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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post

    Now, I know I said I would leave...but I just had to share this one since this seems to be the videos's not JT, it's a Teyla vid....but it has mainly JT moments...and I love the moment from Condemned when John tries to immitate Teyla with breaking the stick in half and gets hurt in the end...LOL

    love it!

    Okay, off to cook now for real.....
    Thanks for that Camy - great vid - I so wish we could have more sparring or fighting of any sort scenes with Teyla - and Teyla/John of course - they just sizzle in these scenes.


      Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
      These are my thoughts on the areas that I've hightlighted:
      Since it mentioned in your previous post that these verse are not one isolated show/ep.
      I getting - Micheal returns w/*vengerence* on his mind, thus the disapperance of Carson.
      Carter arrives to help Atlantis prepare in light of the news about the Replicators new building project(First Strike?) and when they get cut off from earth.
      Rodney finds out Jennie is w/child and he wishes he was there for her.
      Not sure about the *innocence lost*, but I think that last line has reference to Carson.


      LOL, Steph's up on these things let's see what she thinks when she gets back - LOL.

      LOL! I'm back...sort of! I've had computer problems and have been sick, but am back at work right now and trying to get caught up. Have to run, but just wanted to comment. I love puzzles! Here are my first thoughts after an initial read. I'm sure these may change as I read more again later when I have time!

      The dawn of each season brings ideas galore
      Some which survive, others shown the door,
      Like that time travel story, or the love romp not done,
      Or the Dark Daniel arc trimmed from six tales to one. (General stories that didn't make the cut or that got changed along the way…a time travel story, a love romp, and a Daniel story trimmed from 6 ep to one. Although I have not heard of Daniel being in any of the later eps of Season three, so maybe he's in First Strike or whatever ep Amanda makes her appearance in early S4).
      We begin each new year with the best of intentions,
      Seeking to craft our inspired inventions.
      But conditions are altered, storylines change,
      From the original notion so far may they range.

      So as we look forward to two thousand and seven,
      I can’t help but think it would truly be heaven,
      To see the ideas pitched out, some produced,
      Make it as finals, not crossed out or reduced.

      Atlantis assailed by the stuff of nightmares,
      While the team will explore that dark sunken lair. (Submersion was intended to be a continuation of Gift, which would tie in the nightmares and dark sunken lairs)

      For one player worship, adoration and fame, (Rodney, in the Game)
      As he and his rival find it’s more than a game. (The Game)

      Receive a grand gift from an all-seeing shaman. (Perhaps Tao of Rodney, although it was a device, not a Shaman. No spoilers in this regard for remaining eps, so could also be S4).
      Find the wraith and our allies have something in common. (I'm guessing Vengeance and First Strike, we know they deal with the return of Michael and the wraith)

      A tech-savvy group who progress via pillage. (Perhaps Irresponsible?)
      A wild west High Noon in an inapt Dutch village. (Irresponsible)

      Too late the value of that friendship he’ll learn. (I'm guessing Rodney, either in Tao or in connection to something upcoming, like Carson's disappearance)
      A strange disappearance feeds another’s dark turn. (Carson's disappearance leads to a dark turn for another…hmmmm!!!! This is a new spoiler! Who could be that affected??)

      Find survivors concealed in an orbiting rock, (The Ark)
      While the thinker receives an enlightening shock. (Who would be the thinker? Maybe Elizabeth, Rodney (Tao), or Kate? Or a guest character? No spoilers in reference to this that I know of…maybe S4).
      Mutations discovered, O’Neill is all wet. (Return Part 2)
      With a change of location all will forget. (Hmm, I don't recognize these spoilers either…nothing mentioned so far of any kind of memory loss or amnesia type results. Progeny was earlier than this. So perhaps S4 again?)

      Hyperion’s wrath threatens total destruction. (Vengeance, First Strike)
      Our hand will be forced by ominous construction. (Vengeance, First Strike….but more First Strike with the Asuran's return forcing drastic action)

      Carter arrives; a reunion of sorts. (First Strike or S4. S4 is my guess since no indication as of yet she will be in First Strike)
      One of our own the enemy courts. (Ohhh! Another new spoiler! S4 most likely. This would be tied to someone taking a dark turn after Carson's disappearance)
      Isolation imposed and a grand battle looms, (First Strike)
      While an alien contact this player dooms.

