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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    First off, Welcome all newbies! Good to have you all here.

    Secondly, Devine, excellent challenge response! You're making it longer, right? ;-)


    I wasn't a JT shipper at first, I admit it. I was so stubbornly pissed at Skiffy (SciFi Channel) that I hadn't watched it at all from the moment the last Farscape aired until I happened to walk past the TV wile hubby was channel surfing and caught a glimpse of that commercial for SGA that had Joe with Amanda Tapping. Okay, I was hooked by his pretty face. ;-) I had seen almost no SG1. No SGA speculation, ads or inside specials...until after 38 Minutes.

    I missed all the eps before 38 Minutes and became hooked on the show in that ep. I admit that, with that being my first exposure, I saw some SW in that Infirmary scene at the end. However, very shortly after I found the early eps and I had an epiphany. I watched Rising through 38 Minutes and realized that the sparks were actually between John and Teyla. So, Rising sealed it for me too.

    As for making a ship canon on screen, it *can* be done and done well by writers with a knack for that. Just look at Babylon 5 and Farscape. Shoot, even the Dune miniseries' had a lot of romances. I think the SG writers just have more of a knack for writing action/humor/drama and shoot 'em ups.

    Part of me is a bit afraid of what would happen to the characters if the writers *did* try to make the romance blatant in the B5 or 'scape way (a large factor in the overall plot). To me, it's just not their forte and the possibility they'd screw it all up is too high. Yes, I'd love an obvious, undeniable moment here or there, but not a steady stream of romantic plots.

    Someone pointed out the SW moments and I agree with those. I can so see how they'd be interpreted that way. I also think a lot of the time in Season 2 Weir acted like she was so hot for John she couldn't stand it even though John showed zero reciprocation to me--which would also add to the confusion over the writer's ship intentions no matter what the writer said.

    Anyway, I have hope for Phantoms. I have hope for the season. I've loved several of the eps so far. I'm brainstorming lots of challenges for the hiatus and trying my best to finish my JT wips and pen a JT novel. But, as most of you know, the baby will be here in a few short weeks so I'm having one heck of a time staying awake long enough to write. LOL.

    Have a great day, everyone!


      AG, I so agree with the favorite characters thing. My favorite characters tend to die off in every show I watch. LOL. At least this time I like the hero. They won't *really* kill John--not the SGA writers.



        Originally posted by mestes
        Hi, this is my first post, I usually just read, but I had to comment. I agree Sin, from the first episode "Rising" I became a die hard John/Teyla shipper and I won't change how I feel.
        You know I was almost starting to lean towards not wanting to be on GW the other night when I read a post that wasn't very nice towards John/Teyla was since deleated...

        But when I come into the Shep/Teyla thread the atmosphere is great and welcoming...I just ignore the rest!

        So a want to give a huge WELCOME to Marl, who made my day without even knowing it!



          I love the atmosphere in here warm and welcoming,,, no wonder I try not to wander off into somewhere I know I wont like it..
          Sigs by Scifan


            Okay...who wants to make a video for me? Anyone...Witchy? I was listening to this song and just thought 'Common Ground'...

            It's Within Temptation's 'Somewhere'


            Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign
            Instead there is only silence,
            Can't you hear my screams...?
            Never stop hoping,
            Need to know where you are
            But one thing is for sure,
            You're always in my heart.

            I'll find you somewhere
            I'll keep on trying until my dying day
            I just need to know whatever has happened,
            The Truth will free my soul.

            Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home
            I want to embrace you and never let you go
            Almost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soul...
            Living in agony 'cause I just do not know
            Where you are

            I'll find you somewhere
            I'll keep on trying until my dying day
            I just need to know whatever has happened,
            The Truth will free my soul.

            Wherever you are, I won't stop searching.
            Whatever it takes, I need to know.

            I'll find you somewhere
            I'll keep on trying until my dying day
            I just need to know whatever has happened,
            The Truth will free my soul.

            Maybe Teyla's POV thinking about Shep? or Shep's POV about Teyla?


              OK, I'll hop on the bandwagon.

