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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    for those of you who liked this story......Trials of Faith.....the writer has updated and its getting really good...It is rated M....


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Witchy, thought you might consider this one for your rotating sig as well...LOL

      oh coolies...more the merrier......

      Hey that's earth's gate isnt' it?...tsk tsk tsk...voyeurs...*lol*

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        now, how the heck can you tell the difference...I don't think so..but who knows...LOL

        A gate is a gate....LOL

        any gate looks good with John and Teyla.....

        I like the colors in this one..but I think I highlighted it too much and it's too bright...oh, don't have to use it!

        okay...I'm out for now...

        Any JT Xmas fics anyone!?

        We need a prompt here.....we need to write more fics...


          The Game:

          I liked it alot. Mostly smiled during the parts with Zelenka, and Lorne, those were too good. Thought, Nola sounded ALOT like Mckay, and uncanny, how I wanted to smack her a few times. Badon, he got Sheppard down pat though, though Shep's expression when he talked about the next move being to mount and attack hilarious. Really Really loved Shep and Teyla being together, as someone else said, I really thought it would have been Shep and Ronon since Ronon seemed happy to hear that Shep improved his army at the beginning. Really thought it was cute also when Teyla leaned over to touch Shep's arm in the beginning to ask what he name his country.

          And just for Trippy....*omgomgshepandteylagoingtothevillagetogetherissoooooAWESOME*..

          back to regular schedule program....
          Anyway, here's a far reaching Shippiness, We know they control how their people look, but anyone else find it interesting that Badon's second in command was a woman, with dark hair?....IMPRINTING????

          Ok that's reaching but dang it, I feel deprived....

          ok off to fix my siggy.....

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            now, how the heck can you tell the difference...I don't think so..but who knows...LOL

            A gate is a gate....LOL

            any gate looks good with John and Teyla.....

            I like the colors in this one..but I think I highlighted it too much and it's too bright...oh, don't have to use it!

            okay...I'm out for now...

            Any JT Xmas fics anyone!?

            We need a prompt here.....we need to write more fics...
            hehehe...the chevron on the left looks unlocked, and the symbols are weird, and maybe the gate is a darker color....but hey i might be wrong.... ...

            highlighting can never be too bright, just check out the TOR sig's atlantis background....
            the original:

            highlighted version:

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
              oh coolies...more the merrier......

              Hey that's earth's gate isnt' it?...tsk tsk tsk...voyeurs...*lol*
              *lol* I think you are right,,it's the earth gate...
              The symbols don't look like that on the Atlantis gate...their gate have dots that light up and form the symbol.. earth gate don't have that..their symbols are just formed shape...

              And hehe like you said WB - Earth is looking in ,,, hrmm sneaky ones,, peeking at some loving moment between the two...didn't think the gate was used for that kind of activity...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                The Game:


                And just for Trippy....*omgomgshepandteylagoingtothevillagetogetherissoooooAWESOME*..
                ROFL! You know me too well.
                Originally posted by WitchBlade007

                Anyway, here's a far reaching Shippiness, We know they control how their people look, but anyone else find it interesting that Badon's second in command was a woman, with dark hair?....IMPRINTING????
                Ok that's reaching but dang it, I feel deprived....
                The Game
                I notced that, too. Also, did you note how their positions mirrored each other? Don't know that it's shippy, but it's amusing.

                I liked this, too. Can't say it'll be a favorite, but not bad at all. Once again, Teyla was not featured much, and it wouldn't be so glaring if it didn't happen in back-to-back-to-back episodes. Looking forward to the last five eps, though.

                I didn't see the ending coming. I loved how Sheppard and McKay were like little boys in trouble, as well as Lorne and Zelenka. I have to say I'm tickled by Zelenka in the way that I'm tickled by Carson. They rarely feature prominently, but when they're there, it's worth the screen time.

                I also liked the beginning with Rodney's moral dilemma problem. Foiled by the team. And in the PJ, too. The competitiveness between Sheppard and McKay is fun to watch; they're like the Odd Couple. Their leaders mirrored them perfectly. I loved that bit. And the portraits of McKay everywhere. That made me laugh out loud. I liked Dr. Weir in this one, too, minding the kids so to speak.

