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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    she topped the list?....Boggles the mind. I wouldn't think so. I mean she's in the infirmary, not dead. And the whole 'goodbye john'. I'm of a mind where it's more just her friendly way of telling him, 'okay i'm fine, you can go now' she says it with one of her flirty smiles...a la the little quirky one from Seige's infirmary scene.
    I agree..

    I'm not reading too much into the infirmary scene. I don't think Paul would have been telling this story or making a prank if it had been a death scene. Though it does look like Teyla gets whumped a bit, so hopefully some nice angst from John.


      Remember that ep of Enterprise that opened with Trips funeral? Or that ep of the X-files that opened with Skinner dying?

      Sorry to be rude about this but it's SCI FI! People die and come back all the time, it's one of the popular cliches.

      And it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY that TPTB are going to kill off one of the regulars and replace them with an SG1 character. They're not that stupid. It's a bad move from a money point of view, never mind what the fans would think.

      IGNORE the speculation until someone official or TPTB makes a DEFINATE statement about SG1 characters appearing on SGA.

      This scare-mongering speculation is really begining to annoy me. [/rant]

      I'll go and lie down in a darkened room now.


        Originally posted by vaberella
        Are you sure it's this thread, specifically J/T thread? I know there are a few other shipper groups in the characters/relationships thread who say those things...always made me feel a bit odd. I've also heard 'other body part and inanimate' sex...which makes me even more nervous. Rather surprised our group would say those words.
        Um, yeah. That term did not originate from this thread. It's a term used affectionately by J/W shippers. This is the first time I've seen it used here. I'm not really fond of it either. Always thought it was kind of creepy myself, LOL!

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by bluealien
          As to the rumors concerning the Ark...
          She seems to have gone to the top of the hit list over Carson now since the spoiler about the infirmary scene came out. I can't see her getting buried in a traditional coffin with a Blue flag over it anyway. She would have an Athosian burial which is probably completely different to earth funerals. So I am still pretty confident that its not going to be Teyla. And I really can't see the TPTB ever getting rid of Sheppard.

          What??? Oh good grief, I'm trying hard not to roll my eyes right now.

          I'm sorry, I mean no offense, but people are going wayyyy overboard with the anger and speculations on the character cross-over and/or character death. I'm not saying none of it can't happen, but if people are going to explode over every little's going to be a long and miserable year. Teyla does not die in the Ark. Paul very clearly says the ep ends with her in the infirmary and he says his character had just left a little while ago and then John leaves and she says, "Goodbye John," as it fades to black. Hello! She is TALKING at the end. She is clearly not dead. She was just injured enough to have to be in the infirmary after John kicks in the door and she's rescued/or she rescues herself by talking the guy into not doing it. It's as simply as that. Does anyone really believe Carson and John would be walking away from her as she's saying goodbye if it was a death bed scene. Hardly. She's simply saying goodnight. Once again, it simply is what it is. I am just astounded by the things people come up with sometimes!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by bella
            Remember that ep of Enterprise that opened with Trips funeral? Or that ep of the X-files that opened with Skinner dying?

            Sorry to be rude about this but it's SCI FI! People die and come back all the time, it's one of the popular cliches.

            And it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY that TPTB are going to kill off one of the regulars and replace them with an SG1 character. They're not that stupid. It's a bad move from a money point of view, never mind what the fans would think.

            IGNORE the speculation until someone official or TPTB makes a DEFINATE statement about SG1 characters appearing on SGA.

            This scare-mongering speculation is really begining to annoy me. [/rant]

            I'll go and lie down in a darkened room now.
            Oh Bella, I just saw this one now. I was too flabbergasted by some earlier posts, lol. So glad to see a voice of reason! This is annoying me as well.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by Camy
              tonight's episode should be interesting...I thought from the clips that they do start off in Atlantis...but I"m not maybe we will get to see Teyla even if it's for a minute..I sure hope so....

              okay..just finished posting my John and Teyla caps in the Galleria for Rising....

              I think you will find a couple that I've never seen eslewhere....
              hopefully some of you will be inspired to create some magic!

              According to the spoilers, the first half takes place on earth and the second half in Atlantis. So I'm not expecting anything shipppy or even much of Teyla in tonight's ep. I did see another comment that it was supposed to have nice team moments, so maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised. But yeah, I'm not expecting much either, other than to laugh at Rodney's over the top antics.