              I saw J/T potential in "Rising". As I watched this first episode, and subsequent episodes, I just thought, "Aw, he likes her." I saw it throughout S1, but I was reluctant to call my self a shipper due to some of the nastiness that developed on this forum.

              Then I met Camy and SP, and my shippy world has been upside down ever since.

              I saw some things in S2 as well, but I had the feeling that S1 was setting J/T up as the couple to watch, and S2 was the time in which they moved on to other things, with little hints along the way. I'm stoked about S3, if any of these spoilers turn out to be they way some people speculate.
              Sig by Camy


                Since there was no new Stargate Atlantis episode on yesterday I was going to try to post a new fic...first one I've written in a very long time...

                I had to work Friday so I didn't get it I posted what I had so far...opting to go for a two chapter story...

                Spoilers for 'Common Ground' rating warnings...just yet...

                Here is a link to my LJ....story is called 'Touched by You'


                Just added to
                Last edited by AthosianGirl; 02 September 2006, 12:37 PM.


                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  Since there was no new Stargate Atlantis episode on yesterday I was going to try to post a new fic...first one I've written in a very long time...

                  I had to work Friday so I didn't get it I posted what I had so far...opting to go for a two chapter story...

                  Spoilers for 'Common Ground' rating warnings...just yet...

                  Here is a link to my LJ....story is called 'Touched by You'


                  Just added to
                  Very nice - thank you.


                    Originally posted by jtjaforever
                    I think what some of the ShWeir fans are seeing are moments like:
                    - John giving Liz a birthday present
                    _ The hug before he heads off to destroy the Hive(Siege2)
                    _ Him all comando to save her life and Atlantis(The Storm)
                    - Various balcony scenes thru out the seasons(aka - The Tower, Progeny to name a few).
                    - Recently his efforts to help a comatose Liz in TRW

                    I think these are the things they hang on to and I suppose yes if you take these moments outta context they could appear *shippy*. But case in point, I was watching the scene from the Seige w/the *hug* and on the surface it seemed - touching. But if you really *watch* the scene Liz is the one really hugging, John merely pats her back is a kinda shock way, he surpised by her show of emotion and it almost seems as if he is embarrassed by it as well. A friend once told me if you hug someone and they hug you back they sincerely care for you, but if you hug them and they merely pat your back they merely being polite. John pats her back in that scene - therefore my take he was being polite and showing thanks for her concern...nothing more.

                    we don't need to take what "shweir" moments and discredit them!! WE know what we see, I'm sure that to them what they are seeing is valid as well! People have different perspectives on different situations. That's part of the beauty of being human. People see things in different ways!! It would be pretty boring in life if we all thought the exact same about everything!! If we bash or make fun of John/Weir fans, this thread won't be as much fun, seing as at least some people in here are shippers of both! And also, the thread is JOHN/TEYLA discussion, not ANTI JOHN/WEIR! Coming in here and seeing people complain about other peoples opinions is a turn off for coming!!

                    For everyone who is reading this post now...
                    I would like it to be known that I was in no way shape or form saying that anyone who has posted in this thread has been doing anything that I necessarily disagree with. The post that I quoted happened to be quoted because of a common mistake. I've done this as well.
                    But if you really *watch* the scene...
                    While all of the people in this thread probably view the scene in the same light as you do, I hardly believe that other shippers were closing their eyes during this scene and just guessing at what happened Obviously people who watched it saw something and drew an opinion from what they saw. As I said in the original post, different people are going to have different opinions on different matters. We may be able to change a persons opinions over time with reasonable arguments but there is no point in taking an opinion and saying that it just plainly doesn't make sense for no blatant reason. There is a difference between the questions:

                    "What color is the sky?" or "Was that moment shippy for us or for them?"

                    Obviously some answers have one answer that is correct and others have infinate answers that could be viewed as correct.

                    I'm sorry if I've offended anyone.. I was only trying to make a point that although a situation may be inevitable, we as a shipping community would be better off if we avoided situations where we have to decide which of something is more correct. NEVER will everyone settle on one answer. It's just the way it is.
                    Last edited by 4prettierships; 02 September 2006, 08:03 PM.


