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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    ROFL!! well i STILL definately think she's evil and was using evil ancient mind powers to control shep somehow... but that has nothing to with sheyla discussion i suppose

    no comment on our wild theories, GL??


      Originally posted by emily_reich
      ROFL!! well i STILL definately think she's evil and was using evil ancient mind powers to control shep somehow... but that has nothing to with sheyla discussion i suppose

      no comment on our wild theories, GL??
      I think Chaya has a lot to do with our Sheyla discussion because she was the monkey wrench. I think TPTB tossed her in there just to show that Shep isn't interested in settling down just yet, at least, he won't admit to wanting to.

      Who can blame the guy? If you've only been in a place for a little while, and you are facing the threat of death, sure, you still fall in love, but you also realise it has a place and time. Both Shep and Teyla's leardership-minded selfs know that it wouldn't be the best thing right now.

      But, you can tell that they want each other. BAD.

      I think that Shep will find out about Teyla through some wonderful linking with the telepathic bit, only because, well, who knows she was taken by the Wraith? And who would be able to tell him that? It would have to be her mental powers connecting with his gene, or the PJ senses the Humans/Athosians on the Hive ship and tells him.

      All I know for sure though, is this. His name is first in the credits, so it would be suicide to cut out the leading man in 2, make that TWO, shows from the same company. Shep's gonna live. It's as simple as that.

      What was my point again? Lol.

      Warrior, do you have any good caps from Seige 2? There are some cute Sheyla moments, and you seem to be the one with all the caps.


        definately!! i think it's obvious they both know deep down that being in a relationship at this point is a very bad idea... but i think they're taking it too far to the point of caring but still not quite being there for each other as i think they could easily be (while still not actually being together)... that make any sense at all??? well basically i'm saying that as two leaders and two people who now share a unique quality (alien genes) and are both just learning about them and having to deal with them, i really think they could talk to each other...

        i'm really starting to hope it's the telepathic thing that gets shep to know she's there!! it would add a unique dimension i think for them to connect in that way and him save her or vice versa though you're right about the PJ... but as most likely there would be several humans at least, though, who were captured by the wraith via the sweeping transport things... so wouldn't he expect that and therefore be willing to sacrifice himself and those people, knowing that they're good as dead anyway?? but i think if he knew teyla was there and still alive and needing his help, he would go after her...


          wow em has 3000 posts congrats em.

          as for teyla's telepathy thing... yea hope she somehow lets shep know shes there and he has to rescue her.

          (cant have this thread on page three... akkkkk)


            i'm REALLY starting to think it's the most logical of the wild speculations

            remember of course that ford will likely be aboard the ship too! and i think if he was there saving teyla he'd go after ford too! so how do ya think THAT'LL work??


              guess we'll find out..

              is it summer yet... i need new seasons.


                no speculation, CKO???

                *is having lots of fun speculating!! *


                  Originally posted by emily_reich
                  yeah, that's a good thought on the genes, nodot i think you're possibly right...
                  Thank you, and it's capped "NoDot."

                  SOO this begs the question... how similar are wraith and ancient telepathic abilities... obviously i think the wraith have much more telepathy and use it far more... but i could be wrong... as far as i guess, the ancient "telepathy" was nothing more than connecting mentally with the technology they used... it doesn't seem to me like they can actually connect with each other...
                  Main point: the Ancients never explored that possibility, so they probably didn't know they could do that.
                  This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                    hmmm speculation... well lets see..

                    god i need new eps already

                    okay i think that what ever happens to ford will lead into what happens to him in S2.


                      Originally posted by CKO
                      god i need new eps already
                      I find constant complaint helps a bit.
                      This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                        actually, i have to admit that as much as i love new eps, summer hiatus fuels SOOO much more fun wild speculation and especially when there's a great cliffhanger like that!!! i really want to know what happens, but i love speculating too!!


                          Originally posted by CKO
                          hmmm speculation... well lets see..