      Self-doubt for one, parenthood for another, (Someone doubts themselves, that could be anyone. Someone has a baby!!!! It could just be Mrs. Miller though as the next line seems to hint)And that brilliant young mom may be needing her brother. (Perhaps the baby is just from Rodney's sister..she's brilliant and might be returning for more of Rodney's help. I don't know who else they would term "brilliant," no offense to Weir or Teyla, LOL! I am very intrigued by this spoiler. Definitely S4. It's not one of the men, since we're told it's a young Mom, so the options are limited. If not Rodney's sister, then my second guess based off the brilliant would be Sam. Otherwise we've got Elizabeth, Teyla, Kate, or Katie).
      From innocents lost he’ll produce strict adherence (Again, perhaps S4 as no indication to this as of yet. Unless perhaps there are lost lives in Vengeance resulting in some new protocol) While the late fallen one makes a surprised reappearance (Ford or Carson returns, but I'm guessing Carson since he would be the "late fallen one.")
      Scheduling conflicts, production demands, (TBTB are busy, LOL)
      Changes necessitate all won’t go as planned.
      But let’s hope these ideas do well find their way,
      And all see the light of a t.v. one day. (Let's hope so too! Hehe!)

      Ok, I'm off to a meeting. I'll try to get caught up on the rest of the posts later on tonight!

      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
        Guys, I'm going to put this in SPOILER tags. There's a blog J. Mallozzie does and supposedly he's recently posted a bunch of stanzas related to Stargate Atlantis' season 3's back half and some season 4 stuff.
        Here's a link to the thread and I'll just mention the one that's cool:

        According to JM: "The rhyme touches on every episode in the back half of Atlantis season 3 (no front half references), as well as a good chunk of the stories we're working on for season 4. Only one of the stanzas refers to only one episode. The others refer to two and occasionally more."

        Here's the part of the thing that's got me going:

        The dawn of each season brings ideas galore
        Some which survive, others shown the door,
        Like that time travel story, or the love romp not done,
        Or the Dark Daniel arc trimmed from six tales to one.

        Good luck and enjoy.
        Forgot to say, THANKS EC, for posting this!!! I only check out Joe's blog on occasion, so I would have totally missed this! Thanks!!

        JB--Thank you so much for sharing your vids! They are great! I'm sorry to be so late in responding to them. Like Nina said, the song choice is so important, and you did a great job with yours! Thank you!!

        Nina--I know exactly what you mean about early vids! Mine are pretty awful, LOL! Luckily it was another fandom that had to suffer through them, hehe. You really do learn more with each one, so true! Thanks again for yours as well!! Oh, and A Hurting Heart was mine, thank you!

        Cyn, wow, thank you! I am honored to be on your list! One of my favorites is the Desire/Animal Attraction one as well! I also love OBFreak's Unfaithful a lot. Normally I wouldn't be a huge fan of something showing Teyla being unfaithful, LOL, but that vid is just so beautifully done. AfterThought makes beautful team vids. One of my all-time favorite vids is her "Escape From the Wraith" vid. Not J/T of course, but oh, my jaw drops open when I see that one! Snoopoony is extremely talented with her vids as well, although they are S/W ones, so probably not ones you guys would want to see, LOL! But if you ever want to just see a good vid, you should check hers out. She also makes beautiful Prison Break ones if anyone is a fan of that show. Melibabe has made some great J/T vids, although I haven't seen any recent ones from her. Kitikatzz's Half An Acre is another gorgeous vid. It's listed as J/T, but seems like more of a team vid to me. But wow, she is talented!! Jemo's Taking Over Me is another beautiful J/T vid. That's one I don't think was rec'd here yet. Hmm, I'll have to find links if you guys are interested! So much talent out there, it's just incredible! But I have to admit, I have a soft spot for AfterThought's SGA vids, even though they aren't J/T. She is something I aspire to be!

        SC, it was a while ago, but just wanted to say thank you again for helping me find some stars in Farscape! LOL! I was laid up this weekend with limited computer access, so spent much of the last three days sleeping or watching Farscape DVD's and I found the star scene you mentioned in ep 205. It's perfect!!! Thank you!!!

