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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hi Everyone... I'm not stranded...thank God...

    I hope Stephie is okay...she was under a lot of snow.... have a great question...

    Sel....great viewpoint..

    This is just my point of view....
    I'm not sure if this counts as John being jealous or not...but we certainly see another side of John...a sort of protective, possessive John....

    In see it first slightly...when John goes to the tent to meet up with Teyla and that other guy is there with her...and he says, I guess it's just you and me, and then he pauses and says, and him....

    Like he didn't like the idea of him there....LOL

    Then, you see it very blatantly in Duet when he comes up to meet Teyla for a sparring sessin and he walks in on her with Ronon....the look on his face is priceless..his voice almost changes and he almost whines....LOL...might be exxagerating a bit here....I can't quite exactly remember....but I do know that when he sees Ronon drop Teyla to the ground, he reacts immediately......Now, John has thrown Teyla on the ground many times, and we saw it in the, why would he be so surprised and upset when Ronon did it....again....interesting....

    In Michael, you see that John never takes his eyes away from Teyla...whether it be for her safety or just his protective side kicking in.....still, she's with this man, this stranger who everyone can see has found sort of a connection with Teyla.....

    Then we see it again....slightly....
    when Lucious is attracted to Teyla....upon his first reaction in the village, he sort of has a smirk on his face, but only because Lucious makes the comment...I think he liked the idea of having another male recognize her beauty.....then we see it in throughtout the episode.....when he walks in the mess hall, his eyes don't leave Teyla....then when he comfronts them, he asks Teyla about her sudden interest after he had asked her to be his "number" wife.....then we see him loose it and snatch Teyla's herb bag after figuring out what she's done and in what danger they put themselves in.....finally in McKay and Mrs. Miller, John was either teasing her all together, or maybe he saw the Marine notice Teyla..or whatever, it was clearly a message of he's noticing or he cares enough to comment to Teyla about men and their attraction towards her and vice Sunday....we also saw something interesting....for some reason it's almost as if John thinks that Teyla only hangs out with him....he told hang out with anyone else besides me and Teyla.....not that we are sick of you or, it's like, John only hangs out with Teyla...and vice versa.....but before that, he's encounter with her in the hallway...when she told him about Weir, it's funny cause when Teyla tells him she could's like he is the one that makes the call.....jeepers....Teyla don't fall for that....LOL....but we know she knew what she was doing...but anywho, it's interesting cause you see him shake his head...and first tell her, you still have, in his eyes, Teyla only hangs out with would be very interesting however to see his reaction when in fact there will be someone blatantly interested in her...

    Again..not blatantly jealousy....but certainly a lot of emotion and reaction from John....

    Now, as far as Teyla...we have gotten something but more less than John....I like how Sel wrote's not that we know whether she's jealous or not, we just haven't seen's the same with John....Teyla is hardly around when John has his liasions for her to witness it...however, the times that she has seen it....she has reacted...

    Go back to Sanctuary...that convo they had in the hallway...Teyla showed several different expressions there...I wouldn't say she was jealous....but why even question John and make such an emphasis on the fact that he could have "feelings" for others.....Teyla was trying to get information out of him as well....why?

    Then when John asks to have some time alone with Chaya after she confesses that she came because she liked John...everyone said no, and I can't remember who, but someone in this thread brought the point of why did Teyla say no.....and that is very interesting as well....Weir had to say's her responsibility for the safety of the team, Rodney as well....he was suspicious of her from the beginning...but what was Teyla's reason.....

    Then we go to Epiphany......that last scene when Teer asks John to ascend with him...John looks back slightly at Teyla who's right behind him.....and her expression is priceless, she is in awe at what she is seeing, but also, she is very intune to what John is saying to Teer.....and at the end, you see her face John, and reprimand Ronon and then turn around and say, that he was missed.....

    Teyla's reaction towards the blonde scientist in Inferno....she was in on the whole teasing that John was doing to Rodney...she smirk at John on several occasions and right before they were excorted out, you see that John focused his attention, a smirk and a nod to Teyla......

    Again..nothing that I would dare write she has shown signs of jealousy.....but clearly, Teyla is very aware of John's "outings"

    and one last thing...

