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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    AW..I feel so much love in here right now...

    group hug!


    Dang see...everytime I want to leave you guys just reel me back in....
    There's no denying J/T...

    but Bella you brought a very good point...if they make J/T cannon will our ship die in the end....since they won't be making this the focus on the show...hmmmm..interesting thought...I never thought of it this way....maybe it is better to leave it subtle..

    *covers her mouth*

    HUH? did i just write that?



      *runs in*

      OMG I have my albums back!



        not sure if i did this right but here goes.
        John has a nightmare in which Teyla is killed, gets out of bed (dressed however you like) and wanders Atlantis--and Teyla finds him alone


        John walked through the halls trying to clear his mind of what he saw and yet it still haunted him. John wondered what would of happened if it was Teyla who was taken and fed to the wraith.Thinking about it made John feel sick to the bone but there were times he wondered what would he do if it was Teyla that got taken or was used as a pawn to a game that he feared he could not win. John wandered on a near by balcony trying to take in the fresh air till he heard footsteps creep up on him. He turned around to see that it was Teyla standing there in a tank top and black sweats that she would normally war now a days since she works out most of the night.

        "Am I disturbing you?" teyla asked

        "No not at all" john looking out at the view

        "Is everything alright col?"

        John hated when Teyla would call him Col and not John unless he kept telling her to call him John but he knew that she wasnt use to it just yet.

        "yeah everythings fine Teyla, dont worry about it"

        "Col ever sice you came back from the planet you were taken to you have been acting a bit strange" teyla said walking closer to John.

        "Its nothing Teyla, I just needed some air to breathe"

        "Are you sure that is all?"

        'Should I tell her that I fear for her life and it scares me that she may be fed on by a wraith?'."Teyla its nothing"

        "I do not believe you"

        "I just needeed to walk around and clear my head thats all. I mean after everything I've been through I thought you would understand that"

        "Col....I mean John I understand that but I think it is more then that."

        "You wont understand"

        "Tell me then I may try, you cant hide it forever."

        "I had a nightmare about you Teyla, you were in my place and the wraith was feeding on you and I couldnt do anything about it. I wanted to but I felt so helpless and I feared for your life."

        "John, I am not going anywhere"

        "How do you know that?" looking at Teyla.

        "I would not leave you or the team for anything and I know that you would go beyond the rules and regulations to save me."

        "Do you really think that?"

        "Yes, John you are strong and wide and I know that you would never leave a member of your team behind even if they are not from your world. You showed me that when we went to save Ronon from the wraith"

        "It felt so real Teyla, I mean I was frozen and I couldnt move to save you even when I wanted to." looking out at the view again

        "John look at me please?"

        John tries but he cant bear to look at her. So Teyla touches his face and turns it so he can look at her.

        "John you are not weak. You are a born fighter and deep down inside you are trying to deny that you are more human then you think. YOu have feelings John but no one was ever there to make you see that there is something inside of you that feels loos, pain and death but on the outside you hide it all in. You dont have to hide what you feel inside forever but to let it out once in a while. Ronon lets his out by being angry at the wriath and knowing what they did to him haunts him also and Dr McKay lets it out or tryes to not show it but being intelligent and Dr Weir and Carson both let it out becasue they know its ok to show their emotions just like you can. Just becasue you are military John it doesnt mean you should keep it forever. I know you have so much to let out and you always can if you try."

        "What if I dont want to?, what if I feel like keeping it in makes it easier to hide my pain for losing the ones I love and care about?"

        "I care for you John and I dont want to see you lose yourself just because its to much, I saw what the wraith did to you and it gave your life back because you saved the wraith just like you would to save your self and others.I didnt want ot watch the wraith feed you but the look in your eyes said so much that I wanted to be ther to save you just like you would for me."

        "I cant lose you Teyla, your the only one that knows me so well that it would hurt to lose you."

        "As would I, We both know the risks and when that time comes which it will not for any time soon we will both have to face losing each other."

        Teyla couldnt help but see another side of John Sheppard that she hoped and ligned to see ever sicne they were on their way to save Ronon and the talk they had brought out so much between them.

        John looked into her eyes and saw a trear about to fall but he whipped itways before it could fall. He wanted so much to kiss her but the tempation had to go away,she was friend and couldntbe anything more not right now but one day he would make his move unless she makes it first.

