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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    I hate to sound snarky but...

    Sounds like a way to get people talking. The Shep/Weir people I'm sure are dancing with joy, the J/T people are like "WHAT?", the anti-ship people are rolling their eyes.

    I'm not one who likes to be yanked around. Why have the movie with the hug and within a week have RL say her love interest is someone we haven't seen? I don't like when writers "use" the ships to their advantage. (It's nothing specific about SGA, a lot of shows do it.)

    Well, at least I can get my fill of sardonic remarks from McKay if I have to stomach a distraction from the JT love.

    Be that as it may, I still love the love and will still keep the faith going!
    Oh me too... I will still love John and Teyla...and J/T together... no matter what crap they throw at us...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Season 4 spoilers for Rachel's interview......
      While I'm not wild about the idea of Teyla having a love interest outside of her love for John, it's not the end of the world or the end of the line for John and Teyla being together- as Trippy so wonderfully put it. Especially if there is a season five, a momentary interest for Teyla or any of the other women is not unheard of. (Pete, anyone?)

      And to the sweirs who think the news of another guy is the end of the line for JT, I would remind them, that Michael certianly didn't stop THEM from believing in their failed ship so why would some nameless guy in the end of the season make us despair when we've got so much more canon support for John and Teyla? This is a potential bump in the road, nothing more.

      And as VB so aptly put it, the guys on the show have had a string of meaningless women since the show started, I think turn about is fair play here! Let's just hope he's hunky looking and completely temporary. Yeah, I'm shallow, what can I say?


        Wow, more news! We've talked about the possibility of this happening so many times before, that while not thrilled, I'm not surprised either. In previous discussions, our hope, or my hope at least, LOL, is that

        it is a means to an end. It is actually a very common plot line. Teyla has a crush on John going on over three years now, but eventually gets tired of waiting. New guy catches her eye, temporary relationship leads to all sorts of tension and new awareness with John. She realizes as much as she wants love, no one can be for her what John is. John realizes if he doesn't act fast, he could lose her. Sort of an eye-opening experience if you will.

        Now this doesn't mean it will happen, but that was always our hope and vision if a love interest for Teyla was ever introduced. It makes sense and if done right, could still be kept in character and in line with the character development established so far.

        Like many of us have said all along, we never expected John to be the father. That phrase, "the last of her kind," is interesting, almost as if she is carrying the last Athosian or perhaps the last Athosian from her family line with the same abilities as her. So perhaps she is the only surviving Athosian or the only surviving Athosian from her lineage that carries "the gift." Which means the father could be Athosian, which I would have trouble believing if they suddenly went that route, or it's some kind of ritual/weird planted pregnancy twist thing to try to continue the line...who knows! I'm obviously totally guessing here!

        It also sounds like her love interest, if that ends up being used, is introduced after we know about her pregnancy. So again, either it's a regular pregnancy with this Athosian guy she's been seeing in secret and who has now disapppeared and is eventually found as the only survivor and maybe eventually dies as well which eventually brings her and John closer together type of story or it's two separate story lines and she meets this guy after she's already pregnant by some other means.

        It will be an interesting season, that's for sure! I always hoped we wouldn't have the love interest route, but we've discussed it several times as a very real possibility and now it looks like it may be happening. While I'm not thrilled, LOL, I do believe all will work out in the end! So I'm not too worried.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Wow, more news! We've talked about the possibility of this happening so many times before, that while not thrilled, I'm not surprised either. In previous discussions, our hope, or my hope at least, LOL, is that

          it is a means to an end. It is actually a very common plot line. Teyla has a crush on John going on over three years now, but eventually gets tired of waiting. New guy catches her eye, temporary relationship leads to all sorts of tension and new awareness with John. She realizes as much as she wants love, no one can be for her what John is. John realizes if he doesn't act fast, he could lose her. Sort of an eye-opening experience if you will.

          Very well put, and extremely real possibility. It is a very common writing device.

          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Like many of us have said all along, we never expected John to be the father. That phrase, "the last of her kind," is interesting, almost as if she is carrying the last Athosian or perhaps the last Athosian from her family line with the same abilities as her. So perhaps she is the only surviving Athosian or the only surviving Athosian from her lineage that carries "the gift." Which means the father could be Athosian, which I would have trouble believing if they suddenly went that route, or it's some kind of ritual/weird planted pregnancy twist thing to try to continue the line...who knows! I'm obviously totally guessing here!
          VB had an interesting idea that I think has some merrit. What is there is no father? What if the Wraith reproduce a-sexually and becuase of Teyla's DNA and Wraith gifts, she is able to do the same? Rachel seemed to hint at this in the interview. That would indeed make things very complicated and it would have nothing to do with any ship.