    In Sunday,
    we got to see a different side of Teyla..when Weir came to Teyla's room and mentioned her date with whatever his name see Teyla's face lit up.....she knows who the guy is and she knows that he's attractive.....there is this perky side of Teyla....that we had not seen before....and then of course, there's that conversation she had with Dr. clearly, Teyla is not against having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, that's not what is holding her back....the idea that she wasn't interested because of her leadership or even the idea that it is with someone from another galaxy all together was erased after, it's just a matter of time before we find out who is this guy that Teyla likes...I hope anyways.....obviously, Teyla is all for it!and if we go back to her convo with John in Sanctuary, she thinks of John as someone that can have "feelings" which in terms means to me, she is not ruling John out either.....just by her making that comment....I think anyways....


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      John/Teyla wallie...

      love it!


        Originally posted by LauraT View Post
        Hm I never thought of it that way. Thats a good point. Personnally i would be jealous no matter who selfcontained i was lol. I must admit it is good for her character lol. Do you think he will show his jealousy or whatever should the need arise?
        Well, you're you. Teyla's Teyla.

        I think one of the reasons people have so much difficulty with Teyla is because she's not an openly emotional woman. Our societal perceptions are such that (in general) in public men are stoic, women are emotional. When we find someone who runs contrary to that, we look at them askance.

        So Teyla's calm is often seen as 'emotionlessness', which I think is like saying that the ocean looks calm so there can't possibly be a rip tide beneath the surface! Incidentally, I think that the Vulcans in Star Trek have a lot to answer for regarding 'emotionless alien races'. But that's a rant for another time.

        John's not exactly an emotional guy. Perhaps not quite 'emotionally constipated' but he's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. I doubt we'd ever see him openly jealous on the show, but we'd see him protective - in much the same way that we see Ronon in 'protective' mode when it comes to Teyla (Michael)...or John(Common Ground)...or Rodney(...can't remember the episode, but I saw it and thought "awww - cute! Rodney/Ronon!"). And little things said or done would give the cues to indicate that he was jealous, but didn't feel he had a right to say anything against that interest.

        I have to say, I'm kinda pissed off that no-one ever falls for Teyla or Ronon from the people they meet along the way. Other than Lucius, who was a smarmy b@st@rd anyway - and everyone fell in love with him!

        I mean, I could handle 'chick/bloke' of the week, if we got some mixing up happening here: a guy tries to get on to Rodney. A woman sidles up to Ronon, ignoring John, whose ego is hurt. A man tries to put the moves on Teyla and gets smacked down by her team-mates...

        But, no. It was always John. Yeesh. Enough already!

        Last edited by seldear; 05 March 2007, 01:26 AM.


          This is very true. I hope you do see her emotions come out a tiny bit more. Not to the point where you go *Oh for cryin out loud go back to the way you were* but just a little bit would be nice. Ronan did have someone look at him in TOR. But I think your right some people should take more notice in McKay, Ronan and Teyla just to dint John's ego. But & ultimately have to get together lol.

          Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
          (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
          Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
          Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


            i could'nt agree more with you lauraT they should get together but not just yet as it would take out the interesting parts of their relationship that has been developed so far and if the were to just shove them together then people would soon become bored of them as the way they are now is more interesting you get to see how close they have grown at what lengths each of them will go for each other also i love watching the emotional stuff between them at the moment the point where there relationship is now i think is really interesting as you don't know what the writers have instore for them in the future and i think its more interesting that way although in time i hope they do get to gether but at the moment if they were to get together straight away then it would take the magic and fun out of watching the show
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              Originally posted by seldear View Post
              Well, you're you. Teyla's Teyla.

              I think one of the reasons people have so much difficulty with Teyla is because she's not an openly emotional woman. Our societal perceptions are such that (in general) in public men are stoic, women are emotional. When we find someone who runs contrary to that, we look at them askance.

              So Teyla's calm is often seen as 'emotionlessness', which I think is like saying that the ocean looks calm so there can't possibly be a rip tide beneath the surface! Incidentally, I think that the Vulcans in Star Trek have a lot to answer for regarding 'emotionless alien races'. But that's a rant for another time.