              Thanks so much for the caps, Camy!!!!! GORGEOUS shots!!!! Thank you!!!

              I had no trouble understanding Paul's little video that SC so kindly shared with us, so I can try to write up a quick transcript for those that are having trouble understanding him. My team at work specializes in international relocations, so I am used to talking to people of all nationalities and have gotten pretty good with accents. This weekend is pretty busy for me; I have a house full of guests, but perhaps on Sun night....
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Passing on through...anyone up for reading a team fic with some substantially good John/Teyla interaction, not shippy mind you, but great non the less...found this story of where Michael decides to go for revenge and turns Sheppard into a's finished and it is a great story for teamwork and how they deal with what happens to John...

                Here is the link:

                Catch ya later!

                ummmmm....'eye sex?!'


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers
                  What??? Oh good grief, I'm trying hard not to roll my eyes right now.

                  I'm sorry, I mean no offense, but people are going wayyyy overboard with the anger and speculations on the character cross-over and/or character death. I'm not saying none of it can't happen, but if people are going to explode over every little's going to be a long and miserable year. Teyla does not die in the Ark. Paul very clearly says the ep ends with her in the infirmary and he says his character had just left a little while ago and then John leaves and she says, "Goodbye John," as it fades to black. Hello! She is TALKING at the end. She is clearly not dead. She was just injured enough to have to be in the infirmary after John kicks in the door and she's rescued/or she rescues herself by talking the guy into not doing it. It's as simply as that. Does anyone really believe Carson and John would be walking away from her as she's saying goodbye if it was a death bed scene. Hardly. She's simply saying goodnight. Once again, it simply is what it is. I am just astounded by the things people come up with sometimes!
                  If in The Ark Teyla gets hurt, and there was talk of her getting hurt in Sunday (my own speculation---which took on a life of it's own)....I mean how many hurt eps can Teyla have?! And in each moment we get more J/T....Oy, anyway she won't die. She's too invaluable a character to die. She's fortunately an untapped well of importance compare to a lot of the other characters. Because we know about Ronon---Ronon's mystery has decreased by quite a bit, now we just have a slew of possible enemies he's run into. But Teyla still has her 'abilities' and being a sorta wraith whatever...and her weaknesses being delved into, and then there is her immediate family if any and anyone in her past, since she's traded with hundreds of planets. I can see those in the Atlantis Ex, being nixed faster than ever seeing Teyla. Plus she knows more about the planets in the there's plenty of storyline to use her.
                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  Passing on through...anyone up for reading a team fic with some substantially good John/Teyla interaction, not shippy mind you, but great non the less...found this story of where Michael decides to go for revenge and turns Sheppard into a's finished and it is a great story for teamwork and how they deal with what happens to John...

                  Here is the link:

                  Catch ya later!

                  ummmmm....'eye sex?!'
                  Heh...gonna read, topped my list along with illman, drufan, and sheppy! Great team writers who touch J/T.
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    If Teyla gets hurt .. then we get some concern and comfort from Shep.

                    That sounds good.

                    Phantoms/Sunday and the Ark all sound like good John/Teyla episodes.

                    Phantoms only a week away.


                      We may also get something in Submersion as well...Sel told us to be aware of that, specifically for Teyla, but you never know what surprises lay ahead. I'll never forget the shock I got when I saw SATEDA, the 'squee heard around the world' as SnoggingPicard, fittingly ,dubbed it; is an amazing example. Good thing to see the action in what we knew---of the 'unique bond' between the two. He found her to be worthy of such a confession, one clearly so difficult. And she handled it with care and of course the respect that it necessitated, but for the outsider slightly comical.

                      Now I'm waiting on eps like Vengence and see what happens there. So I'm pretty excited about this. That's why I also didn't want to go on a eulogy about Tey until I get the complete season.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Hey Sheylas "the Evil Shweir" ( I love calling myself this way ) is BACK!!