            Scifan congrats on 400 posts

            Suze congrats on 800 posts

            Everyone thank you for the reviews. I can't wait for tonight's ep to see Micheal return.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              I'm with Sanssong...

              First off, I'm pretty happy with the love interest thing and won't stop me from watching the show. Remember this is not the end of SGA by any means of the imagination and if the main characters of our pair are not recurring or killed off, we have endless possibilities. This is just a transition to an even deeper bond. Remember the whole "through thick and thin" they'll have weathered through past loves and heartaches to get to each other, and realize well they've always had each other. Meh...that's as much romantic fluff I have inside of me.

              In reality as I've said, if the mains of our couple aren't going anywhere there is always a chance for them to have a great relationship. If they do to Teyla what they did to Weir in Sunday, all you ladies have just overreacted over this situation...Which is pretty much the impression I'm getting, only because we're at the end of the season, and throughout it seems based on RL's interview that this is just talk.

              If any of you were here last year, RL said something similar about a new love interest coming on the show for S3 and all we got was a mention in Sunday, plus all she said so far in the 15 eps we're aware of is that her crush is mentioned again in Tabula Rasa. So her crush is mentioned in TR, but then we won't see the guy until towards the end of the season and he's probably the daddy?! Unlikely. Since her baby problem will be front and center early on, and we are supposed to know about the father of her kid right away, we know that things come to fruition in Be All My Sins Remember'd. If that's the case within the next two eps we should have something. But they haven't even written this guy in from my impression. They're still working on him. Which means if he shows he might be in what? 1 ep (I'll be pissed off if this is the case) or he might be pushed back to S5, since remember they're writing as if there is a an S5.

              In any even this is nothing to really freak out over and I think it's a great storyline for Teyla. If John and several of the other men can have relationships, so can she. I think it will add just add slight development on how Teyla deals with personal relationships of that nature. Anyway this is a good thing.

              As for Teyla pregnancy, anything could happen. I mean just about anything. I think from me reading between the lines of RL's interview, as Sanssong mentioned I speculated...I'm thinking she does reproduce asexually. So when she reaches a certain age, it sort of "happens", not really found a lot in scifi. But it's an interesting move in scifi show and very complicated. The idea of a "failsafe" I've seen talked about not really carried out in a lot of scifi shows, so this would be interesting to see.

              ***On one last note, people don't even seem that interested in the guy. It's far from a hot topic of interest, except by us. People are more happy that RL's having a bundle of....whatever!! So just enjoy the show...we don't even know yet if it will be taken into fruition.

              All in all, this is far from the end of the world and I think it's a great avenue.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Thank you guy's for such great input about this new interview with RL.

                I wasn't too happy with the news....still not as happy but i feel a lot better after reading all of your ideas and responses.

                I'm not surprised she would eventually get a love interest. Like many of you pointed out, it was bound to happen and yes, Teyla deserves her time for a love interest. The guy's get all the fun, why not Teyla. We also new that there was no way the writers at least this soon into the show would they out right put John and Teyla together. For me, it just wasn't going to happen. From the way she said it, i also believe this new guy wont be the father of the baby but again, who knows. All i hope for is that this isn't permanent and that they still keep developing John and Teyla's relationship. Like LC said, hopefully this helps open John's eyes to what he really feels for Teyla and i hope so too. This is certainly developing into a very interesting Season and we truly wont know where the J/T relationship will stand until the show begins to air. Does this news mean the end of J/T?...i personally don't think so and i'm glad that all of you don't either. Am i happy with this news?...mixed feelings at the moment until i actually see the season.

                Sig by Camy


                  Great points everyone.

                  I have to write I"m not happy with it but I"m not sure how I feel about the rest. I agree that this sounds like the baby part is not part of this love interest, but a couple of things just don't add up for me right now.

                  First, I keep going back to this crush in Sunday. I still don't think it was in referrence to an Athosian, so it has to be someone in Atlantis for Dr. H to be able to say that she will send someone to give a hint. Next, it's someone that Teyla knows.

                  But now this new comment from Rachel has me thrown off. I don't mind it so much that she gets someone that "romances" her. I hope now I don't look like an ass after I wrote that Teyla romances no one. But I has me confused is this 'she's been secretly seeing him". If all this angst is going to happen early on in Season 4, when the hell is Teyla going to have time to see someone? So, it doesn't add up that up until Sunday she's apparently not made a move!