        Teyla wanted to love him and be with him always but it was to hard to face that if they were lovers and one of them got hurt they both wouldnt be able to move on, she feared for so mcuh but loving John was the hardest thing to deny.
        John and Teyla tried to ignore their feelings but when John touched her hand they both felt soarks fly. It was something so different. John nor Teyla felt that when they were with other people. John lingered to kiss her and so did Teyla but they couldnt not now.

        "I should get going John, We are still on for our fighting session for tomorrow right?"

        "Yeah definetly"

        Teyla started to walk away but John took a chance and turned her around and kissed her unlike before it was more passionalte nad more tender then the first time they kissed.After a moment John let go of Teyla but she wanted to kiss him more so she took the chance and kissed him back. After their long awaited kiss both John and Teyla deprted and went their spereate ways but with a smile on their faces.
        part of:
        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


          I've been rooting for J/T since Rising...all the small moments between them said it all...the looks,, his hands lingering when he put the necklace on,, just the whole connection between them... doesn't matter what the S/W fans say I'll never go that way,, these characters can't even look at eachother before they sceam they are in love..and all I see is just a normal look..between two people,, or do they have to stand on opposite sides of Atlantis talking only by radio and not seeing eachother,,but then again they'll just find something else.. I'm not saying all of them are bad... but there is several that is basically backstabbing J/T fans and basically saying it's there way and no other... we all like different things and if I want J/T then I want that no matter the opposite side tells me...
          I don't even walk into those threads since I know all to well about shipper wars...been through it one..where one side came onto the other shippers mailinglist and just talked down on the characters and even the member of the list just for liking the other pairing,,, saying theirs was the one , that was true love..and all I saw in it was, beatings, yelling, and even attempt of nayone can call that love is beyond me...

          For me J/T has had their connection since the beginning and think it's time for the writers to do somthing about,,act on it,, don't just skirt around it,, I'm not saying that when J/T gets together it has to be shown every single time,, the romance doesn't have to take over if I make any sense here... it's enough we know they are the couple and then at small times it can be shown,, but just the knowledge is enough,, it's not like they have to have in every episode like 2 major scenes about them in love... it really doesn't have to be that for me,,, it could be a small moment when they have downtime being on a balcony holding eachother,, or after sparring together they walk outhand in hand,, and a kiss here and there.. but just that we know they are the couple,,, so now it's the writers time to act on it,,because the feelings are there, the connection is there, it's just that now is the time to act on if they are even planning to..and stop this thing when it seems everyone is getting fuel to the ships even if always the other side never sees what the other is seeing...
          Okay now I've lost myself in here and hardly even making any sense to myself so I'll shut up now *lol*
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by Sheylafan87

            not sure if i did this right but here goes.
            John has a nightmare in which Teyla is killed, gets out of bed (dressed however you like) and wanders Atlantis--and Teyla finds him alone


            John walked through the halls trying to clear his mind of what he saw and yet it still haunted him. John wondered what would of happened if it was Teyla who was taken and fed to the wraith.Thinking about it made John feel sick to the bone but there were times he wondered what would he do if it was Teyla that got taken or was used as a pawn to a game that he feared he could not win. John wandered on a near by balcony trying to take in the fresh air till he heard footsteps creep up on him. He turned around to see that it was Teyla standing there in a tank top and black sweats that she would normally war now a days since she works out most of the night.

            "Am I disturbing you?" teyla asked

            "No not at all" john looking out at the view

            "Is everything alright col?"

            John hated when Teyla would call him Col and not John unless he kept telling her to call him John but he knew that she wasnt use to it just yet.

            "yeah everythings fine Teyla, dont worry about it"

            "Col ever sice you came back from the planet you were taken to you have been acting a bit strange" teyla said walking closer to John.

            "Its nothing Teyla, I just needed some air to breathe"

            "Are you sure that is all?"

            'Should I tell her that I fear for her life and it scares me that she may be fed on by a wraith?'."Teyla its nothing"

            "I do not believe you"

            "I just needeed to walk around and clear my head thats all. I mean after everything I've been through I thought you would understand that"

            "Col....I mean John I understand that but I think it is more then that."

