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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Nick, to answer your question:
    Yes, Dr. Houston knew who Teyla was talking about. She said she'd get people to go drop him hints and that she thought he was clueless. Plus that Teyla knew him better than she did. So, she knew who they were talking about. They just said his name before the show started.

    Alipeeps! Welcome! I love your work.



      Welcome Ali !!!

      Its great that you like the UST between John and Teyla, and they had some really lovely moments together that made me a very happy shipper.

      Loved you Fic - thanks for the link.

      Hope to see you here again.


        Alipeeps i really really enjoyed 'A World of Hurt:loss'....fantastic as per usual...i reviewed it!!
        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

        Thanks Camy!!


          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
          LC, ever considered using one of Snow Patrol's songs for a JT vid? "Chasing Cars" maybe. Just wondering.
          Ha! That's a lovely idea. I wrote my first fanfic to "Chasing Cars," with LC's video Silent Obsession as inspiration.

          LC, no presuure, lol!


            I've been tempted recently to get into vidding. I had a play with the Windows movie makers prog, or whatever it's called, when editing my video from the London Expo... it's probably not a great programme for vidding and I'll probably be crap at it but I keep thinking of ideas for vids....

            I particularly was thinking of using a Patty Griffin song and doing a vaguely Sheppard POV vid about the people they've lost over during the series... particularly in light of recent events.....


              ooohhh...sounds like it could be a winner Ali! give it a try!
              -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

              Thanks Camy!!


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                I did write a fic which was inspired by the scene in the infirmary - and particularly John's line in that scene - and which deals with the aftermath and features Sheppard and Teyla.. could be seen as mildly shippy if you want to:

                A World of Hurt: Loss (WARNING! Spoilers for events of Sunday - obviously)

                And while we're on the subject, I also took a venture into shippy/erotic fic a while ago and wrote this story (WARNING! DEFINITELY NOT PG!).
                About the tag, very sweet and definitely something I needed to read. Thanks and good job.

                About the OTHER one, whoa. That's me grinning broadly. Well done.


                  thanks for the warning ive redited the post my thoughts on sunday are that it was a well scripted episode i really like the golf scenes between shep and ronan and the fighting scenes i thought they were really hilarious the first scene that came on at the beginning of the episode when teyla was talking to dr houston about liking someone was good she was drpping subtle hints but not revealing too much only that someone had to make the if they had any chance i also love the look on johns face when she saidshe had made other plans with elizabeth when john and ronan was discussing relationships i was shocked to find out shepard had been married before and the look on his face when ronan suggested that he thought threre was always something between him and teyla im really sad that carson had to die in this episode the infirmary scene at the end was really sweet it reminded me of the infirmary scene in the ark but i also liked that he opened up about his feelings to her again i really like those scenes it shows that he trusts her completley and that they have a really strong bond for each other and the funeral scen was very touching i relly enjoyed this episode
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Donna can you put some spoiler tags in your post? Not everyone has seen the episode and under GW rules plot details of current season episodes need to be under spoiler tags.

                    Thanks hon...

                    Thanks to everyone who has said kind things about my fics..


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Donna can you put some spoiler tags in your post? Not everyone has seen the episode and under GW rules plot details of current season episodes need to be under spoiler tags.

                      Thanks hon...

                      Thanks to everyone who has said kind things about my fics..
                      ^^ I sent you some love... My entire idea on a fic now has to change, since I guess great minds think alike. Off to a stupid balcony for me.

                      Hallowed is Canon!!
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        However... if forced at gunpoint to choose a preferred pairing, my leaning has always been towards Sheppard/Teyla... and now I've seen Sunday and, I gotta admit it... I can't help myself from squeeing just a bit over the hints in that ep!

                        Hope you guys don't mind if I hang around in here a bit now and then?
                        Wise of you, although really, no need for 9mm to the side of the head.

                        Welcome! Do stick around.

                        Another fic writer too and you consider vids as well yous ay? Hm, the wealth of the JT thread grows.

                        I'll hopefully read your fic later on today, tad busy right now though, thanks for the links.

