard/Teyla/Ronon...?

                      *ducks* It's just I've been bitten by this plot bunny for S2 setting and I was wondering if anyone would actually want to read if I write it

                      *scampers out*


                        I'd read it. I'm a fan-fic whore. I'll read anything. Write your heart out, dearie.
                        The Teyla Appreciation Thread


                          ooh!! love the chapter, astro!! in fact, when i get more time, i may just read the WHOLE fic it piqued my interest

                          as for mr. dex... i have no fears either way, though, no battlefronts in this thread


                            yo peeps! how's it kickin?? i can't HELP but love them two hotties sheppard and teyla together!!! well, as a next-best thing to sheppard and kav the SUPER hottie, anyway *swoons*

                            but where was i? oh yeah! i heard down the grapevine how there was a thread for THESE two hotties (if i hafta settle n compromise n all that ), so i thought i'd come over here for a dilly an' hang with some new peeps!
                            "Why do they give us green, my precious, my love.... why?! when we wants RED"


                              Originally posted by emily_reich
                              ooh!! love the chapter, astro!! in fact, when i get more time, i may just read the WHOLE fic it piqued my interest

                              as for mr. dex... i have no fears either way, though, no battlefronts in this thread
                              Yes I'd heard rumours there was going to be a battle and I was surprised Emily dear because I felt for sure you'd manage to squeeze another ship into your menagerie...

                              Thanks for the nice comments about the story everyone! Seriously, some S/W shippers have said that I made them like Teyla, actually I quite liked her too. I'd like to see more about her and the Athosians and less of the stick-wielding space-chick with the skanky clothes. Don't get me wrong, she's a pretty girl, but there has to be more than prettiness to get me interested in a character! It's not Teyla, per se I object to, its the way the PTB persist in presenting her. Dex is the same, too little clothes and too pretty. For the moment anyhow. We'll see.

                              Here's a question. I see the Athosian (and Teyla) being quite a direct people and therefore being quite open about physical expression of emotion (and all that!), how do most Sheyla fans see them/her? I've read some fanfic and I don't get much of a sense of her. I read in one she was an innocent in the ways of men *rolls eyes* and in a few others she seems always to be pregnant (usually with twins). *rolls eyes again* apart from that I don't get a view of her. Any thoughts?


                                ROFL!!! well just wait! i'll bet by the 5th or 6th ep, teyla/dex will be on my ship list too

                                oooh!! as for the analysis... don't think i'm ignoring the query but it's WAY too late at night for TOO MUCH analysis *will be able to think more tomorrow*

                                however, i will say i too get a bit annoyed by the stereotyping of teyla and the athosians by giving them a "special" trait, especially in ship fics, to make them seem more like "aliens"

                                i do think teyla at least tends to be fairly (or very at times) outspoken, to the point where maybe what she says seems to come off as "rude" because the earth thing to do is NOT say everything that's on your mind at all times (be diplomatic and all that)... and indeed teyla DOES seem to be more outspoken, at least in that sense, a lot ESPECIALLY in the early eps... however, as a quick character analysis, i do think she's learning more about how the earthlings interact with people and how to be more "diplomatic" according to their standards while still maintaining her own individuality inexpressing herself and still remaining outspoken, but perhaps at "better" times.... (can ya TELL it's almost 4 am?? is any of this making ANY sense?? )

                                anyway, i can certainly get something more analytical and intelligent-sounding out tomorrow