            "You wont understand"

            "Tell me then I may try, you cant hide it forever."

            "I had a nightmare about you Teyla, you were in my place and the wraith was feeding on you and I couldnt do anything about it. I wanted to but I felt so helpless and I feared for your life."

            "John, I am not going anywhere"

            "How do you know that?" looking at Teyla.

            "I would not leave you or the team for anything and I know that you would go beyond the rules and regulations to save me."

            "Do you really think that?"

            "Yes, John you are strong and wide and I know that you would never leave a member of your team behind even if they are not from your world. You showed me that when we went to save Ronon from the wraith"

            "It felt so real Teyla, I mean I was frozen and I couldnt move to save you even when I wanted to." looking out at the view again

            "John look at me please?"

            John tries but he cant bear to look at her. So Teyla touches his face and turns it so he can look at her.

            "John you are not weak. You are a born fighter and deep down inside you are trying to deny that you are more human then you think. YOu have feelings John but no one was ever there to make you see that there is something inside of you that feels loos, pain and death but on the outside you hide it all in. You dont have to hide what you feel inside forever but to let it out once in a while. Ronon lets his out by being angry at the wriath and knowing what they did to him haunts him also and Dr McKay lets it out or tryes to not show it but being intelligent and Dr Weir and Carson both let it out becasue they know its ok to show their emotions just like you can. Just becasue you are military John it doesnt mean you should keep it forever. I know you have so much to let out and you always can if you try."

            "What if I dont want to?, what if I feel like keeping it in makes it easier to hide my pain for losing the ones I love and care about?"

            "I care for you John and I dont want to see you lose yourself just because its to much, I saw what the wraith did to you and it gave your life back because you saved the wraith just like you would to save your self and others.I didnt want ot watch the wraith feed you but the look in your eyes said so much that I wanted to be ther to save you just like you would for me."

            "I cant lose you Teyla, your the only one that knows me so well that it would hurt to lose you."

            "As would I, We both know the risks and when that time comes which it will not for any time soon we will both have to face losing each other."

            Teyla couldnt help but see another side of John Sheppard that she hoped and ligned to see ever sicne they were on their way to save Ronon and the talk they had brought out so much between them.

            John looked into her eyes and saw a trear about to fall but he whipped itways before it could fall. He wanted so much to kiss her but the tempation had to go away,she was friend and couldntbe anything more not right now but one day he would make his move unless she makes it first.

            Teyla wanted to love him and be with him always but it was to hard to face that if they were lovers and one of them got hurt they both wouldnt be able to move on, she feared for so mcuh but loving John was the hardest thing to deny.
            John and Teyla tried to ignore their feelings but when John touched her hand they both felt soarks fly. It was something so different. John nor Teyla felt that when they were with other people. John lingered to kiss her and so did Teyla but they couldnt not now.

            "I should get going John, We are still on for our fighting session for tomorrow right?"

            "Yeah definetly"

            Teyla started to walk away but John took a chance and turned her around and kissed her unlike before it was more passionalte nad more tender then the first time they kissed.After a moment John let go of Teyla but she wanted to kiss him more so she took the chance and kissed him back. After their long awaited kiss both John and Teyla deprted and went their spereate ways but with a smile on their faces.

            Great one... would be great to have seen something between them after that they came back to Atlantis... thanks for sharing it was really great...loved it..
            Sigs by Scifan


              Hi guys, I haven't been here for a really long time so you probably don't remember me, but that's okay. I wanted to ask you (since you're the experts ) what some of your favorite Shep/Teyla episodes are. Mine are probably TLG and Letter's from Pegasus (I think they both show a lot of the depth in their relationship), but I'm curious what you think.

              And bella's last post... no matter what ship(s) happen, it shouldn't be the focus of the show, since we have 6 main characters, plus a couple of enemies and a ton of recurring characters.

              Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                I would also love the writers to take the next step in their relationship but I still have my doubts that they will make it cannon.

                There has been definite signs from season one that John and Teyla are very close but the writers could have been a bit clearer in certain areas and less of the teasing and hinting.

                This is why now there are so many Shipper groups because it has been a free for all with every shipping group interepting scenes as being shippy when no ship was present at all.