        Camy, welcome back!!! Hope you had a great holiday!

        BA, Nina, I love your guys' conversations! Awesome! And thanks for all the updates on Trials of Faith! I'm not as impressed by the latter half of the story as I was with the first half, but it's still a good read. And BA, congrats on over 1100 posts now!!!

        EC, just had to say one more time, thank you for your stories!!! I am so addicted to them now, LOL! Camy, you have to make the time to read her latest one! It's brilliant! And I'm so hoping for an interlude to this one as well! *hint, hint* But seriously, there is so much AMAZING talent out there, so many from this thread especially that I simply love and adore! But you and Tielan are my two ultimate favorite SGA authors! Still can't believe Tielan wrote 95 fics in 2006! WOW! I was lucky to get out one fic and a few vids, LOL!

        Anyway, that's about the most I can do right now to get caught up! I hope I haven't missed anyone. Thank you so much for your talent and for the recs!!

        Here's to an amazing 2007!!!!!!

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Where did everyone go???? I've been talking to myself for the last six hours! LOL! I'm starting to develop a complex.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Where did everyone go???? I've been talking to myself for the last six hours! LOL! I'm starting to develop a complex.
            Hey Steph,
            I'm here for a bit, taking a break. I was wondering if there was anyway you could provide links for some of the vid makers you spoke of, I would like to check them out. I did see Half an Acre



              I had a thought based on something Steph mentioned on the verses:

              Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
              December 31, 2006

              Carter arrives; a reunion of sorts.
              One of our own the enemy courts.

              I had a thougt on this based on something Racheal mentioned in an interview and I don't remember where I read it, but she speaks of meeting an old Wraith Queen. Submersion is suppose to a spin-off or continuation of The Gift, like LC mentioned, possibly since it speaks of the team exploring in one verse a dark sunked lair maybe this is where Teyla mets or imagines meeting the Wraith Queen.


              Again, good luck.
              JMO or better yet quess,



                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                I had a thought based on something Steph mentioned on the verses:

                JMO or better yet quess,

                Hey Cyn! I thought the same thing!

                I don't remember at the moment where it came from either, but I too remember reading or hearing that Teyla would encounter an old wraith queen in Submersion. I remember it because I remember wondering at the time how on earth a wraith queen could survive underwater in Atlantis all this time without being detected or without causing Teyla constant nightmares from being so close! So perhaps she is somehow awakened and Teyla hasn't been able to sense her while she slept?? Although you'd think the city sensors would also pick up the wraith, LOL! So yeah, I still haven't quite figured that one out yet. But anyway, just wanted to say, I remember the same thing, so we must have read it or heard it somewhere. Seems like it was recently too. But yeah, that's why I was guessing Submersion for those verses since we know from the writer, Ken C., that he originally intended it to be a continuation of Gift, although it got changed a lot. So it's possible nightmares are referring to this ep. And I'm pretty confident that the sunken darken lair is for sure Submersion since it fits the spoilers so nicely. It will be fun to see how the new eps unfold and how they all fit into the puzzle! Fun!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  im just wandering if anybody knows any more details about the episode vengence yet as gate world hasnt poted any more in fo on it at all and has sunday aired yet
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                    Hey Steph,
                    I'm here for a bit, taking a break. I was wondering if there was anyway you could provide links for some of the vid makers you spoke of, I would like to check them out. I did see Half an Acre

                    I'll try to find links for you! Let's see:




           (I just realized I had a typo. Melibabe has NOT made J/T vids. I was confusing her with melpomene ( http://www.stargate-intel/members/melpomene/), who does make J/T vids, although her site seems to be down right now. But it was Melibabe's work I was remembering. She has been nominated for many awards and it's easy to see why! Both of them do great work!


                    Snoopoony: (S/W vids and PB among other fandoms. She doesn't have a permanent home page yet, so is hosting them on filefont right now. Not a J/T shipper or vidder, but extremely talented. She has helped me immensely! I owe much of A Hurting Heart to her wonderful talent. She and my dear friend Audrey are my vid mentors and teachers. I get most nervous showing my work to them because their approval means the world to me. Then there's Cyn, Mayra, Rachel (the other vidder on my little site), Camy, LOL! My list of mentors goes on and on. So many wonderful people have helped me at different times with different vids.