                  Thats' one thing...the next thing, I just don't see Teyla sleeping around so easily. So, if the baby is some sort of surrogate that she did early on in the season, I can live with that and understand it. I don't know how but it can be done. We know that in Missing, Teyla is going to be accompany by Keller. Maybe she somehow helps Teyla with this. Cause I just don't see Teyla sleeping with an Athosian so that she can reproduce or keep her line going...but who knows. Anything like that I can believe because Teyla will do anything for her people. So I"m hoping that somehow the baby has something to do with this. Again, it goes back to the complicated issue. If this is a baby from a guy she likes in Atlantis, it shouldn't be described as complicated.

                  Now, if this baby is the product of her seeing secretly an Athosian, when? How? If her people will be Missing since First Strike? I think anyways.

                  So, I"m not sure how to add all this information. What I keep going back to is that Rachel mentions that she's been seeing this guy secretely. That's where I"m stuck. If she's been seeing him secretely, then this isn't about a new love interest. She's been seeing him and therefore, this has to be the one that she has the crush on. And clearly it's not John. I just don't see how this adds up.

                  One thing I don't care to see, John being the second guy. I also don't care to see something soapy. This also adds to the fact that we might have a baby in Atlantis. In addition, this whole thing sounds like it might change the way I"ve seen Teyla all along. Again, this is just my reaction to this news. Like we've seen, things do change.

                  I guess that as much as I"m a huge John and Teyla fan, my favorite character is Teyla. And as long as things are done within the character that I've come to love and appreciate, then I"ll take anything that comes this way. But I just don't see how this can be with a pregnancy, a crush and a love interest. And for some reason whether they are all combined with one person or not, I still don't see how this can be in favor of John and Teyla. I thought the whole Jack/Sam/Pete was bad, this might just top it!

                  sorry for the pessimist guys.....I'm sure that things will change as new spoilers are revealed.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Great points everyone.

                    I have to write I"m not happy with it but I"m not sure how I feel about the rest. I agree that this sounds like the baby part is not part of this love interest, but a couple of things just don't add up for me right now.

                    First, I keep going back to this crush in Sunday. I still don't think it was in referrence to an Athosian, so it has to be someone in Atlantis for Dr. H to be able to say that she will send someone to give a hint. Next, it's someone that Teyla knows.

                    But now this new comment from Rachel has me thrown off. I don't mind it so much that she gets someone that "romances" her. I hope now I don't look like an ass after I wrote that Teyla romances no one. But I has me confused is this 'she's been secretly seeing him". If all this angst is going to happen early on in Season 4, when the hell is Teyla going to have time to see someone? So, it doesn't add up that up until Sunday she's apparently not made a move!

                    Thats' one thing...the next thing, I just don't see Teyla sleeping around so easily. So, if the baby is some sort of surrogate that she did early on in the season, I can live with that and understand it. I don't know how but it can be done. We know that in Missing, Teyla is going to be accompany by Keller. Maybe she somehow helps Teyla with this. Cause I just don't see Teyla sleeping with an Athosian so that she can reproduce or keep her line going...but who knows. Anything like that I can believe because Teyla will do anything for her people. So I"m hoping that somehow the baby has something to do with this. Again, it goes back to the complicated issue. If this is a baby from a guy she likes in Atlantis, it shouldn't be described as complicated.

                    Now, if this baby is the product of her seeing secretly an Athosian, when? How? If her people will be Missing since First Strike? I think anyways.

                    So, I"m not sure how to add all this information. What I keep going back to is that Rachel mentions that she's been seeing this guy secretely. That's where I"m stuck. If she's been seeing him secretely, then this isn't about a new love interest. She's been seeing him and therefore, this has to be the one that she has the crush on. And clearly it's not John. I just don't see how this adds up.

                    One thing I don't care to see, John being the second guy. I also don't care to see something soapy. This also adds to the fact that we might have a baby in Atlantis. In addition, this whole thing sounds like it might change the way I"ve seen Teyla all along. Again, this is just my reaction to this news. Like we've seen, things do change.

                    I guess that as much as I"m a huge John and Teyla fan, my favorite character is Teyla. And as long as things are done within the character that I've come to love and appreciate, then I"ll take anything that comes this way. But I just don't see how this can be with a pregnancy, a crush and a love interest. And for some reason whether they are all combined with one person or not, I still don't see how this can be in favor of John and Teyla. I thought the whole Jack/Sam/Pete was bad, this might just top it!

                    sorry for the pessimist guys.....I'm sure that things will change as new spoilers are revealed.
                    I don't think it's being pessimist to ask those questions, because they are valid plot holes if they don't do this right!