                        Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                        Nick, to answer your question:
                        Yes, Dr. Houston knew who Teyla was talking about. She said she'd get people to go drop him hints and that she thought he was clueless. Plus that Teyla knew him better than she did. So, she knew who they were talking about. They just said his name before the show started.

                        Yes you see that's what i thought initially too, and for those same reasons, although i suppose there is some maneuvering room available on the ambiguity front.

                        I suppose it's just, well if Teyla had a friend on Atlantis that she confided in like that, it's a shame, odd, that it really only became apparent now. And now [Sunday], for Dr Houston, is all there will ever was.
                        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 18 January 2007, 08:39 AM.


                          Hi all,

                          Two reasons for the delurk

                          1. Sunday (yes, I am a crazy and have my ways of finding it)


                          Oh my breaking heart. Loved this ep. Fantastic, but devastating as well. This is gonna be tough to come back from. Replicator Carson? Did the wraith beam him out? Oh the possibilities. But, I digress

                          Why is it that Teyla's only female friend (that we know of) is blown up? And isn't Huston a junior scientist in Rodney's dept.? Would she really know Shep that well to drop hints around him? Oh the insanity. There are way too many looks and little touches bet. Teyla and Shep, why else would Ronon think they were, you know. Anywho...

                          2. New fic at
                          Just a little JT subtlty and Carson (he of the beautiful blue eyes ) and Cadman

                          Going to dry my eyes now
                          Last edited by stargazr; 18 January 2007, 08:10 AM. Reason: hopefully this is now fixed (fingers crosseed)


                            I have a confession to make…..okay three:

                            1. I can’t spell. *yells at self, “It’s wave not waive, Nucklehead!*
                            2. I have Chasing Cars on my video list too. I have a lot of songs on my video list, but I still need more clips.
                            3. I saw Sunday…..


                            Well, some of it. I watched John and Ronon:
                            On the pier playing golf – Too funny. John’s competitive streak was shining through.
                            The Satedan game - LOL! That was hilarious! I can’t wait to hear the commentary on that one (if there is one).
                            John’s room – John was so full of it. His face kind of lit up (like it does when Teyla is around) when Ronon asked if he was seeing anyone, then he denies it. He thinking of her the whole time.
                            Arriving on the scene of the explosion – John so lost it! Loved it! *happy dance*
                            Carson’s Search for a fishing partner – I saw the part with Lorne and the ‘nut job’ doctor, but I couldn’t watch the rest. I’ll wait for that.

                            I’m so ashamed. I said I would wait until the shows aired on SciFi, which I will for everything else, but you guys were going on and on and on about how good it was and I couldn’t take it anymore. So I peeked. But since I saw that part it’s okay for me to look at it over and over again right?

                            Oh, Alipeeps! Read your fics……AWESOME! You are an amazing writer.



                              I'm there with you. Couldn't wait, so I'll blame everyone here for enticing me to watch. And I have dial up, so the wait was extra cruel. But it was so worth it. And no, watching it again and again (and again, only if you must) is ok.

                              PS, I will be no longer doing the spoiler thing as I keep messing it up (this is what happens when you post once a month). I'll just pop in periodically to drool and let you know about new fics.



                                Originally posted by stargazr View Post

                                I'm there with you. Couldn't wait, so I'll blame everyone here for enticing me to watch. And I have dial up, so the wait was extra cruel. But it was so worth it. And no, watching it again and again (and again, only if you must) is ok.

                                PS, I will be no longer doing the spoiler thing as I keep messing it up (this is what happens when you post once a month). I'll just pop in periodically to drool and let you know about new fics.


                                You did it right, but you forgot the backslash on the second [spoiler]blah blah blah [spoiler]<--Insert backslash before the s. You can edit it now.

                                As for the show...
                                I still haven't given my review, I keep finding it pointless, since now I pretty much have my confirmation of JT (). I always said it's good to be right. Oh sigh, loving this.

                                Great writing by Alipeeps---are there any new vids coming out to commorate this last ep?

                                Click statement above to read article.

