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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    oh camy these are lovely thanks ill email them to her as she is really busy but i know shell love them
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Some of my favourtie moments between John and Teyla.

      You can almost feel the intensity between them.


      Does anyone have one ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE moment between them and if so what is it?





        This is the 1st time I have posted here... well, I think it is ('s to hoping it works).

        Anywayz....Just wanted to say that you guys are great... with the Great discussions and all these goodies. You keep me wanting more... (I have been checking out what you guys have to say, almost every day for like the last 2 months give or take)... I'm thinking... "I need to seek help" but then I tells me-self that its ok for I'm not a "hardcore" shipper (Pffff... And then!).

        I have touched on making videos (afraid that I am not very good at it compared to the stuff that's currently out).
        As for Photoshop and writing stories ...ummm yesh... (I'm not going to go there).

        Anyways... thats it from me and I will try not to sit at the back of the bus hiding.

        Cheers and Thanks again.


          Originally posted by hakea View Post

          This is the 1st time I have posted here... well, I think it is ('s to hoping it works).

          Anywayz....Just wanted to say that you guys are great... with the Great discussions and all these goodies. You keep me wanting more... (I have been checking out what you guys have to say, almost every day for like the last 2 months give or take)... I'm thinking... "I need to seek help" but then I tells me-self that its ok for I'm not a "hardcore" shipper (Pffff... And then!).

          I have touched on making videos (afraid that I am not very good at it compared to the stuff that's currently out).
          As for Photoshop and writing stories ...ummm yesh... (I'm not going to go there).

          Anyways... thats it from me and I will try not to sit at the back of the bus hiding.

          Cheers and Thanks again.
          A warm welcome to you hakea.

          Great to see another newbie - its very difficult not to get pulled in by John and Teyla. They are just such a joy to watch and make such a wonderful couple.

          Any J/T videos are welcomed - we all start out as novices. I only started doing sigs and wallies about 2 months ago and now I'm hooked.

          So don't be shy to show us any of your work - its a very friendly and helpful bunch in here.

          Hope you join in on the discussions. Its always great to hear other peoples perspective on John and Teyla and what drew you to them.


            Originally posted by shrap View Post
            Hi All, been lurking for awhile now. One of the things I am hoping is that a J/T relationship will give some insights into Athosion culture and also Teyla's personal history, eg John asking about Teyla's family, John doing something he thinks is sweet but it turns out to be offensive or means something different in Teyla's culture.
            Hello there shrap!!

            Yes, do stick around.

            Oh and you and me both, it'd be great if in Season 4, without if that is how it is has to be but through John if possible, we could see more of and delve a little depper into the past of both Teyla and the other Athosians [I'm sure i signed some online petition calling for what you're hoping for, while back ]. and vice versa.

            I suppose that Phantoms was a good example of this, but there it was the other way around, and you could argue that events played a part. Even so, Teyla like no other has a way of getting through to John on a peronal level. We have seen it time and time again. And in turn he cares equally about her feelings and is willing to let her in. To say and do things for her that he would not with anyone else. Their conversation in Sateda, and the farewell in the gate room in The Return another good example. John, quite a private person, to initiate the head touch in public like that, the significance of that shoudlnot be understated.

            Whether it be early on in Letters from Pegasus, on mroe recently in S3, how Teyla talked John round as far as Kolya was concerned, in Irresponsible. Ronon wouldn't have attempted it and mroe likely been shrugged off, would he have wanted to? Rodney i think in a way, was surprised by the intensity between John and Teyla at that moment, and the effect Teyla had.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            and if they finally do it at the end of the show...well, for me, it won't be the same...but I think I'm just going to have to accept it....LOL
            I'm there with you Camy, but we can take some comfort though that the signs are good at the minute.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            All snaggable...I was trying to come up with some phrases, funny ones, but I really stink at this!

            Oh very nice, like the choice of caps, lovely.

