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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Wait Cyn!! Another cap for you quick! LOL! I need to get to bed, but just wanted to cap this moment quick. This is the one I was talking about in my summary that I just love so much. They are supporting each other both physically and emotionally. So tender and beautiful I thought! Even if it only lasts for about two seconds, LOL!


    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      oooo...thanks and MajorTrip are my favourite people at the moment!!
      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

      Thanks Camy!!


        Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
        It is amazing to read in the episode thread, from non-JT shippers


        That they enjoyed and very much saw the shippy scenes with our fav couple...which is a positive sign!
        Wow, that is really neat!!! I haven't even gone to the ep thread yet. I think I'll save that for tomorrow. Right now, it's getting close to 5am my time and I am going buggy-eyed. Good night, all!!!!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
          oooo...thanks and MajorTrip are my favourite people at the moment!!
          You're very welcome!!!!

          And huge welcome to Gatinha!!!! Thanks for posting!!!!

          And now, I'm really off to bed now! LOL!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by gatinha View Post
            hi everybody...this is my first time in this thread...

            i've been all over in JF/JS thread and before i decided to get into this thread, i was trying to get clear pic about the shipping thing...whether it's J/T or J/E ....

            and considering JS character and all...I found I like J/T much better....coz I think they're really cute together....I can really see that they share unspoken bond...strange chemistry that some people might find it's just a normal long as I knew...JS never try to flirt with TE....and for me....that's really fits JS character...coz he won't try to do something like that to someone he cares deeply or in other words someone he likes more than just friends unless he's really sure he wants everybody to know his feeling towards that person which is very rare, especially with Teyla. I noticed that JS becomes uncomfortable or nervous when talking about relationship with Teyla, he's becoming very cautious.

            Some people say JS has a lot of chemistry with EW coz he's flirting a lot with her and vice versa....but for me looking into Sheppard character, that's just because he sees her as his really good friend. And from the way I see looks like EW more into JS than JS to EW...the way she looks at's a crush...but the way he looks at's flirty kind of look or...the harsh word is look of a jerk (oops sorry!)

            But to Teyla....he always give her this warm look...."I lost words" look...

            What I like about the whole thing is....the actors, the writers, the directors, etc are brilliant enough to make the shipping things come and go in the dialogues but we still can see the essence of it through unspoken words that the actors made on the variuos's very cool....

            And ..... I love the fanfics y'all wrote....espcially about J/T....they did showed me more's way fitted better John and Teyla than John and's's more unique....

            Well, finally I have to admit that i am becoming a J/T shipper now....whew!!!
            G'day gatinha, welcome to the thread.

            But to Teyla....he always give her this warm look...."I lost words" look...
            Liked how you put that [well considered comments], they've formed such a close unique bond over the years, that a look is enough, words are not needed.

            And yes there are some extremely talented people in here, whether that be the writers, those behind the artwork although that is covered in the other thread, and those who do music vids. A wonderful video was posted a page or two back by LC for instance. Then there's the great convo and opinion too.

            I am forever in their debt it seems.

            So, stick around, the only problem is that there aren't enough hours in a day to do it all.
            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 16 January 2007, 02:23 AM.


              Hey Nick you aren't australian are you?? with the whole 'G'day'?!?!?

              sorry OT

              i love our John and Teyla's growing friendship and hopefully something more over this season!
              -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

              Thanks Camy!!


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Wait Cyn!! Another cap for you quick! LOL! I need to get to bed, but just wanted to cap this moment quick. This is the one I was talking about in my summary that I just love so much. They are supporting each other both physically and emotionally. So tender and beautiful I thought! Even if it only lasts for about two seconds, LOL!


                I need a *thank you* hot key today.

                Well if that isn't part of a sig or a vid or a wallpaper by this time next week, i'll eat my boot.

                Even if we consider the sad circumstances , looking back over the last nearly 3 seasons now [how they've flown by], that is a lovely & unique moment. Comparable in its way to the Athosian head-touch in The Return IMO.

                There's that, the scenes i haven't even seen yet, The Ark too, what a 7 days.

                Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                Hey Nick you aren't australian are you?? with the whole 'G'day'?!?!?

                sorry OT

                No, i'm a whinging Pom. But we won a game of cricket today, just, we weren't playing your lot which helped i imagine.

                G'day just seemd a nice thing to say.

                Oh and yes, back on topic.
                Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                i love our John and Teyla's growing friendship and hopefully something more over this season!
                Hear hear, my sentiment also.
                Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 16 January 2007, 02:26 AM.


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Wait Cyn!! Another cap for you quick! LOL! I need to get to bed, but just wanted to cap this moment quick. This is the one I was talking about in my summary that I just love so much. They are supporting each other both physically and emotionally. So tender and beautiful I thought! Even if it only lasts for about two seconds, LOL!


                  * Big hug to Steph* - You're so good to me girlfriend you made my day .
                  Get some sleep , talk at ya tomorrow.


