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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
    LC, thanks for the synopsis. I'm having trouble getting your vid but it's not you, it's the set-up I'm putting up with working with three computers that do different things. Long explanation. I really should just pack it in and give up some of my old software that will not run if I trade up.

    I will keep trying. It's not on mega...whatever that thing is or yousendit by any chance?

    OT on Teyla's pants:
    I don't think anyone but the expendables and Lorne wear a proper uniform, LC. Maybe Teyla blouses above her boots, but her trousers in Submersion looked like sweatpants to me. I'm reading from Divine and Doxymom that they bloused on the leg, so maybe Teyla does too. We bloused above the boots to tighten up the look of the trousers, then pulled the bloused trousers onto the top of our boots. Picture your mud-slogger's image, only neater, lol. Sorry, ladies, I've never had "blouser" indentations on my leg. Sounds painful. Couldn't show leg skin or socks or any combination thereof while in cammies. But that's the Marines for you.
    Sorry, EC, I didn't get a chance to upload it this morning for you and just got home from work now, so can finally respond to your question! I just uploaded the vid onto megaupload for you, so hopefully this link will work for you!

    For the blousing straps, this is the shot from Submersion I was talking about. I'm assuming these are just gathered (like sweats) and not blousing straps? I just never noticed her pants being gathered before....always thought they were straight-legged. Ah well, just a side note of curiosity.

    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
      Hey all!
      Just a quick fly by post to drop in my new vid... It's just a fun lil' JT ditty with not that much deep and meaningful substance behind it, so dont be expecting the genius of Nina or LC! lol
      Anyways, enjoy! And let me know what you think...
      Addicted to Love- You tube

      I'm working on getting another link to it... Mega upload most likely, but it's being very mean to me at the moment and it's refusing to do anything I ask of it, so I'll try in the morning or something.. it's far too late.. or early.. whichever way you wanna look at it..

      Great vid JB . Love the song and they are addicted to each other as well.


        Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
        Hey all!
        Just a quick fly by post to drop in my new vid... It's just a fun lil' JT ditty with not that much deep and meaningful substance behind it, so dont be expecting the genius of Nina or LC! lol
        Anyways, enjoy! And let me know what you think...
        Addicted to Love- You tube

        I'm working on getting another link to it... Mega upload most likely, but it's being very mean to me at the moment and it's refusing to do anything I ask of it, so I'll try in the morning or something.. it's far too late.. or early.. whichever way you wanna look at it..

        JB! That was FANTASTIC! *my new word*

        And the oldie but a goodie!

        You used some of my favorite moments..Season 1...WOW! I"m sorry but for me, it's still the best season for JT and for everything.....

        and the caps from Season 3..The Ark being my favorite....WOW!

        Love it....You are up there with the elite Stephie and Nina....!

        wooohooo!! ...keep 'em coming...

        Hey, I need some Valentines Vids....any song requests...and where is Bella?


          Originally posted by vaberella View Post
          Besides her looking tired and recovering from a cold (possibly) it was the touch added on to the look, and the tone of her voice. It was just weird. I don't know. I'll leave it alone for now, unless I see an occurance of it again in the future eps.
          VB..I saw it in JB's vid as well because it's in slow's great isn't it?


            Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
            VB, I don't know a *lot* about the comic heroes-
            but I would have thought Shep to be more of a X-Men fan. Now though there is more than 1 female associated w/the team the main team was originally a foursome - right?? With Jean gone, didn't it make the new group primary - Wolverine, Storm, The Professor & the Beast?? Now I can see the team as these heros. John would make a perfect Wolverine, Teyla - Storm, Rodney - the Professor and Ronon - the Beast. In the last movie there was a certain trust noted between Wolverine/Storm. However, this aside I agree the part about the FF seems more geared toward something more on a *personal* level than the actual comparsion(because I sure couldn't believe that John would think of Rodney as the Human Torch ).
            Hi Sunshine!

            Yes, I'm here with you...I don't know much
            about comics...actually I don't know anything about comics..but my husband and kids sometimes watch the animations series and I watch once in a blue moon...Personally, I was thinking about this *sad that in RL I think about this* but I personally always liked Hawk Girl...but isn't she married to the Lantern guy!? And I don't see John as the Lantern Guy....but yeah, the point...there is one....I skimmmed quickly the superheroes that I know..not many I'm afraid.....and I thought the FF was so not the best one to compare the team with...or let me rephrase that..not that it wasn't the best one, but it wasn't the only one that they could have referred to....and certainly there is nothing in comparison to the Torch with Rodney at, yeah...there has to be an underlying intonation there...wooohooo! btw, I Love Storm as well...I always thought Storm should be the woman for Cyclops and not Jane....but then again, I could see Teyla as Jane...Oooooh, see...Jane, doesn't she like read minds or something..and Cyclops wasn't he the leader and a loose canon....and the leader....? Oy, I"m gonna stop now!


