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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    One more thing and then I"m off to post my pics and my points for the games...but I just watched this from TLG...why would they show Rodney if it wasn't to show that even he believed this statement coming out of Thalen's about John's feelings for Teyla....

    How touching....



      go and vote for Teyla! She's getting almost beaten by Novak for fourth place!


        All the cancellation talk was getting me down toward the end, so i've come up with another limcerick on the hop, not sure if that is a good thing or not yet.

        And thanks scifan, that's not bad. Between the two of us, we might get somewhere.

        He cared for her more than she knew,
        But Teyla was from Athos, what to do,
        It was her heart he took
        With but one look
        Oh yes their love be true.



          The crush:
          Originally posted by vaberella
          Who did Dr. H get in trouble with and who was golfing with John?!
          I think I missed that connection. Dr. Hewston's parner was the guy golfing with John, lol. How did I miss that?
          Originally posted by vaberella
          Over come the fear of reds people!!

          You get redded now for stating the obvious?

          Originally posted by Devine27
          I have a sneaking suspicion that JT have been shacking up since The Return II. Why you ask?
          Because you wanted me to green you? No? Because you knew I needed a smile today? No?

          Oh, okay.

          Originally posted by Camy
          why would they show Rodney if it wasn't to show that even he believed this statement coming out of Thalen's about John's feelings for Teyla....
          I always thought the same thing ... Now if they could just get on with it already!!!


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Love your thinking here...and yes...we've commented on that...there's a cap of Teyla keeping her eyes on John as
            she's going over to take the casket. But I love how you matched the two episodes together. You guys know how I feel about The Ark and Sunday...but it makes perfect sense.

            Dee wrote it best...Teyla is not John's weakness, on the opposite...she is his strength. Everything is better for him when he's with Teyla and around Teyla. The Return Part 1 was a perfect example. Every chance he got, he had to talk about them and how to get back. I'm telling you the man had it plan to leave with or without the rest of the team eventually. The old saying is true...Teyla completes him. And I LOVE IT!

            You know...I thought I"d be in tears the day they announce that Atlantis may be no more....I read JM"s blog last night and he is concerned for Season 5. Someone just wrote to me that maybe even the back half of Season 4 might not air...but I doubt it...lately networks are allowing shows to end the series for the fans...and that is so much refreshing than when I was growing up and you didn't know that your show was cancelled and you were left with your favorite character hanging on to their dear life and you still wonder if he's still hanging on after all these years...well, a little bit of yearss.....*grin*

            I hope that at the very least if there is no Season 5 that we get a closure for Season 4. One thing I think helps to feel more acceptance...and please I"m not mourning the show...I"m simply getting ready for the that Season 3 has really been a very good season overall. I got to know Rodney and that was a big thing for me, I just didn't know it. I got to appreciate Weir in a different level even though her character never fulfilled what I wanted out of her, and I got to really see John and Teyla at their best. Together. and Apart working for one same goal and yet finding each other every single time. That is powerful writing in my opinion. And there's more of course, but this is the John and Teyla thread..I guess I"m asking the question out there....what did you think of Season 3 in general and how do you compare it to Season 1 and 2. I"m still trying to figure out if I liked it better than Season 1 and honestly I think I did. Even as far as Teyla's role. Although not as much onscreen as I"d like her to have been, it's the quality of her character that I am interested in and I think that the writers did that piece for her. No, they didn't give her anything to bite into...but we did see a whole new Teyla, a stronger, more confident, more expressive, more personal Teyla and the same with John..the man can't live without her. He showed as much in the Return Part 1 and in The Ark, Sunday, Vengeance, Submerssion and First Strike...we also saw it in Phantoms and in Sateda...did I miss any other....

            I think the fact that it was such a really great season for characters in general and relationships, I"m able to get ready and find closure for my one and only favorite show of all time...That said, I DO want a Season 5.

            It upsets me that J.M. is calling on fans when what they should be doing is going to the creators and the producers and telling them that this hiatus is going to kill them and that if they are expecting viewers to know what is going on..then at least tell them so at the end of First Strike and througout the summer in Commercials that one, Carter is coming in to lead, if they are expecting her to bring such a gathering...and two when and that in fact SGA is coming back! None of the viewers knew that SGA was in such a long hiatus and probably thought it was cancelled!

  's almost like they really don't want the show to come back and want to loose their viewers.

            Okay...sorry for the rambling!
            I'm on the same page as you, Camy. I think that fans should be pro-active in their support for SGA, but if you know much about SciFi's history, they have a tendency to leave the fans hanging high and dry. I think part of JM's concern is that
            a lot of people are "concerned" with Carter coming on the show and hate the fact that Weir and Carson are gone.

            Someone on this thread (I think) made mention of how the face of TV is changing. No longer are season-long cliffhangers (like on ST:TNG or even Friends) the way to go. People like flowing stories, like 24 or Heroes or even reality TV. If a little bit of the story flows into next season (like this season ender of CSI) fine, but months of waiting makes the average viewer bored. (And the avid fan will watch the episodes online months before the debut.)

            I think it's a gamble they are preparing on losing with this "soft reset" either fans will love it and more people will come and watch or the fanbase will dwindle and the show will get axed. It's almost like they are hoping that the John/Teyla/Rodney/Ronan fanbase is stronger than the
            Weir/Beckett fanbase
            . Interesting...

            If, and it's a big if, season 4 is the end, I hope they do give John and Teyla a fitting "farewell" to the fans. I would love to see a glimpse of how the two of them will be happy together.