            Oh and the phrases, no they're fine, just so. Certainly did bring a smile to my face.
            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 22 March 2007, 10:00 AM.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Some of my favourtie moments between John and Teyla.

              You can almost feel the intensity between them.

              CONTAINS SPOILER PICS FOR season 3.

              Does anyone have one ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE moment between them and if so what is it?


              One absolute favourite? Hmm, i dont know about one, i might be able to manage two. lol

              I dont' have any caps to hand right now [will have to do a quck searc, i have them here somewhere], you've picked some great ones and i do agree. Season 3 was good to us.

              My two, as of right now anyway, woudl be...

              The reunion scene at the end of The Return Part 1.

              And the infirmary scene at the end of The Ark.

              Originally posted by hakea View Post

              This is the 1st time I have posted here... well, I think it is ('s to hoping it works).

              Anywayz....Just wanted to say that you guys are great... with the Great discussions and all these goodies. You keep me wanting more... (I have been checking out what you guys have to say, almost every day for like the last 2 months give or take)... I'm thinking... "I need to seek help" but then I tells me-self that its ok for I'm not a "hardcore" shipper (Pffff... And then!).

              I have touched on making videos (afraid that I am not very good at it compared to the stuff that's currently out).
              As for Photoshop and writing stories ...ummm yesh... (I'm not going to go there).

              Anyways... thats it from me and I will try not to sit at the back of the bus hiding.

              Cheers and Thanks again.
              First, Welcome to you hakea!!

              I can only echo what you say, there sure is some great convo in here, and talent in equal measure.

              I can only urge you to continue with your efforts and doing a vid, to have begun is something, more than i have done.

              And i am sure that in time you may move onto fics and artwork too. There is jsut tah spark all of a sudden and before you know it, there you are, writing, or producing or designing.

              Even i, where to say somebody is modestly talented in their writing is being kind, have done one or two small fics or writing challenges. Which is one or two mroe than i thought there woudl be i can tell you that.

              So yeah, keep enjoying J/T

              If you don't have the time then it is no big deal, but today is the last day for nomiantions at the Isis Awards, at least i think taht is right. Um, if there is one story that is really close to your heat and a favourite, why not consider going along to the site and nominate it and the author.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              [SIZE="4"]Great to see another newbie - its very difficult not to get pulled in by John and Teyla. They are just such a joy to watch and make such a wonderful couple.

              Any J/T videos are welcomed - we all start out as novices. I only started doing sigs and wallies about 2 months ago and now I'm hooked.

              So don't be shy to show us any of your work - its a very friendly and helpful bunch in here.
              I concur with and can only echo all you've said blue, but i've got to pull you up on something.

              You expect me to believe that you've only been doing sigs and wallies for 2 months?

              Come on now, i'm not stupid, surely longer than that?

              Some wonderful new wallies you posted earlier by the way, but that's my point, 2 months?


                Thanks BlueAlien for the Welcome.

                In reply to your earlier post ... I dont really have an absolute favourite but one of them is Submersion 3x18. Sorry...I've been trying to work out how to add pics as I am not one for explaning too well (I gave up... obviously).

                Anywayz, the reason I like the scene below so much is because John and Teyla are playing the "I cant help but keep looking at you" game and having to look away when they are aware Elizabeth is talking to them (ok, I could be reaching but I just love the looks they give each other)

                Elizabeth: "Well, we have a lot of exploring to do."
                John:, "We?"
                Elizabeth: "Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I'm all yours. Put me to work, Colonel."
                John: "All right let's make up some time, break into teams, Ronon you're with Teyla, Elizabeth, you're with me, or... I'm with you, anyway you wanna put it."
                Elizabeth: "Either way or either way." (she pronounces it two different ways).


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Hi Wendy!

                  I might have something for you later on...but right now, I"ve been working on different things...