                Overall thumbs up, but I'm ready for some action now.
                Sig by Camy


                  The Game

                  I did overall like it but I just feel we are getting the McShep road show. I would like to see them do something a bit grittier. Give Sheppard some serious stuff to do - not pulling funny faces for most of the ep. The Shep/Teyla moments were great and I looooooooooved how she reached out to him in the Jumper and how she was with him all the time.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    The Game

                    I did overall like it but I just feel we are getting the McShep road show. I would like to see them do something a bit grittier. Give Sheppard some serious stuff to do - not pulling funny faces for most of the ep. The Shep/Teyla moments were great and I looooooooooved how she reached out to him in the Jumper and how she was with him all the time.
                    I agree.

                    The Game and other general S3 spoilers
                    I think TPTB have made their point regarding Sheppard and McKay's relationship and their Odd Couple-like friendship. I'm ready for the women to get the same kind of episodes that these two get, for one thing, and also I'm ready to see the character moments that McKay gets for other characters.

                    I want more grit and more action, like now. The stand alone episodes are fine, but I very much like the story arcs. I like continuity and mythology in the series. And I like the bad guys. As far as I'm concerned, bring on the baddies.

                    I like Sheppard in these type of episodes, but I don't care that they're so close together with no break between. I feel Sheppard is at his best in action/grit episodes, and it's been a few episodes since we saw that Sheppard. Now we have to wait for Jan. 8, I think?
                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                      I agree.

                      The Game and other general S3 spoilers
                      I like Sheppard in these type of episodes, but I don't care that they're so close together with no break between. I feel Sheppard is at his best in action/grit episodes, and it's been a few episodes since we saw that Sheppard. Now we have to wait for Jan. 8, I think?
                      The Game..

                      I agree - I do like the banter between Rodney and John and I loved how it was played out in Echoes but here it just seemed too much IMO (for such a serious topic - they almost caused a war between these people) and Shep just seemed a bit too dorky at times. It was a fun ep but maybe there have been too many of these lighthearted eps for my liking, and I really would like to see Shep get a more meatier, gritty and emotonal role. He excels in these but is not given enough IMO. I don't want to see them behave like children and have Weir act like their mother chastising two naughty boys.


                        Witchy, your temporary sig made me laugh so hard! LOL!

                        I'm running late, so I'll come back later to read the other posts and answer PM's,but just wanted to send a quick summary on the Game:

                        So far, the ep is getting good reviews, so I must be in the minority, but I thought it was a bit boring! LOL! Pretty much what we expected with this one! J/T had some working screen time together at least, so I guess that is better than nothing!

                        So of course, this was mostly the John and Rodney show yet again. Lots more of their bickering and banter back and forth which I love and think is funny, but felt a little overdone to me again in this one. I think I might have liked this one better if it hadn't come right after Tao. Just too much John/Rodney back to back for me I suppose! Ronon and Teyla were with John and Rodney a lot, but were mostly just there in the background again. GRRRR! Very annoying! But with that said, we did get a few TINY little things at least!

                        The opening scene is the team eating lunch again. Yay! I love those scenes, LOL! But this time, Teyla was across the table from John. They have a funny discussion from an ethical question Rodney asks them. They're called to the control room where Lorne's team showing them video footage of a village they're visiting. They have flags hanging in the street with Rodney's face on them. John and Rodney recognize the flags as being the same one from a game they've been playing for the past two years. They show Weir the game room as they call it and brief flashback of Rodney finding it shortly after they arrived in Atlantis. They've been playing it for the past two years, where each controls a village. Rodney has been cheating and giving them technical advances while John has been building up his army.

                        The team is in the puddle jumper flying to the village Lorne found, and John and Rodney tell Ronon and Teyla more about the game, bickering about the way each plays. This part is really cute! Rodney named his village after a girl in college. Teyla smiles, looks at John. She is sitting behind him since Rodney is in the co-pilot seating working on the computer. She reaches forward and touches John on the shoulder and asks him, "What did you call your country?" So YAY! That is our little moment in this ep, hehe! And we don't even get to see her hand on her shoulder, the camera stays on her the entire time. But it's very clear she is touching him briefly when she asks him the question. So anyway, nothing shippy, but still a cute tiny little moment. John didn't change the name of his country, kept the existing name.

                        They go into the village and realize it's exactly the same as Rodney's game village. Realize the people in the game are real, that it must have been an Ancient social experiment and not a game after all. The villagers and their leader, a blonde woman since Rodney likes blondes, think Rodney is an oracle and bow down to him. They tell the village the truth, but aren't really believed at first. In their conversation, it comes up that John's village is real too. John, Teyla, and Ronon go there, but it isn't shown.

                        The next scene is their coming back with the leader of John's village. A hardened military/warrior type guy, rough and bald. The two leaders are fighting and on the brink of war. The state they were at peace until a few years ago. John and Rodney are of course to blame, although mostly Rodney from his cheating with the game, lol.

