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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Like I said, plot bunny attack. LOL

    thats the nice thing about drabbles. you can crank them out in no time (this one took me all of 10 minutes LOL) and defang the plot bunny.
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      wow i only came on the thread this morning and cant believe how much ive missed all the discussions thats going on and i cant help but agree with you ninam i never get bored of this thread its what keeps me going from day to day because having four children bringing them up on your qwn 24/7 is hard and this thread is a source of fresh air for me a time on my own that i can get into my only interest which is atlantis and shepard and teyla like ninam said its aplace i can come and be my self and express my feelings and own thoughts on my favourite couple and it is always ajoy reading what every one else writes and the stories you all do i love reading them when my children are in bed and i eseacially look forward to each week for the spoilers of all the episodes and reading if there was any jt moments in them
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        That's a very good point Sheylafen...does Ronon even want to get in another relationship knowing what happens in the end.

        And not only that...Joe said in a con that there could never be rivalry between his character and Ronon because they are friends and friends don't let a woman get in their, if Ronon finds out that John or Teyla have feelings for each other...he's not going to cross that line...and I think John feels the same way...that's why I wonder if that look he gave Ronon was a look of looking if he was there for her other than as a friend? and by the way he acts sometimes...meaning get the feeling that he knows that these two have feelings for each other...I mean, remember duet, Aurora, Inferno...and now TR1....clearly Ronon has to at least suspect that something is lurking there...would he dare challenge that...I don't think so...Ronon sees Teyla as his big sister....

        I don't know it was just something about it....and then you have to wonder....what if Ronon does find out that one of them has feelings for the other...?

        Good grief, I go away for a boring 5 hour work meeting and come back to find three pages of discussion! You guys are awesome! So I'm skimming quickly and trying to play catch up (still at work). I was just about to make these same points, Camy, to your previous post asking about John and Ronon, but you kind of answered your own question I think.

        There is absolutely no rivalry between John and Ronon, nor will there ever be. Both the characters and the actors have been very clear about this. John set the precedent right away with Ronon about Teyla in ep 204, Duets, and Ronon has always taken the backseat with Teyla since then. John and Ronon have an unspoken agreement about Teyla and both fiercely watch over her. But when it counts and when necessary, Ronon always takes the step back for John. We have seen that again and again and as BA pointed out, we saw that most recently in Return Part 1 and in Echoes.

        As I commented yesterday, John trusts Ronon to take care of her when he can't. I love your guys' discussion about John being unable to sit still while the city is in danger. This is spot on and this is why Ronon steps up and fiercely protects Teyla. If John had been able to be there, you can guarantee Ronon would have taken that step back, as he did when John did come to her bedside.

        They have a perfectly balanced and understood relationship. I love that.

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          I'm only skimming quickly, so I apologize if I missed something or if this was already said, but wanted to comment on two things.

          The carrying thing. It was a great moment between John and Elizabeth and I can completely understand why J/W shippers would be excited over it. It's the same way we were excited over John carrying Teyla in Phantoms; because it was a great moment. But it was neccessity. It was not shippy. I said the same thing about John carrying Teyla in Phantoms back when it aired. That was also not shippy. I loved it, and I loved it for all the implications it has to the underlying subtlies of the story. But it was not overt shippiness. And neither was John carrying Elizabeth. It was a simple necessity. I personally don't even understand how anyone could think otherwise! If that had been Kate or Rodney or gate guy, he would have done the same thing! (Although probably fireman style if it had been a guy!) That also goes back to my old arguments back when Phantoms aired. I never understood the ribbing from other shippers that John thought she was a guy. I won't get into it again other than to repeat, you don't carry a man craddled to your chest, you carry him fireman style. And in John's vision world, he did carry the man that way. But in reality, he carried Teyla close to his chest. I still think some part of him knew instinctively it was Teyla. But anyway, I digress.