                  As far as Joe...from the beginning Joe has been in favor of something with Teyla....Teyla's role was there to begin with as a "potential" love interest for John Sheppard....In the interviews, he seemed to be the one pointing the obvious sexual tension that is there between JT. I like the idea of the conflict, of thinking the impossible and longing for something that is unattainable....and that is what perhaps John and Teyla see from each other...I like how the series is really expanding on a friendship built on a strong bond and makes the relationship more special to me and more meaningful...their connection is not just physical, but it goes farther than that...if John and Teyla would have been together by now..our poor Teyla would have either died, or become the host for little sheppies and teyla's all around the keeping them apart but wanting each other, you see the longing and yet you preserve Teyla's role and John's....most of the time, the writers and creators when they make a couple canon, it is either the female role that suffers to become a stereotype or she's killed off or the relationship ends or she goes off with another...and I don't want either for this duo....I think Teyla's role needs further growth as well as John's....however, I do want to see a progression...I do want to see them fall in love, and I do want to see them actually struggle with wanting to be together....does that make sense....right now, we know that Teyla is interested in someone...I want to know who that is and if it's John...then I want to see how she is going to make this work....I want to see them fight to be together, and I want to see them struggle with not only the harsh of their lives but their relationship as well..I think that these two characters have shown us so well just how much they mean to each other and how much they trust and rely on each other that when they do come together, it will be like if they were never apart...and that is all due to the great characters portrayed by Joe and Rachel....most of the time it's a glance, a touch, a nod, a sigh, a gesture that defines them....and their actions of course...

                  but yeah, I don't want anything sweet and mushy either and certainly something subtle....Teyla has to be a part of John's team in order to remain in SGA...if she were to become something more....I really wonder how her role in the team would be I'd love to see a little secret rendevouz kind of thing...LOL

                  Okay...Wikked is keeping the Galleria very pretty with her caps...go and check them out, she's doing Trinity right now....

                  so, I"m done with my after all that convo of mushy, I"m sure that my December Calendar is not going to reflect what I just wrote above....LOL

                  but this was made by someone with lots of love for me...and that person is not a JT shipper, but a JW shipper! so just goes to show you that some people can distinguish between fiction and non-fiction and between what matters in friendships....I didn't even ask her to make this for me, but she did cause she knows me too up, little JT's and Teylies! although not an actual cap from the show, it's still looks damn real...and if this is as close as I'll ever see JT married, than I"m more than happy.....therefore, December is very special to me....hope you guys like it!

                  John and Teyla 2007 Calendar....made by Camy

                  Donna...I hope you like the entire calendar...








                  Made a second july one....





                  No wonder Bambam suggested that I not show this to Joe's wife or Rachel's boyfriend....I can so see this between JT
                  Camy your J/T 2007 Calender was a hit on the Atlantis Scifi forum. People are downloading and hanging these calendars in their office. Me included.

                  Maffieg would like to thank you for creating the John/Teyla calendar. Lovely work, wanted to send you our appreication.

                  Last edited by NubianQueen; 22 March 2007, 03:07 PM.
                  Valent: Renee Elise Goldsberry/Evangeline Williamson Fansite
                  by Sheylafan87


                    *steps up to the podium*

                    Thank you! Oh, man...I wish they would take pictures of it hanged up...I'd love to see that!

                    *takes one step down the podium and changes her mind and steps back up again*

                    Thank all the people over in Scifi for me....hey do you think the writers and creators go there? WOW! .....I"d like to thank...all the little people........blah, blah, blah!


                    thanks have to come here more boosts my ego!


                      Originally posted by shrap View Post
                      Hi All, been lurking for awhile now. One of the things I am hoping is that a J/T relationship will give some insights into Athosion culture and also Teyla's personal history, eg John asking about Teyla's family, John doing something he thinks is sweet but it turns out to be offensive or means something different in Teyla's culture.
                      Welcome Sharp...and please come by again...btw, I love your sig!