                        Anyway I'm just droping by to say Hello, and tell you that actually I'm really looking forward to Phantoms, because I really want to see a dev between J and T ( and also Ronon as I heard ), maybe not like all of you would like to see it but, still, I'm not dreadin' it like oh my god " it's the end of my ship " or anything, and I'd just like to add that a lot of shweirs feel the same and aren't goin' like : "Yeah ! pff it's a sheyla ep, yeah we're gonna skip it". As for me me, sometimes... comin' to your thread, it's really hard to explain....let's just say you guys are really nice and ( why am I sayin' this !!!! War lol !!! Peace!!!!^^ ) because deeply I think Teyla and John have a great chemistry ( hum? friendship ? lol (sorry) ^^

                        Ok now I'm goin' back to my rational forum ship ^^



                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          Are you sure it's this thread, specifically J/T thread? I know there are a few other shipper groups in the characters/relationships thread who say those things...always made me feel a bit odd. I've also heard 'other body part and inanimate' sex...which makes me even more nervous. Rather surprised our group would say those words.
                          This is the only ship thread I've ever been on, besides the Galleria. And it was about them, because it's when I was looking for J/T pics the other night. So I assumed it was from here, maybe not. I dunno. I went through this almost page by page I read a lot of stuff. I couldn't tell you where on here, I skipped around a lot, but it was a while back. And I can't tell ya who said it, I just remember I hadn't seen those screennames before. It wasn't the regular handful of posters that I've seen on here. Or in any of the individual character threads I've been on.

                          I'm excited about the episode tonight though! I hope it's good.
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Passing on through...anyone up for reading a team fic with some substantially good John/Teyla interaction, not shippy mind you, but great non the less...found this story of where Michael decides to go for revenge and turns Sheppard into a's finished and it is a great story for teamwork and how they deal with what happens to John...

                            Here is the link:

                            Catch ya later!

                            ummmmm....'eye sex?!'
                            That was a pretty good story thanks for that AG.


                              Originally posted by Blower'sGate
                              Hey Sheylas "the Evil Shweir" ( I love calling myself this way ) is BACK!!

                              Anyway I'm just droping by to say Hello, and tell you that actually I'm really looking forward to Phantoms, because I really want to see a dev between J and T ( and also Ronon as I heard ), maybe not like all of you would like to see it but, still, I'm not dreadin' it like oh my god " it's the end of my ship " or anything, and I'd just like to add that a lot of shweirs feel the same and aren't goin' like : "Yeah ! pff it's a sheyla ep, yeah we're gonna skip it". As for me me, sometimes... comin' to your thread, it's really hard to explain....let's just say you guys are really nice and ( why am I sayin' this !!!! War lol !!! Peace!!!!^^ ) because deeply I think Teyla and John have a great chemistry ( hum? friendship ? lol (sorry) ^^

                              Ok now I'm goin' back to my rational forum ship ^^

                              Well hello Mephisto, when did this thread become a free for all?! Any, way..check out my post, I'm not that interested about J/T in this...sorry guys!! It's all about J/R---my origins are slash and shall always be slash...But teyla's a nice addition to the threesome, since it was great to see her interacting with those two in Sateda...they do bring out the best in each other's characters...and definitely captivate the viewer. I'd go as far as to say those three together probably beat out McShep for me.
                              No need to dred it...look at the HP fans, there are still devout Harry/Hermione shippers out there, although it's been proven to never exist. AU ships live long and posperous lives, if only by the hand of the few who like it.

                              Yeah, it's in fun, since I chat with the need to mod me!

                              Originally posted by leighanners
                              This is the only ship thread I've ever been on, besides the Galleria. And it was about them, because it's when I was looking for J/T pics the other night. So I assumed it was from here, maybe not. I dunno. I went through this almost page by page I read a lot of stuff. I couldn't tell you where on here, I skipped around a lot, but it was a while back. And I can't tell ya who said it, I just remember I hadn't seen those screennames before. It wasn't the regular handful of posters that I've seen on here. Or in any of the individual character threads I've been on.

                              I'm excited about the episode tonight though! I hope it's good.
                              Ahh, probably a few of us were mocking that terminology! It came up for discussions a few times in the past when I was a regular. Not to mention in the past we've been (hmm, how dramatic to make this) undersiege by other non-j/t posters. Oh that is dramatic...*sigh*

                              Well it's all about McKay tonight...long live my man in leather..holding out for a few Teyla scenes. I'm actually hoping to see aspects of McKay's attraction for Teyla in this we did in Irresistable, SATEDA, and Rising...I'm a Teyla in a McShep cocktail person right now. So that's gonna be great and I hope for some great J/T interaction. It would be cool to see that, especially from the lackluster usage of Tey in CG, which is about John...when she's in his team and both have risked their lives for one another. I'll never understand that.

                              Well enjoy the ep!!
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                What did John say at the end of tonights episode where Teyla kicked him

