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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks for the caps from Phantoms...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Update on the JT Hiatus Event!

      Yes, I've updated the calendar.

      I've listed all the current events, including things with no dates yet. Let me know if I've missed anything or if you want to volunteer to do anything else.

      Lots of GREAT John and Teyla stuff is coming during the hiatus! Dust off your creativity and brainstorm some discussion questions too. There are no stupid questions so all you non-artists, stick around, you can still participate. Or take a chance and join in the artistic fun. :-) We don't bite...unless you want us to. LOL.

      Rumors also abound of things like Teyla-centered parties or a ficathon, new fic challenges at SGA friendly sites, trivia, polls, intermittent fic challenges (drabble or five minute fic challenges), possibly more parties, in-depth discussions and lots of exciting fun stuff. So brainstorm your questions, plots you'd love to read, polls you want to find out the answers to, songs you want vids to and let's all join in to make this great!



        Count me in for some challanges. As for people who wanna make videos of JT but can't get clippity clips: Please check my LJ. I have clipped some episodes and plan to clip them all from S1-S3.0. I am on vacation from now til Oct 1st so the clips will be fast in coming.
        Last edited by WikkedAngel; 18 September 2006, 06:36 PM.


          Hello all!

          Which, if any, of our wonderful vid makers are up for a request? *bats eyelashes*

          awesome sig by Camy!
          Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


            Originally posted by Sheylafan87
            HERE IS THE Uploaded zip file for the scenes with John and Teyla IN PHANTOMS, THERES ABOUT 423 PICS OF THEM.
            There ziped in WinRAR.

            309 PHANTOMS caps

            Thanks for all the caps.


              i also am a fan of the unique bond website as i visit it every week i really like the video section anyway i have been reading every ones comments on phantoms and i have absloutly loved reading them such a shame i have to wait such a long time to either watch it on tv or wait for it coming to dvd as i don't have sky and i haven't even seen season 2 yet as five as yet to show it but the worst part of all i have been reading how excellent the episode was and all the scenes john and teyla had together plus i have all the nice wallpapers that you guys have made about the episode stored on my computer and the episode caps thanks to sheyla fan and it makes me want to watch it now but i can't i am just so glad that you guys post everything on this forum
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by WikkedAngel
                Count me in for some challanges. As for people who wanna make videos of JT but can't get clippity clips: Please check my LJ. I have clipped some episodes and plan to clip them all from S1-S3.0. I am on vacation from now til Oct 1st so the clips will be fast in coming.

                Hey, Wikked, if you include the url to your LJ, would you mind if I recommend it around the JT lists and comms so all our vidders can check out the clips? There are a lot of vidders on other venues. And I think one or two LJs may want to do vid challenges, plus one that uses clips for moving icons in icon challenges.

                Let me know, okay?



                  JT Newsletter LJ...very resourceful...I"d bookmark this one....


                    Originally posted by Doxymom
                    Hey, Wikked, if you include the url to your LJ, would you mind if I recommend it around the JT lists and comms so all our vidders can check out the clips? There are a lot of vidders on other venues. And I think one or two LJs may want to do vid challenges, plus one that uses clips for moving icons in icon challenges.

                    Let me know, okay?


                    Sure thing. Its:


                      Any speculations about the return..

                      From the spoiler photos we see Ronan in the puddle jumper. Can't see Teyla though. This must be before they head back to earth. I wonder if John thinks he is leaving for good and what the farewell scene will be like with Teyla.

                      Can't believe that this is the last ep and we have to wait another 6 months for the second part.


                        About The Return...

                        I do wonder what might happen at the time where they have to say goodbye,,,will they think they will never come back to Atlantis,,or might he tell her that he is coming back... I do hope they do show something,,that it's not like the whole team is standing around and they just say goodbye and are off...
                        It would be no surprise if the goodbye will be just a fast line or something ,,, I do wish for something more though,,,them alone maybe talking,, maybe she can give him something to remember her by if she is thinking she will never see him again and he tells her this is not goodbye,,I'm coming back....that would be great... I'm not going to be expecting something great,,but I can hope for the best... or atleast that they do something... and not just brush past it for time issue...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by Celede
                          Hello all!