            Because after all is said and done, we know one thing is true...these two crazy kids are made for each other!
            Last edited by YappiChick; 08 June 2007, 10:36 AM.
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              One more thing and then I"m off to post my pics and my points for the games...but I just watched this from TLG...why would they show Rodney if it wasn't to show that even he believed this statement coming out of Thalen's about John's feelings for Teyla....

              How touching....

              Yeah, yeah. I just watched that today as well. I saw that clip somewhere and I had to make sure that it wasn't editted to look that way. So, now Rodney knows.

              I agree with you Camy and Ruby. I think that the long waited return of SGA did hurt them. I mean this is Summer. People are getting out, graduating, vacation, etc. And I don't have SciFi either. I have to buy from Itune. (Most of you already know that. )


                Hello, all! I know I've not posted in here for a while, but I needed to Macarena into the thread and ask you all to do something for me.

                The MGM Atlantis Site has a poll for the most popular pairing, but guess who's missing? THAT'S RIGHT! Our pairing is missing! I'm sure this is an oversight- how can John & Teyla NOT be considered a pairing, given the great Season 3 we've been given, and compared to the other three pairing that are represented, we certainly meet the criteria for a ship if those three do!

                So, please people, go HERE and send a nice e-mail to get our pairing onto their poll.

                That is all.
                Sig by Camy


                  Sorry for the double post, but this is important, too.

                  I just saw a video interview from Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie (who looks really young!) about season 4, and it contains some major season 4 spoilers, so beware.

                  Season 4 spoilers
                  There's a John and Teyla hug!!!!!! See the interview HERE! But beware, there's also Sheppard and someone else smooching, too, but whatever. Hug!
                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                    All the cancellation talk was getting me down toward the end, so i've come up with another limcerick on the hop, not sure if that is a good thing or not yet.

                    And thanks scifan, that's not bad. Between the two of us, we might get somewhere.

                    He cared for her more than she knew,
                    But Teyla was from Athos, what to do,
                    It was her heart he took
                    With but one look
                    Oh yes their love be true.

                    Nick, I think they are both cute and as long as you're having fun, that's what counts.


                      Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                      Hello, all! I know I've not posted in here for a while, but I needed to Macarena into the thread and ask you all to do something for me.

                      The MGM Atlantis Site has a poll for the most popular pairing, but guess who's missing? THAT'S RIGHT! Our pairing is missing! I'm sure this is an oversight- how can John & Teyla NOT be considered a pairing, given the great Season 3 we've been given, and compared to the other three pairing that are represented, we certainly meet the criteria for a ship if those three do!

                      So, please people, go HERE and send a nice e-mail to get our pairing onto their poll.

                      That is all.
                      I can't get on the site. Does anyone else have trouble?


                        Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                        Sorry for the double post, but this is important, too.

                        I just saw a video interview from Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie (who looks really young!) about season 4, and it contains some major season 4 spoilers, so beware.

                        Season 4 spoilers
                        There's a John and Teyla hug!!!!!! See the interview HERE! But beware, there's also Sheppard and someone else smooching, too, but whatever. Hug!
                        SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! omg!!! i love that!!!!
                        also surely its no coincidence JM is talking about relationships and character revelations/moments at that time!!!!!!
                        the hug is so cute!!!!!

                        the whole
                        larin kissing shep from travelers is hardly romantic since shes got a gun to him so meh whatever nothing to do with my shep and teyla!!!

                        i think im gonna LOVE season 4

                        oh dear i need to clam down before i break something lol



                          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                          SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! omg!!! i love that!!!!
                          also surely its no coincidence JM is talking about relationships and character revelations/moments at that time!!!!!!
                          the hug is so cute!!!!!

                          the whole
                          larin kissing shep from travelers is hardly romantic since shes got a gun to him so meh whatever nothing to do with my shep and teyla!!!

                          i think im gonna LOVE season 4

                          oh dear i need to clam down before i break something lol
                          No, no, let's break stuff! I haven't been so squeeful on so many levels in weeks!

                          And, no, I doubt it was a coincidence.
                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                            Sorry for the double post, but this is important, too.

                            I just saw a video interview from Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie (who looks really young!) about season 4, and it contains some major season 4 spoilers, so beware.

                            Season 4 spoilers
                            There's a John and Teyla hug!!!!!! See the interview HERE! But beware, there's also Sheppard and someone else smooching, too, but whatever. Hug!
                            THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. I bet you know what my favorite scene was. And you know what wasn't.

                            Do you know a e-mail like to Mgm? I didn't see a way to contact them.


                              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                              No, no, let's break stuff! I haven't been so squeeful on so many levels in weeks!

                              And, no, I doubt it was a coincidence.
                              hehe ok...
                              oh i so needed something like this to keep me squee!!!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. I bet you know what my favorite scene was.
                              im betting it was the same as mine..
                              sheppy tied up made my shep whumper heart flutter too lol



                                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                                SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! omg!!! i love that!!!!
                                also surely its no coincidence JM is talking about relationships and character revelations/moments at that time!!!!!!
                                the hug is so cute!!!!!

                                the whole
                                larin kissing shep from travelers is hardly romantic since shes got a gun to him so meh whatever nothing to do with my shep and teyla!!!

                                i think im gonna LOVE season 4

                                oh dear i need to clam down before i break something lol
                                I agree. I think my heart skipped a few times.

                                You can see she's the one that's really hugging him, and he's still having trouble dealing with feelings. I just wish that he was more into the hug. And I agree with you about Larin. Either that, or he was trying to charm her and it didn't work.