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Sorry, EC, I didn't get a chance to upload it this morning for you and just got home from work now, so can finally respond to your question! I just uploaded the vid onto megaupload for you, so hopefully this link will work for you!


              For the blousing straps, this is the shot from Submersion I was talking about. I'm assuming these are just gathered (like sweats) and not blousing straps? I just never noticed her pants being gathered before....always thought they were straight-legged. Ah well, just a side note of curiosity.

              Steph...I Loooove that song by Keith Urban....I play it on my ipod all the time....and you had to do this, didn't you.....Now, I"m off to cry for a bit!
              The scenes in Sunday...AWESOME! Loved it all....and was it me, or did Rodney look HOT in a shirt and tie! Blue is so his color!

              Man, I think I might just develop a new crush!

              *off to cry*

              That was so just not fair....I miss him!

              sorry for spaming the thread...but I really came to share this wonderful gem by Tielan....


                Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                You obviously never saw my post way back when on the resemblance, here's what I did...
                I took out the quotes, cause it was me who posted it...
                Teyla Vs. Jennifer Lopez

                Exactly, like a girl from sonyboard I was talking to..she even told me that when her mum first saw an ep of SGA she asked her, 'How did they get Jennifer Lopez to do this?'
                And here's my proof:

                Jennifer Lopez
                Rachel Luttrell as Teyla

                I'm starting to think they did Teyla's hair on purpose like that because of the facial similarity between the two. It's a conspiracy. I know there are better shots found in Hot Zone and The Gift..I just got what was on hand..
                So when I first looked at that "mother in law" pic, I thought it was a manip with Teyla put into it!! Haha!! Definitely an uncanny resemblance!


                  I"m going to step in for Bella today...Here is one of her challenges...I know cause she sent them to me...*grin*

                  Finish the sentence with one word only! At the end, I'll compile all responses and make it a challenge for a wallie in the Galleria...WOW ME PEOPLE!

                  John and Teyla are.....


                    Isn't it obvious.......

                    John and Teyla are(secretly)........ married.


                      Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
                      Hey all!
                      Just a quick fly by post to drop in my new vid...
                      Addicted to Love- You tube~JB
                      Oh, that was too cute. Good job JB! I'll add it to my Youtube favs list.

                      Camy, thanks for the link to Tielan's lastest. As usual it was perfect. I can so see John trying to get even......Men!


                        John and Teyla are awesome.

                        John and Teyla are breathtaking.

                        John and Teyla are beautiful.

                        John and Teyla are leaders.

                        John and Teyla are strong.

                        Johna and Teyla are compasionate.

                        John and Teyla are soulmates.

                        John and Teyla are unique.

                        John and Teyla are inlove. (its only one word)


                          Where are you cats at...

                          John and Teyla are...


                          Click statement above to read article.


                            okay my answer to Bellas Challenge
                            John and Teyla are soul mates
                            John and Teyla are ace
                            John and Teyla are able to read each others minds
                            John and Teyla are compatible
                            John and Teyla are very attractive
                            John and Teyla are strong
                            John and Teyla are interesting to watch
                            John and Teyla compassionate
                            John and Teyla are amazing together
                            John and Teyla are so right for each other
                            John and Teyla are the best of friends
                            John and Teyla are really caring towards each other
                            John and Teyla are leaders
                            John and Teyla have caring natures
                            and most of all John and Teyla rock
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Sorry, EC, I didn't get a chance to upload it this morning for you and just got home from work now, so can finally respond to your question! I just uploaded the vid onto megaupload for you, so hopefully this link will work for you!


                              For the blousing straps, this is the shot from Submersion I was talking about. I'm assuming these are just gathered (like sweats) and not blousing straps? I just never noticed her pants being gathered before....always thought they were straight-legged. Ah well, just a side note of curiosity.

                              I got it! I got it!

                              Thanks, LC. I just get a warm fuzzy when I watch your vids.

                              Btw, you made me tear up and healed my hurting heart at the same time.

                              So glad you made this.


                                Uh, word answers please! *rolls eyes*

                       took my word.....*pouts*

