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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Yes, but thanks to me and CKO, you knew about the cave scene being shown the second time around...right?


      yes!!! did ya see the edited part of my post above?? i FINALLY SAW IT!!!!!

      ya know, i didn't even know the scene EXISTED til someone explained to me what that pic (the one in my sig) was from! i found that pic and thought it was just ADORABLE and oooooooh so shippy! i mean, he has his hands around her but i always thought it was from an upcoming ep that i hadn't seen until i read someone somewhere talking about that scene and i realized that's where that pic might be from and i asked

      i became a shipper in rising WITHOUT that scene though! how's that for crazy, eh?


        Originally posted by emily_reich
        yes!!! did ya see the edited part of my post above?? i FINALLY SAW IT!!!!!

        ya know, i didn't even know the scene EXISTED til someone explained to me what that pic (the one in my sig) was from! i found that pic and thought it was just ADORABLE and oooooooh so shippy! i mean, he has his hands around her but i always thought it was from an upcoming ep that i hadn't seen until i read someone somewhere talking about that scene and i realized that's where that pic might be from and i asked

        i became a shipper in rising WITHOUT that scene though! how's that for crazy, eh?
        Awesome! But so bad too. Got to give my mom the tape so she can see the whole thing, not just the bits.


          I think that is cool that you became a sheyla shipper even without watching that scene in doesn't matter how you become a shipper, everyone has their moments of becoming a shipper...


            My second Atlantis DVD arrived today - earlier than expected. So expect caps from Suspicion - Childhood's End - Poisioning The Well and the all important Home episode over the next few days.


              Can I make a want list?

              Cuz, there were some EXCELLENT moments for Sheyla in there... and I want to make better banners.

              Can I? Can I? Please...! Lol


                Sure you can. I usually cap all the Sheyla moments anyway so I should get the ones you want. :-)


                  Go ahead Kip, you sure can make a list...the list could go on forever and ever...too many sheyla moments.


                    weeeeeee!!!! more caps soon!!! yay!!! can't wait for 'em, warrior!!!


                      Can't wait for 'em either Warrior!


                        Originally posted by TheWarrior
                        Sure you can. I usually cap all the Sheyla moments anyway so I should get the ones you want. :-)
                        I can't wait either.

                        How 'bout I see what you get, and pick from those? *Gollie I'm demanding!*

                        I mean that nicely, not weirdly or anything.

                        EEEEE!!!! OMG, this was my 200th post!!! Chei!


                          Originally posted by emily_reich
                          heya! welcome to the club!

                          and i hope no one takes this wrong way and is NOT meant to single you out!! but as we've gotten several new folks to the thread in the last couple days, i think it's about time i give my general sheyla-thread-newbie-message

                          as a regular here in this thread (and i know the other folks are on my six with this one ), i like request of everyone that there be no negative talking any other ships in here, including (and especially, really) no saying sheyla is better than shep/weir... we want to keep the air happy and that always ends up being a touchy subject... we're open to and we embrace all shippers here and i know shep/weir shippers lurk here *waves to lurkers!* (and i myself happen to ship readily for sheyla but like shep/weir also... )

                          thanks everyone!!!
                          Emily. just wanted to say thanks for this sentiment, and as I've posted in the Sheppard/Weir thread you do try to keep anti-Weir/Shep stuff down to a minimum, perhaps we could do better ourselves. Trouble is, I suspect, a lot of us (me definately included) just don't have any empathy with the Teyla character as she's currently portrayed by the PTB, and I think we can get carried away.

                          Let's hope that PTB keep it all nice and open so we can all play and see what we want to see huh?

                          And how many ships just have you got woman? Look at your signature FCOL!


                            LOTS to reply to today:

                            Astro, she has as many as me, well I might have a FEW more.

                            Woohoo!! Caps from Home!!! Glad you got it early!

                            And Congrats Kip 200 posts! Super-Soldier!

                            Yay! Em finally saw the cave scene! BTW, that was me that told you it was from Rising.

                            We pulled Nicole over too! Woohoo! Welcome!

                            The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              Emily. just wanted to say thanks for this sentiment, and as I've posted in the Sheppard/Weir thread you do try to keep anti-Weir/Shep stuff down to a minimum, perhaps we could do better ourselves.
                              awww... you're welcome it's nice to hear that you guys appreciate my effort!

                              Trouble is, I suspect, a lot of us (me definately included) just don't have any empathy with the Teyla character as she's currently portrayed by the PTB, and I think we can get carried away.

                              Let's hope that PTB keep it all nice and open so we can all play and see what we want to see huh?
                              well i admit for me it went the other way and i wasn't a HUGE weir fan til "before i sleep" (but i do love her now! ), so it's all good if ya don't like teyla pretty much everyone's got a character they don't like, so just cuz in your guys' case it happens to be one of my faves doesn't miff me in the slightest and i certainly don't think it's ok to put down anyone else's ship just cuz they don't have the same one as us BECAUSE of a character!

                              hope that made sense...

                              And how many ships just have you got woman? Look at your signature FCOL!
                              ROFLMAO!!!!!! well my "real" ships are actually quite few in number (shep/teyla, mckay/weir, baal/sam, sam/fifth ) but all those bizarre ships make the CUTEST smilies


                                Originally posted by emily_reich
                                but all those bizarre ships make the CUTEST smilies
                                Aww, thanks Em! BTW, where's your custom Ba'al smiley?

                                The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005