                          Which, if any, of our wonderful vid makers are up for a request? *bats eyelashes*

                          Hi Celede! If no one else responds, I can try to take it on. I've got a very long vid list, but I don't mind adding to it if you don't mind waiting a while.

                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by NinaM
                            About The Return...

                            I do wonder what might happen at the time where they have to say goodbye,,,will they think they will never come back to Atlantis,,or might he tell her that he is coming back... I do hope they do show something,,that it's not like the whole team is standing around and they just say goodbye and are off...
                            It would be no surprise if the goodbye will be just a fast line or something ,,, I do wish for something more though,,,them alone maybe talking,, maybe she can give him something to remember her by if she is thinking she will never see him again and he tells her this is not goodbye,,I'm coming back....that would be great... I'm not going to be expecting something great,,but I can hope for the best... or atleast that they do something... and not just brush past it for time issue...
                            I totally agree, Nina!

                            All we really know is that Rachel said that they all have a nice goodbye scene in Return 1. So I'm of course hoping John and Teyla will get their own little moment for a forehead touching or some type of personal goodbye. But in reality, I don't expect much. I'm afraid it will be more of a team goodbye, especially if they're forced to leave Atlantis in a hurry or if for the practical time constraints of an action ep like this.
                            So all we really know is they will say goodbye. What we don't know is if they think they'll be returning someday or if they think the recall back to earth is permanent. I would imagine that would have a big impact on how emotional the goodbye is as well. I'm glad we know that they will be returning and will only be apart for one ep though, LOL! But I too am hoping for a lovely goodbye scene between them all and hopefully a little some special specifically between John and Teyla.
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers
                              I totally agree, Nina!

                              All we really know is that Rachel said that they all have a nice goodbye scene in Return 1. So I'm of course hoping John and Teyla will get their own little moment for a forehead touching or some type of personal goodbye. But in reality, I don't expect much. I'm afraid it will be more of a team goodbye, especially if they're forced to leave Atlantis in a hurry or if for the practical time constraints of an action ep like this.
                              So all we really know is they will say goodbye. What we don't know is if they think they'll be returning someday or if they think the recall back to earth is permanent. I would imagine that would have a big impact on how emotional the goodbye is as well. I'm glad we know that they will be returning and will only be apart for one ep though, LOL! But I too am hoping for a lovely goodbye scene between them all and hopefully a little some special specifically between John and Teyla.

                              I'm hoping for that too...

                              They have shown how much they mean to one another,,,so it would be great to see them actually say goodbye when they are alone...not that I think it will happen but one can hope...
                              And yeah I'm glad to they wont be sepearated for more then one epi too... not that there will be time for Teyla to be glad when she sees him agian since I think it will be in an action moment when they show up to take Atlantis back..but maybe it can happen after everything gets right again and they can have a nice talk alone on the balcony,,,her welcoming him home again ...*lol* hrmm getting a little ahead of myself...this is basically more speculation for part 2 *lol* oh well...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by bluealien
                                Can't believe that this is the last ep and we have to wait another 6 months for the second part.
                                Now this is going to seem like a right dumb question probably, being a Brit i've been spoiling away if you will on here and reading the views and hopes you lot whilst we play catch up [S3 doesn't begin till October], what is this 6 months business i have to ask?

                                There are other reasons why it would appear i'm dreadfully out of the loop but um......yah, i just what this delay is, so the season is split into two and The Return P2 won't air in the US till what, April?

                                As for the John/Teyla goodbye in The Retrurn, well i'm with you in what you're hoping to see happen, something one on one and not just the formalities you'd expect from the team, although with little else to go on, hope is all we have.

                                Once again, forgive the ignorance.

                                EDIT: Just checked out the promo on YouTube and it bottom lined matters pretty much, still though, 6 months? That means like 9 months before it reaches British TV proper and six is bad enough.