              John's not exactly an emotional guy. Perhaps not quite 'emotionally constipated' but he's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve. I doubt we'd ever see him openly jealous on the show, but we'd see him protective - in much the same way that we see Ronon in 'protective' mode when it comes to Teyla (Michael)...or John(Common Ground)...or Rodney(...can't remember the episode, but I saw it and thought "awww - cute! Rodney/Ronon!"). And little things said or done would give the cues to indicate that he was jealous, but didn't feel he had a right to say anything against that interest.

              I have to say, I'm kinda pissed off that no-one ever falls for Teyla or Ronon from the people they meet along the way. Other than Lucius, who was a smarmy b@st@rd anyway - and everyone fell in love with him!

              I mean, I could handle 'chick/bloke' of the week, if we got some mixing up happening here: a guy tries to get on to Rodney. A woman sidles up to Ronon, ignoring John, whose ego is hurt. A man tries to put the moves on Teyla and gets smacked down by her team-mates...

              But, no. It was always John. Yeesh. Enough already!

              Hmm...Sel..... perhaps this is more a Teyla topic than John and Teyla...but I believe that if anyone in this show has shown emotions, is Teyla...morese than even John himself....
              from the very beginning you see Teyla defend her people against strangers in Rising...right in front of our eyes you see her shift and smile and the handsome man who steps forwards and sees her as a leader and a beautiful woman who he dares offer his friendship out of then see her shift to all sorts of emotions with John...she smiles at him, she flusters and looks at him straight in the eye when again, he dares put a necklace on her neck.....and of course those fingers linger a bit on her chest.....

              Again....who says that she's emotionless clearly has no clue as to who Teyla is and it's not watching the same show that I"m watching....go back to 38 minutes...what more emotion than the one that she showed.....

              and fast forward to Trinity, her face and words when Ronon's friends thought they were a couple, and move forward some more to Conversion....which to me brought a whole new Teyla as far as emotions is concerned...throughout the entire episode you see her struggle with the idea that she's certainly in pain and confused as to John's demise....Aurora, although slightly non-Teyla, you see how she smartly reacts and smiles at John after acknowledging what she just did for him.....and not for Rodney....

              What about Hot Zone...flirting so obvious, and Runner, when John made that comment to her about what she was doing...clearly, Teyla knew and understood the meaning and we see her famous smile....and CoupD'Etat....oh,

              In Epiphany, she was extremely concerned for Inferno, she was almost in tears....and in Conversion btw too....Common Ground, Critical Mass,, anyone.....yes, not her feature episode either, but the emotion is there....oh, and I could go on......

              And this goodness...this season has been an emotional roller coaster ride for all of them.....*g*

              It infuriates me when I read comments about others stating that she is emotionless.....tell them to prove it to you...or call me....I'll list every single scene that she's done up till now and find that no other character in that show has shown more compassion, more feelings, more emotions than Teyla....and all within character....simply because she's not parading a sign that she's is in love with whomever doesn't make her any less of a woman that can proudly and with dignity share and have feelings for any man....

              Which is one of the things that make this couple very much compatible with each other.....with everything that John does and what he's been through, he can't have an emotionally baggage woman.....she needs to be strong...and she needs to be able to cope with the realities that they are faced with everyday in order to have a lasting relationship....Teyla has learned through the realities of life, her life, that you can loose your loved ones at any given time....she's seen John faced death once too many times....and since there has been no affirmation of feelings, and like we just find out, she's not going to make the first move...then what is she going to do besides do what she's been doing up till now...she backs him up all the way, she supports him even when she knows that he's doing wrong...she stands between him and stops him when she knows she's the only one that can do it...and she's there with him in the good and the bad.....she's got her weaknessess....but she doens't wear them on her sleeve and she doesn't have a sign in her back to label her.....she has her doubts and her fears....
              and the last thing that I want to see is a jealous would break her heart since we know John is going to need a little more coaxing before he breaks the imagine...what is Teyla to do, sit in a corner and cry her eyes out over a man? Uh, no!

              John is more emotionless than I'd like him to be.....sometimes it confuses me how he thinks.....but that's another story.....In Submersion...
              I thought he was too quick to lift up that gun on Teyla
              ....but that was just me.....