                        They bring the two leaders back to Atlantis and show them the truth. The leaders realize they are only men, not gods. There is also a few scenes with Weir working with Lorne and Zalenka in the game room, trying to learn more about it. Lorne and Zalenka get sucked into it and start a game of their own. Cute scene with them arguing like John and Rodney and Weir catching them like two little boys with their hands in the cookie jar. Weir plays the mom role in this ep with all the boys behaving like naughty two year olds, lol. First with John and Rodney, then with Lorne and Zalenka. (Can anyone tell me how to spell his name by the way?!)

                        Anyway, then kind of a long scene with Elizabeth and the two village leaders trying to negotiate, but they just argue more and can't agree. This scene could have been a lot shorter. I found it hard to stay interested in two guest characters arguing for so long.

                        Go back to the villages and both armies are already preparing for war. Rodney's side is also digging a tunnel and stealing coal in land that belongs to John's side. This sparks more tension and despite John and Rodney trying to convince their leaders to find a peaceful solution, it keeps escalating until John's side attacks the mine. They are lucky though that there were no causalities.

                        They eventually split up and Ronon stays with Rodney and John and Teyla go to John's village. So they have more scenes together here, but all mission based, all arguing with the leader guy. Rodney's side then reveals they have managed to make a bomb and a blimp ship to deliver it. John and Teyla fly the jumper and shoot down the blimp to stop the bomb. Still no causalities. John and Rodney constantly bickering over radio.

                        The Daedalus then appears and beams the four up. Weir sent it to help them. John says they have to come up with a plan. They then beam back down to their villages and it suddenly looks like both sides are being attacked by the other with massive explosions and both leaders realize they've lost. Then they reveal the attacks were simulations meant to show them what would happen if they insist on war. Both sides agree to work it out.

                        Final scene back in the city, John and Rodney are playing chess in the mess hall. Weir talks to them briefly and then John wins the chess game. Rodney sputters and says it's impossible for John to beat him as the camera fades to black. Cute scene between them.

                        So nothing shippy at all and even the J/T working together scenes weren't overly exciting because it was mostly John and village guy arguing and Teyla standing in the background saying a line once in a while. But I'm glad they were at least paired up together and I'm hopeful that now after this one, we should get a lot better Teyla moments and then hopefully a few J/T moments in the next three eps, Ark, Sunday, and Submersion. So now we just have to wait the three weeks until the next ep airs.

                        So I didn't hate this one at all and it had some cute or funny moments, but I just wasn't very impressed by it either. It could be because I'm half asleep and maybe missing things too though, LOL! But that was my initial impression at least. Just kind of a so-so ep for me! But like I said, almost everyone seemed to love it, so maybe it will grow on me when I watch it again!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Well I felt just like you LC

                          The Game..
                          was not my favourite ep and I liked it even less on second viewing. The McKay/Shep banter was overdone IMO and I just thought John pulled too many faces and came across as a bit dorky. I wasn't too disappointed in the Teyla scenes - I thought she had a fair amount of sceentime and I love how she was with Shep the whole time - well when he wasn't bickering with McKay that is. It seemed like too many silly villagers again and that village scene seems to be the same one they use in every village scene. Hopefully the eps in the new year will rev up the action and be a bit more serious and should have a lot more Teyla and John/Teyla moments.


                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                            hehehe...the chevron on the left looks unlocked, and the symbols are weird, and maybe the gate is a darker color....but hey i might be wrong.... ...

                            highlighting can never be too bright, just check out the TOR sig's atlantis background....
                            the original:

                            highlighted version:
                            OOOOOOOHHHH! got to use that one for a wallie! thanks WITCHY!


                              Ok, now that I have a few more minutes, I'll try to get caught up!

                              Cyn and Nick, thank you both soooo much for your comments on the vid!!! I really appreciate so much!!!!

                              Donna, your slideshow is lovely! Thank you so much for making it and sharing it!!!

                              Camy, gorgeous banner!!!! Love J/T in the gate, whether it's Pegasus or Earth, LOL!

                              Witchy, that is a very cool pic of the city!!! Love all the highlights! So pretty!!!

                              Ok, I think that's everything.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                LOOKIE - I got it to work ! All of it. Amazing what a little sleep does for the brain -LOL.

                                Thanks Camy & Steph for the help.

                                Be back to join in the on topic fun the way...what does the red dot mean by my name. I did have green.