                I will be highly surprised if the writers do go with Shep/Teyla. I feel they will still have a get out clause - either feelings are admitted under duress or in a hallunication or possibly some sort of dreamlike state - so that it can all be discounted as not being real.

                I just hope the writers don't continue this silly teasing and either leave them as friends or make it official that there are feelings involved. I too don't expect their love to be focusued on much - but it could be subtle and in the background.


                  I agree....if I wanted just all the mushy stuff I would watch a soap show... *lol*
                  I'm all for the team spirit, action and all that,,, but yes stop the teasing and make it official if it's going to be anything..we don't need another Jack/Sam thing... another will they wont they... we don't need a repeat of that just with another couple... in case there are still plans well then go ahead with it already...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                    what some of your favorite Shep/Teyla episodes are. Mine are probably TLG and Letter's from Pegasus (I think they both show a lot of the depth in their relationship), but I'm curious what you think.
                    I agree on TLG and LFP but I've always loved Suspicion as a really good John/Teyla ep.
                    I've always seen that as a gorgeous example of how much John trusts Teyla.
                    No matter how much evidence was seemingly backing up what Bates was saying John was having none of it. He continued to defend her at every opportunity and refused to even entertain the thought that perhaps it was Teyla communicating with the Wraith.
                    It was John who told Telya about the "situation", John who convinced her to ask her people to co-operate, John who was ready to bust Bates for doubting Teyla's loyalty...
                    I mean, look at the scene where Teyla is dialing in from the planet where they were attacked; the look of complete concern on Johns face says it all.
                    He then became so angry when Weir hesitated in lowering the sheild, you can see the tension in his features and the way he yelled, not asked, yelled at her to let them in was so powerful IMO.
                    Throughout the episode he defended Teyla and trusted her down to the last minute even though all of the arrows were pointing at Teyla being a spy at one point of the situation.
                    To me, this is probably one of, if not the most prominent J/T eps of the show so far.
                    (Didn't know if it still needed Spoilers so I put them in just in case)

                    TLG is also a lovely ep for J/T interaction as well as Conversion. There's something I've always wondered about that ep...
                    Yes, it's true that John was under the influence of an alien drug if you will, but ask yourself this; why did he kiss Teyla and attack Weir?
                    Surely he should have attacked Telya too? Or kissed Weir?

                    So yeah, TLG, Suspicion and Conversion (but not overly so)
                    Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                      Originally posted by Just_breathing
                      I agree on TLG and LFP but I've always loved Suspicion as a really good John/Teyla ep.
                      I've always seen that as a gorgeous example of how much John trusts Teyla.
                      No matter how much evidence was seemingly backing up what Bates was saying John was having none of it. He continued to defend her at every opportunity and refused to even entertain the thought that perhaps it was Teyla communicating with the Wraith.
                      It was John who told Telya about the "situation", John who convinced her to ask her people to co-operate, John who was ready to bust Bates for doubting Teyla's loyalty...
                      I mean, look at the scene where Teyla is dialing in from the planet where they were attacked; the look of complete concern on Johns face says it all.
                      He then became so angry when Weir hesitated in lowering the sheild, you can see the tension in his features and the way he yelled, not asked, yelled at her to let them in was so powerful IMO.
                      Throughout the episode he defended Teyla and trusted her down to the last minute even though all of the arrows were pointing at Teyla being a spy at one point of the situation.
                      To me, this is probably one of, if not the most prominent J/T eps of the show so far.
                      How did I totally forget about 'Suspicion'? Well, I agree completely. It might've been The Gift, too, where he has Heightmeyer talk to her. At least, I think it was that episode.

                      Yes, it's true that John was under the influence of an alien drug if you will, but ask yourself this; why did he kiss Teyla and attack Weir?
                      Surely he should have attacked Telya too? Or kissed Weir?
                      Huh. Remember, he kissed Teyla not that long after, so he wasn't as affected as he had been when he attacked Weir. But I think something has to be said for the Sheppard/Weir relationship that he held himself back and warned her about the guards outside his door. I personally saw Conversion as more Sheppard/Weir (except for the very last scene, which was so Shep/Teyla), but that's just me...I ship both.