              Romantically, these two have done nothing to show one or the other that they have feelings for each other.....but then again, I don't think that this relationship will be define as romantic....after it's said and done, I can certainly see the romantic side of John and Teyla....but for now, they will show their feelings without saying a word...they will show their feelings through their actions...through gestures, through glances, and through unspoken words......this season was full of those moments....they stood by each other, they looked for each other and they did things and said things only to each other....that stands them apart for me...and that shows more emotion than any of the other characters because it coincides with the characters that we know and love.....

              but yes, are so one dares look at Teyla.....I"m telling you Sel....I bet you John has like a checklist whenver the new marines come in and any visitors to Atlantis...and when off world...he has her so neatly dressed, you can't help but think is she woman or man....and look in Teyla's direction and you have Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb raise up their eyebrows and give the them the look of Death....just looking at Ronon alone stand next to her tells any man....should I, or shouldn't I? I swear that's why John always sends them together! LOL




                Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                Oh i remember Stranded.

                John and Teyla had just had some light [white blue] shed on their relationship so to speak , right at the end of chapter 3?

                Well, whenever it's ready, much looking forward to part 4. Thanks

                Yes, that was the last thing I had happen. I do apoligize for it taking me so long.

                I wish they episodes were premiering this week like they were originally sopposed to. I can't wait, but I don't want to read spoillers.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                  Yes, that was the last thing I had happen. I do apoligize for it taking me so long.

                  I wish they episodes were premiering this week like they were originally sopposed to. I can't wait, but I don't want to read spoillers.
                  Oh, I can't wait till you continue your fics, Padme...I love them!


                    Well said Camy couldn't have said it better my self
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Yeh I think everyone has valid points. When was it meant to start again? When will it start again? I really hope they do continue with the same line of their relationship I just want them to advance it a tiny bit without ruining it.

                      Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
                      (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
                      Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
                      Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


                        I totally agree with you and me both! although I"m not making any bets......I think there will be the same as we've seen this season....It would be nice if they angst up a bit the tension and make it more challenging....Joe Flannigan commented that he'd like for a relationship to fight being in love than to be in, that is fine with me.....just acknowledge that you are fighting for that love.....and make it be known....

                        I think that in Sunday,
                        something different did arise, the affirmation that Teyla has feelings for someone is one of them and then the challenge made by her own statement of "we shall see".....

                        so, the desire is there coming from Teyla....and John....well John is in la-la land.....I think Ronon is going to have to smack some more senses into him....

                        I'd love to see more attention focus on Teyla...and her differen aspects.......I'd love to see how others react to it....well, actually we have seen Michael, Ronon almost killed Michael..and John just let him! LOL


                          I agree with Donna, well said Camy! I don't see how anyone can say that Teyla is emotionless, she is the most compassionate of them all!! And how about when she decked Bates, how emotional was that!!! Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same show as some people.


                            OH, that scene with BATES was more than was AWESOME!

                            I miss that guy....... I miss that angst there......Caldwell didn't bring that to the table....they need someone to bring that back.....

                            and I don't think Beach is going to that either....hey, he'll probably fall for Teyla.....I don't trust that guy though...him coming up to Sheppard like that....hmmm...that was too good to be true!


                            Well, Teyla isn't my favorite character for nothing.....


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Oh, I can't wait till you continue your fics, Padme...I love them!
                              I want to make it a series if possible.

                              So far what do you guys think is the best episode of the second half of the season?
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                                I want to make it a series if possible.

                                So far what do you guys think is the best episode of the second half of the season?
                                I remember reading that fic about 3-4 months ago, probably even longer than that, but I remember that I loved it! I'll have to go back and read it again...can't wait to read the rest!

                                I'd have to say the best episode of the second half of the season is Sunday...
                                I love the episodes with a lot of action and that keep you on the edge of your seat, but I loved that we got to see another side of the characters in this episode and of course the J/T goodness! The only bad part was the death of Carson I also loved First Strike, best season finale yet! The Ark was great's hard to choose just one, lol!

                                And I know some of this stuff was about a week ago, but I'm sure a few compliments won't hurt...

                                LC and Tired, nice videos!

                                Camy, congrats on winning the best J/T shipper award and love the fic! You're a great writer!

                                blue, great wallies...I've been meaning to try graphics for a while now. I'll probably never get around to it, because I'm somewhat of a! So it's good to have other people supplying the J/T goods, keep it up!

