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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Nice to see you seldear... look forward to your fic. RL is pretty busy for me too at the moment and will be for another couple of weeks so I havn't been able to post as often.

    I'm a bit behind on all the challenges but I've managed a ferris wheel wallie.

    congratulations on 400 posts scifan (thanks for thinking of me)

    Welcome back Blue! and what i beautiful wallie!. Love it!

    Sig by Camy


      Congratulations Scifan on your 400 posts!!!!

      Congratulations Suz on your 800 post!!!!

      Wow, makes me realize i've got a LONG way to go! LOL!

      Okay, gone since yesterday night and i've already got fics, vids and a very interesting topic to read through! Wow!. Can't ask for anything better than that after a long day at work!. LOL!

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Thanks Nina...

        I agree.. I think going back to earth made him realise exactly where home really was.

        Exactly...he jumped at the chance to get back to Teyla and as you say we then saw the old John Sheppard... he had that spark back again... which was completely gone when he was away from her and the Pegasus Galaxy..

        Their expressions just say it all...

        Great Job on expressing that "Spark" for both of them. LOVE it Blue.


          I'm with you all about the idea of John not going back to Earth. Not only does he have his woman, but he also has Ronan, who I always see as his best friend. I think after The Return those bonds grew stronger and I can't imagine him leaving, Air Force or no.

          Besides, when will Teyla ever learn how to play golf if he did go back?
          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Thanks Nina...

            I agree.. I think going back to earth made him realise exactly where home really was.

            Exactly...he jumped at the chance to get back to Teyla and as you say we then saw the old John Sheppard... he had that spark back again... which was completely gone when he was away from her and the Pegasus Galaxy..

            Their expressions just say it all...

            Love that smile of Teyla's. It's like "Finally, you big hunk of man, you came back!"
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              I have a present....Ah, this is too exciting!

              This was made by...Myn McGeek Third Sentinel.....go and give a good green for this one guys! Another shipper too! woohooo!


                Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                You rang?

                S4 spoilers
                I don't think Sheppard will be demoted it all. I think that since the beginning of S3, it appeared that at some point, Atlantis would be militarized, so no surprise to me that Carter's coming. I have to admit that my first instinct would've been that if any SG-1 people came, it should've been Daniel, since he's the Ancients expert and all that.

                I'm quite acclimated to Carter's coming now, especially after Col. Ellis', "You should be in charge," statement to Sheppard in First Strike. By the way, I took that "you" to mean "military", and not necessarily Sheppard himself. I don't think being 'the man' appeals to Sheppard at all, although he does seem to take some pride at having a command. Besides, we've seen that he's very attached to his team. Being in charge of everything on Atlantis would cut into his team time, and I don't think he wants that at all.

                Speaking of First Strike, it strikes me that now the SGC/IOA feels that more military presence is required because Atlantis has become even more of a first line of defense for Earth, since now the Wraith and the Asurans want to get there.

                I do think that they're setting up a more clear parallel between Hammond's/Landry's role and Carter's, meaning there's a military commander over a series of away teams, the premiere of which will be Sheppard's. Remember all the way back to the early days- O'Neill was SG-1's leader, but he also had quite a bit of authority at the Mountain.

                So, no, I really don't think Sheppard's role will be reduced. I just took a while to say it.

                S4 Spoilers
                Well, you can bet from experience that he will. There were times I felt in previous seasons (think Michael) that Sheppard should've been more aggressive in his objections to some decisions that were made, but he's made mistakes too that were largely unchecked by Weir. I think that by having a constant 'they're watching me' vibe, even more so than Caldwell's arrival, we might get some good character moments from Sheppard we didn't get before. JF said he felt some of the best development can come from conflict, so if Carter's arrival gives me some of that, I'll be one happy girl.

                I don't think, though, that any clashes will be lasting. I do think that John may be upset at the regime change, but I think he doesn't have any plans to leave Atlantis, so whatever happens he'll be on board after a bit. I did read that AT said that Carter will have some observations about Sheppard, namely how he runs his team. Now, after her being a part of SG-1 during the O'Neill years, I can't think that she'd be surprised at just how attached he is, since she experienced that type of bonding herself. I'm interested in how that will play out.

                S4 spoilers
                I too think that J/T will continue to grow closer. It looks like S4 will have lots of danger and angst and people bond during those times. I am heartened by that hug, whether it's romantic or not. Either way, it's personal and a big step for both of them.
                Wonderful points Trippy.

                Like you, I don't want the transition to be smoothly either. I want it to be angsty and with some conflict. One thing I disliked about Ronon is that I think he blended too fast too quickly and too unrealistically for a man that went through all he went through. Not to mention that it was much quicker than Teyla's transition.

                Carter shouldn't be that difficult to move into this position and I"m looking forward to her role as leader because it will be something new for her. I do hope that she does in fact use John as the one in charge of the military and I don't see why she shouldn't. On the other hand, I guess the other thing that worries me is how McKay is going to work with her. Will they make him the McKay that was created in SG-1 to work alongside Carter, or will he work with Carter as he did with Weir. Finally, I am very concerned about this news that Carter will befriend Keller, WHAT THE HELL? And you guys are happy to have Keller around...Not me! Why would you bring Keller with Carter and not Teyla? Jeez! And this thing with Ronon/Keller...again, we aren't going to have the love ship in this show. They can't even do one ship correctly, now they are going to add another one. If Ronon and Keller or Keller and whom ever take on the spotlight, it will take away, I think ...from JT especially if it's Ronon. If it's Lorne or Zelenka or Chuck, then I"ll be okay with it...but not Ronon! I want Ronon to be the kirk! LOL

                And John the stay at home dad! LOL

                Okay...just kidding about that one....and it Carter that's going to be in 14 episodes? I thought it was Keller? how many is she supposed to be in?

