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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I Love this fic...did you post it in, yet!

    Okay...what about my instructions did you not get....what a thousand plus words didn't explain it well enough?

    can someone please help Cyn to post the pic and the fic on her lj....I tried....

    I really did! LOL

    Oy, the pressure is building!


    Okay....I'm it, I guess!

    JT meets Uncle Rodney.....


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      Congratulations of 6000 posts Camy
      Thanks Blue...most of them are in here! LOL

      *Camy runs around*

      gosh, I read Stephies fic this morning, re-read Cyn's AWESOME FIC, and got some wallies done....

      So much JT love before Valentines'.....

      Hey, btw....I need some dosage of more Fics for Valentines...

      How about we set up a little challenge...

      I know that AG has a fic in the works for me, right AG!

      Okay..I will work on my JT fic will have to be short....


      Cyn, do you mind if I post this in some of the JT LJ communities for you?

      *Camy runs to the JT lJ communities*


        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
        Camy & jtjaforever! OMG! You two just sent me on an emotional rollercoaster of J/T. 1st Camy with John protecting his Teyla and then jtjaforever with J/T and the baby and aww....

        They were both beautiful. Keep up the excellent work!
        AW, thanks work cannot compare to Cyn's but thanks anyways!


          Awesome Camy and jtjaforever

          Fantastic - so much talent here.

          John and Teyla are just so adorable together and little JT - sooo cute.


            Originally posted by Camy View Post

            I Love this fic...did you post it in, yet!

            Okay...what about my instructions did you not get....what a thousand plus words didn't explain it well enough?

            can someone please help Cyn to post the pic and the fic on her lj....I tried....

            I really did! LOL

            Oy, the pressure is building!


            Okay....I'm it, I guess!

            JT meets Uncle Rodney.....
            Yes Mom - I did post on w/a footnote to see the pics at the Galleria.

            Yes - I read, you extensive*coughs* and very detailed instructions *cough, cough*...but I was brain dead. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

            Anyway, I'll give a try again, but if will not be until tomorrow, because I cann't do at work.

            By all means, share. You girls did AWESOME work and I want all to see the Sheppard family .

            I'm going back to sleep now, my wake-up call is going to catch me and I have 12 more hours to put in...then off for 7 days - YAY.


              Okay....but just remember I still want you to post it in your LJ...I'm going to post it in AtlantisLovers and anywhere else I can find....LOL

              get some sleep....JT plotbunnies are lurking in the air! LOL


                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                This is beautiful. How do you get so close to the outline without backgroud residue?
                I use GIMP so my explanation may be a bit ... odd. lol in GIMP, I select "by colour" and erase only a certain colour in the picture. That took care of post it and anything left over I went over with a fuzzy eraser.


                  jtjaforever- Love your new sig!!
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Still having fun with the promo pics.



                      HyperCaz, love your sig. I miss QL so much. Such a sad ending.


                        Camy, what a sweet fic. Great going! I love the wp with Teyla added to Slodwick's John/baby manip. Beautiful.



                          Hi guys!! Soooo sorry I've been totally MIA lately, my little brother has been in hospital and everything that could have gone wrong in there, went wrong.
                          He's still there, but he's stable now. Thank goodness!

                          So anyway, first of all...
                          CONGRATS ON 200 jtjaforever!!! (very late, but I wanted to say congrats anyway ) Loving your new sig btw! Soo cute!!
                          Camy HUGE CONGRATS ON 6000!!!! That's some serious posting there! hehe.

                          LC! Your vid! OMG! It's amaaazing! Really truly wonderful!! I always love your work! Can't wait for more

                          Right, now... *tears up* Thank you all for the FANTASTIC responses to my vid! I'm so glad it went down so well.

                          Great job, JB!!!! I love the clips that you many great glances...awww!!! I'm addicted to these two! LOL! I loved especially around 1:27 and again at 2:30, it fit so perfect with the quick beat. Excellent editing there!
                          Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

                          hehe. Thanks LC. Ooh you noticed the timing! I'm so glad! It took me ages to get that right! hehe.

                          Great vid JB . Love the song and they are addicted to each other as well.
                          That they are BA, that they are

                          JB! That was FANTASTIC! *my new word*

                          And the oldie but a goodie!

                          You used some of my favorite moments..Season 1...WOW! I"m sorry but for me, it's still the best season for JT and for everything.....

                          and the caps from Season 3..The Ark being my favorite....WOW!

                          Love it....You are up there with the elite Stephie and Nina....!

                          wooohooo!! ...keep 'em coming...
                          *grins* Thanks Camy!! Yeah, Addicted to Love is a classic! The idea had been bugging me for ages so I finally sat down and got it out! hehe.
                          Thanks so much for saying I'm "up with the elite" That made my day!

                          Oh, that was too cute. Good job JB! I'll add it to my Youtube favs list.
                          Wow! Thanks Devine! That means so much to me!

                          Just had the opportunity to see your vid and LOVED IT. That was one of my fav songs of the 80's(I'm dating myself here). Anyway, thanks for the great moments between these two and the stroll down memory lane - LOL.