          Sparring differences. I love the continued discussion on this! As I said yesterday, there is a marked difference in how Teyla spars with John vs. others. Love all your comments about the differences in body language! There is even a difference in the direction and lighting of the scenes. John and Teyla's sparrings are done in warm tones of pinks, reds, oranges, and sunlight. Ronon's sparring scenes have both been in cool tones of blues and grays without any rays shining through the window. It is seduction and play vs. sport and business.
          I also noticed that her cheeky grin she gives to Ronon is the same one she gave to him in Lost Boys when they were hyped up and trying to best the other. It is a grin of challenge and ribbing. Pure sibling rivalry.
          I love how well these actors play up on the differences in their interactions with each other. Body language and facial expressions can sometimes be hard to duplicate in pretend, but they do a wonderful job of it!

          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            FCOL. This is what I get for innocently browsing forums. Plot bunny attacks.


            spoiler tag for courtesy


            He smiled and watched her lace her boots before standing. “Carson let you go?”

            Teyla nodded, her expression warm. “Yes. I am fine.”

            “I’m glad.” John looked away. “Teyla, I...”


            He found comfort in her voice and her gaze that found his. “I wanted to be here, but...” his voice trailed off as she raised her hand slightly.

            “You are a leader of this city, John. You did what was necessary... for everyone.”

            He stroked her cheek tenderly, his touch lingering as her hand found his. Words passed through his mind, but instead he was satisfied with silent understanding.
            *claps madly*

            BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!

            LOOOOOVE IT!

            I can so see John doing something like this...I've always said that the writers probably don't do something like this because that is all we need to make this ship completely canon... I mean here we are questioning or reasoning what Ronon's intentions were for Teyla but would we be doing the same if it was John? nope....cause in the end, everything that these two have been through tell us that the feelings between them and the foundation that's already there.......if John ever held Teyla's hand that way..we'd see it in his eyes, we'd see it in her eyes...and like one of you said...Teyla would have fought harder to stay awake...for him...for their love! AW.....

            Steph....I love the continuing discussion of the differences in their sparring...I mean we know that everytime we see Ronon and Teyla spar..she is after one thing...a good work out and showing Ronon what she's got..with John..she can whip him down with just a blink of an she has to go slow...I remember in Conversion..when he was matching and surpassing her every move...I thought there was a hitch of excitement in her voice...remember when she said, Yes, Yes...My goodness that to me was the voice of a woman who was very much feeling the if John took that to the next level...their sparring had never been that intense physically and if we are to believe that in their sparring their is sexual tension then by John moving faster and challenging her really took Teyla by don't see that when she spars with Ronon and her sparring with him is much more physically challenging than with Johns....

            jeepers where is Witchy to translate for me....


            What are you talking about? You didn't see how he had his arms around her waist...I mean common that was shippy!

            You don't think so? What about that look he gave her? You didn't see the look?



              [QUOTE=LoveConquers;6050308]I'm only skimming quickly, so I apologize if I missed something or if this was already said, but wanted to comment on two things.

              The carrying thing. It was a great moment between John and Elizabeth and I can completely understand why J/W shippers would be excited over it. It's the same way we were excited over John carrying Teyla in Phantoms; because it was a great moment. But it was neccessity. It was not shippy. I said the same thing about John carrying Teyla in Phantoms back when it aired. That was also not shippy. I loved it, and I loved it for all the implications it has to the underlying subtlies of the story. But it was not overt shippiness. And neither was John carrying Elizabeth. It was a simple necessity. I personally don't even understand how anyone could think otherwise!
              Yeah, I don't get the whole carrying thing either. She fainted and needed to get to the infirmary - what is shippy about that. I did find it strange why Weir still had her arm around Johns neck when she was ment to be unconsious. She can't even relax against the man - feeling awkward even while unconsious.

              I won't get into it again other than to repeat, you don't carry a man craddled to your chest, you carry him fireman style. And in John's vision world, he did carry the man that way. But in reality, he carried Teyla close to his chest. I still think some part of him knew instinctively it was Teyla. But anyway, I digress.
              Exactly - if John was convinced that he was holding a guy - why cradle him to his chest indeed. I thought the very same thing - John subconsiously knew it was Teyla all along - thats why he spent the whole ep trying to protect her, while he tried to kill anyone else he saw.