                  Noted on another thread that your transcript and MT's were copied to that thread for highlights on the ep by a lurker. I bring this up for 2 reasons:

                  1. They must know what good members we have here and how well informed, in touch but most of all caring for each other's need to know(good or bad) about the eps.

                  2. I also feel that person knows that the reviews would not be bias but straight forward regardless of how our *ship* was presented. That says a lot to me about how we as J/T fans are apart in so may ways from other fandoms. There seems to be a certain *dignified* way in which we handle the *ship* issue(I refuse to use the know). I feel as I mentioned before it makes for a positive and otherstanding example of how we should conduct ourselves in these matters.

                  Okay, with that said, I reallllllllllllllly am leaving this time...really I am. *Gets up and goes to get coffee*

                  Later Gang


                    Yeah i think it is bed time for me now...i am hoping that when i wake up tomorrow i can actually see the ep for myself....or at least Wikked's caps...or Caz...but she may be just a tiny bit upset!
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                      OK, wow. Sunday...

                      They move to Sheppard's room, and he tells Ronon his game was too much like John's everyday life. They're smashing what appear to be nuts into their foreheads and drinking beer.
                      Not nuts
                      beer cans, lol.


                        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                        No, i'm a whinging Pom. But we won a game of cricket today, just, we weren't playing your lot which helped i imagine.
                        *bites tongue and does not comment*
                        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                        There's that, the scenes i haven't even seen yet, The Ark too, what a 7 days.
                        Oh, heck, yes.

                        It's been a mad week! Up and down, and good and bad - and the good mixed in with the bad...

                        One thing I'm worried about is the association of the J/T moments with Carson's death in the episode. I don't know if it matters that much since their scenes seemed to be primarily about the situation that killed Carson and Carson's death.


                        I think it just hit me. As in bang-smack in the face. Carson's dead. Really dead.


                        (Suddenly Saddened) Sel.


                          Ok I'm going to run in with thoughts on Sunday and most things are spoiled anyway, but hear me out...

                          I study film/TV techniques as a hobby...and I sort of think (hope) that they were dropping a hint by having a parallel of Teyla talking to a friend about it, and John talk to a friend (Ronon) about it. Maybe it's my shipper glasses, but that kind of parallel... I've seen it done in movies.


                            Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                            * Big hug to Steph* - You're so good to me girlfriend you made my day .
                            Get some sleep , talk at ya tomorrow.


                            Noted on another thread that your transcript and MT's were copied to that thread for highlights on the ep by a lurker. I bring this up for 2 reasons:

                            1. They must know what good members we have here and how well informed, in touch but most of all caring for each other's need to know(good or bad) about the eps.

                            2. I also feel that person knows that the reviews would not be bias but straight forward regardless of how our *ship* was presented. That says a lot to me about how we as J/T fans are apart in so may ways from other fandoms. There seems to be a certain *dignified* way in which we handle the *ship* issue(I refuse to use the know). I feel as I mentioned before it makes for a positive and otherstanding example of how we should conduct ourselves in these matters.

                            Okay, with that said, I reallllllllllllllly am leaving this time...really I am. *Gets up and goes to get coffee*

                            Later Gang
                            Hmm, good points.
                            I go to the episode threads a lot and I've been impressed by the way JT fans interact.

                            LC and MajorTrip, wow, I adore you.

                            Thanks for thinking of us.

                            Now, I feel like a marshmallow.
                            Carson isn't dead until I see it. Then I know it's going to bother me, as in make me emotional. Grrr. I get invested in characters when I like a show as much as I like Atlantis.

                            On top of which, I just saw LC's video. So, yep, I'm already emotional.

                            LC, it was beautiful. Your vid captured the beginning of John and Teyla's journey and brought me to the present. It said so much. Not to mention having one of my favorite JT lines. "Your leader looks through me as though I wasn't there." "Do I?" "No." I love the song. I'm passionate about that song. I was goner when the vid started up.

                            Loved it.

                            Thanks for sharing.


                              hey guys ive been at the hospital all night and just come home booted up my comp and came straight on to gateworld and arnt i glad i did sunday sounds like one of the best episodes since sateda and also a sad one R.I.P carson and overall to my joy reading all the scenes about sunday has really cheered me up i cant wait to see the episode im really going to miss carson and it sounded like they did a good job of intergrating the jt scenes in well with carsons death
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                OMGosh…I can’t wait to see this epi. now...

                                Except for the Carson part it sounds fantastic.

                                Also, boy were you guys right on the money about Ronon in the Return I being aware of something brewing between the two; once he took that step back with that knowing look on his face in order to give them their space for their private goodbye, many of you called it.

                                ...and I was right there nodding my head.

                                Bye the Bye, thanx sooooo much LC/MT for sparing us the agony of having to wait for these spoilery goods.

                                Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou...