                      Hmm..this is interesting...and after reading Nick's reply....I wonder just how much John knows about the Athosians that we don't actually see on screen....

                      You have to Season 1 he is seen with the Athosians in Hide and Season see him give Elizabeth an Athosian pottery for her b-day present...clearly he must know it's significance or found intriguing enough to have gotten it for her...I wonder if he went and asked Teyla what would be consider a good gift for Elizabeth....and in Season 3...
                      you see him tell Ronon the benefits of Teyla's meditation sessions which can only mean he's done them with her at some point...and in Irresponsible, he mentions how he's had the Athosians come and check on those people, so he communicated with them on a military level as well...then you have that scene with Rodney in The Tao of Rodney where he goes to Halling..and I wonder, if Rodney is capable of thinking that, then how much more would John? So, I'm thinking...yes, he will make some mistakes and goof up on some things, but I really think that if anyone knows about Athosians customs and cultures it would be John...and of course, in Sunday we get that confirmation that John and Teyla spend a lot of their off time together as well
             it's bound to have personal conversations...but you are soo right, I"d love to see it on screen more......for sure and goof up from John would be so classic!


                        Originally posted by hakea View Post
                        Thanks BlueAlien for the Welcome.

                        In reply to your earlier post ... I dont really have an absolute favourite but one of them is Submersion 3x18. Sorry...I've been trying to work out how to add pics as I am not one for explaning too well (I gave up... obviously).

                        Anywayz, the reason I like the scene below so much is because John and Teyla are playing the "I cant help but keep looking at you" game and having to look away when they are aware Elizabeth is talking to them (ok, I could be reaching but I just love the looks they give each other)

                        Elizabeth: "Well, we have a lot of exploring to do."
                        John:, "We?"
                        Elizabeth: "Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I'm all yours. Put me to work, Colonel."
                        John: "All right let's make up some time, break into teams, Ronon you're with Teyla, Elizabeth, you're with me, or... I'm with you, anyway you wanna put it."
                        Elizabeth: "Either way or either way." (she pronounces it two different ways).
                        Oh I know - its probably impossible to pick just one. I don't think I can either. There are just so many - though I have to admit to being very partial to the Rising Cave scene. I think this is when their connection seemed so apparant.

                        If you want to post pictures

                        You need to upload them into a photobucket account - once they have uploaded, you just click on the IMG code and drag them to where you are posting.


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          Some of my favourtie moments between John and Teyla.

                          You can almost feel the intensity between them.

                          CONTAINS SPOILER PICS FOR season 3.

                          Does anyone have one ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE moment between them and if so what is it?


                          Blue, this is wonderful...

                          I love all the caps that you presented here..I get goosebumps just looking at it...I'm on my way out so caps will have to be for another time..but season 3...the more I think about it, the more I love how heavily it was to solidify that relationship with John and Teyla...mind you it was a soft reset for me...I think John and Teyla's relationship was solidify in Season 1 and season 2 almost played like it was starting it over that was a bit surprising and dissapointing..but overall it was great!

                          Favorite scenes for Season 1...there are too many to spell them out....
                          But certainly season 1 gave us those moments that cemented their bond, trust and feelings....

                          Season 2 was less John and Teyla but I was pleasantly surprise to see a more emotional side of Teyla...she reacted to John more and she clearly developed a sense of belonging in Atlantis vs her role with her people....Conversion, The Long Goodbye, Inferno, Coup D'Etat, Allies, Michael and even The Tower showed a very concerned Teyla for John and that was not as apparent in Season was more John than Teyla...

                          Season 3..we see it clearly in both of them...with the exception of
                          Common Ground which I was so hoping would be a Teyla kicking Wraith butt to save John....I was very pleased with it overall...