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Since there was no new Stargate Atlantis episode on yesterday I was going to try to post a new fic...first one I've written in a very long time...

                      I had to work Friday so I didn't get it I posted what I had so far...opting to go for a two chapter story...

                      Spoilers for 'Common Ground' rating warnings...just yet...

                      Here is a link to my LJ....story is called 'Touched by You'


                      Just added to
                      A great start to this...hope to read the next chapter soon...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by 4prettierships
                        we don't need to take what "shweir" moments and discredit them!! WE know what we see, I'm sure that to them what they are seeing is valid as well! People have different perspectives on different situations. That's part of the beauty of being human. People see things in different ways!! It would be pretty boring in life if we all thought the exact same about everything!! If we bash or make fun of John/Weir fans, this thread won't be as much fun, seing as at least some people in here are shippers of both! And also, the thread is JOHN/TEYLA discussion, not ANTI JOHN/WEIR! Coming in here and seeing people complain about other peoples opinions is a turn off for coming!!
                        I didn't interpret the post you are referring to as complaining about anyone opinions. It was just a list of moments between Shep/Weir and someones opinion as to how differently it could be interpreted. I don't see anyone discrediting these moments or bashing or making fun of Shep/Weir fans.

                        I have seen much more complaining about other peoples opinions in other threads and BamBam seems to have disappeared because of the nasty repsonse to the shippy question regarding Shep/Teyla.

                        Because I have stated that I don't see any romantic vibes between Shep/Weir this doesn't mean that I don't respect others who do, or that I am not allowed to state my feelings. This is a very warm and friendly place and I don't see any reason to imply that it isn't.


                          Originally posted by 4prettierships
                          we don't need to take what "shweir" moments and discredit them!! WE know what we see, I'm sure that to them what they are seeing is valid as well! People have different perspectives on different situations. That's part of the beauty of being human. People see things in different ways!! It would be pretty boring in life if we all thought the exact same about everything!! If we bash or make fun of John/Weir fans, this thread won't be as much fun, seing as at least some people in here are shippers of both! And also, the thread is JOHN/TEYLA discussion, not ANTI JOHN/WEIR! Coming in here and seeing people complain about other peoples opinions is a turn off for coming!!
                          I don't think anyone was bashing, or making fun. While we don't normally talk about the other side of John's potential pairings often, you have to admit the sometimes S/W rationalize what WE see as shippy, too, but it's not bashing.

                          BTW, I don't take it personally or see it as bashing if someone says, "I don't see (such and such event) as J/T shippy. They're just friends." I think we are all free to say what we think, as long as it's not hateful.
                          Sig by Camy


                            I agree with Bluealien and Trippy. I didn't see any bashing, only a statement of moments that could be interpreted several ways--as could a LOT of moments in SGA.

                            I think we've all been doing a great job not bashing any characters, but having a good discussion about perceptions.

                            Personally, while I don't ship SW, I can see lots of moments that could be interpreted that way, or as McShep, or T/R, or T/McK, or as McWeir, or as CaldWeir get the idea. Shoot, more interpretations means more fic and more vids. That's always a good thing.

                            So, what is everyone's favorite Season 3 JT moment so far?



                              Originally posted by Doxymom
                              I agree with Bluealien and Trippy. I didn't see any bashing, only a statement of moments that could be interpreted several ways--as could a LOT of moments in SGA.

                              I think we've all been doing a great job not bashing any characters, but having a good discussion about perceptions.

                              Personally, while I don't ship SW, I can see lots of moments that could be interpreted that way, or as McShep, or T/R, or T/McK, or as McWeir, or as CaldWeir get the idea. Shoot, more interpretations means more fic and more vids. That's always a good thing.

                              So, what is everyone's favorite Season 3 JT moment so far?

                              I have to say the lovley touching scene in Sateda... and hopefully more sweet scenes to follow
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Doxymom

                                So, what is everyone's favorite Season 3 JT moment so far?


                                No question about it - the scene in the mess hall in Sateda.

                                That was such a beautiful moment between them - I could watch it over an over.