                    I was thinking the same thing and this could be part of the writers having to now backpedal a bit, like what EC and I were talking about before. Obviously, when Sunday was written and filmed, they had no idea they'd suddenly be dealing with a Teyla pregnancy storyline next year! So if they did decide to change their plans and bring in a love interest and suddenly try to say she's been secretly seeing this guy now for a while and try to say the guy is an Athosian, it doesn't add up with events that have already aired. All we can do is hope the writers would see such a glaring plot hole as well and do a better job than that of back filling.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Okay, okay. Some people need to relax. Now I'm gonna throw this out there and I want to know how many of you remember what RL said.

                      Who here remembers back to around S1 and S2 when RL said she pitched an idea in an interview about her PAST love coming back on the show?! Who remembers this?! I sure do. I have to find that article. She said she was giving it to the writers and they were thinking on it.

                      Then in a chat with me and Trippy, Trippy reminded me of the article in January that someone from her past comes to test her loyalty in S4. Who remembers that one?! Huh, huh?!

                      Now RL never said she was currently having a romance with anyone. She says,
                      She actually does have a love interest that she's been hiding from everybody,"

                      If it's a past love, we don't know ANYTHING about Teyla's past. Remember Bambam was asking people if they'd like to see a fight sequence with Teyla and her dad when he was alive?! What if, this is a guy from her past people. And RL did say in past interviews that things were dropped along the way. I know that TEyla has a past, and I know she must have felt love and been in love. We haven't met anyone besides her dad's bud in Letters from Pegasus, you don't think it's likely that they're going to reawaken a new guy.

                      I bloody forgot about him too, but lately I remember RL dropping hints along the lines about a past love and remember JM did say that now they have more of an open forum between the writers and the actors for ideas. So far JM has taken two of Joe Flanigan's ideas for plot lines. And I remember that RL said that the writers were really receptive to this past love interest of hers.

                      Let me find the articles and I'll post them. But Camy you should be aware of this, and so should some of the oldies about these articles and what's been going on.
                      This is nothing new, and I think this is a great thing. Especially it's a past love.

                      Plus, and think of it this way ladies...
                      if it is a past love, then you all know jealousy abound. I think this was up for discussion last year, or did everyone forget this.

                      I think I can find the talks on the Teyla thread, if I try. Because I know we talked about it. Plus, you all know how my memory works when it comes to SGA, I'm like elephant.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Good good points. But doesn't the article read that she's been
                        secretely seeing the actual wording from the article,

                        Luttrell added that Teyla may also find a little romance. "She actually does have a love interest that she's been hiding from everybody," she said with a laugh. "We haven't met him yet.

                        Doesn't that imply that this isn't an old love interest but something that she's been doing secretly?


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Good good points. But doesn't the article read that she's been
                          secretely seeing him
                          NOPE and I quoted the statement about the
                          in my above post.

                          And you've just shown a perfect example of how people take things out of hand, and read things that are totally not there. <---Said with love not with rudeness. I'm just blunt.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Why would Teyla's

                            old love interest be something that she would consider "hiding" from everyone? is it everyone meaning the team, or everyone meaning the viewers? I take that statement to mean the team and the viewers...


                              Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                              <---Said with love not with rudeness. I'm just blunt.
                              Ow, the blunt, it stings! <---Said with love, too.

                              I'm not really here. I need to go. I have more thought, just later
                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Why would Teyla's

                                old love interest be something that she would consider "hiding" from everyone? is it everyone meaning the team, or everyone meaning the viewers? I take that statement to mean the team and the viewers...
                                Let me ask you a question.
                                Have you ever met her past love? Do you know if her past love is someone she'd want to meet again?! If you had a long term relationship with someone, and he screwed around on you, would you want him around or tell people. You know one thing for certain about Teyla, she doesn't put herself all out there. John knows a little about Teyla, but not as much as we've seen she knows about him. Although there's a great chance that John knows about this past love interest of hers, if the past love is a fact. This is a perfect example what she would do. This could be a man who's a love interst of hers who probably hurt her and who could actually be someone who won't be receptive to Atlantis. There's plenty to hide.

                                Further more, it's everyone meaning the viewers, and maybe the team.

                                BA come on MSN and we can chat!!
                                Last edited by vaberella; 15 June 2007, 11:24 AM.
                                Click statement above to read article.