                          I love The Ark...I can mention so many scenes in that episode that just clicked for me...tremendously....Sunday was so revealing.....and The Return Part 1...was very heavily John needing Teyla.....and vice versa.....Phantoms was clearly a relationship of trust and that Teyla wouldn't give up on her friends and where John blocked his mind to everything and everyone except his devotion to never hurt Teyla even while his mind is playing tricks on him.....very significant in my book....Sateda...again....clearly showing that these two work together in the good and in the bad...that John's level of respect and feelings for Teyla go beyond friendship...but more stand as a Submerssion...I think the key here for me was that although John never put his job before other words, he lifted his gun at her.....he accepts Teyla as is...and is not held back by her abilities which many would be...even Ronon seemed to step back or too much forward to me....and Elizabeth was more opened but hesitant nonetheless...John instead followed her lead, listened to her warnings when no one else did and clearly let her lead by allowing her plan to go into motion....that says a lot to me.....Irresistible....I love that scene when Luciuos asks John if Teyla is completely catches him off guard...and then of course, when finally John looses it....and snatches from her the bag of herbs..showing his frustration at her careless ness...and when he asked her about Luciuos comment of asking her to be his wife....clearly the tone of his voice says it all.....Irresponsible..showing us that no one but Teyla can talk this man down...and he knows it! He read her before she ever said or did anything...he asked her , WHAT? he knows that she has him wrapped up under her fingers! LOL......and First Strike...that Fantastic Four comment and him rushing to go up the stairs to find that she was okay...was great!

                          Oy, choosing one scene is just impossible for me!


                            Originally posted by hakea View Post
                            Thanks BlueAlien for the Welcome.

                            In reply to your earlier post ... I dont really have an absolute favourite but one of them is Submersion 3x18. Sorry...I've been trying to work out how to add pics as I am not one for explaning too well (I gave up... obviously).

                            Anywayz, the reason I like the scene below so much is because John and Teyla are playing the "I cant help but keep looking at you" game and having to look away when they are aware Elizabeth is talking to them (ok, I could be reaching but I just love the looks they give each other)

                            Elizabeth: "Well, we have a lot of exploring to do."
                            John:, "We?"
                            Elizabeth: "Until Rodney delivers the preliminary status report, I'm all yours. Put me to work, Colonel."
                            John: "All right let's make up some time, break into teams, Ronon you're with Teyla, Elizabeth, you're with me, or... I'm with you, anyway you wanna put it."
                            Elizabeth: "Either way or either way." (she pronounces it two different ways).
                            Welcome Hakea..please come by again...

                            Hm...that's interesting..I"m going to have to view that one again...cause I totally miss the whole staring between them in that one!

                            Thanks for pointing that out!

                            Oh, thank you everyone for your comments in both the calendar and the sigs....donna, I"m glad you liked them! I hope Wendy does too....


                              Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                              One absolute favourite? Hmm, i dont know about one, i might be able to manage two. lol

                              I dont' have any caps to hand right now [will have to do a quck searc, i have them here somewhere], you've picked some great ones and i do agree. Season 3 was good to us.

                              My two, as of right now anyway, woudl be...

                              The reunion scene at the end of The Return Part 1.

                              And the infirmary scene at the end of The Ark.

                              Great choices and as I said to hakea its probably impossible to choose just one.

                              I concur with and can only echo all you've said blue, but i've got to pull you up on something.

                              You expect me to believe that you've only been doing sigs and wallies for 2 months?

                              Come on now, i'm not stupid, surely longer than that?

                              Some wonderful new wallies you posted earlier by the way, but that's my point, 2 months?
                              My first attempt was in about mid January. Camy had made me a beautiful christmas and new year sig so I decided I would have a go at making one myself. Photoshop doesn't come with any instructions so it was just a matter of playing around with it. There are probably loads of things that I don't know about the programme, but it has been really fun playing around with it. Teyla and John make such wonderful subjects - so its a labour of love making the wallies.


                                Claps madly....Boy, I was your inspiration! LOL

                                I"m so are much braver than I am...I can't even open Photoshop!


                                And yes, you said it....John and Teyla just come natural!