              Sparring differences. I love the continued discussion on this! As I said yesterday, there is a marked difference in how Teyla spars with John vs. others. Love all your comments about the differences in body language! There is even a difference in the direction and lighting of the scenes. John and Teyla's sparrings are done in warm tones of pinks, reds, oranges, and sunlight. Ronon's sparring scenes have both been in cool tones of blues and grays without any rays shining through the window. It is seduction and play vs. sport and business.
              I also noticed that her cheeky grin she gives to Ronon is the same one she gave to him in Lost Boys when they were hyped up and trying to best the other. It is a grin of challenge and ribbing. Pure sibling rivalry.
              I love how well these actors play up on the differences in their interactions with each other. Body language and facial expressions can sometimes be hard to duplicate in pretend, but they do a wonderful job of it!


              Yes the sparring difference were very noticable and I really thought the mischievious grin that Teyla gives Ronan was so indicative of how she views him. A close friend or even a brother figure whom she loves to tease.


                Great thoughts Steph....I think we are all basically on the same page when it comes to how we see them and how they are around eachother and with others... but as you said it's great to come here and see so much activity ,,,
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  FCOL. This is what I get for innocently browsing forums. Plot bunny attacks.


                  spoiler tag for courtesy


                  He smiled and watched her lace her boots before standing. “Carson let you go?”

                  Teyla nodded, her expression warm. “Yes. I am fine.”

                  “I’m glad.” John looked away. “Teyla, I...”


                  He found comfort in her voice and her gaze that found his. “I wanted to be here, but...” his voice trailed off as she raised her hand slightly.

                  “You are a leader of this city, John. You did what was necessary... for everyone.”

                  He stroked her cheek tenderly, his touch lingering as her hand found his. Words passed through his mind, but instead he was satisfied with silent understanding.

                  Aww SGAFAn I loved it,,,such a lovley small it when the plot bunny attack heheh...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Oh good lord - look at the time.

                    I really need to get to bed.

                    Nite all!!


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Oh good lord - look at the time.

                      I really need to get to bed.

                      Nite all!!
                      Night Blue...

                      I need to head to bed too,,,I'll be back tomorrow... wouldn't be able to stay away anyway
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        *waves* well, I've been PMing with Camy and showed her a J/T drabble I wrote a few months back. (drabbles are stories of exactly 100 words, in case you were wondering ) I occasionally write drabbles, but really enjoy writing longer stuff more often.

                        Anyway, she poked me to share it here with you all. Behind spoiler tags, not for spoilers, but just as a courtesy in case you're not interested in reading it. I know some of the threads here frown on people posting their work within the thread, instead of links...


                        Warrior Flame

                        John saw it the first time he met her. The depth of her soul, the strength of her spirit. She was a woman of substance; nothing about her was superficial. She’d looked him straight in the eye, every bit his equal.

                        Gentle in the quiet times, a fighting soul burned strongly within her, tempered by wisdom beyond her years. A deep passion for life lay just under the surface, fortifying her every action. He felt it: warrior to warrior… irresistible. Her lips quenched a desire he’d had from the moment he’d first laid eyes on her. Instantly, he was complete.
                        Oh, I'm so glad you posted this here!!! Aptly descriptive! I love it! Thank you so much! I do hope you write more J/T someday!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          thanks about the drabble you guys

                          that could be a reality show "When Plot Bunnies Attack"
                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            Oh, I'm so glad you posted this here!!! Aptly descriptive! I love it! Thank you so much! I do hope you write more J/T someday!

                            Thanks! I do occasionally dabble... err drabble in ships LOL
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              Great thoughts Steph....I think we are all basically on the same page when it comes to how we see them and how they are around eachother and with others... but as you said it's great to come here and see so much activity ,,,
                              Awww!! Group hug!!!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                                Thanks! I do occasionally dabble... err drabble in ships LOL

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