                    So again, these are all SGA vids, but many of them are not J/T vids. I just recommend them if you want to see some great vids for the work themselves, not just for the content. (If that makes any sense at all, LOL!)

                    But anyway Cyn, there you go!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      im just wandering if anybody knows any more details about the episode vengence yet as gate world hasnt poted any more in fo on it at all and has sunday aired yet

                      Hey Donna! I can't think of anything more about this ep either yet. Although I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind something new did come out recently. I'll look for you when I'm more awake tomorrow if no one else answers before then. It's almost 3:30am for me right now, so I better get to bed.
                      But I just wanted to say, I love your new sig!!! Beautiful!!! And I also wanted to ask how you're doing? Last I remember, you were under the weather. I hope you're feeling better now!

                      Oh and no, Sunday hasn't aired quite yet. Ark (we think!) airs on the 8th and then finally Sunday (we THINK!) on the 15th. So two more weeks to go for Sunday. We have no official confirmation on the ep order, just the air dates. Although one of the writers, Ken C, and the SciFi site that EC posted a few pages back show this order, so I think we're pretty safe to assume it's Ark, then Sunday.
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        im just wandering if anybody knows any more details about the episode vengence yet as gate world hasnt poted any more in fo on it at all and has sunday aired yet
                        Donna, just wanted to say I love your new sig also . Also hope you are well and I think Steph is right. Jan 8 is suppose to be the air date for the Ark, then Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing the Ark also, it looks promising.



                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          I'll try to find links for you! Let's see:




                 (I just realized I had a typo. Melibabe has NOT made J/T vids. I was confusing her with melpomene ( http://www.stargate-intel/members/melpomene/), who does make J/T vids, although her site seems to be down right now. But it was Melibabe's work I was remembering. She has been nominated for many awards and it's easy to see why! Both of them do great work!


                          Snoopoony: (S/W vids and PB among other fandoms. She doesn't have a permanent home page yet, so is hosting them on filefont right now. Not a J/T shipper or vidder, but extremely talented. She has helped me immensely! I owe much of A Hurting Heart to her wonderful talent. She and my dear friend Audrey are my vid mentors and teachers. I get most nervous showing my work to them because their approval means the world to me. Then there's Cyn, Mayra, Rachel (the other vidder on my little site), Camy, LOL! My list of mentors goes on and on. So many wonderful people have helped me at different times with different vids.

                          So again, these are all SGA vids, but many of them are not J/T vids. I just recommend them if you want to see some great vids for the work themselves, not just for the content. (If that makes any sense at all, LOL!)

                          But anyway Cyn, there you go!
                          Thanks Steph, I'll check these out. You know I'm trying to into vidding, so watching vids regardless of the fandom of good quality will help me. I maybe able to start doing something since things are slowing down a bit.

                          Thanks again,


                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

                            SC, it was a while ago, but just wanted to say thank you again for helping me find some stars in Farscape! LOL! I was laid up this weekend with limited computer access, so spent much of the last three days sleeping or watching Farscape DVD's and I found the star scene you mentioned in ep 205. It's perfect!!! Thank you!!!


                            No Problemo!!! My pleasure, i mean it was terribly difficult for me to sit down and watch farscape looking out for a star really!!!
                            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                            Thanks Camy!!


                              Originally posted by NinaM
                              Another J/T video...uhm maybe not really an J/T video...but my second John video that was made for the episode Common Ground had a small feeling of a J/T video.... but other then that nope no true J/T video...don't know why I end up doing John videos for the most part *lol*

                              But I'm glad you enjoyed the video....thanks Camy...
                              You know I was trying to think of where I saw that vid and who did it. I loved that vid...the sense of atmosphere and John's hope & despair. You did a wonderful job w/it. Did you post the link for that one? If not could you? I'm making a CD of all my fav JT/SGA vids. I'll really appreciate it



                                Where the heck is everybody? Page 2? WHAT!

                                Hey, I"m going to have to charge a fee for my artwork....a fic or a vid for a sig!


                                I just got dizzy laughing out loud on my own comment! LOL