                          *giggle* Thanks! Really glad you liked it, and don't worry. It's one of my fave songs from the 80's and I'm only 19! hehe.

                          I loved the video...really really great...loved the glances they shared,,great clips used in this to a rather upbeat song...great editing in it too...
                          Just as the music was addicted to love,,,well I'm addicted to John & Teyla *lol*
                          thanks for sharing and keep up the great work on videos... going into my special folder on my comp for further enjoyment in the future
                          Aw thanks Nina!! Addicted to JT? Me too!!! hehe.
                          Thanks for the promo pics of JF and RL too!! They're awesome!!!

                          Finally got to a computer where I can get to that site. Lol, I have found some serious issues with the way I conduct my online life. Anyway, JB, I saw your vid and it's truly adorable. I forgot how much I like that song. There was a glance in it from Teyla for John I hadn't seen in slow motion. I think it came from either The Game or Submersion . I thought was interesting from a JT perspective. Overall, I liked seeing all the seasons blended like that. Thanks for sharing.
                          Thanks EC! The slow mo clip I used was from Submersion
                          when John was talking to Elizabeth about coming along. I adored the little look she gave him and I couldn't help but slow mo it! *giggle*

                          Hey guys! Just wrote a quick little fic! And it's rather ironic because I just logged on for the first time since Friday and Camy just saw your little comment about Dr. Hewston. So I guess this one is good timing. I'm a bit rusty as I haven't done much writing over the past year, but I hope you enjoy!

                          I posted it at my LJ or at



                          *gasp* LC! That was amazing! I loved it! Sweaty shirtless Shep... *drool* Hmm... I wonder if that'll happen in the show...?
                          Ah a girl can dream can't she?
                          Thanks for the recs too! They were both really great!

                          Just_breathing, loved your video too! Awesome song, I now have it on my iPod! That's another thing I love about shipper videos, they brings out all these good songs!

                          So much J/T goodness!
                          *giggle* Isn't it though? Thanks so much for watching.

                          As a radio host here in the UK used to say, ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!

                          Really worked in those lovely JT scenes with the song so well. Had me

                          Thanks for posting that JB.
                          Thank you for watching Nick!

                          Here it is.....SORRY, wrong picture at first....EDITED


                          I close my eyes; ashamed, ostracize and abandonment accompany me on this wretched ground. Fury crawls through my raped skin. Anger burns my senses. A dream, a curse, a nightmare; I scream!

                          I close my eyes, again. I see her face. Is she my kindred-spirit or the thief who stabbed my heart? Her words, her beauty, I cannot erase from my dehumanized eyes. Plagued by her disease, haunted with her scent, chastised by her image; Vengeance is mine!

                          I close my eyes. I hear his footsteps echoing his heartbeats. He breathes her scent, hazily listens to her infected words, longing, yearning her senses in his. Like a thief, John Sheppard breached my dreams; watching, wanting, aching, deliriously safeguarding his cherished, Teyla.

                          okay...hope you like it!
                          Oooh! Camy that was greaat! So sweet! Loved the third party prespective. Lovely!

                          Anyway, she asked me politely to continue the saga of little JT the son of John and Teyla from my story Fear & Joy. Camy posted a manip by slodwick of John w/a baby and a story was born...get it, story - born -baby...never mind. We made a deal, we would tag team little JT's life.

                          So based on the artistic genuis of Ms. slodwick and Mama Camy I will now present...drum roll please:

                          Morning: Art by slodwick & Camy
                          Story inspired by said art
                          OMG! Cyn that was amaaaaazing! Really wonderful! I loved it so much! Made me all teary eyed and everything! Thank you so much for sharing this.
                          Camy! Loving the manip! Absolutely gorgeous!

                          BA, fabulous wallie! Ah those promo pics are begging to be played with! hehe.

                          Well, looks like I'm all done... finally caught up! lol

                          And just because I missed it and wanted to post this anyway..
                          John and Teyla are... forever.

                          ~Bec (AKA JB- thought I'd share my real name heh)
                          Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                            What a rapid but thorough catch up BEc...thought i would use ur real name since u chose to share it....I am glad to hear your brother is stable!! that must be a terrifying experience, i hope he can get out of hospital soon!! and makes a full recovery!
                            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                            Thanks Camy!!



                              ok..most random post EVERRR
                              I need the pic of john kissing teyla in conversion.

                              anyone in here have that one on hand.
                              (thought this would be the best place to look.)

                              THANKS SO MUCH!
                              (enjoy the shipping...<3)
                              "You got a name?"
                              "OK -- we'll go with Bob."


                                Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                                Caz, great pic!

                                Hi, all.

                                Here's a challenge for you all: 100-500 words or an art pic or vid.

                                JT snowbound--make us feel the cold, make us feel the snuggles to keep warm. The rest is up to you.


                                Oh, I love this challenge!!! I hope we get to see some classic snuggling fics!!!! LOL! Vid...hmm, I already tried the snow thing on my Christmas vid, so I suppose you could remove the Christmas music to make it work. LOL!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