                          god i need new eps already

                          Just think, we have at least another six or seven more years of speculation and summer

                          Doh, I wish it were Season Eight already, then we could be pondering the last seven years worth of episodes and scrutinizing why in Season 4 Sheppard chose Beckett over Mackay to be his best man...and why in Season 6 Teyla and John chose an Athosian name for their first child.

                          Ahhh, its such a nice day here in la la land.


                            Originally posted by Deborah
                            Just think, we have at least another six or seven more years of speculation and summer

                            Doh, I wish it were Season Eight already, then we could be pondering the last seven years worth of episodes and scrutinizing why in Season 4 Sheppard chose Beckett over Mackay to be his best man...and why in Season 6 Teyla and John chose an Athosian name for their first child.

                            Ahhh, its such a nice day here in la la land.
                            *Is dying of laughter*

                            I love that idea.

                            McKay was probably busy planning his own wedding to Liz... Can't have him doing too much.

                            OOO, a double wedding! With Beckett as best man to both! And lets see... My OC Amanda, or CKO's OC Jana as at least one of the bridesmaids...

                            *Goes to ponder*

                            I love speculatin'!

                            As for the telepathy thing, it has to play in Seige 3. Why else would they introduce it so late along, with no oppertunity to resolve/accept it? I think that it's going to be the way she communicates with Shep, and I think that it will revive the relationship in Season two.

                            You don't have a mental link to the hot girl you want so badly without some MAJOR (no pun intended) sexual tension.

                            I don't think it's possible for them to drop that happy potato... YAY!!!

                            I want a Sheyla kiss so that I can make a new banner!!! Also, does anyone have any idea when the new Season 2 promo shots come out? I hate the old ones now, so much has changed. Teyla's hair, Weir's hair, McKay's uniform... yeesh.

                            *Looks at this scattery post* Hope y'all don't get lost following my train of thought...
                            Last edited by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats; 30 March 2005, 02:05 AM. Reason: I forgot the frakkin quote...


                              Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats

                              As for the telepathy thing, it has to play in Seige 3. Why else would they introduce it so late along, with no oppertunity to resolve/accept it? I think that it's going to be the way she communicates with Shep, and I think that it will revive the relationship in Season two.

                              You don't have a mental link to the hot girl you want so badly without some MAJOR (no pun intended) sexual tension.

                              I don't think it's possible for them to drop that happy potato... YAY!!!
                              Somehow, I doubt the writers will make it that gratuitous, darn it.

                              I was thinking more along the lines of Sheppard roaming the hive ship, sabotaging it and coming across Teyla being experimented on/tortured by the Wraith over her telepathic abilities...cue the macho rescue and hallway hug a la 'Into the Fire'. Sheppard then realises they're not wearing Tok'ra memory gizmos and makes the excuse that he could have sworn he heard the Wraith coming.

                              I think you're right though the telepathy angle definitely has a lot of mileage. There's certainly the potential for some shippy interaction there. Just think a whole episode of Teyla and Shep on a ship together alone...with several hundred Wraith but still.

                              I want a Sheyla kiss so that I can make a new banner!!! Also, does anyone have any idea when the new Season 2 promo shots come out? I hate the old ones now, so much has changed. Teyla's hair, Weir's hair, McKay's uniform... yeesh.
                              Me too and since this is only Season 2, I don't even mind if its AU or alien virus induced or inebriation, just so long as by Season 7 they kiss for REAL.
                              Last edited by Deborah; 30 March 2005, 06:44 AM.


                                I've just rewatched Before I Sleep I saw some great shots of Sheppard and Teyla together and the only two I have found on some sites are the two below. But I asure you once I get the DVD with this episode on, I will be clicking away grabbing some caps of them together.

                                Also I have created a seperate section on my developing Stargate website for Sheyla images which will appear in a gallery style format where people can click on the images and make them bigger. This won't officially open until I finish capping my DVDs in June and hopefully by then I will have a host for my website.