                      Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                        There are a few I guess... LFP, TLG, Suspicion (just how much he trusts her in this one,,no matter what,, and then that puppy dog look when McKay told him Bates was right and then the look on his face when he said he was the one who found the necklace, I guess in a way making him relieved that he had been right to trust her all along) The Gift (his concrn yet again for her, and how much he depend and need her to stay focused so he tries to help her in any way he can) Sateda, Conversion,,,,and there might be some else but can't really put my finger on them just now...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Sheylafan, very sweet. Love how he kisses her. Thanks for taking up the challenge! You did very well.

                          Weirsredshirt...favorite JT eps? Hmm. Letters from Pegasus, definitely. I mainly have scenes, not whole eps. The Hot Zone sparring scene was hot. The moment in...what was that? Lost Boys? Where he wakes up with his head on her lap. The dark moment confrontation scene in TLG and when she handed him the gun. The popcorn and football scene in whatever that ep was in Season One. The necklace scene and the John falling on his butt and Teyla never bringing it up part of Rising.



                            Yeah there are so many great scenes between them through out the seasons...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                              How did I totally forget about 'Suspicion'? Well, I agree completely. It might've been The Gift, too, where he has Heightmeyer talk to her. At least, I think it was that episode.

                              Huh. Remember, he kissed Teyla not that long after, so he wasn't as affected as he had been when he attacked Weir. But I think something has to be said for the Sheppard/Weir relationship that he held himself back and warned her about the guards outside his door. I personally saw Conversion as more Sheppard/Weir (except for the very last scene, which was so Shep/Teyla), but that's just me...I ship both.
                              Which is exactly the point we like to make. The very fact that he kissed Teyla while he was still very much lucid is extremely telling. The virus at that point had simply lowered his inhibitions. He wanted to kiss her. It was not an attack or an assault and most certainly not rape as I have seen others so outlandishly suggest. Teyla is no victim there. Her reaction was not fear. We have seen Teyla afraid, and that is not it. She was shocked, startled, uncertain, even wary, but she was not afraid. She was not a victim. And she was not attacked. She was kissed. She did not fight. She raised her eyebrow in typical fashion and talked with him, and then blew out her breath in nervous relief when it was all over. She had not been expecting his kiss, she was taken back and did not know how to respond.
                              At the same time, I will agree that it wasn't love, it was lust and attraction. On both sides. And both sides tried to smooth it over as they were not yet ready to deal with the implications of such an admission of attraction.

                              Anyway, I apologize for digressing. I do agree with you that it does say something for the John/Elizabeth relationship that when he was in even less control, he still managed to hold himself back...until he did finally lose it with even her and pushed her back and then ran off and fought. But it that sexual attraction? Hardly.
                              As I have stated many times, I love John and Elizabeth's relationship. I have very similar relationships with very close guy friends. We tease, we bicker, we defend each other at all costs. But it is not sexual attraction. It is not the same type of relationship I have with the man I am in love with. Yes, there is deep love. But loves comes in many forms.
                              John and Teyla have been meant to be canon from the start. It is written in black and white. The writers have also done a great job in developing and deepening John's relationship with all of his teammates. The fact that some want to see the closeness between John and Rodney or John and Elizabeth or John and whoever as being sexual is certainly that person's perogative. But it has never been the writer's intention for it to be canon. They have been very clear about that from the start. You have to know when you ship against the canon, you are going to interpret things how you want to and you can't expect to get angry or feel betrayed when it doesn't happen. Shipping against the canon can be fun and can thrive in fanfiction and fanart. But I am appalled at the wars that come from it. Shipping is meant to be in fun, it is not the main intent of the show, and it never will be. Why do we continue to feud against each other over such silly nonsense? John and Teyla have been written as canon. How far the writers chose to develop it is the only unknown.
                              And now I truly apologize for going completely off topic!

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                I agree with you Steph....
                                I hate all these shipper wars,,they are pointless... I've gone through them before,,, and I hate them,,,people acts as the can't accept what has been written,,,and come up with things that are just not there only to keep the war going... why go so low to attack another fan of the show just because they do not ship Shep/Weir... I know not all are like that and I'm glad that there still are the ones that can be mature about it and realize when they might be wrong...I only feel that when someone tries sooooo hard to shove Shep/Weir down on me ,,it feels like they know deep down,,,it's J/T that's been from the beginning and the one ship you just can't deny...
                                But that's just me...
                                Sigs by Scifan