                Thanks for posting Trippy.


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Wonderful points Trippy.

                  <snip> One thing I disliked about Ronon is that I think he blended too fast too quickly and too unrealistically for a man that went through all he went through. Not to mention that it was much quicker than Teyla's transition.
                  Well, I thought they showed Ronon having a somewhat difficult time fitting it-his temper, his mistrust of people other than Teyla, etc. I think in the amount of time they had, they did an adequate job, considering he was to be John's new sidekick.

                  Originally posted by camy
                  On the other hand, I guess the other thing that worries me is how McKay is going to work with her. Will they make him the McKay that was created in SG-1 to work alongside Carter, or will he work with Carter as he did with Weir.
                  S4 spoilers

                  I think I remember reading that they address the Carter/McKay relationship early on. From what I've seen Carter's role will be a little different than she had on SG-1, so I'm inclined to believe this until I see otherwise.

                  Originally posted by Camy

                  Finally, I am very concerned about this news that Carter will befriend Keller, WHAT THE HELL? And you guys are happy to have Keller around...Not me! Why would you bring Keller with Carter and not Teyla? Jeez! And this thing with Ronon/Keller...again, we aren't going to have the love ship in this show. They can't even do one ship correctly, now they are going to add another one. If Ronon and Keller or Keller and whom ever take on the spotlight, it will take away, I think ...from JT especially if it's Ronon.
                  S4 spoilers

                  Just because they mention Keller and Carter becoming friends doesn't mean that Teyla will be left out of the loop. I suppose much of it hinges on Elizabeth's situation, how exactly she exits Atlantis. I doubt, however, that Carter and Teyla will be adversaries. And I think Teyla could develop a friendship with Keller, too. I mean, in those clips from Missing, we see Keller and Teyla together, so obviously they'll have some screentime.

                  And Keller's relationship might not even be with Ronon. And I would disagree about how they handle ships- it all depends on what your expectations are. I myself see J/T's relationship as a progression, and a pretty good one at that. I also think that it may be easier to some degree to show a main character in a relationship with a recurring character; it wouldn't take up as much screentime depending on what stories they want to tell.

                  I left you a reply at LJ regarding this, btw.

                  Originally posted by camy

         it Carter that's going to be in 14 episodes? I thought it was Keller? how many is she supposed to be in?
                  S4 spoilers

                  Yes, I think Carter is confirmed at 14 episodes (which I read somewhere is full-time, btw, but that may be for the American Actor's Guild. I don't know about Canadians) and Keller is at 8.
                  Sig by Camy


                    you sound so insightful trippy!! are you the one with the connections??

                    And Quania i sent you a pm
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                      you sound so insightful trippy!! are you the one with the connections??
                      I wish! I just read a lot of spoilers and interviews. Sad, really.
                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                        And Keller's relationship might not even be with Ronon. And I would disagree about how they handle ships- it all depends on what your expectations are. I myself see J/T's relationship as a progression, and a pretty good one at that. I also think that it may be easier to some degree to show a main character in a relationship with a recurring character; it wouldn't take up as much screentime depending on what stories they want to tell.
                        I would agree with that Trip. I think the writers have done a masterful job with JT. Making it seem gradual and natural.
                        I think they'll do a super job with Ronon/Keller as well. And yeah, using a recurring for a romantic interest is perfect for satisfiying those that want romance without it being in your face soap opera stuff.


                          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                          Ladies here you go, the first chapter in my Christmas fic inspired by Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you"

                          All I Want for Christmas is You

                          and convergence link


                          I'm off to lunch now!
                          Lovely Padme! can't wait for the next chapter! thank you for sharing it with us!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                            Nice artwork BA and congrats scifan! I know it will take me a long time before I reach the big 4 double 0.

                            I made a new vid called beautiful liar; it's the follow up to the boy is mine.
                            This was great Quania!. I love how it's a continuation of your "The Boy is Mine" vid!. Very creative!

                            Sig by Camy


                              Quick fly-by post:

                              Loving the discussion, great comments and observations by all.

                              BA & Padme - loving your sigs, both very cool! Also Padme, read your new fic, left comment on looking forward to more!

                              Toomi - Thanks for sharing the team clip for the Spacey's, I sooo needed that laugh today

                              Hakea - WELCOME BACK!! Hope RL lets you visit more. I can identify it is not being very nice to me of late

                              SUZ - CONGRATS ON 800!!! AND LOTS MORE TO COME

                              If I missed someone, please forgive. Green to all !!

                              However, I have a question and am a bit confused(although that's nothing new):

                              Where and when did this info about Ronon and Keller come out and Keller and Sam ? Inquiring minds would like to know - LOL


                                I am wondering the same
                                i suddenly saw Vabs sig, with ronon and kellar and i just brushed it aside as VBs ideas...but then you guys are saying me confused!!! hehe enlighten me anyone?
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

